Why does everyone focus on Trumps background, but not Bernies?

The media virtually ignored Sanders until Iowa, and then their reaction was "Wait, what? Where did he come from?"

His record is no mystery to anyone willing to look for it.

That the first thing y'all pounce on is a single sentence spoken 30+ years ago suggests you can dig all you want, but you won't find any dirt.

If you do find anything you think you can use, though, be assured Hillary's staff are already running with it.
People don't know it. Period. People don't know he was a radical. People don't know he was friends with totalitarians.

And yet --- you think you do. Are you a robot, since you're not a people?

Bernie Sanders has been in the political spotlight since he was mayor of Burlington. Whether you personally were aware of it at the time is pretty much moot.

To be a older intellectual, you sure are a childish asswipe.
People in general, asshole.
And I wasn't at the time. I am only 30. Do you have a point to make or just trolling my posts?

Funny, you first said "people" don't know ---- then as soon as you're called on it you start whining "I'm only 30" . :crybaby:

This just in --- it ain't all about Numero Uno. "People" do know. I knew who Bernie Sanders was before I even moved to Vermont (and that was 1990).

Again: "People" --- "Numero Uno"..... know the difference.
If anyone looked at Sander's background they would find a lazy hippie who couldn't compete in the real world and became a political stooge


Astute is more like it. Of course you're a member of the clown brigade and everyone knows what you assholes are all about

Accusation Rabble...

Redundant asshole. Get some new material

Thats Ironic....The person who's only play is to always post what other people want using her imagination wants someone ELSE to get new material. Check it out. Funny stuff
The media virtually ignored Sanders until Iowa, and then their reaction was "Wait, what? Where did he come from?"

His record is no mystery to anyone willing to look for it.

That the first thing y'all pounce on is a single sentence spoken 30+ years ago suggests you can dig all you want, but you won't find any dirt.

If you do find anything you think you can use, though, be assured Hillary's staff are already running with it.
People don't know it. Period. People don't know he was a radical. People don't know he was friends with totalitarians.

And yet --- you think you do. Are you a robot, since you're not a people?

Bernie Sanders has been in the political spotlight since he was mayor of Burlington. Whether you personally were aware of it at the time is pretty much moot.

To be a older intellectual, you sure are a childish asswipe.
People in general, asshole.
And I wasn't at the time. I am only 30. Do you have a point to make or just trolling my posts?

Funny, you first said "people" don't know ---- then as soon as you're called on it you start whining "I'm only 30" . :crybaby:

This just in --- it ain't all about Numero Uno. "People" do know. I knew who Bernie Sanders was before I even moved to Vermont (and that was 1990).

Again: "People" --- "Numero Uno"..... know the difference.

I stated my age because you said "at the time". Care to elaborate on what fallacy that would be?
If anyone looked at Sander's background they would find a lazy hippie who couldn't compete in the real world and became a political stooge


Astute is more like it. Of course you're a member of the clown brigade and everyone knows what you assholes are all about

Accusation Rabble...

Redundant asshole. Get some new material

Thats Ironic....The person who's only play is to always post what other people want using her imagination wants someone ELSE to get new material. Check it out. Funny stuff

Do you ever post on topic or are you like the other clown brigadiers and are just here to flame? It gets old, grow up
Bernie's an old guy who grew up poor in Brooklyn. He's got a certain slant on who the bad guys are. I don't have his resentment of rich people, but I do think his universal healthcare proposal is a good one. Too bad someone with such radical ideas has to be the one to bring it to America--but he's got guts, I'll give him that.
You do realize he helped oversee the veterans hospital right?
Given the state of the VA (I know from experiences) that's not a plus.
WHY? Because Trump is a Republican and Bernie is a Democrat.

Remember back in 2008? The media told us that Barry being tutored by Communist Frank Marshall Davis, studying Saul Alynski, being best buds with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, being admittedly mentored by a racist hate-spewing anti-American-pastor, his declaring in his own book that in college he learned to be a chameleon - everything to everyone...that all of that was in Obama's past and his past did NOT matter, shouldn't be talked about?!

Had Barry been a Republican with all of that in his past he would have been viciously attacked and driven out of the race.

The past only matters if the person is a Republican.
The media virtually ignored Sanders until Iowa, and then their reaction was "Wait, what? Where did he come from?"

His record is no mystery to anyone willing to look for it.

That the first thing y'all pounce on is a single sentence spoken 30+ years ago suggests you can dig all you want, but you won't find any dirt.

If you do find anything you think you can use, though, be assured Hillary's staff are already running with it.
People don't know it. Period. People don't know he was a radical. People don't know he was friends with totalitarians.

And yet --- you think you do. Are you a robot, since you're not a people?

Bernie Sanders has been in the political spotlight since he was mayor of Burlington. Whether you personally were aware of it at the time is pretty much moot.

To be a older intellectual, you sure are a childish asswipe.
People in general, asshole.
And I wasn't at the time. I am only 30. Do you have a point to make or just trolling my posts?

Funny, you first said "people" don't know ---- then as soon as you're called on it you start whining "I'm only 30" . :crybaby:

This just in --- it ain't all about Numero Uno. "People" do know. I knew who Bernie Sanders was before I even moved to Vermont (and that was 1990).

Again: "People" --- "Numero Uno"..... know the difference.

I stated my age because you said "at the time". Care to elaborate on what fallacy that would be?

AGAIN the point sails over your head.
Read it again. Hint Look up "first person singular" and "third person plural".

Astute is more like it. Of course you're a member of the clown brigade and everyone knows what you assholes are all about

Accusation Rabble...

Redundant asshole. Get some new material

Thats Ironic....The person who's only play is to always post what other people want using her imagination wants someone ELSE to get new material. Check it out. Funny stuff

Do you ever post on topic or are you like the other clown brigadiers and are just here to flame? It gets old, grow up

Speaking of getting old

Get lost ya lying old hag.....Texas....BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

I do have a problem with public schools....they keep turning out idiots such as yourself

Sanders appeal is with the lazy, the free stuff crowd, those who are clueless that Socialism is a failed concept that has never worked and never will.

Woow, deep stuff ya got there. Could you do that thing where you beg someone else to be original? That was a hoot!
Bernie's an old guy who grew up poor in Brooklyn. He's got a certain slant on who the bad guys are. I don't have his resentment of rich people, but I do think his universal healthcare proposal is a good one. Too bad someone with such radical ideas has to be the one to bring it to America--but he's got guts, I'll give him that.
You do realize he helped oversee the veterans hospital right?
Given the state of the VA (I know from experiences) that's not a plus.
my point exactly. thank you.
WHY? Because Trump is a Republican and Bernie is a Democrat.

nnnnnno, I don't think that's historically accurate. I say "I don't think" only because I can't say for sure about Rump. Sanders has never been a Democrat until this run. He's come this far by defeating both Republicans AND Democrats, even when they run a joint candidate against him. His first election victory in fact unseated an entrenched Democrat.

Rump, who knows what he's been. He's a whore, so he's been whatever suited his purpose at the time. But to invoke the thread title --- Sanders' political history is well known; why does no one focus on Rump's?

Ironically enough, the post above ends with:

The past only matters if the person is a Republican.
Why does everyone focus on Trumps background, but not Bernies?

Bernie was not considered a threat to the nomination. That's why the Right has spent so many years beating up on Clinton.

Now that Bernie IS a threat, you will be seeing all kinds of manufactured bullshit about Bernie, and you will probably parrot much of it.
Why does everyone focus on Trumps background, but not Bernies?

Bernie was not considered a threat to the nomination. That's why the Right has spent so many years beating up on Clinton.

Now that Bernie IS a threat, you will be seeing all kinds of manufactured bullshit about Bernie, and you will probably parrot much of it.
Was any of that manufactured?

"I believe in the redistribution of wealth in this nation.” April 1985
Back in the 70s and 80s he called for govt takeover of various businesses, including utility and oil companies. He advocated money seizure and more.
So, why not talk about it?

Now that is a silly question. Take a long look at this board. What do the threads tell you?

People like Rdean create outlandish troll threads that are endlessly debated for some mysterious reason while the threads with true substance usually drop like rocks in a pond.

Then you have people like me on the right who are willing to openly call out the bullshit from their own side, often getting called a liberal for it lol. But you don't see that same scrutiny from the left when it comes to looking within.

The real mindfuck right now is Rdean is the only leftie I've seen call out Sanders. It's like being in an alternate universe lately. But of course his motive for it is obvious, Queen Clinton is actually being challenged for her seat at the head of the universe.
Why does everyone focus on Trumps background, but not Bernies?

Bernie was not considered a threat to the nomination. That's why the Right has spent so many years beating up on Clinton.

Now that Bernie IS a threat, you will be seeing all kinds of manufactured bullshit about Bernie, and you will probably parrot much of it.

You just proved my point. Partisan bullshit excuse for not vetting your own
Because the media doesn't think Bernie is a serious contender.
Why does everyone focus on Trumps background, but not Bernies?

Bernie was not considered a threat to the nomination. That's why the Right has spent so many years beating up on Clinton.

Now that Bernie IS a threat, you will be seeing all kinds of manufactured bullshit about Bernie, and you will probably parrot much of it.

You just proved my point. Partisan bullshit excuse for not vetting your own

"Vetting your own" what?
Why does everyone focus on Trumps background, but not Bernies?

Bernie was not considered a threat to the nomination. That's why the Right has spent so many years beating up on Clinton.

Now that Bernie IS a threat, you will be seeing all kinds of manufactured bullshit about Bernie, and you will probably parrot much of it.

You just proved my point. Partisan bullshit excuse for not vetting your own
My point just sailed a mile over your head.

Manufactured bullshit only destroys the manufacturer's integrity. It leaves the target unharmed. After years and years and years and years of repeating manufactured bullshit, and being defeated by Obama, TWICE, you parroting rubes haven't learned a thing.

Now that Bernie is moving on up, you rubes will be hand fed manufactured bullshit about him, which you will obediently parrot.
Why does everyone focus on Trumps background, but not Bernies?

Bernie was not considered a threat to the nomination. That's why the Right has spent so many years beating up on Clinton.

Now that Bernie IS a threat, you will be seeing all kinds of manufactured bullshit about Bernie, and you will probably parrot much of it.

You just proved my point. Partisan bullshit excuse for not vetting your own
My point just sailed a mile over your head.

Manufactured bullshit only destroys the manufacturer's integrity. It leaves the target unharmed. After years and years and years and years of repeating manufactured bullshit, and being defeated by Obama, TWICE, you parroting rubes haven't learned a thing.

Now that Bernie is moving on up, you rubes will be hand fed manufactured bullshit about him, which you will obediently parrot.
The op is not manufactured bullshit. Now go pick up your Legos kiddo
Because the media doesn't think Bernie is a serious contender.

Or to put it more accurately, he doesn't sell as well as a hothead bloviating about "rapists" and "pigs" and gyrating to mock congenital abnormalities.

At some point though, the electoral results demand that they have to acknowledge actual events, even if they're by contrast mundane.

Mass media likes drama. Rump is the queen of that, so that's where the attention goes. Policy, well MM has more of a challenge explaining selling that.

And that's the price of a money-driven media.
Why does everyone focus on Trumps background, but not Bernies?

Bernie was not considered a threat to the nomination. That's why the Right has spent so many years beating up on Clinton.

Now that Bernie IS a threat, you will be seeing all kinds of manufactured bullshit about Bernie, and you will probably parrot much of it.

You just proved my point. Partisan bullshit excuse for not vetting your own
My point just sailed a mile over your head.

Manufactured bullshit only destroys the manufacturer's integrity. It leaves the target unharmed. After years and years and years and years of repeating manufactured bullshit, and being defeated by Obama, TWICE, you parroting rubes haven't learned a thing.

Now that Bernie is moving on up, you rubes will be hand fed manufactured bullshit about him, which you will obediently parrot.
Like "trump wants to ban all immigration"?
Maybe we can discuss the OP, instead of your hypotheticals?

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