Why does MAGA think "RINOs" would vote for Trump?

Final result, 59% for Trump, 39% for Haley.

Who won, Simp.:auiqs.jpg:
With 40% of the GOP rejecting Trump?

The American people.



By the time November arrives many of those Never Trumpers
will have had to have changed their minds.This Biden mess of a
delusional regime cannot possible be accepted by normal americans.
So if 24 % or 25 % of Republicans are Never Trumpers,by fall that
number is surely bound to change.
Speaking of delusional... :rolleyes:
I don't educate myself through You-Tube
Not surprised you do.
Ahh...so you're one of those people who can't do anything for themselves and has to call someone to fix anything that breaks.

Why am I not surprised.

Let me help you start your journey...

I just saved you $50!

No need to thank me.
Republican voters in S.C. turned out and Nikki lost in her own state. It's doubtful that any republican who took the time to vote in person would support the doddering old fool. Therefore Trump is stronger than ever.
Remember that "red tsunami" that the national polls predicted in 2022?
How'd that work out for you MAGAts and your candidates?
Feel free to quote me predicting a “red tsunami”, Simp.

I don’t answer for the media.

We did send Nazi Piglosi to the back bench in 2022.
Hey Stupid, that was a primary in a single state, not a national poll. And most of those will vote for Trump in the general.

You really are dumb.

Here's New Hampshire


That's 40% of the electorate rejecting Trump.
AND 25% of Republicans


I can just smell the MAGAT fear and desperation.
No wait, my dog just farted.
You coulda stopped after 5 words, Simp.
Were those extra words too much for your tiny mind to absorb?
Did I accidentally force out some important fact?
Like how to drop your diaper BEFORE crapping?

Sorry for that Depends Moment squidley.
Ahh...so you're one of those people who can't do anything for themselves and has to call someone to fix anything that breaks.

Why am I not surprised.

Let me help you start your journey...

I just saved you $50!

No need to thank me.

I know people who spend their lives on you-tube.
They are, in general ignorant and stupid.
Thanks for validating my observations.
Feel free to quote me predicting a “red tsunami”, Simp.
You must be struggling with some kind of reading disability huh?
Nobody said you predicted anything.
I said the polls in 22 predicted a red tsunami.
I don’t answer for the media.
Then why did you state that the polls have Trump ahead of Biden?
perhaps a more accurate statement may have been "I only answer for the media when they are reporting something I agree with."
We did send Nazi Piglosi to the back bench in 2022.
So what?
Is that what you'd consider a "red wave/tsunami?"
Picking up two seats in the House?

I know people who spend their lives on you-tube.
They are, in general ignorant and stupid.
Thanks for validating my observations.
Don't be mad.

Someday you'll graduate from changing lightbulbs to other more substantial projects installing a car battery and inflating your own tires.

Life is a continual learning opportunity.

You might even learn to cook!
You must be struggling with some kind of reading disability huh?
Nobody said you predicted anything.
I said the polls in 22 predicted a red tsunami.

Then why did you state that the polls have Trump ahead of Biden?
perhaps a more accurate statement may have been "I only answer for the media when they are reporting something I agree with."

So what?
Is that what you'd consider a "red wave/tsunami?"
Picking up two seats in the House?

I never said anything about a red wave, Simp.

Citing the results of several current polls does not constitute ‘answering for the media’, Moron.
Don't be mad.

Someday you'll graduate from changing lightbulbs to other more substantial projects installing a car battery and inflating your own tires.

Life is a continual learning opportunity.

You might even learn to cook!
You do understand YouTube isn't magic, right? Any asshole can upload a video on how to do something, and they very well could be doing it incorrectly. Because there's no real vetting for quality/fact checking beyond the popularity of the video. Magaturds share random videos from unknowns because that person shares their political confirmation biases. That's it. This is how morons gather their 'news'. :rolleyes:
Don't be mad.

Someday you'll graduate from changing lightbulbs to other more substantial projects installing a car battery and inflating your own tires.

Life is a continual learning opportunity.

You might even learn to cook!

I have "people" who do crap like that for me.
Do you know why I have "people?"
Because I don't spend my time being "educated" on YOU-TUBE.




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