'Why Does Alec Baldwin Get a Pass Using Gay Slurs?

Anderson Cooper: 'Why Does Alec Baldwin Get a Pass Using Gay Slurs?' Conservative 'Would Be Vilified' | NewsBusters

Noel Sheppard's picture

As NewsBusters previously reported, Alec Baldwin had another major meltdown on Twitter Thursday which included a homophobic attack on a British reporter.

CNN's Anderson Cooper struck back Friday posting on Twitter, "Why does #AlecBaldwin get a pass when he uses gay slurs? If a conservative talked of beating up a 'queen' they would be vilified":

Good question.

Paula Dean lost her career for saying ****** 30+ years ago, but Baldwin only has to tweet he's sorry.

Everyone already knows the answer including Anderson Cooper Baldwin is a Hollywood liberal and they always get the pass most other's won't. And in my humble opinion if Baldwins slurs had not been gay Cooper would not have addressed them.
Anderson Cooper: 'Why Does Alec Baldwin Get a Pass Using Gay Slurs?' Conservative 'Would Be Vilified' | NewsBusters

Noel Sheppard's picture

As NewsBusters previously reported, Alec Baldwin had another major meltdown on Twitter Thursday which included a homophobic attack on a British reporter.

CNN's Anderson Cooper struck back Friday posting on Twitter, "Why does #AlecBaldwin get a pass when he uses gay slurs? If a conservative talked of beating up a 'queen' they would be vilified":

Good question.

Paula Dean lost her career for saying ****** 30+ years ago, but Baldwin only has to tweet he's sorry.

Everyone already knows the answer including Anderson Cooper Baldwin is a Hollywood liberal and they always get the pass most other's won't. And in my humble opinion if Baldwins slurs had not been gay Cooper would not have addressed them.


You couldn't be more right.
I don't think he is getting a pass. I think your OP is a failure.

well, nearly everyone else thinks he is.

that's makes you a sore loser b/c I didn't fall for you silly question game.

better luck next time.

Nearly everyone else? I think not.

Then you're lying.

You know damn well if he was a con, he'd bee headlines news for a week.

seriously libs, don't state things that are blatantly clear lies. You only shame yourselves by not demanding the same standards.
It's not a secret -- the lawsuit against Deen is on account of her being the owner (and ergo the responsible party) of a business run by her brother, alleging assaults and harassment (by the brother, not Paula). The plaintiff's tenure goes back only to 2005 which is in no way 30 years ago, though some day it will be. And it's got nothing to do with anything Deen said except circumstantially in relation to that business.

This bidness of what PD said 30 years ago is some kind of media red herring that has become an internet myth. I'm not even sure where it came from. But it's got nothing to do with the suit.

Paula Deen was NOT fired from FoodNetwork, Target, etc. because of the lawsuit...all of them have referenced her use of the "n-word" as the reason for the severing of ties.

Baldwin, on the other hand...has publicly and repeatedly used racial and homophobic insults while threatening others with physical violence...and he's just a Hollywood DARLING who, by the way, has been rumored to be considering running for public office.

The difference is because he is a famous and well-liked liberal. Paula Deen, while liberal, is a chubby southern woman who makes food for fat people in fly-over states. The liberals hate her...and were just thrilled for an excuse to destroy her.

Besides, anything that distracts the country from the failures, investigations and general pathetic leadership of Obama is welcomed by Democrats.
It's not a secret -- the lawsuit against Deen is on account of her being the owner (and ergo the responsible party) of a business run by her brother, alleging assaults and harassment (by the brother, not Paula). The plaintiff's tenure goes back only to 2005 which is in no way 30 years ago, though some day it will be. And it's got nothing to do with anything Deen said except circumstantially in relation to that business.

This bidness of what PD said 30 years ago is some kind of media red herring that has become an internet myth. I'm not even sure where it came from. But it's got nothing to do with the suit.

Paula Deen was NOT fired from FoodNetwork, Target, etc. because of the lawsuit...all of them have referenced her use of the "n-word" as the reason for the severing of ties.

Ummm... don't think so. Link to any of this? :rofl:

Nobody said she was "fired"; that's not how TV contracts work. Her contract was allowed to expire -- that's it. They said nothing about a reason; they didn't have to. A contract is finite. It expires and is either renewed or not depending on the interests of the parties You could look it up. And nobody referenced things said 30 years ago. If they did, you could link it, and you can't.

Now it's reasonable to analyze that since this working conditions lawsuit was filed in March, the Food Network and various and sundry sponsors would have tossed it to their Legal for analysis as to whether it had legs and if so could embarrass them when it went to trial. Those attorneys would have reported back to their clients, and whatever they told them, the Food Network decided the Deen show was a wrap, food pun intended.

Baldwin, on the other hand...has publicly and repeatedly used racial and homophobic insults while threatening others with physical violence...and he's just a Hollywood DARLING who, by the way, has been rumored to be considering running for public office.

I'm sure you can quantify this too. I'll be amused to see it. Especially the "darling" bit. :razz:

The difference is because he is a famous and well-liked liberal. Paula Deen, while liberal, is a chubby southern woman who makes food for fat people in fly-over states. The liberals hate her...and were just thrilled for an excuse to destroy her.

Again, Paula Deen is not "destroyed" because her show gets dumped, and the private businesses who do so exercise their right to enter into a contract with whom they want. You can't step in and force them to write a new contract they don't want. I doubt this is more than a bump in the road for PD's future. Look at Lush Rimjob. He lost all his sponsors, yet he's still there.

Moreover I doubt either the Food Network, Target, Wal-Mart, or for all we know Paula Deen herself, can be classified as "liberal". And a TV cooking show has nothing to do with politics in the first place, so her affiliation is irrelevant to anything.

But thanks, that was delicious. I like me some logical train wrecks. Yum.
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I don't think he is getting a pass. I think your OP is a failure.

well, nearly everyone else thinks he is.

that's makes you a sore loser b/c I didn't fall for you silly question game.

better luck next time.

Argumentum ad populum/strawman.

Next slide, please...

If she does......is he still getting a pass?


Lets measure this up a little bit;

baldwin uses gay slander, a few times now. gets mentioned on some websites, some radio, and a blurb on some tv stations.

limbaugh uses gay slander; he's headlines news everywhere for weeks on end.

"Slander"? When did either one gay slander? Flukegate certainly wasn't gay slander...

So what do you actually think?

and hey, if baldwin is a dream date for you and you want me to stop picking on your man, just say so. If Crystal Gayle turns out to be a racist redneck, I'd still want a hand full of that.

You have fantasies about neuter gender objects?

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I don't think he is getting a pass. I think your OP is a failure.

well, nearly everyone else thinks he is.

that's makes you a sore loser b/c I didn't fall for you silly question game.

better luck next time.

Argumentum ad populum/strawman.

Next slide, please...


Lets measure this up a little bit;

baldwin uses gay slander, a few times now. gets mentioned on some websites, some radio, and a blurb on some tv stations.

limbaugh uses gay slander; he's headlines news everywhere for weeks on end.

"Slander"? When did either one gay slander? Flukegate certainly wasn't gay slander...

So what do you actually think?

and hey, if baldwin is a dream date for you and you want me to stop picking on your man, just say so. If Crystal Gayle turns out to be a racist redneck, I'd still want a hand full of that.

You have fantasies about neuter gender objects?


Aynski would be proud of your attempts to change the subject from the fact a popular liberal got to use homophobic terms, again, and the media is trying to ruin his life, while we all know, like Cooper knows, if he was a con, that's what would be going on.
Anderson Cooper: 'Why Does Alec Baldwin Get a Pass Using Gay Slurs?' Conservative 'Would Be Vilified' | NewsBusters

Noel Sheppard's picture

As NewsBusters previously reported, Alec Baldwin had another major meltdown on Twitter Thursday which included a homophobic attack on a British reporter.

CNN's Anderson Cooper struck back Friday posting on Twitter, "Why does #AlecBaldwin get a pass when he uses gay slurs? If a conservative talked of beating up a 'queen' they would be vilified":

Good question.

Paula Dean lost her career for saying ****** 30+ years ago, but Baldwin only has to tweet he's sorry.

Are you comparing the behavior of a conservative politician to a liberal Hollywood actor? Is Baldwin running for office somewhere?

Baldwin doesn't have to be politically correct. Or do you understand how that phrase came into the vernacular in the first place?

And Anderson Cooper is just going for ratings by even reporting this as "news".

Hm. Neither does Rush, but calling a dumb slut a "dumb slut" got the PC police ready for a lynchin.
Baldwin is a fucking idiot who thinks (like many of those who run for office these days) that because they're famous and have a name for crap like 2nd rate movies and such, they have a right to say their position in politics is better than every one else's.

Remember Paris Hilton? How about Brittany Spears?

They thought that because their fame gave them a large voice, their decisions and thoughts were the right ones and thought everyone else should think like them.

Baldwin is an idiot, and ought to keep making commercials, TrueTV videos and whatever crappy movies he happens to star in. He's not educated (or smart enough) to comment on the state of this country because he lives in an ivory castle of his fame.

And yeah...................Cooper is a partisan hack just looking for his 15 min of fame.

Personally? I hope they both go down in history as failures.

Even if Baldwin ran as a Dem (and I really don't like Reps), I'd still vote against him and hope that he'd lose because he's so stupid.

I mean...........................Baldwin is a Sharron Angle, a Sarah Palin, and a Christine O'Donnell all rolled into one big Democrat shit burrito.

Charlie Sheen may be a better candidate, and we all know how fucked up he is.
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Anderson Cooper: 'Why Does Alec Baldwin Get a Pass Using Gay Slurs?' Conservative 'Would Be Vilified' | NewsBusters

Noel Sheppard's picture

As NewsBusters previously reported, Alec Baldwin had another major meltdown on Twitter Thursday which included a homophobic attack on a British reporter.

CNN's Anderson Cooper struck back Friday posting on Twitter, "Why does #AlecBaldwin get a pass when he uses gay slurs? If a conservative talked of beating up a 'queen' they would be vilified":

Good question.

Paula Dean lost her career for saying ****** 30+ years ago, but Baldwin only has to tweet he's sorry.

Who gave him a pass? I think what he said is despicable, but I usually do not pay attention to what people like Alec Baldwin have to say.

Do not worry though, in 30 years he will lose his job because of this.

I don't either and only know that he did it. But I do pay attention to cnn, when I can and considering how left it is, it must have really pissed Cooper off, knowing that if any con had said it, he'd be leading the charge against him.

You are listening to the wrong people.

How has the right wing media dealt with it?
Right of Anderson Cooper to call him on it. Still, at least you actually can get away with this stuff in the U.S. In the UK, you can get arrested for racist hate rantings on Twitter.
Are you comparing the behavior of a conservative politician to a liberal Hollywood actor? Is Baldwin running for office somewhere?

Baldwin doesn't have to be politically correct. Or do you understand how that phrase came into the vernacular in the first place?

And Anderson Cooper is just going for ratings by even reporting this as "news".
No. Fail.

Better luck next time retard.

Sounds like you get actors and politicians all mixed up. Oh.....That's right.....you do!


Between post #8 and this one, I can only conclude that you are inebriated.
I mean seriously,you dont see a discrepancy in the way the two situations were handled?
well, nearly everyone else thinks he is.

that's makes you a sore loser b/c I didn't fall for you silly question game.

better luck next time.

Argumentum ad populum/strawman.

Next slide, please...

"Slander"? When did either one gay slander? Flukegate certainly wasn't gay slander...

So what do you actually think?

and hey, if baldwin is a dream date for you and you want me to stop picking on your man, just say so. If Crystal Gayle turns out to be a racist redneck, I'd still want a hand full of that.

You have fantasies about neuter gender objects?


Aynski would be proud of your attempts to change the subject from the fact a popular liberal got to use homophobic terms, again, and the media is trying to ruin his life, while we all know, like Cooper knows, if he was a con, that's what would be going on.

No idea who Ayinski is but Freud might have an assessment of your objectifying a female into a neuter pronoun. But I'm not a psychologist; I'm a grammarian.

Now then -- who changed the subject? And failed to answer not one but both questions?

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Pogo Wrote:
Ummm... don't think so. Link to any of this?

Nobody said she was "fired"; that's not how TV contracts work. Her contract was allowed to expire -- that's it. They said nothing about a reason; they didn't have to. A contract is finite. It expires and is either renewed or not depending on the interests of the parties You could look it up. And nobody referenced things said 30 years ago. If they did, you could link it, and you can't.

Approximately 12 companies that were working with Paula Deen, most of them quite profitably, simply "allowed their contracts to expire" because they wanted to go in different directions and the timing was just bad. Really? Come on now, Pogo...you aren't that clueless. The legal battle between Deen, her brother, and the former employee had been public knowledge for awhile. The companies only severed ties with Deen after her deposition became public knowledge and the "n-word" controversy began.

I'm sure you can quantify this too. I'll be amused to see it. Especially the "darling" bit.

Baldwin has attacked photographers, he called a black photographer a "drug dealer" and a "crackhead," and "a coon." He called a reporter a "toxic queen" and threatened him with physical violence.
And yet...Capital One, Hulu, 30 Rock don't seem to be letting his contract expire...they don't seem to want to go in different directions...

Must be nice to be a Hollywood DARLING!

Again, Paula Deen is not "destroyed" because her show gets dumped, and the private businesses who do so exercise their right to enter into a contract with whom they want. You can't step in and force them to write a new contract they don't want. I doubt this is more than a bump in the road for PD's future. Look at Lush Rimjob. He lost all his sponsors, yet he's still there.

I find it very telling that you want to quibble over my word choice rather than dealing with what the thread is trying to address - why people have reacted to Deen in one way and Baldwin in a very different way for arguably similar events. That being said, Paula Deen has lost millions of dollars of potential income, she has lost fans, her reputation has been severely damaged. You may not feel that is "destroying" someone...but many others would argue that if they lost a large chunk of their livelihood and reputation they'd feel pretty frickin' destroyed. Rush Limbaugh is an entirely different case because the people he "lost" were not his fans...not to mention, I think he lost approximately 2 sponsors? Come on, now.

Moreover I doubt either the Food Network, Target, Wal-Mart, or for all we know Paula Deen herself, can be classified as "liberal". And a TV cooking show has nothing to do with politics in the first place, so her affiliation is irrelevant to anything.

She campaigned for Obama...I think we can classify that as liberal. And if a tv cooking show has nothing to do with politics...why did you jump at the chance to compare her to conservative Rush Limbaugh?

But thanks, that was delicious. I like me some logical train wrecks. Yum.
I hope you enjoyed the side of cluelessness that accompanied your imaginary meal...cause all you did there was make yourself look silly.
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