Why does MAGA think "RINOs" would vote for Trump?

Why? Because the alternative is Joey Xiden and the demafasict, and since they have taken office they are worse off.

People might not like trump, but they dislike demafasict policies that have made them worse off




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SC allows Democrats to vote in the Republican primary, so that result shows absolutely nothing about how Republicans wil vote in the election.
these morons just don't understand this shit....lol

let the libturds spend their money on this...lol.less for the general

these people are so god damned stupid it is amazing

smoothest brains on the planet
If Trump is the most unpopular why is he kicking Tater’s as in the national polls, and in 7 swing states?

If you ever grew a brain you would pull it out and play with it.
Don't know who "tater" is.
Last I heard some guy named Charley was called Tater.
He's one of yours so I'll allow you to work it out between your tiny minded selves. Maybe a game of tix tac toe...if that's not too hard.
Don't know who "tater" is.
Last I heard some guy named Charley was called Tater.
He's one of yours so I'll allow you to work it out between your tiny minded selves. Maybe a game of tix tac toe...if that's not too hard.
Sorry for your ignorance. oh wait, no I’m not.

Wow. Haley has 44% of the vote thus far. I expect that to decline. But it doesn't matter.

MAGA is the biggest loser political movement in America.

But it makes its influencers rich beyond belief while it's mostly poor funders send their scarce funds to this grifting movement.

Keep clinging, wallets! Ka-ching!

Are you MAGA? No? Then it’s not the biggest loser party.
Of course you do…you hate dissent because you know you can’t effectively defend your twisted positions…you’re all the same. That’s why you encouraged big tech to suppress speech and help you control narratives.
No, because, like you, an asshole he doesn't have anything to contribute except shit.
Sock Puppet.

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