Why does America continue to desire to be "green" and "clean" here but then buy oil from Russia, Iran, and immoral nations?

and one more thing :

it might seem that Putin just doesn't respect the Democrats. and he didn't, and doesn't. that much is apparent.

but right when it became known that Putin had military invasion plans to "reclaim his lost territory",
Biden issued threats of severe sanctions towards Moscow.

and Biden followed through on these sanctions, targetting the upper 1% of Russia even, which i thank him for.
now we have regular small scale demonstrations in Russia against the war in Ukraine by ordinary Russians,
much like we had demonstrations against the war in Vietnam over in the states.

and such demonstrations *do* play a role, if they're kept up. and it looks like they will, because the whole world is suffering economically from Putin's meglanomania.

so just give it time folks, cheaper oil is on the way, but it's gonna take time.
with a bit of luck we'll have Russia back in line before the next harsh winter. :)
The pipeline went through very sensitive ecosystems but you don't care about that. Youre a dumb American.

i'ts perfectly possible these days to build safe pipelines through sensitive eco systems, Colin..

BUT : the Democrats gave their voters what they wanted (no pipeline through that area), and as politicians that's one of the rules you're really bound to in a democracy.

I thought being dumb could only happen once. Not you though.

As for the regime, grow up you brain dead fool. You know nothing.
grow some politeness, smarty..
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If you stop buying cheap Chinese rubbish so jobs would come home, they would pollute do much.
America has about 7% of the world population but uses 25% of the oil.
There's a reason for expensive oil right there.
the states is a rich, and very *big* country. that's why you use so much oil. 330 million people, harsh winters in the north, etc, etc, etc.
the world would be a whole lot better off if the lefties and the conservatives would stop fighting eachother so viciously.
except that climate change is *not* a hoax.
it is a well documented, well organized, large group of people using the latest scientific methodologies to try to predict where and how we need to cut emissions of greenhouse gasses to prevent catastrophic climate change weather events, events that are not only going to hit the 3rd world, but the aging infrastructure of the western world as well.

yes, it has corruption problems, this group.
yes, it has in-accuracy and internal communications problems, this group.

that doesn't mean it's a bad let alone evil group.

"the lefties" could not predict Putin using that oil money to invade Ukraine.
nobody could.

Wrong......climate does change, man has little to do with it....however, it is a useful tool to get gullible, uninformed people to surrender their Rights to leftists.........that is the problem.

"the lefties" could not predict Putin using that oil money to invade Ukraine.
nobody could.

That is just silly......giving money to putin or iran is funding their militaries and terrorists..........now biden's handlers actually want to start buying oil from Iran.......they are insane and stupid....
Wrong......climate does change, man has little to do with it....however, it is a useful tool to get gullible, uninformed people to surrender their Rights to leftists.........that is the problem.

"the lefties" could not predict Putin using that oil money to invade Ukraine.
nobody could.

That is just silly......giving money to putin or iran is funding their militaries and terrorists..........now biden's handlers actually want to start buying oil from Iran.......they are insane and stupid....
both our *opinions* are valid, i'd say.

using oil purchases from seemingly corrupt government as legitimate tool of statecraft (to try to get them to behave friendlier in the international geopolitical arena) is not *actually* stupid ;)
it's good cop + bad cop in a team (just like often is the case on the street, kids) at the governmental level, Democrats and Republicans working together. as they do more often than even i believed, until a moment ago...
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the states is a rich, and very *big* country. that's why you use so much oil. 330 million people, harsh winters in the north, etc, etc, etc.
I don't disagree with that.
I'm just stating the facts.
Russia etc all have freezing winters also
I don't disagree with that.
I'm just stating the facts.
Russia etc all have freezing winters also

maybe Russia, etc, etc, also have a different way of viewing car-travel.
maybe in the USA, longer distances to shops are a more regular occurrence.
wouldn't surprise me, considering you're among the wealthiest nations on Earth.

gas pricing is like the media : very audience-specific.
For instance... Biden listened to the climate activists and upended the Keystone Pipeline, which provided tons of oil here straight from the north american continent. Then, he upped the amount of oil we got from Russia.

Conservatives want to be oil independent, so we don't fund Putin, or Iran. However, Biden's policy funded this onslaught by Putin. We still buy his oill beacause of Biden and his regime.
The problem is, oil goes beyond powering cars, but Democrats and climate alarmists don't know that.
except that climate change is *not* a hoax.
it is a well documented, well organized, large group of people using the latest scientific methodologies to try to predict where and how we need to cut emissions of greenhouse gasses to prevent catastrophic climate change weather events, events that are not only going to hit the 3rd world, but the aging infrastructure of the western world as well.

yes, it has corruption problems, this group.
yes, it has in-accuracy and internal communications problems, this group.

that doesn't mean it's a bad let alone evil group.

"the lefties" could not predict Putin using that oil money to invade Ukraine.
nobody could.
I don't agree but I appreciate the non-"hair on fire" response. :)
The pipeline went through very sensitive ecosystems but you don't care about that. Youre a dumb American.
First off, it's *you're..

Second.. what ecosystems? And what benefit are they to us? Moreso than buying billions of dollars of oil from Russia?

Be specific, if you're going to come out firing like a common flame hack, you'd better be able to back it up.
First off, it's *you're..
I always know when my opponents having nothing. They correct the grammar.
Youre smart son.
Second.. what ecosystems? And what benefit are they to us?
what benefit? You obviously don't know anything about those things but want cheap gas at any price. Thats really understanding of you ignorant morons. Destroy everything. Fuck animals and pristine we terrain. Dickhead.
Moreso than buying billions of dollars of oil from Russia?

Be specific, if you're going to come out firing like a common flame hack, you'd better be able to back it up.

I just did. Youre a classic brain dead republican and will support Trump in anything he does regardless of the consequences. You arrogant selfish pos. Little wonder the world sees Americans as dumb pieces of shit because you are.
I always know when my opponents having nothing. They correct the grammar.
Youre smart son.

what benefit? You obviously don't know anything about those things but want cheap gas at any price. Thats really understanding of you ignorant morons. Destroy everything. Fuck animals and pristine we terrain. Dickhead.

I just did. Youre a classic brain dead republican and will support Trump in anything he does regardless of the consequences. You arrogant selfish pos. Little wonder the world sees Americans as dumb pieces of shit because you are.
Wow, I hope you find happiness in your life, you appear to be an angry, miserable person
Wow, I hope you find happiness in your life, you appear to be an angry, miserable person
Thats a typical godbotherers response to having no debating points.
I've never been happier when I'm ripping it up you hypocritical lying jesus junkies. Stick with your filthy bible. Fairy tales are good enough for you.
Thats a typical godbotherers response to having no debating points.
I've never been happier when I'm ripping it up you hypocritical lying jesus junkies. Stick with your filthy bible. Fairy tales are good enough for you.
You just gleam and ooze happiness lol.
You just gleam and ooze happiness lol.
But its so easy to pick you people off. You always leave yourselves wide open, you never check facts and opinions are invariably based on hatred of them dems.

Then there's the jesus junkies who feel a compulsion to post to educate the atheists based on what a ghost told them Thats you.
But its so easy to pick you people off. You always leave yourselves wide open, you never check facts and opinions are invariably based on hatred of them dems.

Then there's the jesus junkies who feel a compulsion to post to educate the atheists based on what a ghost told them Thats you
I think of the two of us, one is clearly showing hatred, wouldn’t you say?

and where did Jesus come into all of this? LOL

seems like you’ve got a LOT of hang ups
For instance... Biden listened to the climate activists and upended the Keystone Pipeline, which provided tons of oil here straight from the north american continent. Then, he upped the amount of oil we got from Russia.

Conservatives want to be oil independent, so we don't fund Putin, or Iran. However, Biden's policy funded this onslaught by Putin. We still buy his oill beacause of Biden and his regime.
America is an immoral nation. No problem.
For instance... Biden listened to the climate activists and upended the Keystone Pipeline, which provided tons of oil here straight from the north american continent. Then, he upped the amount of oil we got from Russia.

Conservatives want to be oil independent, so we don't fund Putin, or Iran. However, Biden's policy funded this onslaught by Putin. We still buy his oill beacause of Biden and his regime.

The President does not import oil, the Fed Govt does not import oil. I am not sure why so many people are so confused by this simple fact.

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