Why does Joe Biden have more sanctions on US oil than Russian oil?

No, we were importing 209,000 total a day for a total of 6 million per month. We never imported 20 million a month.

The Govt disagrees with you.

Gas went up 9-cents overnight here to $4.10 a gallon, 71-cents week to date. I suspect we will breeze by the old high of $4.29 when The Halfrican was POTUS by the end of the week if not much sooner.

A pox upon the WH, Tater and his band of turds is not even trying to help us out and are going on about "sacrifices for democracy".....How about tending to our Republic you dried-up geriatric POS.

Dems own this lock, stock, and barrel and no Russia, Russia, Russia, deflection is going to help them one iota.
I’m sure Russian involvement in oil pricing can be shown and clips of American politicians giving them cover are plentiful.

How much oil does the US import from Russia?​

The US imports Russian oil, but it is not highly dependent on the country for its supplies.

In 2021, the US imported an average of 209,000 barrels per day (bpd) of crude oil and 500,000 bpd of other petroleum products from Russia, according to the American Fuel and Petrochemical Manufacturers (AFPM) trade association.


How much oil does the US import from Russia?​

The US imports Russian oil, but it is not highly dependent on the country for its supplies.

In 2021, the US imported an average of 209,000 barrels per day (bpd) of crude oil and 500,000 bpd of other petroleum products from Russia, according to the American Fuel and Petrochemical Manufacturers (AFPM) trade association.

I do not understand you all. I give the exact data and you all always reply with opinion articles.
well again, for the demokooks in here that say we don't purchase oil from Russia, why would prices increase due to them doing something then? It's a really simple little question that has yet to be addressed in here.
Fossil Fuel prices didn‘t just start increasing 12 days ago.

It has been 14 months,
really since the election…because we all knew what was coming.
You lefties are lying that the Russia/Ukraine war is the CAUSE OF INFLATION.

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Lol, no worries. We'll just go make some more deals with other sanctioned countries. Nothing could go wrong here at all.

Lord. Biden can NOT unleash Americas energy sector, because Leftists know if they do, Americans won't allow them to put the genie back into the bottle, and their enviro dreams are DOA. It is really that simple.

When it is someone else's oil like The House of Saud, you can say "hey, they refuse to pump, so not on us." When it is our stuff, the government COULD take direct action if prices spiked to high if they chose, and the Leftists want no part of Americans knowing this, for just that reason alone they would be removed from office if they balked.

So yep, this is 100% on the Left, no matter how much they try to deflect. Do we all think our energy is way to high and out of hand? Well then, why hasn't Biden had the oil company's in the Oval yet to see what we can do? Nope, he wants to go to Venezuela and Iran?!?!?!?!

This is one of the reasons intuitively Americans know this crew has to go ASAP!
You want to know how times have changed? Take a few minutes to read what Jimmy Carter said back in the day, a DEMOCRAT; when American energy prices headed through the roof. He DID have what was called an energy summit with our energy sectors leaders, to stop Americans pain.

Back in those days, we had very few options. Now we have multiple options, but the Demaquacks have switched sides. Biden will not have an energy summit with our energy people. Do you know why? Because from the time energy execs came out of that meeting and started doing interviews telling the American people the truth, the far Left would go from -13 in the polls, to -20 or more.

This whole political exercise by Biden and his far Left cronies, IS about getting more energy; just NOT our energy, because once Americans see what we as America COULD do, the enviro clowns will have their agenda shoved back until they can actually produce an alternative fuel source, CHEAPER than our current energy. It is coming in 20 to 30 years for sure, but they don't want to wait that long, so WE and Western Europe are the sacrificial lambs for their dreams. Congrats I guess, if that is what you believe in!
He is just doing the job he was placed in position to perform.

It was a pretty fair deal, you do have to admit. He gets to play President and sell lots of influence and the Globalists get the destruction of the most powerful nation on Earth in exchange.
Lord. Biden can NOT unleash Americas energy sector, because Leftists know if they do, Americans won't allow them to put the genie back into the bottle, and their enviro dreams are DOA. It is really that simple.

When it is someone else's oil like The House of Saud, you can say "hey, they refuse to pump, so not on us." When it is our stuff, the government COULD take direct action if prices spiked to high if they chose, and the Leftists want no part of Americans knowing this, for just that reason alone they would be removed from office if they balked.

So yep, this is 100% on the Left, no matter how much they try to deflect. Do we all think our energy is way to high and out of hand? Well then, why hasn't Biden had the oil company's in the Oval yet to see what we can do? Nope, he wants to go to Venezuela and Iran?!?!?!?!

This is one of the reasons intuitively Americans know this crew has to go ASAP!
The government doesn't own the US oil industry. You should contact Exxon and tell them you have all the answers.
The government doesn't own the US oil industry. You should contact Exxon and tell them you have all the answers.

LOL, nope, but their regs and policies have a direct impact on what they can, and can not do. What they are allowed to do, and what they will do.

You know that, and so does most Americans. That is why in November, cya, wouldn't want to be ya!
LOL, nope, but their regs and policies have a direct impact on what they can, and can not do. What they are allowed to do, and what they will do.

You know that, and so does most Americans. That is why in November, cya, wouldn't want to be ya!
Lol and you assume the rules and regs are the issue. You can't solve a problem with ignorance and accusations.
Lol and you assume the rules and regs are the issue. You can't solve a problem with ignorance and accusations.

You are correct. So let us know when Joe has an energy summit to ask real energy professionals how to address this problem. I mean Joe has been government for near 50 years, so his expertise in the energy sector might be a little lacking because he has been so busy, don't you think-)
You are correct. So let us know when Joe has an energy summit to ask real energy professionals how to address this problem. I mean Joe has been government for near 50 years, so his expertise in the energy sector might be a little lacking because he has been so busy, don't you think-)
Energy professionals is code for energy brokers like Matthew Simmons. Scares me to death. Rex tillerson would be a big help. You are not alone. Most Americans assume they know the oil business... and they have these pat scenarios about the middle east.

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