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Why Does He Lie?

The truth is deflecting? Lol

You are trolling. The O/P isn't about Obamacare, coward.
Oh, you want more Obama lies?
Look, you sick trolling asshole, why are you not defending the orange clown's statements? Could it be because they are clearly indefensible? You want to post about President Obama, create your own thread, this one is about the psychotic liar that is currently President.
Your an asshole that wants to Nick pick. You do know Trump signed a Bill giving minority colleges more money? That's more than Obama did for them in eight years. View attachment 111311
That should be: "You're an asshole who wants to nitpick....". Trump loves the undereducated.
What Bill was this that he signed?
A Bill that will help minorities get an education. Something liberals are against. Go Trump!
Yes they always cut the QUALIFYING STATEMENTS!!! First thing SHIT mattews asked was a lead in to his daily lie asking if Trump was against abortion, and it was ILLEGAL the YADA.YADA. YADA would the woman have to be punished. The lead in MADE the actual QUESTION mathhews was asking Trump "IF a woman broke a law would she have to be punished". NO amount of BS can change the actual question!!!! Only a large PLANNED line of diversion that he and all of the news producers know is too much for a liberal monoplanic mentally challenged person to follow.
They are the part raising the murder rates by 45%.
The murder rate in our country is not the highest it has been in 47 years.

Trump lied.

He used Chicago as the example. Are you the only one too dumb to not realize he wasn't talking about rural USA but making in roads to the inner cities? I wonder how many in the inner cities watching him meet with law enforcement talking about their problems actually give a fuck other parts of the country don't have their murder rate. The murder rates are up by 45% in that neck of the woods. I'm sure they will settle down and side with you since it isn't nation wide over that so called lie.
Like I said, if rightards didn't lie, they'd have nothing to post.

View attachment 111323
New York City and Los Angeles are those "conservative cities" Missouri Mike is talking about.


This is what happens when idiots make up more lies to cover the lies of Dear Leader, instead of just admitting he lied. :lol:
In 2015, it was revealed that the LAPD had been under-reporting crime for eight years, making the crime rate in the city appear much lower than it really is. Approximately 14,000 assaults went unreported as "minor offenses" rather than violent crimes.[4]Additionally, recent years have seen increased crime in the city.

Hmm, wonder why that would be?
Trump lied. And your Chicago defense has collapsed. Not even Chicago has the highest murder rate in 47 years.

Trump lied.

Why are you working so hard to defend a lie? What special kind of retard defends the indefensible?

Is your belief system really that fragile?

I bet the tards can't even find a CITY which has the highest homicide rate in 47 years.

The dumb shits have dug themselves into a helluva hole in their futile quest to defend a pathological liar.
OK, between you, the celebrities losing their shit and the women wearing vagina costumes you've convinced me I made a huge mistake voting for Trump. Man I sure hope this works out in the end. LMAO!!
Did Trump say " Women who have abortions must be punished"? How about it liberal LIARS!!
I heard him say it, on Chris Matthews town-hall thingy....

Are you claiming he didn't?

No you did not hear him say that. He said something entirely different you heard what you wanted to hear to support your support of a treasonist lying criminal.
You nuts are ... nuts :cuckoo:

Here, watch him say it out of his own mouth....

Matthews: Do you believe in punishment for abortion, 'yes' or 'no?' As a principle.

Trump: The answer is, that there has to be some form of punishment.

Matthews: For the woman?

Trump: Yeah, there has to be some form.

Did Trump say " Women who have abortions must be punished"? How about it liberal LIARS!!
I heard him say it, on Chris Matthews town-hall thingy....

Are you claiming he didn't?

No you did not hear him say that. He said something entirely different you heard what you wanted to hear to support your support of a treasonist lying criminal.
I heard him say it and I heard him say his reasoning why he believed such under the scenario that Chris Matthews gave him.... the whole thing was more of a made scenario...basically, ''IF Abortion is made illegal, what would the punishment be", if memory serves me, they talked about the Doctor first, and I believe he said yes on the doctor being punished and serving jailtime, and then Chris Matthews payed hardball, and asked him about ''the women who have the abortions...how about them....?''

And he asked a couple of times, again if memory serves me...

And then finally President Trump said something like, "Yes, they would have to be....they would have to get punishment if it's against the law"

YOU ARE RIGHT!!! but he did NOT say that women would have to be punished for having an abortion. He DID say (if it was against the law) "There would have to be some kind of punishment". A VERY LARGE DIFFERENCE in the two statements. Just like the shit in this thread.
We are seeing exactly why Trump lies. It is because his Chumps want him to lie to them.

They DESERVE to be lied to.
I can go to Chicago next weekend and be there for no less than 15 murders. And Trump is the problem? Wouldn't a better Trump lie be to tell us Chicago is safe and there are no murders?
Trump said, "country," not, "Chicago."
President Tinkles said:
The murder rate in our country is the highest it’s been in 47 years, right? Did you know that? Forty-seven years."
Why can't you stop diverting from what he actually said?
Here's where I think you left wing nut jobs completely miss how Trump talks to normal people. You parse words. OMG! He used this word or that word. And completely miss the whole message. As a country the murder rate is down, good job conservative America. However in the liberal cities they have more than made up for it. So when Trump is addressing, and specifically mentions Chicago as having rising murder rates you jump to OMG! he's a liar! mode. The people in Chicago kinda understood that yes Chicago is a fucked up mess, the rest of the country never thought he meant us but at the same time though thought yeah Chicago is pretty messed up. So you keep on dotting the I's and crossing the T's and all the while his message gets out there and normal people know WTF he is talking about.

So Trump was telling the truth if you redefine the words he actually uses to mean something he didn't say??


And you're actually stupid enough to project that we're the ones parsing his words and think nobody would notice.
Did Trump say " Women who have abortions must be punished"? How about it liberal LIARS!!
I heard him say it, on Chris Matthews town-hall thingy....

Are you claiming he didn't?

No you did not hear him say that. He said something entirely different you heard what you wanted to hear to support your support of a treasonist lying criminal.
I heard him say it and I heard him say his reasoning why he believed such under the scenario that Chris Matthews gave him.... the whole thing was more of a made scenario...basically, ''IF Abortion is made illegal, what would the punishment be", if memory serves me, they talked about the Doctor first, and I believe he said yes on the doctor being punished and serving jailtime, and then Chris Matthews payed hardball, and asked him about ''the women who have the abortions...how about them....?''

And he asked a couple of times, again if memory serves me...

And then finally President Trump said something like, "Yes, they would have to be....they would have to get punishment if it's against the law"
Trump got immediate backlash for saying women should be punished for abortions. This is what happens when a New York liberal tries to pretend to be a conservative without knowing what real conservatives think or believe.

So Trump changed his abortion position about five times in two days, which prompted me to make the satirical bit which I will re-create below:


I'm very pro-choice. Right up to the ninth month of pregnancy. I have New York values.


Those bitches who abort should go to prison.

Is handed a note:


Things are unclear.

Is handed another note:

D. The woman is a victim. Final answer.
Did Trump say " Women who have abortions must be punished"? How about it liberal LIARS!!
I heard him say it, on Chris Matthews town-hall thingy....

Are you claiming he didn't?

No you did not hear him say that. He said something entirely different you heard what you wanted to hear to support your support of a treasonist lying criminal.
You nuts are ... nuts :cuckoo:

Here, watch him say it out of his own mouth....

Matthews: Do you believe in punishment for abortion, 'yes' or 'no?' As a principle.

Trump: The answer is, that there has to be some form of punishment.

Matthews: For the woman?

Trump: Yeah, there has to be some form.

Another lie!!
Did Trump say " Women who have abortions must be punished"? How about it liberal LIARS!!
I heard him say it, on Chris Matthews town-hall thingy....

Are you claiming he didn't?

No you did not hear him say that. He said something entirely different you heard what you wanted to hear to support your support of a treasonist lying criminal.
I heard him say it and I heard him say his reasoning why he believed such under the scenario that Chris Matthews gave him.... the whole thing was more of a made scenario...basically, ''IF Abortion is made illegal, what would the punishment be", if memory serves me, they talked about the Doctor first, and I believe he said yes on the doctor being punished and serving jailtime, and then Chris Matthews payed hardball, and asked him about ''the women who have the abortions...how about them....?''

And he asked a couple of times, again if memory serves me...

And then finally President Trump said something like, "Yes, they would have to be....they would have to get punishment if it's against the law"
Trump got immediate backlash for saying women should be punished for abortions. This is what happens when a New York liberal tries to pretend to be a conservative without knowing what real conservatives think or believe.

So Trump changed his abortion position about five times in two days, which prompted me to make the satirical bit which I will re-create below:


I'm very pro-choice. Right up to the ninth month of pregnancy. I have New York values.


Those bitches who abort should go to prison.

Is handed a note:


Things are unclear.

Is handed another note:

D. The woman is a victim. Final answer.

More BS by the king.
MATTHEWS: Do you believe in punishment for abortion, yes or no as a principle?

TRUMP: The answer is that there has to be some form of punishment.

MATTHEWS: For the woman.

TRUMP: Yeah, there has to be some form.

Trump didn't say that???

Why can't you rightards ever tell the truth? About anything??

Oh, wait ... I know ... :desk:

You think that was Alec Baldwin ... am I right?
"he said Obama relied on the stupidity of his supportershe said Obama relied on the stupidity of his supporters"

Nope, he never said that. That you have to lie to make a point reveals more about you than you intend. What Gruber said was ObamaCare passed because of the "stupidity of the American voter." He called American voters stupid. It applies to the right too as that's how Trump got elected.
Nope just Obama supporters. I never supported it, like you. I was against it, so he didn't fool me, like he did you. So how does it feel that your hero thinks of you as an ignorant fool?
And he still never said, "Democrat voters." He said America voters are stupid.

Look at that... you just proved him right again.
Okay how many republican voters supported obamacare? Tell me that, and you might realize who Gruber was talking about. The amusing thing is, your still defending him for calling you ignorant. Lol
All the rightard spin in the world won't change Gruber's words ... "stupidity of the America voter"

And you prove him right with every post.
Just the voter that supported obama, and you are showing your stupidity by still sticking up for him. He said Obama relied on the ignorance of the American voter that supported obamacare. If it wasn't for people like yourself. It would've never passed. The ignorant.
Nope, he did not say, "the American voter that supported obamacare." You're just likle Trump; you can't stop lying. He said the "Stupidity of the American voter"

That's you.

No he did not, He only said as one of you other team members stated correctly that if the woman broke the law by having an abortion there would have to be some kind of punishment. FOR BREAKING A LAW, not for whatever the act was. All of the rest was window dressing by matthews as always when he asks a conservative a question. All of this proves you're a monoplanic thinker. and can't follow a multiplanic equation to reach a factual analysis of a subject in debate.
Did Trump say " Women who have abortions must be punished"? How about it liberal LIARS!!
I heard him say it, on Chris Matthews town-hall thingy....

Are you claiming he didn't?

No you did not hear him say that. He said something entirely different you heard what you wanted to hear to support your support of a treasonist lying criminal.
You nuts are ... nuts :cuckoo:

Here, watch him say it out of his own mouth....

Matthews: Do you believe in punishment for abortion, 'yes' or 'no?' As a principle.

Trump: The answer is, that there has to be some form of punishment.

Matthews: For the woman?

Trump: Yeah, there has to be some form.

Another lie!!


I posted the video of him saying it.

Leave it to the brain-dead right to call posting a video of Trump saying what he said, a "lie."

Speaking of lies ....

“And yet the murder rate in our country is the highest it’s been in 47 years, right? Did you know that? Forty-seven years." ~ Liar-in_Chief
Yes they always cut the QUALIFYING STATEMENTS!!! First thing SHIT mattews asked was a lead in to his daily lie asking if Trump was against abortion, and it was ILLEGAL the YADA.YADA. YADA would the woman have to be punished. The lead in MADE the actual QUESTION mathhews was asking Trump "IF a woman broke a law would she have to be punished". NO amount of BS can change the actual question!!!! Only a large PLANNED line of diversion that he and all of the news producers know is too much for a liberal monoplanic mentally challenged person to follow.
Trump is a New York liberal pretending to be a conservative. He never had a conservative thought about abortion. He was "very pro-choice". And so when he changed his voter registration to Republican, he had no idea what conservatives thought about abortion beyond it should be illegal.

Matthews caught him. Trump dodged and weaved and weaved and dodged the question. Then, when cornered, Trump gave the answer a liberal pretending to be a conservative would give.
He's a poser and a liar.

And you fell for the whole act.
I don't know why he is a pathological liar....he lies every single day....it's like he can't help from doing it and everyone his entire life, has given him a 'pass' on it...???

Maybe he is simply a believer of the crud out there on the Net from all the cruddy fake news sites that he reads?

Maybe he's lied his way out of trouble his whole life, so he thinks he can do it as president as well?
Did Trump say " Women who have abortions must be punished"? How about it liberal LIARS!!
I heard him say it, on Chris Matthews town-hall thingy....

Are you claiming he didn't?

No you did not hear him say that. He said something entirely different you heard what you wanted to hear to support your support of a treasonist lying criminal.
You nuts are ... nuts :cuckoo:

Here, watch him say it out of his own mouth....

Matthews: Do you believe in punishment for abortion, 'yes' or 'no?' As a principle.

Trump: The answer is, that there has to be some form of punishment.

Matthews: For the woman?

Trump: Yeah, there has to be some form.

Another lie!!


I posted the video of him saying it.

Leave it to the brain-dead right to call posting a video of Trump saying what he said, a "lie."

Speaking of lies ....

“And yet the murder rate in our country is the highest it’s been in 47 years, right? Did you know that? Forty-seven years." ~ Liar-in_Chief

No you posted a video and didn't post what was actually said in it. like most liberal liars, And as for the murder specs you need to actually research the Murder rates in some of the cities in the country. As I posted you only give the parts of anything you want to support your lie. That is why Trump beat all the liberal shit in this country because of shit like that lies that can't be proved while discounting FACTS about your chosen Treasonist. What I posted was what Trump said about the abortion Question. You skipped over all of it but the part you wanted to hear. I have no facts to prove that Trump was not in the same situation with the Crime rate stats, so I am not making a judgement but of course you think you are smarter than GOD and can do so.
I don't know why he is a pathological liar....he lies every single day....it's like he can't help from doing it and everyone his entire life, has given him a 'pass' on it...???

Maybe he is simply a believer of the crud out there on the Net from all the cruddy fake news sites that he reads?

Maybe he's lied his way out of trouble his whole life, so he thinks he can do it as president as well?

Same crap Prove the "LIES". Most of the so called lies are just like the abortion thing. Edited by the press for a desired outcome or filled with secondary interjection to hide the actual subject from monoplanics.
I heard him say it, on Chris Matthews town-hall thingy....

Are you claiming he didn't?

No you did not hear him say that. He said something entirely different you heard what you wanted to hear to support your support of a treasonist lying criminal.
You nuts are ... nuts :cuckoo:

Here, watch him say it out of his own mouth....

Matthews: Do you believe in punishment for abortion, 'yes' or 'no?' As a principle.

Trump: The answer is, that there has to be some form of punishment.

Matthews: For the woman?

Trump: Yeah, there has to be some form.

Another lie!!


I posted the video of him saying it.

Leave it to the brain-dead right to call posting a video of Trump saying what he said, a "lie."

Speaking of lies ....

“And yet the murder rate in our country is the highest it’s been in 47 years, right? Did you know that? Forty-seven years." ~ Liar-in_Chief

No you posted a video and didn't post what was actually said in it. like most liberal liars, And as for the murder specs you need to actually research the Murder rates in some of the cities in the country. As I posted you only give the parts of anything you want to support your lie. That is why Trump beat all the liberal shit in this country because of shit like that lies that can't be proved while discounting FACTS about your chosen Treasonist. What I posted was what Trump said about the abortion Question. You skipped over all of it but the part you wanted to hear. I have no facts to prove that Trump was not in the same situation with the Crime rate stats, so I am not making a judgement but of course you think you are smarter than GOD and can do so.


Quoting Trump and playing a video for corroboration is now lying. If that's lying, what do you call this.... ?

“And yet the murder rate in our country is the highest it’s been in 47 years, right? Did you know that? Forty-seven years." ~ Liar-in-Chief

And I posted the murder rates in Chicago .... they are not up to 47 year record levels either.

Like President Tinkles, you just can't stop lying, can you?
I don't know why he is a pathological liar....he lies every single day....it's like he can't help from doing it and everyone his entire life, has given him a 'pass' on it...???

Maybe he is simply a believer of the crud out there on the Net from all the cruddy fake news sites that he reads?

Maybe he's lied his way out of trouble his whole life, so he thinks he can do it as president as well?

Same crap Prove the "LIES". Most of the so called lies are just like the abortion thing. Edited by the press for a desired outcome or filled with secondary interjection to hide the actual subject from monoplanics.
I watched the townhall, it was LIVE....

Trump LIED to you saying it was edited.

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