Why does jack3 have a swastika as his avatar?

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Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022

Why do you have a swastika as your avatar? This is a discussion board and it’s polite to answer to these concerns. I’m not here to judge you. But myself and another poster simply want to find out why you’re doing this. Are you a left-wing person who is trying to cause trouble or do you actually believe in the ideals of Hitler. Or maybe you are a Hindu/buddhist , which is why you are supporting the avatar.… the swastika was and is a religious symbol that was used many years before the rise of the third Reich in Germany.

or the other possibility is that maybe you are using the swastika as an avatar to troll other people.?? In any event I don’t judge you and I’m looking forward to your answer.

Please understand that if you do support Hitler, I’m not here to insult you or get into a debate about that, but it is simply a matter of why you have the swastika as your avatar.

Why do you have a swastika as your avatar? This is a discussion board and it’s polite to answer to these concerns. I’m not here to judge you. But myself and another poster simply want to find out why you’re doing this. Are you a left-wing person who is trying to cause trouble or do you actually believe in the ideals of Hitler. Or maybe you are a Hindu/buddhist , which is why you are supporting the avatar.… the swastika was and is a religious symbol that was used many years before the rise of the third Reich in Germany.

or the other possibility is that maybe you are using the swastika as an avatar to troll other people.?? In any event I don’t judge you and I’m looking forward to your answer.

Please understand that if you do support Hitler, I’m not here to insult you or get into a debate about that, but it is simply a matter have the swastika as your avatar.
I just assume he's wanting to fit in.

Why do you have a swastika as your avatar? This is a discussion board and it’s polite to answer to these concerns. I’m not here to judge you. But myself and another poster simply want to find out why you’re doing this. Are you a left-wing person who is trying to cause trouble or do you actually believe in the ideals of Hitler. Or maybe you are a Hindu/buddhist , which is why you are supporting the avatar.… the swastika was and is a religious symbol that was used many years before the rise of the third Reich in Germany.

or the other possibility is that maybe you are using the swastika as an avatar to troll other people.?? In any event I don’t judge you and I’m looking forward to your answer.

Please understand that if you do support Hitler, I’m not here to insult you or get into a debate about that, but it is simply a matter of why you have the swastika as your avatar.
Swastika/hakenkreuz(bent cross)? I thought it was the symbol of the current IRS agency???

Why do you have a swastika as your avatar? This is a discussion board and it’s polite to answer to these concerns. I’m not here to judge you. But myself and another poster simply want to find out why you’re doing this. Are you a left-wing person who is trying to cause trouble or do you actually believe in the ideals of Hitler. Or maybe you are a Hindu/buddhist , which is why you are supporting the avatar.… the swastika was and is a religious symbol that was used many years before the rise of the third Reich in Germany.

or the other possibility is that maybe you are using the swastika as an avatar to troll other people.?? In any event I don’t judge you and I’m looking forward to your answer.

Please understand that if you do support Hitler, I’m not here to insult you or get into a debate about that, but it is simply a matter of why you have the swastika as your avatar.
So is the Stars and Bars. The battle flag of the Democrat KKK party. Anyone who flies it today is either, ignorant of history or is actually a believer in slavery. The Nazi flag is just another icon of the suppression of other people. The only flag that for over 200 years that represented freedom from tyranny is Old Glory, but not so much of late, thanks to the Marxists/Demofascists who once again, ruin everything they touch.


Why do you have a swastika as your avatar? This is a discussion board and it’s polite to answer to these concerns. I’m not here to judge you. But myself and another poster simply want to find out why you’re doing this. Are you a left-wing person who is trying to cause trouble or do you actually believe in the ideals of Hitler. Or maybe you are a Hindu/buddhist , which is why you are supporting the avatar.… the swastika was and is a religious symbol that was used many years before the rise of the third Reich in Germany.

or the other possibility is that maybe you are using the swastika as an avatar to troll other people.?? In any event I don’t judge you and I’m looking forward to your answer.

Please understand that if you do support Hitler, I’m not here to insult you or get into a debate about that, but it is simply a matter of why you have the swastika as your avatar.
/—-/ The Nazi swatika and the Hindu sign of peace are two different and distinct symbols.

Why do you have a swastika as your avatar? This is a discussion board and it’s polite to answer to these concerns. I’m not here to judge you. But myself and another poster simply want to find out why you’re doing this. Are you a left-wing person who is trying to cause trouble or do you actually believe in the ideals of Hitler. Or maybe you are a Hindu/buddhist , which is why you are supporting the avatar.… the swastika was and is a religious symbol that was used many years before the rise of the third Reich in Germany.

or the other possibility is that maybe you are using the swastika as an avatar to troll other people.?? In any event I don’t judge you and I’m looking forward to your answer.

Please understand that if you do support Hitler, I’m not here to insult you or get into a debate about that, but it is simply a matter of why you have the swastika as your avatar.
The usual, probably living in a make believe world where he likes to dress up in silly costumes like the nazis did, leather gloves and boots, the whole works.

Either that or he is a troll which is equally as likely I suppose.
When you hear hoofprints, think horses, not zebras.

If someone sports a swastika, assume he's a Trump-supporting Nazi. That almost always ends up being the case.

In case you live in a van down by the river, it's not the conservatives, Republicans, and Trump-supporters spewing all the vile anti-Semitic bile. It's you people. You liberals, progressives, left-wingers, and Democrats.
In case you live in a van down by the river, it's not the conservatives, Republicans, and Trump-supporters spewing all the vile anti-Semitic bile. .
Of course it is. All the guys flying swastikas are on your side. As are the most virulent anti-Israel people.

Again, just making it clear. We punch Nazis, you suck them off with gusto, and call them your base.
He’s attempting to get the attention in cyberspace that he can’t garner in real life.

Many if not Most right wing loons do this by making up shit because they’re just not the interesting in real life so they have to embellish to get attention. He just decided to do it with his avatar.
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