Why do you want right wing judges on the bench, what do you want

from them?? What do you think they will do??

Just list them:

like repealing Roe v. Wade

Allow insurance companies to opt out of birth control?

Make no laws concerning guns.


Start saying prayers in public schools.

Get rid of public schools.

End the EPA.

End ACA for good.

End all social programs , except for vets.
You missed one.

A judge who supports presumption of innocence after his opponents attempted to deny it to him

Well he lied under oath, and it was a job interview. By the way , presumption of innocence is only in theory, its only for the rich and privileged.
Except he did not like under oath.

It applies to all
from them?? What do you think they will do??

Just list them:

like repealing Roe v. Wade

Allow insurance companies to opt out of birth control?

Make no laws concerning guns.


Start saying prayers in public schools.

Get rid of public schools.

End the EPA.

End ACA for good.

End all social programs , except for vets.

Sounds like a good start to me!
It's over............Kavanaugh is confirmed

it will never be over. he will always be known as a liar and an accused as being an attempted rapist, partisan and a man with a temper. I'm sure he and Thomas have a lot in common.

You lost little girl, go away.

Attempted rapist and a liar under oath. I would think the holy rollers would be more picky, but then you voted for a man who is the king of serial adulteress, and serial female assaulter. All of you right wing men are male chauvinist pigs I guess.

Prove he lied.
Prove he tried to rape her.
I didn't vote for Rump. Now, substantiate your charges little girl.

He obviously did, everyone knows it. The FBI investigation was a scam and we all know it. You back Trump.

He is guilty as he didn't want an investigation, and I believed her, like most everyone. Getting only elected by a partisan vote does not mean it legitimate. It was partisan.

So you can't prove it, you just "feel" it. You're an idiot kid.
I heard they will save me money on abortions made by feminists.
from them?? What do you think they will do??

Just list them:

like repealing Roe v. Wade

Allow insurance companies to opt out of birth control?

Make no laws concerning guns.


Start saying prayers in public schools.

Get rid of public schools.

End the EPA.

End ACA for good.

End all social programs , except for vets.

All we want are judges who abide by the constitution. I realize that, by today's standards, that makes them far right. The left clearly wants activist judges who will ignore the constitution and legislate from the bench.

You mean ones that don't believe in civil rights, yep, that makes them far right.

It was Dems who voted against blacks having equal rights.

The constitution was written to ensure that government was kept in check by allowing specific and limited powers. If any of the programs or agencies you listed are not allowed, then they should go. Most things should be left to individual states.

No one wants to end all social programs, but we have so many duplicate programs and it could be streamlined. We also should not allow extra spending money so people can use EBT cards at nail salons and casinos.

ACA has made things worse. Is it a tax or not a tax? Obama claimed it was not a tax and did not need to pass in the House yet told SCOTUS it was a tax because that was the only way they could uphold it. Which is it? Can't be both.

For the left to get everything they want, we would need a massive government with total control. We would have to shred to constitution to take all the power away from people and transfer it to government.
I want judges who understand and respect The Constitution and the Rule of Law, and who understand that the Judicial branch interprets the law instead writing laws.

Period. End of Story.
from them?? What do you think they will do??

Just list them:

like repealing Roe v. Wade

Allow insurance companies to opt out of birth control?

Make no laws concerning guns.


Start saying prayers in public schools.

Get rid of public schools.

End the EPA.

End ACA for good.

End all social programs , except for vets.
Roe V. Wad is bad law however all of the current justices said they support stare decisis more. So Roe is safe for now.

It is sort of like gun rights in the 2nd Amendment versus States' Rights in the 10th. Scalia put a lot of weight onto States' Rights and even possibly ahead of 2A in some respects. This is Civil War doctrine all over again.

To a point. It's going to make the economic power house blue states, consolidate their power even more, putting more pressure on red states, that are now becoming even more economically depressed because of the trade war.

In case everyone forgot about that, a lot of midwest farmers are going to be in dire straights after the harvest season, because China isn't buying any of it, and Canada is buying even less.

And all of this on top of healthcare premiums, and soaring drug prices heading into the fall and winter months because of the amendments in the tax scam bill that passed last year.

What also seems to have been dropped is Trump didn't nominate Kavanaugh because of Roe v Wade, or gun rights. His sole motivation is Kavanaugh will be his get out of jail free card when he is finally indicted after the Mueller investigation. Of course Mueller saw all of this coming, and has made sure Trumps enemies in New York, and California, have all of the evidence he has now, to bring state charges, if it goes south at the federal level.

Where your civil war scenario comes into place is Kavanaugh, or Congress can't protect him there, and the double jeopardy clause won't come into play, no matter what the court decides on a current case being heard, as long as they are entirely separate charges, which I'm sure Mueller has also thought three steps ahead of Trump, and his shit for brains advisors who think they've got this all figured out.

Of course the double jeopardy clause won't come into play in the case of any charges, state or federal, brought against Ivanka, Don Jr., Eric, Jared Kushner, or anybody else in the crime family near and dear to his heart.
It's a waste of time telling something to person who is incapable of learning.
Their interpretation of it, you mean. I'm sure the second amendment never assumed for people to have assault weapons with huge cartridges.

I bet you believe that an AR-15 has a HUGE cartridge.
You continually show the depth of your ignorance has no bounds.

Emotion and estrogen control her every thought.

More like knowledge (book, street smart), combined with compassion, empathy and estrogen.

Nope, you've made it abundantly clear how ignorant you are.

Well you showed your bible ignorance.

What does the bible have to do with this?
The Constitution is my bible.
from them?? What do you think they will do??

Just list them:

like repealing Roe v. Wade

Allow insurance companies to opt out of birth control?

Make no laws concerning guns.


Start saying prayers in public schools.

Get rid of public schools.

End the EPA.

End ACA for good.

End all social programs , except for vets.
Roe V. Wad is bad law however all of the current justices said they support stare decisis more. So Roe is safe for now.

It is sort of like gun rights in the 2nd Amendment versus States' Rights in the 10th. Scalia put a lot of weight onto States' Rights and even possibly ahead of 2A in some respects. This is Civil War doctrine all over again.

To a point. It's going to make the economic power house blue states, consolidate their power even more, putting more pressure on red states, that are now becoming even more economically depressed because of the trade war.

In case everyone forgot about that, a lot of midwest farmers are going to be in dire straights after the harvest season, because China isn't buying any of it, and Canada is buying even less.

And all of this on top of healthcare premiums, and soaring drug prices heading into the fall and winter months because of the amendments in the tax scam bill that passed last year.

What also seems to have been dropped is Trump didn't nominate Kavanaugh because of Roe v Wade, or gun rights. His sole motivation is Kavanaugh will be his get out of jail free card when he is finally indicted after the Mueller investigation. Of course Mueller saw all of this coming, and has made sure Trumps enemies in New York, and California, have all of the evidence he has now, to bring state charges, if it goes south at the federal level.

Where your civil war scenario comes into place is Kavanaugh, or Congress can't protect him there, and the double jeopardy clause won't come into play, no matter what the court decides on a current case being heard, as long as they are entirely separate charges, which I'm sure Mueller has also thought three steps ahead of Trump, and his shit for brains advisors who think they've got this all figured out.

Of course the double jeopardy clause won't come into play in the case of any charges, state or federal, brought against Ivanka, Don Jr., Eric, Jared Kushner, or anybody else in the crime family near and dear to his heart.

You get more stupid every day, tell us, what "evidence" does he have?
It's over............Kavanaugh is confirmed

it will never be over. he will always be known as a liar and an accused as being an attempted rapist, partisan and a man with a temper. I'm sure he and Thomas have a lot in common.

You lost little girl, go away.

Attempted rapist and a liar under oath. I would think the holy rollers would be more picky, but then you voted for a man who is the king of serial adulteress, and serial female assaulter. All of you right wing men are male chauvinist pigs I guess.
You have no evidence he attempted rape oried under oath.

This is why he will make a great justice. When feminist lawyers try to due away with due process and presumption of innocence he will remember and oppose their schemes.
The Constitution was a great document for it's time. It's a beautiful framework, but it needs to be interpreted to reflect our times.

Scary you think that. but feel free to have it Amended. It has been amended before, so if you want to change it, write your Congressman. Don't re-interpret it to mean what it doesn't mean, but again, feel free to push for Amendments. Good luck!
from them?? What do you think they will do??

Just list them:

like repealing Roe v. Wade

Allow insurance companies to opt out of birth control?

Make no laws concerning guns.


Start saying prayers in public schools.

Get rid of public schools.

End the EPA.

End ACA for good.

End all social programs , except for vets.

To enforce the law and uphold the United States Constitution.

Why the fuck does that scare the shit out of you?
It's over............Kavanaugh is confirmed

it will never be over. he will always be known as a liar and an accused as being an attempted rapist, partisan and a man with a temper. I'm sure he and Thomas have a lot in common.

You lost little girl, go away.

Attempted rapist and a liar under oath. I would think the holy rollers would be more picky, but then you voted for a man who is the king of serial adulteress, and serial female assaulter. All of you right wing men are male chauvinist pigs I guess.

Prove he lied.
Prove he tried to rape her.
I didn't vote for Rump. Now, substantiate your charges little girl.

He obviously did, everyone knows it. The FBI investigation was a scam and we all know it. You back Trump.

He is guilty as he didn't want an investigation, and I believed her, like most everyone. Getting only elected by a partisan vote does not mean it legitimate. It was partisan.

Prove he lied.
Prove he tried to rape her.
I didn't vote for Rump. Now, substantiate your charges little girl.
I see you didn't make a list. Are you unable to think why you so want Kavanaugh on the bench, who lied while under oath. Is that the best the Potus , who is also a compulsive liar, could find.

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from them?? What do you think they will do??

Just list them:

like repealing Roe v. Wade

Allow insurance companies to opt out of birth control?

Make no laws concerning guns.


Start saying prayers in public schools.

Get rid of public schools.

End the EPA.

End ACA for good.

End all social programs , except for vets.
Roe V. Wad is bad law however all of the current justices said they support stare decisis more. So Roe is safe for now.

It is sort of like gun rights in the 2nd Amendment versus States' Rights in the 10th. Scalia put a lot of weight onto States' Rights and even possibly ahead of 2A in some respects. This is Civil War doctrine all over again.

And in the GOP states only the rich can get abortions, as they need to travel and it costs money. They will restrict it so much , women will use back street allies again and die. Thanks to Kav and the rest of the right wingers on the court.

The Sky is Falling.jpg
Why do people want "Their Guy" in power? So they can use that power to persecute their enemies.

More because we want judges who don't judge according to their party lines. Some Democrat judge do just that. One example that comes to mind is that little creep in Hawaii. He stopped Trump from using a law that's been on the books and passed by Congress years ago. Why? Because the law doesn't comport with his political philosophy.

Now what if Trump had information about a terrorist attack larger than 911 coming from one of those countries and couldn't tell anybody? This judge would have ushered that attack on the US. That's the kind of judges we don't need.
Why do you want right wing judges on the bench, what do you want

Just to piss off Demorats, is good enough for me.:21::21::21:
Stops left wing Judicial Activism................You will do as the left says by decree..............

But ..............they lost..............and this road block will last decades...............And will end up with even more coming up...........very old folks in there now.................the clock is ticking.
Oh so you only like right wing judicial activism?

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