Why does everyone love Reagan so much?

No one gives a rats ass if you on the left don't care about Reagan. that was 25 YEARS AGO. you all can stew in your hate of him for the rest of you miserable lives for all we care. go spew on him at Hufferpuffer or stinkprogess. they'll welcome your brand of hate with open arms because they all have that inside them too

it's not an honorable trait any of you should be proud of . but the people can't stand your Dear Leader so you have to spew hate on someone
We still have his tax rates and policies wrecking the country, and his propaganda machine wrecking your brains, hater dupes.

Yep, He lowered taxes on the super rich and gave them tons of loop holes. Now the rich get richer and richer on the backs of the poor. It isn't like the republican party gives two shits...

On the otherhand, Reagan wasn't for tiny little piece of shit government as he did invest in science and infrasatructure....Like all others before him. Little tiny piece of shit government is a joke!

Yep, He lowered taxes on the super rich and gave them tons of loop holes.

Hey, moron, he lowered taxes on everybody.
And the Tax Reform Act of 1986 eliminated tons of loopholes.
No one gives a rats ass if you on the left don't care about Reagan. that was 25 YEARS AGO. you all can stew in your hate of him for the rest of you miserable lives for all we care. go spew on him at Hufferpuffer or stinkprogess. they'll welcome your brand of hate with open arms because they all have that inside them too

it's not an honorable trait any of you should be proud of . but the people can't stand your Dear Leader so you have to spew hate on someone
We still have his tax rates and policies wrecking the country, and his propaganda machine wrecking your brains, hater dupes.

Yep, He lowered taxes on the super rich and gave them tons of loop holes. Now the rich get richer and richer on the backs of the poor. It isn't like the republican party gives two shits...

On the otherhand, Reagan wasn't for tiny little piece of shit government as he did invest in science and infrasatructure....Like all others before him. Little tiny piece of shit government is a joke!

Yep, He lowered taxes on the super rich and gave them tons of loop holes.

Hey, moron, he lowered taxes on everybody.
And the Tax Reform Act of 1986 eliminated tons of loopholes.
If you have 9 people and one super rich. You lower taxes on the nine by a penny but lower the taxes on the rich guy by a thousand, it's easy to say "But I lowered everybody's taxes." Yea, that's true. But you only fucked over 9.
No one gives a rats ass if you on the left don't care about Reagan. that was 25 YEARS AGO. you all can stew in your hate of him for the rest of you miserable lives for all we care. go spew on him at Hufferpuffer or stinkprogess. they'll welcome your brand of hate with open arms because they all have that inside them too

it's not an honorable trait any of you should be proud of . but the people can't stand your Dear Leader so you have to spew hate on someone
We still have his tax rates and policies wrecking the country, and his propaganda machine wrecking your brains, hater dupes.

Yep, He lowered taxes on the super rich and gave them tons of loop holes. Now the rich get richer and richer on the backs of the poor. It isn't like the republican party gives two shits...

On the otherhand, Reagan wasn't for tiny little piece of shit government as he did invest in science and infrasatructure....Like all others before him. Little tiny piece of shit government is a joke!

Yep, He lowered taxes on the super rich and gave them tons of loop holes.

Hey, moron, he lowered taxes on everybody.
And the Tax Reform Act of 1986 eliminated tons of loopholes.
Was The 1986 Tax Reform Really Simplification Was It Fair - Forbes

There was a general consensus that tax- motivated investments were bad for the country. They resulted in transactions which did not make economic sense absent the tax benefits. Further, many people believed that the wealthy had access to tax shelters that were not available to the middle class, undermining our tax system which is based on voluntary compliance.

This was the genesis of the passive activity rules, which stopped the tax shelter industry in its tracks. If you could only deduct losses from passive activities against income from similar activities, the tax benefit was greatly diminished. I have no problem with this concept. What I found shockingly unfair is that Congress applied these rules not just to new investments, but to all existing activities. Taxpayers made investments in 1985 and prior years on the basis of long settled tax laws that included favorable rates for depreciation to encourage certain types of investments. In order to pay for some of the rate reduction, Congress inserted a provision which made the new law applicable to old investments. In 1986 Congress destroyed the value of rental real estate for the owners who had counted on the benefit of tax deductions. By not grandfathering existing investments, Congress betrayed taxpayers.

---------------hmmm, interesting.
No one gives a rats ass if you on the left don't care about Reagan. that was 25 YEARS AGO. you all can stew in your hate of him for the rest of you miserable lives for all we care. go spew on him at Hufferpuffer or stinkprogess. they'll welcome your brand of hate with open arms because they all have that inside them too

it's not an honorable trait any of you should be proud of . but the people can't stand your Dear Leader so you have to spew hate on someone
We still have his tax rates and policies wrecking the country, and his propaganda machine wrecking your brains, hater dupes.

Yep, He lowered taxes on the super rich and gave them tons of loop holes. Now the rich get richer and richer on the backs of the poor. It isn't like the republican party gives two shits...

On the otherhand, Reagan wasn't for tiny little piece of shit government as he did invest in science and infrasatructure....Like all others before him. Little tiny piece of shit government is a joke!

Yep, He lowered taxes on the super rich and gave them tons of loop holes.

Hey, moron, he lowered taxes on everybody.
And the Tax Reform Act of 1986 eliminated tons of loopholes.
If you have 9 people and one super rich. You lower taxes on the nine by a penny but lower the taxes on the rich guy by a thousand, it's easy to say "But I lowered everybody's taxes." Yea, that's true. But you only fucked over 9.

Yeah, they lowered taxes on the rich so much that the top 1% pays more of the Federal Income tax than the bottom 90% does.

In 1980, the bottom 90 percent of taxpayers paid 50.72 percent of income taxes. In 2011 (the most recent year the data is available), the bottom 90 percent paid 31.74 percent of taxes. On the flip side, the top 1 percent paid 19.05 percent of taxes in 1980 and now pay 35.06 percent of taxes.

The Top 1 Percent Pays More in Taxes than the Bottom 90 Percent Tax Foundation

Tell me again how the Reagan tax cuts fucked over the 9 people in your example. Idiot.
No one gives a rats ass if you on the left don't care about Reagan. that was 25 YEARS AGO. you all can stew in your hate of him for the rest of you miserable lives for all we care. go spew on him at Hufferpuffer or stinkprogess. they'll welcome your brand of hate with open arms because they all have that inside them too

it's not an honorable trait any of you should be proud of . but the people can't stand your Dear Leader so you have to spew hate on someone
We still have his tax rates and policies wrecking the country, and his propaganda machine wrecking your brains, hater dupes.

Yep, He lowered taxes on the super rich and gave them tons of loop holes. Now the rich get richer and richer on the backs of the poor. It isn't like the republican party gives two shits...

On the otherhand, Reagan wasn't for tiny little piece of shit government as he did invest in science and infrasatructure....Like all others before him. Little tiny piece of shit government is a joke!

Yep, He lowered taxes on the super rich and gave them tons of loop holes.

Hey, moron, he lowered taxes on everybody.
And the Tax Reform Act of 1986 eliminated tons of loopholes.
Was The 1986 Tax Reform Really Simplification Was It Fair - Forbes

There was a general consensus that tax- motivated investments were bad for the country. They resulted in transactions which did not make economic sense absent the tax benefits. Further, many people believed that the wealthy had access to tax shelters that were not available to the middle class, undermining our tax system which is based on voluntary compliance.

This was the genesis of the passive activity rules, which stopped the tax shelter industry in its tracks. If you could only deduct losses from passive activities against income from similar activities, the tax benefit was greatly diminished. I have no problem with this concept. What I found shockingly unfair is that Congress applied these rules not just to new investments, but to all existing activities. Taxpayers made investments in 1985 and prior years on the basis of long settled tax laws that included favorable rates for depreciation to encourage certain types of investments. In order to pay for some of the rate reduction, Congress inserted a provision which made the new law applicable to old investments. In 1986 Congress destroyed the value of rental real estate for the owners who had counted on the benefit of tax deductions. By not grandfathering existing investments, Congress betrayed taxpayers.

---------------hmmm, interesting.

In 1986 Congress destroyed the value of rental real estate for the owners who had counted on the benefit of tax deductions. By not grandfathering existing investments, Congress betrayed taxpayers.

Yeah, lots of rich guys got screwed when their tax-shelters went away.
No one gives a rats ass if you on the left don't care about Reagan. that was 25 YEARS AGO. you all can stew in your hate of him for the rest of you miserable lives for all we care. go spew on him at Hufferpuffer or stinkprogess. they'll welcome your brand of hate with open arms because they all have that inside them too

it's not an honorable trait any of you should be proud of . but the people can't stand your Dear Leader so you have to spew hate on someone
We still have his tax rates and policies wrecking the country, and his propaganda machine wrecking your brains, hater dupes.

Yep, He lowered taxes on the super rich and gave them tons of loop holes. Now the rich get richer and richer on the backs of the poor. It isn't like the republican party gives two shits...

On the otherhand, Reagan wasn't for tiny little piece of shit government as he did invest in science and infrasatructure....Like all others before him. Little tiny piece of shit government is a joke!

Yep, He lowered taxes on the super rich and gave them tons of loop holes.

Hey, moron, he lowered taxes on everybody.
And the Tax Reform Act of 1986 eliminated tons of loopholes.
Then state and local taxes and FEES and payroll taxes were raised to make up the shortfall, all of which hit the nonrich much harder, so now the middle class pays as much or more than the richest, Pub dupe. And the poorest pay almost as much. Sayonara, American dream. see sig.
The rich and their corporations should be more. Why? Because they use the infrastructure more, use the police more, and expect the government to give out welfare so they can hog up more of the profit.

They should be banned from driving on the infrastructure until they pay their taxes.
Corporations used to pay 30-35% of taxes, now 10%, and most of that from small business. Half the giant corps pay little or nothing. Talk about welfare for the richest...mission accomplished, Reaganista chumps.
See what happens when you debate the legacy of Reagan. You get endless and hopelessly deadlocked debates about his economic policies. That is not a positive legacy or even a legacy at all. Whatever he did as far as economic policies have become old history that has little affect today. Problems like this don't occur when discussing FDR. Even his economic policies were used for decades and many are still being used today.
We still have Reaganist tax rates and policies that are killing the nonrich and the country, and Booosh continued his chickenhawk, disastrous foreign policy.
No one gives a rats ass if you on the left don't care about Reagan.

the left does not like Reagan or our Founders because they believed in liberty from big liberal govt. It is no surprise they spied for Stalin while he was slowly starving 60 million to death!!.
We still have Reaganist tax rates and policies that are killing the nonrich and the country, and Booosh continued his chickenhawk, disastrous foreign policy.

worthless idiot liberal!! We still have Reagan tax rates 35 years later??? The illiterate GED student strikes again!
. Problems like this don't occur when discussing FDR..

true, FDR's economy was the Great Depression, the worst economic period in American History. All who are not insane agree that a depression is a bad thing; in fact a very bad thing.
No one gives a rats ass if you on the left don't care about Reagan. that was 25 YEARS AGO. you all can stew in your hate of him for the rest of you miserable lives for all we care. go spew on him at Hufferpuffer or stinkprogess. they'll welcome your brand of hate with open arms because they all have that inside them too

it's not an honorable trait any of you should be proud of . but the people can't stand your Dear Leader so you have to spew hate on someone
We still have his tax rates and policies wrecking the country, and his propaganda machine wrecking your brains, hater dupes.

Yep, He lowered taxes on the super rich and gave them tons of loop holes. Now the rich get richer and richer on the backs of the poor. It isn't like the republican party gives two shits...

On the otherhand, Reagan wasn't for tiny little piece of shit government as he did invest in science and infrasatructure....Like all others before him. Little tiny piece of shit government is a joke!

Yep, He lowered taxes on the super rich and gave them tons of loop holes.

Hey, moron, he lowered taxes on everybody.
And the Tax Reform Act of 1986 eliminated tons of loopholes.
Then state and local taxes and FEES and payroll taxes were raised to make up the shortfall, all of which hit the nonrich much harder, so now the middle class pays as much or more than the richest, Pub dupe. And the poorest pay almost as much. Sayonara, American dream. see sig.

Then state and local taxes and FEES and payroll taxes were raised to make up the shortfall,

States and localities raised their taxes to make up for lower Federal taxes?
That makes no sense.
Payroll taxes and income taxes don't mix. There would be no reason to raise payroll taxes to "make up the shortfall" of lower income taxes.

Are you drunk? Or just stupid?

so now the middle class pays as much or more than the richest,

Oh, just stupid.
We still have Reaganist tax rates and policies that are killing the nonrich and the country, and Booosh continued his chickenhawk, disastrous foreign policy.

When Reagan left office, the top rate was 28%. It's now nearly 40%.
It's official, you're a moron.
. Problems like this don't occur when discussing FDR..

true, FDR's economy was the Great Depression, the worst economic period in American History. All who are not insane agree that a depression is a bad thing; in fact a very bad thing.
The depression started four years before FDR became president. It was in full swing when FDR was inaugurated. It was a global depression. You are accusing FDR of starting a global depression four years before he became President.
The suffering of the depression was decreased steadily after FDR became President. His implementing of the Gold Act to raise funds which were in turn loaned to the states for public works projects was genius. It created jobs as it financed projects that we are still benefiting from today. Real unemployment was cut in half and while some citizens may have only had six month or one year long rotating jobs, the population was able to in a sense take turns at earning income and hence were able to save homes, feed their families, etc. FDR concentrated on making life livable for the average American and ignored the demands of the elite and aristocrats who were used to having first feed at the trough. His reversing of the policy of pandering to the upper income class infuriated that class. They have been fighting for it's return ever since. They made no headway until Reagan. Today's political battles can be tied to the FDR vs Reagan concepts of what America is supposed to be.
You are accusing FDR of starting a global depression four years before he became President.

Roosevelt was just a continuation of Hoover that extended the Depression another 12 years into a world war that killed 60 million. The worst record in American History by far!!

****Here's what Henry Morgenthau, FDR's Secretary of the Treasury (the man who desperately needed the New Deal to succeed as much as Roosevelt) said about the New Deal stimulus: "We have tried spending money.We are spending more than we ever have spent before and it does not work... We have never made good on our promises...I say after eight years of this administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started... And an enormous debt to boot!"

"The New Republic"( at the time a FDR greatest supporter") noted. In June 1939, the federal public works programs still supported almost 19 million people, nearly 15% of the population" [page 313]

In fact in 1939, unemployment was at 17%, and there were 11 million additional in stimulus make work welfare jobs. Today when the population is 2.5 times greater we have only 8 million unemployed. Conclusion: legislation to make Democrats illegal
is urgently needed
You are accusing FDR of starting a global depression four years before he became President.

Roosevelt was just a continuation of Hoover that extended the Depression another 12 years into a world war that killed 60 million. The worst record in American History by far!!

****Here's what Henry Morgenthau, FDR's Secretary of the Treasury (the man who desperately needed the New Deal to succeed as much as Roosevelt) said about the New Deal stimulus: "We have tried spending money.We are spending more than we ever have spent before and it does not work... We have never made good on our promises...I say after eight years of this administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started... And an enormous debt to boot!"

"The New Republic"( at the time a FDR greatest supporter") noted. In June 1939, the federal public works programs still supported almost 19 million people, nearly 15% of the population" [page 313]

In fact in 1939, unemployment was at 17%, and there were 11 million additional in stimulus make work welfare jobs. Today when the population is 2.5 times greater we have only 8 million unemployed. Conclusion: legislation to make Democrats illegal
is urgently needed

My question is why do conservatives love Ronald Reagan when he was more liberal than than Hillary Clinton?
His average approval rating over an 8 year period was 52.8% Lower than Lyndon Johnson, lower than GHWB, lower than Bill Clinton.
He raised taxes in 1982,1983,1984,1985,1986 and 1987.
Spending grew by 2.5% a year.
The national debt when he took office was $700 billion and when he left it was $3 Trillion.
When Reagan was inaugurated the number of federal employees was 2.8 million and when he left it was 3 million.
When Reagan ran for president, he promised to get rid of two agencies the Department of Energy and the Department of Education - he didn't and added a new one the Department of Veteran Affairs.

Wow, what a resume and the right has the temerity to quibble over Obama?
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