Why Does America Have 13 Million Households That Don’t Have Enough Food To Eat?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012

Does the picture break your heart?

That’s what it’s supposed to do. So is the entire piece.

Am I being hard-hearted? Probably. I’ve been in the place of wondering how to put food in the cupboard. I still barely get by paycheck to paycheck. But, that’s my own problem and not the government’s.

Here’s an important fact buried deeply in the article:

Many of the working poor are single parents, and they often suffer in silence because they don’t want those around them to look down on them.

And, going a step further, how many welfare dependents are single parents? Parents whose spouses refuse to take responsibility for their offspring?

A 2014 study by the Pew Research Center found 52% of U.S. residents in their 60s—17.4 million people—are financially supporting either a parent or an adult child, up from 45% in 2005. Among them, about 1.2 million support both a parent and a child, more than double the number a decade earlier, according to an analysis of the Pew findings and census data. The squeeze is coming from both ends. With lifespans growing longer, the number of 60-somethings with living parents has more than doubled since 1998, to about 10 million, according to an Urban Institute analysis of University of Michigan data, and they are increasingly expensive to care for. At the same time, many boomers are helping their children deal with career or health problems, or are sharing the heavy burden of student loans.
More @ Why Does America Have 13 Million Households That Don't Have Enough Food To Eat?
Poverty is always a bad thing. Good thing Trump is improving the economy so that more and higher paid job are available. Family income is increasing.

I don't like to see children go hungry and that is why I contribute to my church's food bank. After all the Bible teaches that charity should come from the heart, church and family.

However, the last thing I want is for the government to take my money by force and give it to somebody else in the form of welfare. That is despicable and oppressive. Kind of like slavery.
Juxtapose this with the fact that obesity among the poor is extremely prevalent and increasing.

In RealityLand, food stamp use has dropped while employment has increased. So, I smell manipulative propaganda aimed at preserving and increasing government spending on the "food" bureaucracy.
Looks like the "war on Poverty" was a failure. A trillion dollars down the drain?
So the next time the government says "hey here's a program to fix your problems remember..your problems will get worse and you will have to support another huge government bureaucracy.
Between food banks and employment offices so far as I know everyone that is functional is employed and reasonably well clothed and fed and that is also true of most people who are not employed because they are not functional.
Looks like the "war on Poverty" was a failure. A trillion dollars down the drain?

That's assuming that the purpose of the War on Povery was to eliminate poverty. It wasn't. The purpose was to expand the scope of government and to feed a growing bureaucracy to support the ongoing expansion of the permanent fusion party control.
Looks like the "war on Poverty" was a failure. A trillion dollars down the drain?

That's assuming that the purpose of the War on Povery was to eliminate poverty. It wasn't. The purpose was to expand the scope of government and to feed a growing bureaucracy to support the ongoing expansion of the permanent fusion party control.

The best way to get somebody to vote for you is to give them free stuff. The Democrats are masters at that.

Does the picture break your heart?

That’s what it’s supposed to do. So is the entire piece.

Am I being hard-hearted? Probably. I’ve been in the place of wondering how to put food in the cupboard. I still barely get by paycheck to paycheck. But, that’s my own problem and not the government’s.

Here’s an important fact buried deeply in the article:

Many of the working poor are single parents, and they often suffer in silence because they don’t want those around them to look down on them.

And, going a step further, how many welfare dependents are single parents? Parents whose spouses refuse to take responsibility for their offspring?

A 2014 study by the Pew Research Center found 52% of U.S. residents in their 60s—17.4 million people—are financially supporting either a parent or an adult child, up from 45% in 2005. Among them, about 1.2 million support both a parent and a child, more than double the number a decade earlier, according to an analysis of the Pew findings and census data. The squeeze is coming from both ends. With lifespans growing longer, the number of 60-somethings with living parents has more than doubled since 1998, to about 10 million, according to an Urban Institute analysis of University of Michigan data, and they are increasingly expensive to care for. At the same time, many boomers are helping their children deal with career or health problems, or are sharing the heavy burden of student loans.
More @ Why Does America Have 13 Million Households That Don't Have Enough Food To Eat?

So what is your point?
Between food banks and employment offices so far as I know everyone that is functional is employed and reasonably well clothed and fed and that is also true of most people who are not employed because they are not functional.

Define 'functional' please?
Does the picture break your heart?
Well one would have to have one to break LongOne

So now the very same mentality that demonizes those immigrant children into MS-13 ,youth faking, drug lords turns on our OWN children


because it has to be THIER fault, not the system, not the fabric of society, and certainly not our POTUS

The deniers stampede on in on cue.....

Good thing Trump is improving the economy .

Juxtapose this with the fact that obesity among the poor is extremely prevalent and increasing.

they are not functional.

permanent fusion party control.
Maybe it's some liberal mental disease that moves me to the facts>>>

6 startling facts about child hunger in the U.S. -- and how you can help

and that's just the kids......if any of you have played taxi for meals on wheels (or similar programs) , to find reclusive old timers surviving on that slop, you'd think differently, and perhaps not demonize them

but hey, i live in the uneducated rural world of inbred scarecrows , right?

Looks like the "war on Poverty" was a failure. A trillion dollars down the drain?

That's assuming that the purpose of the War on Povery was to eliminate poverty. It wasn't. The purpose was to expand the scope of government and to feed a growing bureaucracy to support the ongoing expansion of the permanent fusion party control.

The best way to get somebody to vote for you is to give them free stuff. The Democrats are masters at that.

This right wing crap about free stuff for the poor and their hatred for them never ends.
Looks like the "war on Poverty" was a failure. A trillion dollars down the drain?

That's assuming that the purpose of the War on Povery was to eliminate poverty. It wasn't. The purpose was to expand the scope of government and to feed a growing bureaucracy to support the ongoing expansion of the permanent fusion party control.

The best way to get somebody to vote for you is to give them free stuff. The Democrats are masters at that.

This right wing crap about free stuff for the poor and their hatred for them never ends.

Oh goody! Yet another economic illiterate.
Looks like the "war on Poverty" was a failure. A trillion dollars down the drain?

That's assuming that the purpose of the War on Povery was to eliminate poverty. It wasn't. The purpose was to expand the scope of government and to feed a growing bureaucracy to support the ongoing expansion of the permanent fusion party control.

The best way to get somebody to vote for you is to give them free stuff. The Democrats are masters at that.

This right wing crap about free stuff for the poor and their hatred for them never ends.

We don't hate the poor. In fact our economic policies are ones that allow the poor to rise above poverty if they wish while leftest polices create poverty.

What we hate is the filthy ass government stealing money from those that earn it and giving it away to those that didn't earn it.
The best way to get out of poverty is to not elect dumb ass Left Wing politicians that screw up the economy like that Obama asshole that increased poverty, decreased family income, grew debt and had dismal economic growth.

Does the picture break your heart?

That’s what it’s supposed to do. So is the entire piece.

Am I being hard-hearted? Probably. I’ve been in the place of wondering how to put food in the cupboard. I still barely get by paycheck to paycheck. But, that’s my own problem and not the government’s.

Here’s an important fact buried deeply in the article:

Many of the working poor are single parents, and they often suffer in silence because they don’t want those around them to look down on them.

And, going a step further, how many welfare dependents are single parents? Parents whose spouses refuse to take responsibility for their offspring?

A 2014 study by the Pew Research Center found 52% of U.S. residents in their 60s—17.4 million people—are financially supporting either a parent or an adult child, up from 45% in 2005. Among them, about 1.2 million support both a parent and a child, more than double the number a decade earlier, according to an analysis of the Pew findings and census data. The squeeze is coming from both ends. With lifespans growing longer, the number of 60-somethings with living parents has more than doubled since 1998, to about 10 million, according to an Urban Institute analysis of University of Michigan data, and they are increasingly expensive to care for. At the same time, many boomers are helping their children deal with career or health problems, or are sharing the heavy burden of student loans.
More @ Why Does America Have 13 Million Households That Don't Have Enough Food To Eat?
But you are wrong. It is the government's problem and also in a way their fault. The government has a responsibility to it's poeple, nobody in a wealthy first world country should ever go hungry, but the way things are set up we let multi- billion dollar companies get away with making much of their profit by underpaying their workforce. The government's lack of will to have a living minimum wage combined with back-door subsidising of corporations has allowed this situation to develope. Insist on a living wage and get people off the welfare rolls, make Walmart pay it's own employees, it's not the taxpayers job!

Does the picture break your heart?

That’s what it’s supposed to do. So is the entire piece.

Am I being hard-hearted? Probably. I’ve been in the place of wondering how to put food in the cupboard. I still barely get by paycheck to paycheck. But, that’s my own problem and not the government’s.

Here’s an important fact buried deeply in the article:

Many of the working poor are single parents, and they often suffer in silence because they don’t want those around them to look down on them.

And, going a step further, how many welfare dependents are single parents? Parents whose spouses refuse to take responsibility for their offspring?

A 2014 study by the Pew Research Center found 52% of U.S. residents in their 60s—17.4 million people—are financially supporting either a parent or an adult child, up from 45% in 2005. Among them, about 1.2 million support both a parent and a child, more than double the number a decade earlier, according to an analysis of the Pew findings and census data. The squeeze is coming from both ends. With lifespans growing longer, the number of 60-somethings with living parents has more than doubled since 1998, to about 10 million, according to an Urban Institute analysis of University of Michigan data, and they are increasingly expensive to care for. At the same time, many boomers are helping their children deal with career or health problems, or are sharing the heavy burden of student loans.
More @ Why Does America Have 13 Million Households That Don't Have Enough Food To Eat?
There’s a name for many single moms. The word is widow. And for men the word is widower.

Republicans are the most heartless people I think this nation seen since the slaveholders days. Funny it’s Confederate conservatives. It’s like it’s the same people.

Does the picture break your heart?

That’s what it’s supposed to do. So is the entire piece.

Am I being hard-hearted? Probably. I’ve been in the place of wondering how to put food in the cupboard. I still barely get by paycheck to paycheck. But, that’s my own problem and not the government’s.

Here’s an important fact buried deeply in the article:

Many of the working poor are single parents, and they often suffer in silence because they don’t want those around them to look down on them.

And, going a step further, how many welfare dependents are single parents? Parents whose spouses refuse to take responsibility for their offspring?

A 2014 study by the Pew Research Center found 52% of U.S. residents in their 60s—17.4 million people—are financially supporting either a parent or an adult child, up from 45% in 2005. Among them, about 1.2 million support both a parent and a child, more than double the number a decade earlier, according to an analysis of the Pew findings and census data. The squeeze is coming from both ends. With lifespans growing longer, the number of 60-somethings with living parents has more than doubled since 1998, to about 10 million, according to an Urban Institute analysis of University of Michigan data, and they are increasingly expensive to care for. At the same time, many boomers are helping their children deal with career or health problems, or are sharing the heavy burden of student loans.
More @ Why Does America Have 13 Million Households That Don't Have Enough Food To Eat?

I don't know if I really believe them numbers. On one hand if 13 million PEOPLE out of 330 million are hungry that's the lowest 3.9% of the population. If I line up 100 people 4 of them are going to be some form of dysfunctional.

Not saying we don't have poor. Not saying some folks don't have to live with their parents and I'm not saying ppl aren't eating Romin noodles sometimes. I just think if we're talking Ethiopia starving I'm not seeing it.
I heard on the news last night about a local youth organization that has started a program to send home food with students for weekends. Apparently there is still a need for assistance in rural Maine, beyond what food stamps provides. Food stamps were never meant to 100% meet a family's food needs. That's why it's called "Supplemental" and anyone of us trying to live on it and feed our families would be absolutely miserable. I do worry that when Food Stamps can be used to buy junk food, soda pop and candy, it wastes "money," but our state has tried to limit those items and it is not allowed by the feds.

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