Why does anyone need a high-capacity magazine?


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
By Mark Almonte

This article focuses on pistols with high-capacity magazines (a magazine that holds more than ten bullets). The same arguments in my recent article on assault weapons could apply to high-capacity magazines for rifles.

There are several reasons for civilians to own high-capacity magazines: the right to possess the necessary means to effectively defend themselves, misconception of bullet stopping power and shooting accuracy, and the issue of multiple attackers. Additionally, on a net balance, there are benefits to the community when law-abiding citizens own guns with high-capacity magazines. William Levinson at American Thinker smartly posed the question, "Do you believe that all human beings have a natural and inherent right to defend themselves from violent attack?"

All of us would agree that in a civilized society, people have a right to self-defense. The next logical progression is that the right to self-defense implies a right to the necessary means to effectively defend oneself.

Jeffrey Snyder at the Cato Institute points out that victims don't choose where and when they will be attacked. It is the criminal who decides. The criminal will wait until the victim is most vunerable, until he is alone, or when the police are gone. He will try to have every advantage over the victim, whether it be an armed advantage, strength, or outnumbering his prey. Mr. Snyder states, "The encounter will not be on equal terms; the fight will not be 'fair.'"


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Articles: Why does anyone need a high-capacity magazine?
Only the Military and State Forces should have large capacity magazines for Riot Control and to put down any Popular Uprising.
Only the Military and State Forces should have large capacity magazines for Riot Control and to put down any Popular Uprising.
Yet again, a wrong answer.

If any entity should be limited it is the all Governments, the US government included. More people have died at their hands than any other in ALL of human history.

It is a Bill of Rights, not a bill of needs.
By Mark Almonte

This article focuses on pistols with high-capacity magazines (a magazine that holds more than ten bullets). The same arguments in my recent article on assault weapons could apply to high-capacity magazines for rifles.

There are several reasons for civilians to own high-capacity magazines: the right to possess the necessary means to effectively defend themselves, misconception of bullet stopping power and shooting accuracy, and the issue of multiple attackers. Additionally, on a net balance, there are benefits to the community when law-abiding citizens own guns with high-capacity magazines. William Levinson at American Thinker smartly posed the question, "Do you believe that all human beings have a natural and inherent right to defend themselves from violent attack?"

All of us would agree that in a civilized society, people have a right to self-defense. The next logical progression is that the right to self-defense implies a right to the necessary means to effectively defend oneself.

Jeffrey Snyder at the Cato Institute points out that victims don't choose where and when they will be attacked. It is the criminal who decides. The criminal will wait until the victim is most vunerable, until he is alone, or when the police are gone. He will try to have every advantage over the victim, whether it be an armed advantage, strength, or outnumbering his prey. Mr. Snyder states, "The encounter will not be on equal terms; the fight will not be 'fair.'"


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Articles: Why does anyone need a high-capacity magazine?

Those who hope to be able to kill many human beings as quickly as possible; those who hope to hold off the US Army all by their lonesome; those who need a big and powerful weapon to compensate for a tiny and impotent penis.
20 and 30 round mags are standard magazines. Most rilfles come with 20 or 30 round mags from the factory.

10 round mags are reduced capacity magazines.

IF you'd ever been out target shooting or plinking, you'd know that not having to reload every 10 rounds makes it more enjoyable.

Also, if several perps break into your home, it's much better to have 20 or 30 rounds in your rifle, or 13-15 in your pistol. Look at any cop shooting, and most of the shots miss the target, so why would you want to handicap your own defense weapon, when the criminal won't be handicapping theirs?

IF you thought about it, you'd also realize that criminals will always be able to get any size mag they want. It's only we who obey laws that won't have anything bigger than a 10 round mag.

So essentially Dems are aiding and abetting criminals by taking away the law-abiding citizens' right to own whatever capacity mag they wish, since criminals, by definition, do not obey laws and will use any gun, mag or ammo they can buy off the street, or steal.
By Mark Almonte

This article focuses on pistols with high-capacity magazines (a magazine that holds more than ten bullets). The same arguments in my recent article on assault weapons could apply to high-capacity magazines for rifles.

There are several reasons for civilians to own high-capacity magazines: the right to possess the necessary means to effectively defend themselves, misconception of bullet stopping power and shooting accuracy, and the issue of multiple attackers. Additionally, on a net balance, there are benefits to the community when law-abiding citizens own guns with high-capacity magazines. William Levinson at American Thinker smartly posed the question, "Do you believe that all human beings have a natural and inherent right to defend themselves from violent attack?"

All of us would agree that in a civilized society, people have a right to self-defense. The next logical progression is that the right to self-defense implies a right to the necessary means to effectively defend oneself.

Jeffrey Snyder at the Cato Institute points out that victims don't choose where and when they will be attacked. It is the criminal who decides. The criminal will wait until the victim is most vunerable, until he is alone, or when the police are gone. He will try to have every advantage over the victim, whether it be an armed advantage, strength, or outnumbering his prey. Mr. Snyder states, "The encounter will not be on equal terms; the fight will not be 'fair.'"


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Articles: Why does anyone need a high-capacity magazine?

Those who hope to be able to kill many human beings as quickly as possible; those who hope to hold off the US Army all by their lonesome; those who need a big and powerful weapon to compensate for a tiny and impotent penis.

You're a good useful idiot.

Parroting those lame talking points right on cue!

Obama sends you a BIG wet kiss!
By Mark Almonte

This article focuses on pistols with high-capacity magazines (a magazine that holds more than ten bullets). The same arguments in my recent article on assault weapons could apply to high-capacity magazines for rifles.

There are several reasons for civilians to own high-capacity magazines: the right to possess the necessary means to effectively defend themselves, misconception of bullet stopping power and shooting accuracy, and the issue of multiple attackers. Additionally, on a net balance, there are benefits to the community when law-abiding citizens own guns with high-capacity magazines. William Levinson at American Thinker smartly posed the question, "Do you believe that all human beings have a natural and inherent right to defend themselves from violent attack?"

All of us would agree that in a civilized society, people have a right to self-defense. The next logical progression is that the right to self-defense implies a right to the necessary means to effectively defend oneself.

Jeffrey Snyder at the Cato Institute points out that victims don't choose where and when they will be attacked. It is the criminal who decides. The criminal will wait until the victim is most vunerable, until he is alone, or when the police are gone. He will try to have every advantage over the victim, whether it be an armed advantage, strength, or outnumbering his prey. Mr. Snyder states, "The encounter will not be on equal terms; the fight will not be 'fair.'"


Read more:
Articles: Why does anyone need a high-capacity magazine?

Those who hope to be able to kill many human beings as quickly as possible; those who hope to hold off the US Army all by their lonesome; those who need a big and powerful weapon to compensate for a tiny and impotent penis.
It is amazing how people like you can see into the heads of others. Do you make a living with a crystal ball and tarot cards too?

Or shall we just beat these feelings out of the populace so that they no longer desire these things.

I'm reminded of a good government saying. "The beatings will continue until moral improves."

Lets us all punish those who have committed no crime!
Those who hope to be able to kill many human beings as quickly as possible; those who hope to hold off the US Army all by their lonesome; those who need a big and powerful weapon to compensate for a tiny and impotent penis.
You have no sound response, and you want people to think you are a loon.
Mission accomplished.
Here's a letter I wrote and sent to all my reps, including Obama, DiFi, and Governor Brown, and it's intended for anyone who sides with the recent Dem assault on our 2nd Amendment rights:


Regarding: “To preserve, protect and defend the Constitution”, in your oath of office.

Some questions for you (addressed to Democrats in particular).

Why is it that whenever a criminal acts out with a gun, the knee-jerk response from Democrats is to punish law-abiding citizens with even more restrictive gun legislation, that only takes away more of our Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms, and in no way punishes the criminals?

How is it that you, who have armed protection paid for by me, and other taxpayers, believe that you have the right to choose what weapon I may own to defend myself, and how many rounds I can have in that weapon's magazine?

Do you realize that the increasing restrictions you put on semi-auto rifles only makes them less safe and harder to operate, and that criminals do not care how many laws you pass -- they will keep obtaining any weapon they want, with as large of capacity magazines as they wish, as well as whatever type and amount ammunition they desire, off the streets?

How is it that America has arrived at this low point, where our representatives/legislators actually desire to handicap/infringe law-abiding citizen’s Second Amendment rights, making us more vulnerable to criminals?

Honestly, do you really think criminals obey all, or any, of your laws? Do you even know the definition of a criminal? By definition, criminals do not obey laws. So the only folks you are affecting are those of us who keep jumping though the hoops you place before us, in an effort to not be criminals, and it’s getting to the point where your laws are becoming so restrictive that eventually we, the law-abiding American citizens, will have to surrender our guns in order to not be violating your laws.

Is that really your ultimate goal? To disarm the law-abiding American citizens? To use these tragedies as a cheap excuse to usurp our inalienable Constitutional rights, in violation of your oath of office?

At that point, the criminals will have won, aided and abetted by you, and every Democrat legislator that sides with your anti-Second Amendment crusade. And the great experiment called “America” will be over.

So please pause, rethink, reconsider, and stop this assault -- this war -- against the law-abiding citizens of the United States of America, and stop the overall assault on all of our Constitutional rights which has been occurring since January 20, 2009.
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Seems my comment hit home with a few good old boys. I bet each of them drives a big ass PU truck too, with an extra large tail pipe and oversize tires as accessories.
You've already succeeded in making yourself into a loon -- what are you going for now?
Only the Military and State Forces should have large capacity magazines for Riot Control and to put down any Popular Uprising.

Where were they during the LA Riots?
If it weren't for individuals protecting their homes and businesses with their personal firearms, the destruction would have been much greater.
Why does anyone need a high-capacity magazine?

Duh! To make it easier or right wingers to kill Americans. Did that really have to be explained?
65, retired law enforcement?

Then you should know that criminals will be able to get high capacity magazines no matter what kind of ban is enacted. Why would you want to put honest citizens at a disadvantage?

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