Why do you want right wing judges on the bench, what do you want

from them?? What do you think they will do??

Just list them:

like repealing Roe v. Wade

Allow insurance companies to opt out of birth control?

Make no laws concerning guns.


Start saying prayers in public schools.

Get rid of public schools.

End the EPA.

End ACA for good.

End all social programs , except for vets.

This ^ sounds about right. Except don't forget that "what goes around comes around"
Gotta get those lefties and some Clinton Revenge!
And he won't recuse himself from anything despite precedent.
Bart? Meh ..
Supreme Court justices recused themselves 180 times in most recent term

What precedent.....I believe obama's nuts on the court refused to recuse themselves when they should have...so why should Kavanaugh....?
I want all judges to base their rulings on the law and the constitution judicial activism is not what they are on the bench for.

Their interpretation of it, you mean. I'm sure the second amendment never assumed for people to have assault weapons with huge cartridges.
You mean a fancy shotgun?
I want all judges to base their rulings on the law and the constitution judicial activism is not what they are on the bench for.

Their interpretation of it, you mean. I'm sure the second amendment never assumed for people to have assault weapons with huge cartridges.

Actually it was written so that citizens had equal firepower of their government.

No it was written to fight off Indians, the French and the British.

Between this post and your claim that SCOTUS makes law you're looking pretty damn stupid in this thread.
Besides following the Constitution I'd say one of the biggest things for me is watching leftist go insane with rage.
Good Times!!!

So you love a country divided. What do you mean by following the Constitution?

It's you with your Hate and Bigotry that's divided America....


So your divisiveness is justified because you didn't get what you want?

Do you want to elect a president based on who can wear the stupidest hat or chant the best?

It's libtards that like stupid chants...……...
I want all judges to base their rulings on the law and the constitution judicial activism is not what they are on the bench for.

Their interpretation of it, you mean. I'm sure the second amendment never assumed for people to have assault weapons with huge cartridges.

Actually it was written so that citizens had equal firepower of their government.

No it was written to fight off Indians, the French and the British.

Between this post and your claim that SCOTUS makes law you're looking pretty damn stupid in this thread.
She is a Social justice warrior and as such she thinks any allegation is correct and Social Justice allows the condemning of people and denial of their rights on a perceived slight..

She is s fool as are so many who believe this crap.. The only way you defeat them is by teaching others what their lie represents... Academia is filled with these halfwits and is the reason colleges must be dismantled and a balance of opposing views restored.

These institutions must be taken over and rational thought restored.
When it comes to politics, I'm rather stoic. Personally, I've been involved in races close to home like governor and US senator. When it comes to governor, Tony Evers (D) is in a dead heat with Scott Walker (49 vs 44) Leah Vukmir (R) is getting blown away by democratic incumbent Tammy Baldwin.

I don't particularly like the democratic party but anything is better than the republicans, at least locally.

You have to pick one or the other, I understand that. The SC can make laws that affect all of us down to the water we might drink and the air we breathe and the killing of workers rights and access to affordable healthcare.

The SCOTUS cannot, according to the Constitution make laws.
That's what is wrong with you people. You either don't understand the Constitution, or you want to ignore it.
We want SC justices that follow the Constitution and the law.
If you want federal laws changed, only Congress can make laws.

Really only Congress can make laws. Are you kidding me?

You ever heard of a legislator DUMB ASS?

No never have, what is a legislator?

You really didn’t need to confirm your ignorance….

It’s very apparent…………
from them?? What do you think they will do??

Just list them:

like repealing Roe v. Wade

Allow insurance companies to opt out of birth control?

Make no laws concerning guns.


Start saying prayers in public schools.

Get rid of public schools.

End the EPA.

End ACA for good.

End all social programs , except for vets.

Support the Constitution.

Why does a Hamas fighter like you care?
Tilly and intolerant I want to know what you think you won?

The right has won the Supreme Court for the next generation, not because they are suddenly biased to the right, but because they are now securely biased toward the Constitution.

There will be two more nominations under Trump.

I want to know what you think you won?? Please list.

The means to prevent the Democrats from fundamentally changing the United States of America.

That happens through the states, not the federal judiciary.

And since you're such a Constitutionalist, then you know it's Congress that is the check on the court, not the other way around.

Not since Marbury v. Madison (1803)

Enough states flipped from red to blue, and a solid progressive leaning Congress, and the federal judiciary is irrelevant. Decisions from the court don't mean anything if they are simply ignored by the majority of the states and the people.

That's what you Democrats thought when you "flipped" to the Confederacy. As you know, that ended badly for you.

A right leaning court does not equate to a right leaning country. As the population demographics continue to change the right leaning court is going to look out at a country that does not look like, or think like them.

Go ahead and rebel. Then it'll be clobberin' time on you. We are a nation of laws, not men.

I'm sure they will have interesting conversations with each other on how the whole country that is now operating without any regards to their decisions is all wrong, and they are right.

It would be a very short conversation.
The SCOTUS cannot, according to the Constitution make laws.
That's what is wrong with you people. You either don't understand the Constitution, or you want to ignore it.
We want SC justices that follow the Constitution and the law.
If you want federal laws changed, only Congress can make laws.

Really only Congress can make laws. Are you kidding me?

You ever heard of a legislator DUMB ASS?

No never have, what is a legislator?

Good lord. Which Branch WRITES laws?

You tell me?

That would be a waste of time...

It's clear it would be above your libtarded head....
Really only Congress can make laws. Are you kidding me?

You ever heard of a legislator DUMB ASS?

No never have, what is a legislator?

Good lord. Which Branch WRITES laws?

You tell me?

That would be a waste of time...

It's clear it would be above your libtarded head....

I have always struggled with people who choose to stop learning.
The SCOTUS cannot, according to the Constitution make laws.
That's what is wrong with you people. You either don't understand the Constitution, or you want to ignore it.
We want SC justices that follow the Constitution and the law.
If you want federal laws changed, only Congress can make laws.

Really only Congress can make laws. Are you kidding me?

You ever heard of a legislator DUMB ASS?

No never have, what is a legislator?

Good lord. Which Branch WRITES laws?

You tell me?

WTF? You don't know how to use Google?
from them?? What do you think they will do??

Just list them:

like repealing Roe v. Wade

Allow insurance companies to opt out of birth control?

Make no laws concerning guns.


Start saying prayers in public schools.

Get rid of public schools.

End the EPA.

End ACA for good.

End all social programs , except for vets.
Can't end Social Security because workers are paying into it. It's their money. Birth control should be optional. The Constitution says of the second amendment..."shall not be infringed'. Nothing in the Constitution mandating the Federal Government to run public education. Nothing in the Constitution mandating that the Federal Government should run health care. Government is way too big.
Apparently right wing nuts on this board don't know what they expect from a right wing SC.
There still isn't a cogent reply to your question of Why. Do right wingers like Citizens United? and want more rulings that put money into politics?.
Citizens United forced the government to respect the First Amendment.

Yes.....conservatives like Citizens United because it protects freedom of speech.....using money to push your political agenda is a protected Right...

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