Why does America think the GOP only cares for the Wealthy?



Why does America think the GOP only cares for the Wealthy?

Good question.

When someone makes that accusation, I notice that most, if not all of those on the right on the USMB, defend that position instead of denying it. They will say, "Rich people are job creators" or "Rich people already pay too much" or "Why shouldn't rich people keep what they earn"? Or they bring up socialism or communism or some other wild accusation.

But where do they talk about the Middle Class?

Where are their policies to help the Middle Class?

I know they ran on "jobs jobs jobs", but they also tell us that "government can't work" and "government doesn't create jobs". So what kind of help does that leave for the Middle Class? None?

Is the GOP solution for helping the Middle Class, "Don't help the Middle Class"? I honestly can't think of a single GOP policy that isn't geared toward the rich. If there are GOP policies designed to help the American Middle Class, what are they? No one can seriously run on, "You are on your own".
Middle class, scmiddle class. Why don't you attempt to succeed in live, vs. wallowing around in your piss all day. Nobody is stopping anyone from succeeding in America. Hell, if a dope like Sarah Palin can become a multi-millionaire, there's hope for even an idiot like you Dean.
What does 'rich people' mean to you, but more importantly, to the Democratic Party?
What does 'rich people' mean to you, but more importantly, to the Democratic Party?

I have been asking that question for months, and still haven't had a difinitive answer.

Would one of these brilliant Liberals please tell us - at what point is one rich? Can you provide an annual income level / a baseline that draws the line between middle class and rich?

What does 'rich people' mean to you, but more importantly, to the Democratic Party?

I have been asking that question for months, and still haven't had a difinitive answer.

Would one of these brilliant Liberals please tell us - at what point is one rich? Can you provide an annual income level / a baseline that draws the line between middle class and rich?

Why does rdean presuppose what America thinks?
The real good question should be, "Why does rdean think the GOP only cares for the wealthy while the Dems do not?".

No, the question should be, "When will RDean think?"
What does 'rich people' mean to you, but more importantly, to the Democratic Party?

I have been asking that question for months, and still haven't had a difinitive answer.

Would one of these brilliant Liberals please tell us - at what point is one rich? Can you provide an annual income level / a baseline that draws the line between middle class and rich?


John McCain says it's someone making 5 million a year. Does that work for you?
So the answer so far is "screw the middle class"?
What does 'rich people' mean to you, but more importantly, to the Democratic Party?

I have been asking that question for months, and still haven't had a difinitive answer.

Would one of these brilliant Liberals please tell us - at what point is one rich? Can you provide an annual income level / a baseline that draws the line between middle class and rich?


John McCain says it's someone making 5 million a year. Does that work for you?

That works just fine.

Now, if you don't mind, please go to this website and see who pays the most income taxes, and who pays the least.

Who Pays the Most Income Tax?

Once you've absorbed that, why don't you STFU about the "plight" of the middle class.
Because of the propaganda by liberals. The liberals Marxist/Socialist/Communist policies completely cave under debate (especially since their policies violate the Constitution). So they are forced to take the debate in another direction, ie falsely accusing conservatives of being "racist", of being for the "rich" and hating the poor, etc.

As Warrior102 stated above (and God Bless him for it) - you have no excuses in America except your own laziness. Nobody holds you back in America (although liberals and Obama are trying). Watch "The Pursuit of Happyness" and then come talk to me about "policies to help" anyone. The man was in complete poverty - homeless and hungry. And then he got tired of living that way and he did something about it. I wish the rest of you crying liberals would do the same. The statistics show that the more Socialist policies the liberals have created over the past 100 years, the more poverty this country has had - just like Cuba. You want to end the poverty - take away all of the programs that have removed motivation from those in poverty. Watch how quickly they better themselves when an endless supply of food, housing, and healthcare is taken away from them.

As Benjamin Franklin noted, "The best way to help the poor is to make them uncomfortable in their poverty". Once Chris Gardner became uncomfortable in his poverty, he did something about it. And he is now a multi-millionaire. Pretty much ends all excuses you whining liberals have...
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Why does America think the GOP only cares for the Wealthy?

Good question.

When someone makes that accusation, I notice that most, if not all of those on the right on the USMB, defend that position instead of denying it. They will say, "Rich people are job creators" or "Rich people already pay too much" or "Why shouldn't rich people keep what they earn"? Or they bring up socialism or communism or some other wild accusation.

But where do they talk about the Middle Class?

Where are their policies to help the Middle Class?

I know they ran on "jobs jobs jobs", but they also tell us that "government can't work" and "government doesn't create jobs". So what kind of help does that leave for the Middle Class? None?

Is the GOP solution for helping the Middle Class, "Don't help the Middle Class"? I honestly can't think of a single GOP policy that isn't geared toward the rich. If there are GOP policies designed to help the American Middle Class, what are they? No one can seriously run on, "You are on your own".

As mentioned, you dn't speak for America. You'e never met a Republican in real life so you have no idea.

The real question is why Democrats hate poor people, especially black ones. Only a hater could want to keep people dependent on the government for subsistance and keep their kids in failing inner city schools.
I don't recall being hated except for when the dems needed to use me as an example of white privaledge.

I do recall getting more back from the government than I put in over the last 3 years. [I slipped from what I thought was middle class to poor] and I will get more back this year.

Everyones tax loop holes should be closed, anyone that says otherwise is just adding to the problem.
So the answer so far is "screw the middle class"?

Small business owners are a huge part of the middle class. We have to sue Democrat precincts over voting abuses and vote-padding, which has run amok, rdean.

Big government is nobody's friend, it's just a self-perpetuating melee of people who want big salaries but don't want to work very hard for it.

Private business owners routinely have to do 80 hour weeks just to get by. Government workers may show up their 37 hours, but they aren't called on the carpet if they do 4 or 5 hours of real work a day to get a lot more pay than we get for 80 hours. We don't have time to text-message kids, relatives, friends, and such. We have to keep our noses to the grindstone until old age or bad health take us out.

The big government system is way out of control. We want our reduced fed back, and we're going to do everything we can to get it back. We're sick of no-call lists for Republicans (no confidentiality with the current right-to-know lists) and waiting in line for 5 or 6 damn hours while some fed airhead decides whether she will (1) help us with our IRS issue or (2) call 10 friends and shoot the fun breeze between assignments because nobody's damn watching the party because big government furnishes big private offices to people who used to have desks in a big open area where their actions and lack of action are obvious to da man.
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