Why does Joe Biden have more sanctions on US oil than Russian oil?

Gas went up 9-cents overnight here to $4.10 a gallon, 71-cents week to date. I suspect we will breeze by the old high of $4.29 when The Halfrican was POTUS by the end of the week if not much sooner.

A pox upon the WH, Tater and his band of turds is not even trying to help us out and are going on about "sacrifices for democracy".....How about tending to our Republic you dried-up geriatric POS.

Dems own this lock, stock, and barrel and no Russia, Russia, Russia, deflection is going to help them one iota.
You may not have enough money to afford to live anymore, but at least the country has preserved our democracy by voting "D" down the line. For you see, democracy only exists when only one party rules.


There are no sanctions on US oil.
Call them sanctions or restrictions, after all, democrats own our vocabulary now cuz they are a bunch of cis gin wonders of stupidity.

Biden and Putin are colluding with The Ayatollah to give Iran Nukes and ICBMs. All the sanction are doing right now, is having Russia shift things through China. Putin is now getting twice the money for a barrel of oil now. The "so called" Sanctions have No Effect except perhaps on The Russian Citizens during the transition.

Biden is the laughing stock of the entire world.
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Call them sanctions or restrictions, after all, democrats own our vocabulary now cuz they are a bunch of cis gin wonders of stupidity.

Don't ever let facts or critical thinking interrupt your conspiracy theories.

How much oil does the US import from Russia?​

The US imports Russian oil, but it is not highly dependent on the country for its supplies.

In 2021, the US imported an average of 209,000 barrels per day (bpd) of crude oil and 500,000 bpd of other petroleum products from Russia, according to the American Fuel and Petrochemical Manufacturers (AFPM) trade association.

This year we've imported a grand total of 357,000 barrels of Crude oil from Russia. Cant find the total petroleum products for this year......

Biden and Putin are colluding with The Ayatollah to give Iran Nukes and ICBMs. All the sanction are doing right now, is having Russia shift things through China. The Sanctions have No Effect except perhaps on The Russian Citizens during the transition.

Biden is the laughing stock of the entire world.
The Iranians only want nukes since Israel began threatening them in 1994. Before that it was strictly atoms for peace and the expansion of their electrical grid. You should stick with futurism and Hal Lindsey.
The Iranians only want nukes since Israel began threatening them in 1994. Before that it was strictly atoms for peace and the expansion of their electrical grid. You should stick with futurism and Hal Lindsey.
The Iranians want Nukes for Genocide. I believe fanatics when they say they want to do something.

Go lie to someone with a lot less intelligence than I have. Only an idiot would believe your lies.
Remember this? I do.

Democrats defeat GOP sanctions on Russian gas pipeline​

The Nordstream2 is very practical and economical for our European allies. It's been in the works for over a decade. Putin has lost his mind. He can't eat that gas
and flaring it off wastes money and the Russian environment.
Because the Chinese own Canadian tarsands and they sell the corrosive gunk for $29 a barrel.
Dimwit, the XL is owned by TC Energy which is not a Chinese owned corporation. Biden cost that company it's $9 Billion dollar investment. China does lease some tar sands in Canada, but The XL is a pipeline and anyone can use it that wants to connect to it.

Here is what countries need to do though. Make it illegal for a foreign company to own an American company. Both Canada and The US are guilty of allowing sales of our corporations to Foreign Nations.

Globalism is nothing but tyranny covered in dollar bills to help the rich get richer and the poor to become more oppressed.

It's time to put an end to it.

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