Why do you want right wing judges on the bench, what do you want

Nobody is going to touch social security...why even bring that up? Without it the nation goes into a tailspin and both corrupt parties know voters would toss them out in the sink of an eye should they ever try to destroy it.
Tilly and intolerant I want to know what you think you won?

The United States Constitution will survive another generation.

Had Hillary won, there would be no Bill of Rights at this moment. The Nazis under Chuck "Heinreich Himmler" Schumer savaged due process, the rights of the accused, and the presumption of innocence. Fucking retards like DrLove openly advocate for trashing the Constitution so that California can impose dictatorial rule over the rest of the nation.

IF the Nazicrat fucks had been able to fill the Scalia seat, the Stalinist wing of the court would have declared the 1st Amendment unconstitutional, that there is no right to "offensive speech" or religious practices that offend LGBQRSTUVWXYZ, that Breitbart is disruptive to goals and can be suppressed and censored. Obviously the 2nd would be gone, along with the 4th.

Gorsuch and Kavanaugh ensure that the protections of individual liberty continue for another generation.

These democrats, these Nazis, Stalinists, Khmere Rouge fucks who attack our basic civil rights have lost.

Now they will become violent, just as you in Hamas are violent.
Nobody is going to touch social security...why even bring that up? Without it the nation goes into a tailspin and both corrupt parties know voters would toss them out in the sink of an eye should they ever try to destroy it.
Far left democrats always bring up Social Security during election season. It's a scare tactic. They've been doing it for years.
Tilly and intolerant I want to know what you think you won?

The right has won the Supreme Court for the next generation, not because they are suddenly biased to the right, but because they are now securely biased toward the Constitution.

There will be two more nominations under Trump.

I want to know what you think you won?? Please list.

The means to prevent the Democrats from fundamentally changing the United States of America.

That happens through the states, not the federal judiciary.

And since you're such a Constitutionalist, then you know it's Congress that is the check on the court, not the other way around.

Not since Marbury v. Madison (1803)

Enough states flipped from red to blue, and a solid progressive leaning Congress, and the federal judiciary is irrelevant. Decisions from the court don't mean anything if they are simply ignored by the majority of the states and the people.

That's what you Democrats thought when you "flipped" to the Confederacy. As you know, that ended badly for you.

A right leaning court does not equate to a right leaning country. As the population demographics continue to change the right leaning court is going to look out at a country that does not look like, or think like them.

Go ahead and rebel. Then it'll be clobberin' time on you. We are a nation of laws, not men.

I'm sure they will have interesting conversations with each other on how the whole country that is now operating without any regards to their decisions is all wrong, and they are right.

It would be a very short conversation.

Article 1 Section1: Strict Constitutionalist are you huh?

All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.

Strict Constitutionalist are you huh?
Social security and the second amendment are used as scare tactics every day. Neither is under attack.
Stops left wing Judicial Activism................You will do as the left says by decree..............

But ..............they lost..............and this road block will last decades...............And will end up with even more coming up...........very old folks in there now.................the clock is ticking.
What about right wing Judicial activism ??
Stops left wing Judicial Activism................You will do as the left says by decree..............

But ..............they lost..............and this road block will last decades...............And will end up with even more coming up...........very old folks in there now.................the clock is ticking.
What about right wing Judicial activism ??
There is no such thing. Conservative justices try to interpret the Constitution as it is written, but liberal justices try to reinvent the Constitution to suit their biases issue by issue.
Nobody is going to touch social security...why even bring that up? Without it the nation goes into a tailspin and both corrupt parties know voters would toss them out in the sink of an eye should they ever try to destroy it.
Far left democrats always bring up Social Security during election season. It's a scare tactic. They've been doing it for years.

Yet Bush Jr tried to do it and it will get down under Trump is he has time. Mark my words.
from them?? What do you think they will do??

Just list them:

like repealing Roe v. Wade

Allow insurance companies to opt out of birth control?

Make no laws concerning guns.


Start saying prayers in public schools.

Get rid of public schools.

End the EPA.

End ACA for good.

End all social programs , except for vets.

Primarily I hope for rulings to further empower the Trump administration to go ape shit crazy aggressive on all anti wetback actions.
from them?? What do you think they will do??

Just list them:

like repealing Roe v. Wade

Allow insurance companies to opt out of birth control?

Make no laws concerning guns.


Start saying prayers in public schools.

Get rid of public schools.

End the EPA.

End ACA for good.

End all social programs , except for vets.
Why the hell would anyone want Liberal activist judges on the bench?
Nobody is going to touch social security...why even bring that up? Without it the nation goes into a tailspin and both corrupt parties know voters would toss them out in the sink of an eye should they ever try to destroy it.
Far left democrats always bring up Social Security during election season. It's a scare tactic. They've been doing it for years.

Yet Bush Jr tried to do it and it will get down under Trump is he has time. Mark my words.
Bush tried to let a person invest a part of HIS social security money. My gosh you people lie. I remember in the 80's you loons were saying republicans wanted to feed their elderly parents dog food. Lol
Why the hell would anyone want Liberal activist judges on the bench?

It's been 40 years since democrats have passed any meaningful legislation. Every Marxist success of the last 4 decades is a result of the court. Abortion is a law decreed by the court, even Obama's fascist care is based on Roberts promoting it. The courts are where the Marxists craft their laws.
Nobody is going to touch social security...why even bring that up? Without it the nation goes into a tailspin and both corrupt parties know voters would toss them out in the sink of an eye should they ever try to destroy it.
Far left democrats always bring up Social Security during election season. It's a scare tactic. They've been doing it for years.

Yet Bush Jr tried to do it and it will get down under Trump is he has time. Mark my words.
A President can't end Social Security. How absurd. You're believing your own party propaganda.
Why the hell would anyone want Liberal activist judges on the bench?

It's been 40 years since democrats have passed any meaningful legislation. Every Marxist success of the last 4 decades is a result of the court. Abortion is a law decreed by the court, even Obama's fascist care is based on Roberts promoting it. The courts are where the Marxists craft their laws.
Yes, and somehow by some mysterious way the court found the right to same-sex marriage in the Constitution. Amazing.
The vast majority of voters in both sides support it. Without it there is complete chaos.
The vast majority of voters in both sides support it. Without it there is complete chaos.
ROFL. So the government we had before 1935 was "complete chaos?" Obviously your claim is complete horseshit. This country would be 100 times better off if SS had never been approved.

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