WHY Does Harry Reid / Liberals HATE Americans so much and Love Criminal Illegals?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Harry Reid defiantly took a stand in defense of every repeat illegal immigrant criminal offender in the US and those about to come into the US...AGAIN...while declaring to the American citizens, "F* YOU, I don't work for YOU, and I will not work to protect you and make YOU safer!"

Isn't that 'special'...?

Are winning illegal votes to ensure you and your pathetic, corrupt brethren stay in office SUCH a higher priority than protecting the lives of American citizens?

Harry Reid Blocks Kate’s Law
LINK: http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/11/04/harry-reid-blocks-kates-law/

"Senate Democratic Leader Senator Harry Reid blocked legislation Wednesday increasing the penalty for illegal immigrants who return to the U.S. after a deportation, also known as Kate’s Law, claiming the legislation to be part of the GOP agenda of attacking immigrants and tearing ."

If the law would only effects ‘repeat offender’ criminal illegals, so HOW would this be targeting ‘immigrants’? Only a Liberal can try to convince someone that a law targeting CRIMINALS is a law targeting 'law-abiding' criminal illegal immigrants!

And since in many cases it is the ILLEGALS who split their family apart, sending part of the US and the rest left behind, aren’t THEY the ones who have ALREADY ‘torn their family apart’?

Maybe Harry is right – we don’t want to split families up...so when we catch one of these guys trying to break into the US to join his illegal family, perhaps we should round up the entire family – for their own good – and send them ALL back together?!?

Leave it to Harry Reid and Liberals, though, to put what s best for criminal illegals over the safety and security of American citizens...like Katie!
Meanwhile, Dr. Ben Carson gushes about a convicted murderer who did 8.5 years for murder. But applauds him becuase he found jeebus in prison.
Meanwhile, Dr. Ben Carson gushes about a convicted murderer who did 8.5 years for murder. But applauds him becuase he found jeebus in prison.

Did Carson say the guy should never have been jailed? NO!

Did Carson say he would block any legislation that would have put him or others who committed his crime in jail? NO!

So that compares to the fact that Reid is trying to protect repeat criminal offenders from justice HOW?! IT DOESN'T!

So you are upset that a Christian is glad that a criminal repented and accepted Christ?!

Got it...thanks.

Meanwhile, Dr. Ben Carson gushes about a convicted murderer who did 8.5 years for murder. But applauds him becuase he found jeebus in prison.

On the bright side I'm glad somebody finally found him, I'm sure it'll make all those people that have been predicting his "return" really happy. :)

BTW WTF was he doing in Prison? let me guess, he ran afoul of the ATF with all that water into wine bullshit, huh?
OP until Trump raised the alarm the liberal media working with both Dem's and Rep's carefully controlled any discussion of illegals. Nobody was supposed to speak publically about the murders, rapes, robberies, tax fraud, drug running. Government wasn't supposed to collect crime statistics on illegals. Nobody was supposed to talk about the billions of dollars illegals are costing our country, anchor babies, or the fact that our elected leaders are completely ignoring our immigration laws. The narrative was 'oh these poor undocumented people just want a job'. Trump has completely destroyed this carefully crafted narrative and a lot of people in this country are pissed!
Meanwhile, Dr. Ben Carson gushes about a convicted murderer who did 8.5 years for murder. But applauds him becuase he found jeebus in prison.

^^^ pathetic deflection

Ya, support for illegal aliens is worth that big long OP. But about a paragraph for murder is the deflection.

Your idiot post had nothing to do with the OP, go start a thread on Carson and your hatred of Christians if you wish.
Keep your focus on the topic please and don't derail the thread. Thanks

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