Why does everyone love Reagan so much?

And he was an amazing and inspirational speaker.

Yeah. Just like Barack Obama. I'm sure he will be also remembered as one of the greatest American presidents. For some reason people never care about the things politicians do. They only care about the things they say.
Greatest President in my lifetime. He was proud for both what America was and what it could be. He celebrated America, believed in its exceptionalism.... never thought about apologizing for America. He loved America unconditionally.

He took no shit from our true enemies and did not feel the need to be liked by the media. He was redemption to the four years of Carter's penance.
His kitchen cabinet did a helluva job of selling him. They were the forerunners of the Koch brothers.
Seriously, I can't understand that. He was arming Iran illegally, vetoed an anti-Apartheid act, gave amnesty to three million immigrants and raised taxes. Not to mention that he had Alzheimer's and was basically just a living vegetable by the end of his second term. And now Reagan is a role model for Scott Walker (who criticizes Obama for Iran nuclear deal). Isn't it hypocritical?

libs loved him?
Seriously, I can't understand that. He was arming Iran illegally, vetoed an anti-Apartheid act, gave amnesty to three million immigrants and raised taxes. Not to mention that he had Alzheimer's and was basically just a living vegetable by the end of his second term. And now Reagan is a role model for Scott Walker (who criticizes Obama for Iran nuclear deal). Isn't it hypocritical?

This is a mix of sheer ignorance and severe distortion. Reagan cut tax rates drastically overall. He agreed to some minor tax increases, but overall he gave us one of the largest tax cuts in American history. Tax rates were far lower when Reagan left office than when he took office. Just check the tax tables for 1980 and 1989, if you don't believe me.

Reagan "armed Iran illegally." He sold them missiles in a misguided attempt to free American hostages. He admitted it was a blunder. That is a far cry from what Obama is doing with his catastrophically bad nuke deal with Iran.

Yes, Reagan agreed to amnesty for 3 million illegals in exchange for the Democrats' promise that the border would be sealed, a promise that of course the Democrats reneged on.

Reagan was not pro-apartheid but he did not feel that imposing harsh sanctions was the way to go. Go read the memoirs of South Africa's leaders at the time to see how the Reagan administration was applying strong pressure on the South African government to institute reforms.
Seriously, I can't understand that. He was arming Iran illegally, vetoed an anti-Apartheid act, gave amnesty to three million immigrants and raised taxes. Not to mention that he had Alzheimer's and was basically just a living vegetable by the end of his second term. And now Reagan is a role model for Scott Walker (who criticizes Obama for Iran nuclear deal). Isn't it hypocritical?
well thats because Scott walker has the mental capacity of a person with Alzheimers ... he then tell his people that he won't mess with unions the can't what he said ... then he says he has created jobs but can't remember where they are ...
You would have to have been born/alive when he was President to Understand

Back then THE PEOPLE were more involved, more polite and civil over Politics and the Democrat party hadn't been infiltrated with full blown commies like they are today
Seriously, I can't understand that. He was arming Iran illegally, vetoed an anti-Apartheid act, gave amnesty to three million immigrants and raised taxes. Not to mention that he had Alzheimer's and was basically just a living vegetable by the end of his second term. And now Scott Walker uses Reagan as his role model while he criticizes Obama for Iran nuclear deal. Isn't it hypocritical?

1. He turned down a bad deal with Gorbachev.

2. He forced the USSR to back down over IRBMs in Europe.

3. He fired the illegally striking Air Traffic Controllers.

4. Iran-Contra involved absolutely no personal or political benefit to Reagan.

Compare that with Clinton's and Obama's scandals, Brainiac.
lets see here Iran Contra ??? really no personal political benifit to reagan ??? now here's a person who lives in the land of oz
Compared to most of our presidents the past century, he was better than most. Not really saying much since nearly all were disgusting welfare warfare statists unconstrained by the Constitution or anything else.
Ignoring all the whining liberals here - it you had lived through the Peanut Farmer years you would understand the relief felt by the American people when I real leader finally took the helm.

It will be similar in 2016 when a new broom sweeps into the White House and the Clinton/Obama debacle is in the past.
I think not...those same words were uttered when dipshit W took over from BJ Bubba and look what happened. We are descending to tyranny.
You would have to have been born/alive when he was President to Understand

Back then THE PEOPLE were more involved, more polite and civil over Politics and the Democrat party hadn't been infiltrated with full blown commies like they are today
now this is funny I still laughing at you
You would have to have been born/alive when he was President to Understand

Back then THE PEOPLE were more involved, more polite and civil over Politics and the Democrat party hadn't been infiltrated with full blown commies like they are today
now this is funny I still laughing at you

whatever. but you just proved my point.
you mean the pointed hat on your head that reads
on it
Like all presidents, he was a mixed bag.

Excellent as a figurehead -- and that does matter -- but drill down and there's plenty to criticize.

And his "government is the problem" line, while understandable on a shallow level, was radicalized and still too often taken as gospel by the absolutists.

You would have to have been born/alive when he was President to Understand

Back then THE PEOPLE were more involved, more polite and civil over Politics and the Democrat party hadn't been infiltrated with full blown commies like they are today
now this is funny I still laughing at you

whatever. but you just proved my point.
I was living back then ... as far back as Truman ... what you prove here like you always prove, stephoney is you haven't a brain in you head ... just a load of silly putty
Here's something I wrote in 2011 near Reagan's 100th birthday. It's still true now.

As we get closer to Reagan's 100th Birthday, we are going to get treated to the mythological Reagan who was a paragon of conservative virtue, ignoring the guy who actually was president from 1981 to 1989.

To quickly recap- The Real Ronald Reagan:

Tripled the National Debt.
Engaged in huge public spending programs.
Negotiated with Terrorists and traded arms for hostages.
Raised Taxes after cutting them.
Gave amnesty to 3 million illegal aliens.
Compromised with the Democratic Majority to expand social security.
Reached agreements with America's adversaries.

Appointed moderates to the Supreme Court

Rarely went to church and believed in Astrology

That was the REAL Ronald Reagan, and he was a good president because he was a PRAGMATIST, not a ideologue. An ideologue was George W. Bush, who kept to his policies even when they FAILED.

Sadly, what we are going to get from now until Feb 11 is replays of his best speeches, and no real discussion of what the implication of his policies were, such as the undermining of the middle class through free trade and deunionization of the private sector.
Like all presidents, he was a mixed bag.

Excellent as a figurehead -- and that does matter -- but drill down and there's plenty to criticize.

And his "government is the problem" line, while understandable on a shallow level, was radicalized and still too often taken as gospel by the absolutists.

This is on point. The founders gave us a government that would work for "we the people" if we were responsible enough to keep it. Reagan gave rise to the belief that government was the enemy of the people. It all started with the Powell memo, a call to arms of the business community. Reagan was their spokesman and he set out to starve the government of it's funding.
Seriously, I can't understand that. He was arming Iran illegally, vetoed an anti-Apartheid act, gave amnesty to three million immigrants and raised taxes. Not to mention that he had Alzheimer's and was basically just a living vegetable by the end of his second term. And now Reagan is a role model for Scott Walker (who criticizes Obama for Iran nuclear deal). Isn't it hypocritical?

Progressive and Communists are the only ones hate Reagan

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