Why does MAGA think "RINOs" would vote for Trump?

You do understand YouTube isn't magic, right? Any asshole can upload a video on how to do something, and they very well could be doing it incorrectly. Because there's no real vetting for quality/fact checking beyond the popularity of the video. Magaturds share random videos from unknowns because that person shares their political confirmation biases. That's it. This is how morons gather their 'news'. :rolleyes:
Are you claiming that the video did not place Canada in the proper location?

Or that the fact that the vast majority of Canadians live within 100 miles of the US border is misinformation?

If not, your criticism is generally correct...but specific to this conversation is moot.

I know better than most that some Youtube videos provide incorrect information...

That's why I watch MULTIPLE videos AND read the comments before putting the least amount of faith in any single video...DIY or otherwise.

BUT... YouTube videos have allowed me easy access to knowledge and skills that would have not been possible for me otherwise...

Like this fabricated ductwork...

Or building this shed...

Or replacing these ball joints...

Or creating this leatherwork...

Or smoking this Barbecue...

Last edited:
What makes anyone think that MAGA voters will support a RINO candidate?

The Republicans could nominate Haley- and guarantee themselves a royal schlonging.

Maybe the Party needs to split ?
The Party is doing just fine.I don't believe all the stories by the
scumbags in the MSM regarding how far behind the Republican Party is
regarding fundraising.Granted the Democrat Party is chock full of Dark
donors.Many of whom are very wealthy.
Plus Democrats start Meme's and movements like George Floyd
to exploit popularity.We had an entire Summer of Love where
Radicals and those who probably are part of the Obama grass roots
fan club.We're talking like 10,ooo such groups all over the U.S.
They can at the drop of dime manage to be at sites like N.Y.city
in order to foment name calling and anti-conservative garbage.
The use cell phones to gather and Protest since they don't work
and can easily skip a day er two of College classes.
YouTube is great { entertaining and informative } but YouTube is run like
Facebook was.If not the right politics then one gets pushed around
or can't put out content.I think Joe Rogan spilled the beans on that
YouTube way of business.Like Elon Musk did to Zuckerberg.
I got banned at Political Forums.com for Exposing the Real Facebook
model plan.That was August of 2020.
YouTube is great { entertaining and informative } but YouTube is run like
Facebook was.If not the right politics then one gets pushed around
or can't put out content.I think Joe Rogan spilled the beans on that
YouTube way of business.Like Elon Musk did to Zuckerberg.
I got banned at Politics Forums for Exposing the Real Facebook
model plan.That was August of 2020.
Very true.

That's why I support Rumble.

Soon they will have a video library to rival YouTube.

When I make videos, I only upload to Rumble.

And... You can embed Rumble videos here just like YouTube videos.

This is a Rumble video...

Because people are so easily lead,
Pump out a negative message a thousand times a day and people start to hear it as truth.
The reality of both Biden and trump, are lost in our inability to comprehend reality.
I'd rather be more self-sufficient and not need to have "people".

You wouldn't have near the faith in your "people" if you watched some youtube videos...


Much better way to live, considering that someone who hangs out in an online message board definitely does not "have people". Probably the luckiest they ever get is having one of their doper friends who has a half a clue about how to get this or that done on their most clear-headed day.

A quarter of Republican voters tonight in SC voted for Nikki Haley. Many of them will NOT be voting for Trump.

But why is that a surprise?

MAGA is a minority in this country. And when the retarded Republican base has been driving out everyone who doesn't march lockstep with them, why would "RINOs" vote for Trump?

Others, ... made it clear that Mr. Trump — who has driven many moderate and suburban voters out of his party over the last eight years — faces even graver challenges with those Americans now.​
“Everything about him bothers me — his arrogance, his lack of support of the military,” said Ms. Gramling, who was also a teacher. She supported Mr. Trump in 2016 before backing Mr. Biden in 2020 and would back the Democrat again over Mr. Trump. “Everything that he does is uncalled for.” ...​
America has very few persuadable voters left, and that may be especially true in a Biden-Trump rematch. Both men have been on the national stage for decades, and voters formed opinions of them long ago.​
But a few Haley voters who said they had supported Mr. Trump in 2020 stressed that they would not do so again. They cited his behavior after his defeat, including his election denialism that led to the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol. ...​
Asked what had changed her views on Mr. Trump since 2020, she replied, “the insurrection.”​

You do know democrats can vote in republican primaries? Haley did well in Columbia and on the coast. Where most of the liberals live.
A quarter of Republican voters tonight in SC voted for Nikki Haley. Many of them will NOT be voting for Trump.
Your sentence should be "A quarter of people who voted in the Republican primary tonight in SC voted for Nikki Haley. "

A large chunk of Haley's supposed "Republican voters" are Democrats crossing over. Even Nikki Haley said it the right way:

"There are huge numbers of voters in our Republican primaries who are saying they want an alternative," she said.

Ultra-progressive, government-financed NPR acknowledged this, on-air but edited it in the printed version:

Lynda Higgins, an independent voter in South Carolina, said she voted for Haley in the GOP primary because she liked the job she did as governor.

"I just like the way she managed the state. She did very well when we had hurricanes, disasters, things like that," she told NPR. "I like the way she's handled the state."

And while Higgins said she voted for Trump in the last two elections, she said she'd like to vote for someone else in the upcoming general election.

Yeah, I wonder who else?

NPR kept saying that "voters want an alternative." Sure they do. An alternative to Biden getting his ass kicked by Trump in the general election.

But why is that a surprise?

MAGA is a minority in this country. And when the retarded Republican base has been driving out everyone who doesn't march lockstep with them, why would "RINOs" vote for Trump?

Others, ... made it clear that Mr. Trump — who has driven many moderate and suburban voters out of his party over the last eight years — faces even graver challenges with those Americans now.​
“Everything about him bothers me — his arrogance, his lack of support of the military,” said Ms. Gramling, who was also a teacher. She supported Mr. Trump in 2016 before backing Mr. Biden in 2020 and would back the Democrat again over Mr. Trump. “Everything that he does is uncalled for.” ...​

America has very few persuadable voters left, and that may be especially true in a Biden-Trump rematch. Both men have been on the national stage for decades, and voters formed opinions of them long ago.​
But a few Haley voters who said they had supported Mr. Trump in 2020 stressed that they would not do so again. They cited his behavior after his defeat, including his election denialism that led to the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol. ...​
Asked what had changed her views on Mr. Trump since 2020, she replied, “the insurrection.”​

Yep. Same theme NPR kept pursuing. Former Trump voters have turned against him!

So who keeps giving him these victories? New Trump voters?
I'd rather be more self-sufficient and not need to have "people".

You wouldn't have near the faith in your "people" if you watched some youtube videos...

Capability I have.
But I turn the simple minded stuff over to folks like you.
I'm kinda nice that way.
help the handicapped and all.
Why would Trump need RINOs? He is picking up major support among blacks, Hispanics, under 35, and union voters.

Haly just had her ass handed to her in her home state, and you try to spin it as bad news for Trump.

What a clown. :auiqs.jpg:

Trump is lying as usual.

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