Why do you want right wing judges on the bench, what do you want

from them?? What do you think they will do??

Just list them:

like repealing Roe v. Wade

Allow insurance companies to opt out of birth control?

Make no laws concerning guns.


Start saying prayers in public schools.

Get rid of public schools.

End the EPA.

End ACA for good.

End all social programs , except for vets.
Why not? What’s your issue? You don’t like our constitution. More fking crying
The Constitution grants all citizens equal protection under the law.

The Constitution doesn't even have the word marriage in it because it was never supposed to be a government thing, but a religious thing.

What do gays need protection of when it comes to marriage? Any two people can marry provided they find a religion willing to marry them. But it's not about marriage, it's about them cramming their issues down our throats and ignoring the will and vote of the people. That's not what a SC is supposed to do.

That's a contradiction in terms. The people have no vote to deny rights guaranteed under the Constitution.

It was the same reason antimiscegenation laws were struck down in 1967 in Loving v Virginia, when interracial marriage was illegal.

You don't get to tell anybody who they can or can't marry, under any circumstances in any state.

Which also falls under 14th Amendment protections.

All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Except marriage is not a right. It's not listed in the Constitution. Marriage is the legal and religious union of one man and one woman; been that way since the founding of this country.

Uh yes, marriage is a right. And gay people can freely do it in this country with impunity.

If marriage is a right, where is that right written? Because just to be sure, I looked at the Bill of Rights again and can't find anything about marriage straight or queer.
from them?? What do you think they will do??

Just list them:

like repealing Roe v. Wade

Allow insurance companies to opt out of birth control?

Make no laws concerning guns.


Start saying prayers in public schools.

Get rid of public schools.

End the EPA.

End ACA for good.

End all social programs , except for vets.
Can't end Social Security because workers are paying into it. It's their money. Birth control should be optional. The Constitution says of the second amendment..."shall not be infringed'. Nothing in the Constitution mandating the Federal Government to run public education. Nothing in the Constitution mandating that the Federal Government should run health care. Government is way too big.

Someone on this board told me I was stupid when I quoted to them the 10th Amendment. That person (a lib, of course) did not know the 10th Amendment was in the Constitution, let alone the Bill of Rights.

This is the vast ignorance with which we're dealing.
from them?? What do you think they will do??

Just list them:

like repealing Roe v. Wade

Allow insurance companies to opt out of birth control?

Make no laws concerning guns.


Start saying prayers in public schools.

Get rid of public schools.

End the EPA.

End ACA for good.

End all social programs , except for vets.
Why do you ignorantly call Kavanaugh 'Right Wing'?

Kavanaugh is a 'strict Constitutionalist', meaning he believes in the Constitution as it was written and intended by those who wrote it.

The Constitution as written and intended IS literally the MIDDLE / CENTER.

More liberal than as written / intended would be 'left wing'.

More Conservative would be 'Right Wing'.

Kavanaugh believes 'as written / intended' - ORIGINAL, MIDDLE, CENTER...
The Constitution grants all citizens equal protection under the law.

The Constitution doesn't even have the word marriage in it because it was never supposed to be a government thing, but a religious thing.

What do gays need protection of when it comes to marriage? Any two people can marry provided they find a religion willing to marry them. But it's not about marriage, it's about them cramming their issues down our throats and ignoring the will and vote of the people. That's not what a SC is supposed to do.

That's a contradiction in terms. The people have no vote to deny rights guaranteed under the Constitution.

It was the same reason antimiscegenation laws were struck down in 1967 in Loving v Virginia, when interracial marriage was illegal.

You don't get to tell anybody who they can or can't marry, under any circumstances in any state.

Which also falls under 14th Amendment protections.

All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Except marriage is not a right. It's not listed in the Constitution. Marriage is the legal and religious union of one man and one woman; been that way since the founding of this country.

Uh yes, marriage is a right. And gay people can freely do it in this country with impunity.

How long have you and your Husband been married skewsy?
The Constitution grants all citizens equal protection under the law.

The Constitution doesn't even have the word marriage in it because it was never supposed to be a government thing, but a religious thing.

What do gays need protection of when it comes to marriage? Any two people can marry provided they find a religion willing to marry them. But it's not about marriage, it's about them cramming their issues down our throats and ignoring the will and vote of the people. That's not what a SC is supposed to do.

That's a contradiction in terms. The people have no vote to deny rights guaranteed under the Constitution.

It was the same reason antimiscegenation laws were struck down in 1967 in Loving v Virginia, when interracial marriage was illegal.

You don't get to tell anybody who they can or can't marry, under any circumstances in any state.

Which also falls under 14th Amendment protections.

All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Except marriage is not a right. It's not listed in the Constitution. Marriage is the legal and religious union of one man and one woman; been that way since the founding of this country.

Uh yes, marriage is a right. And gay people can freely do it in this country with impunity.

If marriage is a right, where is that right written? Because just to be sure, I looked at the Bill of Rights again and can't find anything about marriage straight or queer.

Damn you're obtuse. Marriage is a right period. It doesn't have to be enumerated. But because seriously deranged individuals such as yourself exist, the Supreme Court ruled in Loving v Virginia in 1967, that the states cannot pass laws preventing marriage between two consenting adults.

Now you can continue whining all you want. But that isn't going to change, Loving v Virginia isn't going to be revisited by the court, and no state is going to pass any laws to the contrary.

To put this in terms you can understand, you are shit out of luck.

I guess you're just going to have to learn how to live in a free country.
No never have, what is a legislator?

Good lord. Which Branch WRITES laws?

You tell me?

It's a waste of time telling something to person who is incapable of learning.
I want all judges to base their rulings on the law and the constitution judicial activism is not what they are on the bench for.

Their interpretation of it, you mean. I'm sure the second amendment never assumed for people to have assault weapons with huge cartridges.

I bet you believe that an AR-15 has a HUGE cartridge.
You continually show the depth of your ignorance has no bounds.

Emotion and estrogen control her every thought.

More like knowledge (book, street smart), combined with compassion, empathy and estrogen.
from them?? What do you think they will do??

Just list them:

like repealing Roe v. Wade

Allow insurance companies to opt out of birth control?

Make no laws concerning guns.


Start saying prayers in public schools.

Get rid of public schools.

End the EPA.

End ACA for good.

End all social programs , except for vets.
Why do you ignorantly call Kavanaugh 'Right Wing'?

Kavanaugh is a 'strict Constitutionalist', meaning he believes in the Constitution as it was written and intended by those who wrote it.

The Constitution as written and intended IS literally the MIDDLE / CENTER.

More liberal than as written / intended would be 'left wing'.

More Conservative would be 'Right Wing'.

Kavanaugh believes 'as written / intended' - ORIGINAL, MIDDLE, CENTER...

He is ultra right wing.
from them?? What do you think they will do??

Just list them:

like repealing Roe v. Wade

Allow insurance companies to opt out of birth control?

Make no laws concerning guns.


Start saying prayers in public schools.

Get rid of public schools.

End the EPA.

End ACA for good.

End all social programs , except for vets.
The sky is falling, the sky is falling. Wolf oh my God there is a wolf stop it stop it, Wolf, wolf stop it. What else will you say to cause fear and panic among the
deluded, hysterical leftists?

I see you didn't make a list. Are you unable to think why you so want Kavanaugh on the bench, who lied while under oath. Is that the best the Potus , who is also a compulsive liar, could find.
You ever heard of a legislator DUMB ASS?

No never have, what is a legislator?

Good lord. Which Branch WRITES laws?

You tell me?

It's a waste of time telling something to person who is incapable of learning.
I want all judges to base their rulings on the law and the constitution judicial activism is not what they are on the bench for.

Their interpretation of it, you mean. I'm sure the second amendment never assumed for people to have assault weapons with huge cartridges.

I bet you believe that an AR-15 has a HUGE cartridge.
You continually show the depth of your ignorance has no bounds.

Its obvious you do not know the ACA goes by income. I insist on a complete abandonment of the ACA, take away pre existing conditions, and kids up till 26 are allowed on parents ins. No more preventative health benefits, and caps put back on health insurances. They can charge whatever they want , considering what is your health status. Take away it all.

Correct, it does go by income.

If you are a french fry maker, you likely vote Democrat, therefore the subsidies make it extremely affordable.

If you are middle-class, you likely vote Republican, and the little subsidy you get (if any at all) makes insurance unaffordable.

Yup, their income determines their subsidy but does NOT help them with their max out of pocket. She's being very disingenuous. Go figure.

The entire plan was two-fold: one, create as many new government dependents as they could, because government dependents generally vote Democrat, and two, to take care of their current crop of voters so they continue to vote Democrat.

If you are a working stiff like I am, the cost of Commie Care was completely unaffordable. They wanted nearly 20% of my net pay for a plan with a 7K out of pocket, 7K deductible, no prescriptions, no dental, and a $50.00 office copay. It cost more than my two mortgages combined. HTF am I supposed to afford that while still buying my own life sustaining medications?

Do you know we are the only country without national healthcare of all the developed countries and we have the worst healthcare and the most expensive. Wrong if you are a working stiff it went by your income. One shouldn't get the cheapest plan they offer.

The role of SCOTUS is to validate that laws are constitutional.

For all of these things you are worried about, pass laws that support those things and don’t violate the Constitution.


Everything depends on the interpretation. That is why you want a right wing judge and many voted for Trump even though they held their noses as he would pick right wing judges.
I want the Constitution to matter, and be enforced, not "interpreted" to allow more, and more Social Engineering by the LEFT.

What is your view on a strict reading and enforcement of the Quran as opposed to a more modern interpretation?

The Constitution was a great document for it's time. It's a beautiful framework, but it needs to be interpreted to reflect our times.
I see you didn't make a list. Are you unable to think why you so want Kavanaugh on the bench, who lied while under oath. Is that the best the Potus , who is also a compulsive liar, could find.

You almost have to laugh. The crazy left is so afflicted with TDS that they think the Constitution is some sort of right wing plot.

The Constitution is the biggest threat to making this country a socialist shithole and that is why the Liberals fight against it so much.

The really hate freedom of religion because they demand that the state be the highest power. They hate freedom of speech when it is used to undermine socialism. They really hate the right to keep and bear arms.
Yes.....conservatives like Citizens United because it protects freedom of speech.....using money to push your political agenda is a protected Right...
I agree to a certain extent.
Citizens United expanded the first amendment to include corporations as people. Super PACs can receive huge anonymous donations from the very wealthy. If you don't mind the country being controlled by large corporations and the 1%, you have a point. But it seems that billionaires in power are turning the country into an plutocracy..

If you don't think super PACs are evidence of plutocracy, your head is in the sand.
CBS News estimates seven of Trump’s picks are worth a combined $11 billion.
from them?? What do you think they will do??

Just list them:

like repealing Roe v. Wade

Allow insurance companies to opt out of birth control?

Make no laws concerning guns.


Start saying prayers in public schools.

Get rid of public schools.

End the EPA.

End ACA for good.

End all social programs , except for vets.
You missed one.

A judge who supports presumption of innocence after his opponents attempted to deny it to him
Actually, here's the problem with you guys stacking the court.

January 2021, after Trump has run the GOP into the ground and Democrats control everything again, all they have to do is expand the size of the court to 11 Justices, and appoint two more liberals.

Requires a constitutional amendment

No hope for you
The Constitution doesn't even have the word marriage in it because it was never supposed to be a government thing, but a religious thing.

What do gays need protection of when it comes to marriage? Any two people can marry provided they find a religion willing to marry them. But it's not about marriage, it's about them cramming their issues down our throats and ignoring the will and vote of the people. That's not what a SC is supposed to do.

That's a contradiction in terms. The people have no vote to deny rights guaranteed under the Constitution.

It was the same reason antimiscegenation laws were struck down in 1967 in Loving v Virginia, when interracial marriage was illegal.

You don't get to tell anybody who they can or can't marry, under any circumstances in any state.

Which also falls under 14th Amendment protections.

All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Except marriage is not a right. It's not listed in the Constitution. Marriage is the legal and religious union of one man and one woman; been that way since the founding of this country.

Uh yes, marriage is a right. And gay people can freely do it in this country with impunity.

How long have you and your Husband been married skewsy?
The Constitution doesn't even have the word marriage in it because it was never supposed to be a government thing, but a religious thing.

What do gays need protection of when it comes to marriage? Any two people can marry provided they find a religion willing to marry them. But it's not about marriage, it's about them cramming their issues down our throats and ignoring the will and vote of the people. That's not what a SC is supposed to do.

That's a contradiction in terms. The people have no vote to deny rights guaranteed under the Constitution.

It was the same reason antimiscegenation laws were struck down in 1967 in Loving v Virginia, when interracial marriage was illegal.

You don't get to tell anybody who they can or can't marry, under any circumstances in any state.

Which also falls under 14th Amendment protections.

All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Except marriage is not a right. It's not listed in the Constitution. Marriage is the legal and religious union of one man and one woman; been that way since the founding of this country.

Uh yes, marriage is a right. And gay people can freely do it in this country with impunity.

If marriage is a right, where is that right written? Because just to be sure, I looked at the Bill of Rights again and can't find anything about marriage straight or queer.

Damn you're obtuse. Marriage is a right period. It doesn't have to be enumerated. But because seriously deranged individuals such as yourself exist, the Supreme Court ruled in Loving v Virginia in 1967, that the states cannot pass laws preventing marriage between two consenting adults.

Now you can continue whining all you want. But that isn't going to change, Loving v Virginia isn't going to be revisited by the court, and no state is going to pass any laws to the contrary.

To put this in terms you can understand, you are shit out of luck.

I guess you're just going to have to learn how to live in a free country.

LOL, I yank your chain and you react, poor skewsy. The question stands, how is your husband, it's Tristan right?
Good lord. Which Branch WRITES laws?

You tell me?

It's a waste of time telling something to person who is incapable of learning.
I want all judges to base their rulings on the law and the constitution judicial activism is not what they are on the bench for.

Their interpretation of it, you mean. I'm sure the second amendment never assumed for people to have assault weapons with huge cartridges.

I bet you believe that an AR-15 has a HUGE cartridge.
You continually show the depth of your ignorance has no bounds.

Emotion and estrogen control her every thought.

More like knowledge (book, street smart), combined with compassion, empathy and estrogen.

Nope, you've made it abundantly clear how ignorant you are.
I want the Constitution to matter, and be enforced, not "interpreted" to allow more, and more Social Engineering by the LEFT.

What is your view on a strict reading and enforcement of the Quran as opposed to a more modern interpretation?

The Constitution was a great document for it's time. It's a beautiful framework, but it needs to be interpreted to reflect our times.

Please give examples
Stops left wing Judicial Activism................You will do as the left says by decree..............

But ..............they lost..............and this road block will last decades...............And will end up with even more coming up...........very old folks in there now.................the clock is ticking.

He hasn't been confirmed yet. Until the vote is taken, anything can happen.

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