Why Does Michelle Obama’s Mother Live at the White House?

How much are you paying for grandma Robinson to stay in the White House?
If I'm paying one fucking penny I'm paying too much. She's not my grandmother. If YOU want to support her, feel free to send a check.

LOL...expected answer. You and stephanie should hook up...usually 2 dummies make 1 smart kid.

But that is not guaranteed...

How much are you paying for grandma Robinson to stay in the White House?
If I'm paying one fucking penny I'm paying too much. She's not my grandmother. If YOU want to support her, feel free to send a check.

First Family stays in the White House.....been that way since John Adams

Now you did it. You bamboozled them with facts. They will not recover. :)

LOL...expected answer. You and stephanie should hook up...usually 2 dummies make 1 smart kid.
Do you have an actual point you're able to make or are juvenile comments all you have?
I made my point. There is virtually no cost to Grandma living in the WH. I asked you to disprove it and you couldn't. You are a racist moron without original thought...go have a circle jerk with your racist friends...I will wait for your answer, but doubt you have one.

Racists ----- blech...

:lol: @ mr. Robinson takes poops in the whitehouse while steph is still keepin it gutter with an outhouse no plumbing. Plumbing is.for.dem dang "uppity" folk, huh? :lol:


Yep, proof that you have run out of arguments.

he's never had any, he's just another loony leftie troll
as we see we have acquired quite a few and they're ugly little people

This thread is a textbook "small person" creation. Definition of troll thread.

Who made this again?

:lol: poor baby is mrs. Robinson keeping you up at night honey awwwww

WHY didn't we hear a PEEP from turds like you when Bush was using Air Force One as a taxi cab to and from his ranch? Or when his wife ordered expensive China for the White House?

Can you people get any smaller?

Does your right wing propaganda machine ever report THIS stuff?

Obamas to renovate White House with own money, turn down $100K from Congress
BY Kenneth R. Bazinet
Monday, March 30, 2009, 5:42 PM

WASHINGTON - President Obama is finally taking his own advice when he says all Americans need to sacrifice during these tough times.

After repeated questioning from the White House press corps, the First Couple has decided to pass up the $100,000 that Congress has long allotted to every incoming President to renovate the White House to his taste.

Instead, the Obamas, who are worth millions, will pay to overhaul the White House residence from their own pockets, said Camille Johnston, First Lady Michelle Obama's communications director.

"The Obamas have determined now is not the time to use taxpayer funds and they will not be accepting any donations," Johnston said.

They also recently forked over a few thousand dollars of their own to pay for a South Lawn swing set for daughters Malia and Sasha.

NY Daily News
The President, his wife, and his kids, yes. Not the whole fucking tribe though. Any more diversions, butt breath?

'Tribe" you piece of excrement? The first Lady's mother is not a 'tribe', she is a widower, and a great influence of her granddaughters. She is a CHEAP alternative to a live in nanny.


US presidents must pay for food in the White House! - OMG Facts

Yeah, I already posted an article about that...Obama pays for his own food...ALL PRESIDENTS DO. Toiletries too. Secret service, all first family members get a detail. Vacation costs, are supposed to be repaid. Utilities, perk of the President being a place to live while he is President...all utilities that would have been paid anyway...and if she is using a little extra electricity and water...I'm ok with that...

All you had to do was look in the posts before your racist remarks to see this.

You sure do suck. (Note: not at this. You are a racist and you simply suck.)
I don't give a dam WHAT you're ok with, the bitch shouldn't be getting a free ride on the backs of the taxpayers. And let's see your proof that anything has been repaid.

YOu provide me proof it hasn't been repaid. Ill play your little game.

As for the free ride...what free ride. Again, please quantify the cost of Grandma living in the WH.

You sure do suck.:lol:

Yes, he does.

[MENTION=19018]Bfgrn[/MENTION] - OUTSTANDING READ. From the write-up:

I've considered that perhaps Robinson's move to the White House should be permanent, whether she wants it to be or not, because it's been strongly established that Mrs. Robinson is an important member of the Obama family. Her life could be in danger should she return to her Chicago home to live alone as though her son-in-law never became the first African-American President of the United States of America and her face hasn't been on every major network, a figure in the background of many Obama family photos. If a domestic terrorist or assassin can't get to the first family then why not go after First Grandma?

The article often mentioned that Barbara Bush often spent very long stays at the White House with Laura and the girls. No one complained then...

US presidents must pay for food in the White House! - OMG Facts

Yeah, I already posted an article about that...Obama pays for his own food...ALL PRESIDENTS DO. Toiletries too. Secret service, all first family members get a detail. Vacation costs, are supposed to be repaid. Utilities, perk of the President being a place to live while he is President...all utilities that would have been paid anyway...and if she is using a little extra electricity and water...I'm ok with that...

All you had to do was look in the posts before your racist remarks to see this.

You sure do suck. (Note: not at this. You are a racist and you simply suck.)
I don't give a dam WHAT you're ok with, the bitch shouldn't be getting a free ride on the backs of the taxpayers. And let's see your proof that anything has been repaid.

The White House is for the Presidents FAMILY

Been used that way for over 200 years

I know it is not this way in conservative households, but for the rest of America, Grandma is family


Remember how they went ape shit over THE COST of Sarah Palins wardrobe?

you see the same double standard hypocrites in this thread

Nope. Sarah Palin was not willing to give the clothing back or pay for it. Only after the story came out did she relent. You lose.

And again -

"Nobody ever told us the president and his wife are charged for every meal, as well as incidentals like dry cleaning, toothpaste, and other toiletries."
~ Nancy Reagan

I laugh every time I read that.

You mean Stoopid Stuff?

Actually, she's practically the poster child for the hatred from the right.

Sorry, but the right is stuck with these losers.

It is regrettable you think that way. True conservatism has no hate, only ideals. I am sorry you can't look past these people with suspect ideals and lump them in with true conservatism. On the other hand, if you are one of those liberals who always points their fingers and cries hate and racism...I have little need for you either.

It is regrettable that such a significant number of conservatives exhibit the hate and ignorance they do, resulting in the image of the right most Americans see.

Granted, most of this hate and ignorance manifest among the social right, the bane not only of ‘true conservatives’ but the Nation as a whole; unfortunately this negative image of conservatives is often reinforced by the actions of, again, a significant number of republican elected officials, who seek to deny same-sex couples their equal protection rights, women their privacy rights, immigrants their due process rights, and minorities their voting rights.

And we see similar irresponsible extremism promoted by the fiscal right, who advocate balancing the Federal budget on the backs of retired Americans, working Americans, low income Americans, the disabled, and children; fiscal conservatives who pursue policies hostile to the interests of America’s most vulnerable citizens.

Last, we see conservatives becoming more reactionary, fearful of change, diversity, and dissent as they seek in vain to return America to an idealized past that never actually existed to begin with.

Given this it is likely that ‘true conservatives’ have been permanently relegated to the political fringe, their influence significantly diminished as more strident elements of the American right, such as the TPM, become more aggressive, intolerant, and partisan – the OP of this thread being a prime example.

And now the bitch is on another vacation in Beijing with the brats and the chimp pissing off the hired help and kicking customers out. I wonder how much tax payer money those 4 bitches are sucking out of the coffers as they cozy up to their commie friends?

I love it when conservatives post this stuff.

Shows their true nature


I love it when conservatives post this stuff.

Shows their true nature

Natures based in reality rather than fantasy.

I read a story that said the reason for the visit was to show China about American culture.

I think it would cause more Chinese to hate America even more if some bitchy mother-in-law was pissing off the staff. This is supposed to be a diplomatic mission, not a mission to piss off those who hate us.

It seems the visit is pissing off Conservatives more than it is pissing off the Chinese


And now the bitch is on another vacation in Beijing with the brats and the chimp pissing off the hired help and kicking customers out. I wonder how much tax payer money those 4 bitches are sucking out of the coffers as they cozy up to their commie friends?

And conservatives wonder why they continue to lose the votes of women and minorities.


holy smokes, mental floss went back to the 1800's
and 1952 was the last time a relative took advantage of us taxpayers
leave it to the Obama's to take advantage of us

We knew you wouldn't be outraged by them. After all, they're not buhlack.

Know what else, you prune faced dried up old twat???

You also pay for the toilet paper those negroes wipe their assets with.

And the dog food the dogs eat.

Now go into a hate filled b itchy that tizzy over them too!

How do you know she's dried up. Something tells me you would probably not be looking...

This is old news. It was well known in 2008 that Obama's mother-in-law came with the package deal.

and you're fine paying for her room and board?
why don't they move in all their family members, you can enjoy paying for them too

Staph's having a hard time flling her 'I hate Obama" quota for the day.

Seriously, you're bitching because his Mother IN Law is living with them to help out with the kids?

Yes, she went there. I think I threw her over the edge with my FLOTUS thread and the poor thing never recovered.

Staph's having a hard time flling her 'I hate Obama" quota for the day.

Seriously, you're bitching because his Mother IN Law is living with them to help out with the kids?

seriously, the QUESTION was why is she living there?..and now she is posing in office white house pictures while meeting heads of states...if it chapped your asses, tough shit...taxpayers have a right to ask and know...now go change your diapers

Oh my God!!!! SHe's in a PICTURE!!!! This is horrible!!!!

Quick, call the Obamarazzi!!!!! The sky is falling, the sky is falling!!!

seriously, the QUESTION was why is she living there?..and now she is posing in office white house pictures while meeting heads of states...if it chapped your asses, tough shit...taxpayers have a right to ask and know...now go change your diapers

Oh my God!!!! SHe's in a PICTURE!!!! This is horrible!!!!

Hard to believe, but in China, hey actually honor their elderly people

Steph wants them thrown into the street

Yes, kill of the excess population and such, you know...

Conservatives are all for family values. They don't even want people to be able to collect social security, they'd rather have the families be responsible for their own.

They want her mom to be close by, she's old, she needs her daughter to be near. It's not like there isn't enough room for her.

Oh my God!!!! SHe's in a PICTURE!!!! This is horrible!!!!

Hard to believe, but in China, hey actually honor their elderly people

Steph wants them thrown into the street

Nah, Steph just wants send the widower back to Illinois to live by herself and have taxpayers pay for 24/7 Secret Service protection and pay for a nanny for the girls.

Yes, because that Conservative solution would be more expensive. But goddammit, the Conservatives could say that Obama accepted one of THEIR ideas!!!

Picking on grandmothers is 'honorable'...

You shall rise up before the gray-headed and honor the aged, and you shall revere your God; I am the Lord.
Leviticus 19:32


Nah, Steph just wants send the widower back to Illinois to live by herself and have taxpayers pay for 24/7 Secret Service protection and pay for a nanny for the girls.

the widower...we could all be widows/widowers sometime in our lives eh? Doesn't mean I'd go live off my children or taxpayers...but hey that's just me
but your dramatics is touching

Your lack of ANY traits that could be mistaken for 'human' is sickening.

That is quite obvious.

Mamie Eisenhower's mother lived in the White House as did Bess Truman's..

The First Family reimburses the govt. for any cost of her Mom and daughters going overseas...

Just like when Michele went to Spain, the Obama's reimbursed the treasury for any expenses for her friends.....

Pssst: Yer ruining their wet-dream.

Your lack of ANY traits that could be mistaken for 'human' is sickening.

whatever you say:lol:
but I do live in REALITY...something you uppity snobs who live in ivory towers don't know about and if you don't like the question you come up with something such as your post...that's what sickening
I'm done with you, you're dismissed

The REALITY is you are attacking a grandmother and a widower. What NEXT? The kids?

How small can you get Steph?

So small that you cannot see it:

(see, I told you you couldn't see it)

Picking on grandmothers is 'honorable'...

You shall rise up before the gray-headed and honor the aged, and you shall revere your God; I am the Lord.
Leviticus 19:32

I happen to be a grandmother and a GREAT grandmother...it hasn't stopped snobs like you on this board from "picking" on me, now has it

you people are so full of it...I think you ALL should pay for the Obama's whole clan to live in the white house...now does that help?

EVERYTHING that you call 'picking on' has been brought on by Y-O-U.

THAT is the reality.


Now that you know, you can go to church and pray that God smites those evil Obama family members.

The REALITY is you are attacking a grandmother and a widower. What NEXT? The kids?

How small can you get Steph?

naaa...attacking children is you left/liberals thing...go through any Palin thread

AGAIN...I have NEVER attacked Sarah Palin on a personal level, family level, or ever said a disparaging word about her kids.

I was brought up properly.

I too never attacked Sarah Palin, but I sure did laugh at some of her more stupid moments. G-d knows there were enough of them. Actually, thanks to Sarah Palin, the DEMS held the Senate in both 2010 and 2012! Thanks, former 1/2 term Gov. Palin!

The Obama's have no shame in taking advantage of you taxpayers...this is something else I have never seen before
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March 21, 2014 - 3:32 pm
Here’s a question I’ll bet nobody ever asked Jay Carney at a White House press briefing: Why does Michelle Obama’s mother live at the White House at taxpayer expense? (If someone has asked, please send link for me to stand corrected.)

Now that Michelle Obama’s mother has caused a disruption on the latest exotic vacation for the first lady, perhaps it is time for some answers about why Marian Robinson is even on the trip to China. Worse, why is she appearing in official photographs with Chinese officials?

Drudge is reporting in big bold lead letters that Marian Robinson is barking orders at hotel staff and generally misbehaving.

How many Americans know that Michelle Obama’s mother is living at the White House at taxpayer expense? Not many, I’d guess.

all of it here

The PJ Tatler » Why Does Michelle Obama?s Mother Live at the White House?

Rather common for the mother-in-law to live with a couple. See it a lot in our present culture. So, what you asshole 'Conservatives' are objecting to is family.

Yes: family. Bad. Profit: good.
I've been unable to find the list of forbidden activities of negroes in the White House. Does it have some tricky secret name I am unaware of?

It think it's "SekretMoozlimUsurper-mooch-mooch-2008-roger-tango"

Try that and see if it works.

I've been unable to find the list of forbidden activities of negroes in the White House. Does it have some tricky secret name I am unaware of?

You're a little late. The race card has already been played on this issue (of course).

So has the lame race card excuse to deny racism. Racist being racist are now reduced to defending their racism by whining about a race card being used. Very cowardly. If you are a racist but don't have the courage to be openly racist and stand up for your beliefs, but need to find excuses to deny your beliefs, that makes you the definition of a coward.


Tell me how much it costs me personally to have the old lady living in the White House and I'll tell you how pissed off I am about it.

C'mon, ail you smart guys should be able to come up with a dollar amount.

They won't. The cost of having Mrs. Robinson there is likely far LESS than the cost for a live-in nanny.

the smelly ole skank is there to teach those kids how to be good little racists.


Thank you for showing the brightest and best that the Right has to offer.

Tell me how much it costs me personally to have the old lady living in the White House and I'll tell you how pissed off I am about it.

C'mon, ail you smart guys should be able to come up with a dollar amount.

Why should it matter?

She is a member of the Obama family and is entitled to all family benefits afforded a President


The Obama's have no shame in taking advantage of you taxpayers...this is something else I have never seen before
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March 21, 2014 - 3:32 pm
Here’s a question I’ll bet nobody ever asked Jay Carney at a White House press briefing: Why does Michelle Obama’s mother live at the White House at taxpayer expense? (If someone has asked, please send link for me to stand corrected.)

Now that Michelle Obama’s mother has caused a disruption on the latest exotic vacation for the first lady, perhaps it is time for some answers about why Marian Robinson is even on the trip to China. Worse, why is she appearing in official photographs with Chinese officials?

Drudge is reporting in big bold lead letters that Marian Robinson is barking orders at hotel staff and generally misbehaving.

How many Americans know that Michelle Obama’s mother is living at the White House at taxpayer expense? Not many, I’d guess.

all of it here

The PJ Tatler » Why Does Michelle Obama?s Mother Live at the White House?

Rather common for the mother-in-law to live with a couple. See it a lot in our present culture. So, what you asshole 'Conservatives' are objecting to is family.

The question is, why have conservatives suddenly turned on the idea of older people living with their children

Are they that petty?

Yes, they are.

Conservatives are all for family values. They don't even want people to be able to collect social security, they'd rather have the families be responsible for their own.

They want her mom to be close by, she's old, she needs her daughter to be near. It's not like there isn't enough room for her.

yeah yeah sure...I took care of my 86 old mother until she passed three years ago thank you very much

Did you tell her that she was a freeloader?

How many threads did you start about her?


It's disgusting how the Clintons treated the WH staff, and I doubt the scummy Obamas have improved on that! The WH will have to be completely fumigated when the vermin Obamas leave.

Still debating inside whether to neg you or not for that vile comment, but then I wonder if you are even worth it. But I bet you typed that with just one hand...

It's disgusting how the Clintons treated the WH staff, and I doubt the scummy Obamas have improved on that! The WH will have to be completely fumigated when the vermin Obamas leave.

I guess your views reflect those of most Conservatives

Thanks for sharing

Enlightening, what?

So has the lame race card excuse to deny racism. Racist being racist are now reduced to defending their racism by whining about a race card being used. Very cowardly. If you are a racist but don't have the courage to be openly racist and stand up for your beliefs, but need to find excuses to deny your beliefs, that makes you the definition of a coward.

It's true that most libs/progressives are way more racist than we conservatives. The libs can't rely on facts, so they use fear and innuendo! :eusa_whistle:

Yea, that's why on this thread alone there have been racist phrases used to describe the President and his family by right wing turds like you.


For that matter, why should any of the president's family I(the wife, the kids, the dog) be allowed to live free of charge in our WHITE House?

Which is why the First Family, in reality, pays for most everything. With or without a First Family, you need to light, heat cool and clean that house. They pay for what they eat and for what they use. It seems to be a pretty good deal to me.
Haven't been on much, but even without having read the comments, it is clear that the entire premise of the "OP" is total bullshit. Many members of the 1st family other than the President, his wife and children have lived at the White House pretty much ever since the 1st president and NO ONE ever complained.

Suddenly, with our first black President, and now in his 6th year, some want to complain? Really?

The Obama's said very specifically in early 2009 that they were bringing Michelle's mother with to the White House to help tend for and raise the children, knowing full well that FLOTUS Michelle Obama would not be able to every day. Their decision was a good and practical one and makes sense. And people who don't like it because suddenly a black president was "uppity" enough to allow yet another black person to breath air within the White House can go shove it up their fucking arses. Bunch of morons!

This has got to be one of the more transparent cases of racism I have seen in a while. Oh, the ODS has only deepened among some... just fucking amazing. And then those same idiots turn around and wonder why they can't secure the minority vote......


Obama lectures us on how we should pay our bills, then his wife takes his mother to China on some unnecessary "Hey, America hates Blacks" tour. Obama lectures us that we need to all cut back and be frugal, then he wastes our money on another trip to Hawaii, or spends a million dollars on Michelle's star-studded 50th birthday bash. People have suffered in the country because of his policies. They have a right to be pissed. I would be willing to bet that just about everyone has been personally effected by his taking office.

This isn't racism. We wouldn't have many complains if the Obama practiced what they preached. They're hypocrites.
Last edited:
For that matter, why should any of the president's family I(the wife, the kids, the dog) be allowed to live free of charge in our WHITE House?

They don't. But it has me shaking my damn head that anybody would begrudge a family including the already included (Mrs. Robinson was living with them before the move).

THIS that they are doing is how we teach the next generation to honor their parents.

I can't believe y'all are finding fault. I really can't.

It is because they are batshit crazy.

And speaking as one who knows - those girls are going to be seriously grief-stricken when she passes, because they were blessed enough to have this much access to her now. There is not a doubt in my mind that she is a serious blessing to that family.


Anything imaginable?

Like letting grandma live with you?

You guys are tough when it comes to Obama

So you're saying they're so broke that they can't get her her own place? They can't take care of her in their mansion in Chicago? They have to sponge off of the government? They have to force her to live in Michelle's prison(The White House), at taxpayer's expense?

If you love your widowed mother, why wouldn't you want her to live with you?

A concept inconceivable to conservatives


Anyone with any class would want to only visit the people's house. Who in their right mind would want to live in that place when their daughter has a husband that can set them up anywhere they want. Privacy is important to some people. But what we have here is trailer-trash homesteading in the most historic house in the nation. I think it's pretty pathetic.

You people are the scum of this planet.

Seconded. Motion carried.

Thirded, fourthd and fifthd, just for safety.

If you love your widowed mother, why wouldn't you want her to live with you?

A concept inconceivable to conservatives

Anyone with any class would want to only visit the people's house. Who in their right mind would want to live in that place when their daughter has a husband that can set them up anywhere they want. Privacy is important to some people. But what we have here is trailer-trash homesteading in the most historic house in the nation. I think it's pretty pathetic.

The people's house is the home of our Presidents family

Except in conservative households, grandparents are part of the family unit


Moonshot, cats are a staple in China. I've witnessed it in person and didn't take pictures.

No they're not, and no you didn't.
I don't remember you being with me.

1 point for the Hossmaster.

Anyone with any class would want to only visit the people's house. Who in their right mind would want to live in that place when their daughter has a husband that can set them up anywhere they want. Privacy is important to some people. But what we have here is trailer-trash homesteading in the most historic house in the nation. I think it's pretty pathetic.

The people's house is the home of our Presidents family

Except in conservative households, grandparents are part of the family unit

Funny, I just had this discussion with my daughter. Parents, children, siblings - that qualifies as immediate family. So that includes Grandma.

Of course.

Saw a lot of that the last time you were in China, did you?

:rolleyes: douche
I've been to a couple of foreign countries, believe it or not.

Great. You told him, now you have to kill him.

How many times do we have to have this discussion, Hoss? :eusa_hand:

If you love your widowed mother, why wouldn't you want her to live with you?

A concept inconceivable to conservatives

Anyone with any class would want to only visit the people's house. Who in their right mind would want to live in that place when their daughter has a husband that can set them up anywhere they want. Privacy is important to some people. But what we have here is trailer-trash homesteading in the most historic house in the nation. I think it's pretty pathetic.

The people's house is the home of our Presidents family

Except in conservative households, grandparents are part of the family unit

Most people can't afford a house that big.

Explain how one goes about putting 3 generations in a 2 bedroom apartment?
Sigh...Presidents have had their moms live in the Whitehouse from time to time; I know that Clinton had his there and there have been others. Why r u picking on Michelle's mom?

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Because they are eternally butthurt.

I wonder how the idea spread among Dems that if they vote for Rs, the R will screw them hard? Maybe they think R think like this:

"Being the President of the U.S. has good perks. Such as using the tax-payer's money to pay for an extended, all expenses covered, vacation for the mother-in-law to Hotel Guantanamo."


Hey moron, there are people who let their old parents live with them. Wait, there's more! They might even enjoy the extended family life.

I thought I would take a break from doing taxes, but I saw this thread, and realized that doing taxes is more fun. A lot better than having to witness the OP's diarrhea of stupid.

Back to taxes. Less stressful than writing this flame.


So what do we have here?

Hotel staff is "fed up" because the Obamas are causing extra security at the hotel and they can't wait for them to leave and their lives return to normal

The rightwing jumps at the story as an example of the Obamas being low-life tyrants

Michelle Obama praised for style, warmth in China - CBS News

U.S. first lady Michelle Obama brought the importance of education to the foreground on Sunday on the third day of a visit to China, where she has won praise for her approachability and admiration for her comments supporting freedom of speech.

Mrs. Obama, traveling with her two daughters, has been photographed at famous spots including the Forbidden City and Great Wall during the first independent trip by a U.S. president's wife to China. She has won compliments for her elegant clothing and her interactions with ordinary people in a country where it is rare to see leaders' spouses or children in public.

"She is very warm and frank, and when she is talking to people she conscientiously listens to what they have to say," said Wu Qing, a retired professor of Beijing Foreign Studies University who met Mrs. Obama on Sunday.

Yes, but, but, bbbbut... BENGHAZI!

Bubba's mother died not long after he became president in 1994 while she was living in Hot Springs, Arkansas. Virginia Clinton Kelley - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You're making that up.

What about "from time to time" don't u understand? Regardless of what Clinton's mom had as her domicile...she was known to reside w the Clintons in the whitehouse for extended periods...as did Ike's mom in law and others....
So answer the question...Why r U and ur Ilk picking on Michelle?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Republicans struggle with the concept of family. The idea that you would have grandma live with you is bizarre to them

Yeah, that's socialism!!! lol...

the president and his wife have very busy schedules due to their work for the country.

she is there to provide childcare.

many families include extended family in one home.

Its part of the American way

Psst. You are ruining their wet-dream.

I understand that China loves the Obama family

You just proved my point.

You think you have a point?

The Obama trip to China is a huge success for China relations....it is only Conservatives who are butthurt


The Obama's have no shame in taking advantage of you taxpayers...this is something else I have never seen before
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March 21, 2014 - 3:32 pm
Here’s a question I’ll bet nobody ever asked Jay Carney at a White House press briefing: Why does Michelle Obama’s mother live at the White House at taxpayer expense? (If someone has asked, please send link for me to stand corrected.)

Now that Michelle Obama’s mother has caused a disruption on the latest exotic vacation for the first lady, perhaps it is time for some answers about why Marian Robinson is even on the trip to China. Worse, why is she appearing in official photographs with Chinese officials?

Drudge is reporting in big bold lead letters that Marian Robinson is barking orders at hotel staff and generally misbehaving.

How many Americans know that Michelle Obama’s mother is living at the White House at taxpayer expense? Not many, I’d guess.

all of it here

The PJ Tatler » Why Does Michelle Obama?s Mother Live at the White House?

She lives there because the POTUS and the First Lady want her to. Any other questions?

That pretty much covers it.

Republicans struggle with the concept of family. The idea that you would have grandma live with you is bizarre to them

You seem to struggle with a lot of concepts.

One of them you really struggle with is the difference between right and wrong.

People have gone to jail for using political funds for personal use. It's one thing to have a mother that needs to be watched 24/7 living in the White House, quite another who could have a place of her own but chooses to sponge off of the taxpayers. It really is illustrative of this family. They're going to have to rewrite the regulations to prevent these abuses in the future. All of these personal expenses should be paid back to the Treasury, but don't hold your breath waiting on it to happen.

30 pages into this thread and conservatives still can't accept that a grandmother can be part of a family....Even one who is not crippled

Sad commentary on an ideology that is increasingly out of touch with American values

Indeed. And they wonder why they lose national election. Hmmm....
Sigh...Presidents have had their moms live in the Whitehouse from time to time; I know that Clinton had his there and there have been others. Why r u picking on Michelle's mom?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Because they are eternally butthurt.

I wonder how the idea spread among Dems that if they vote for Rs, the R will screw them hard? Maybe they think R think like this:

"Being the President of the U.S. has good perks. Such as using the tax-payer's money to pay for an extended, all expenses covered, vacation for the mother-in-law to Hotel Guantanamo."


Hey moron, there are people who let their old parents live with them. Wait, there's more! They might even enjoy the extended family life.

I thought I would take a break from doing taxes, but I saw this thread, and realized that doing taxes is more fun. A lot better than having to witness the OP's diarrhea of stupid.

Back to taxes. Less stressful than writing this flame.


Yes, but, but, bbbbut... BENGHAZI!

Yeah, that's socialism!!! lol...

Psst. You are ruining their wet-dream.


That pretty much covers it.

You seem to struggle with a lot of concepts.

One of them you really struggle with is the difference between right and wrong.

People have gone to jail for using political funds for personal use. It's one thing to have a mother that needs to be watched 24/7 living in the White House, quite another who could have a place of her own but chooses to sponge off of the taxpayers. It really is illustrative of this family. They're going to have to rewrite the regulations to prevent these abuses in the future. All of these personal expenses should be paid back to the Treasury, but don't hold your breath waiting on it to happen.

30 pages into this thread and conservatives still can't accept that a grandmother can be part of a family....Even one who is not crippled

Sad commentary on an ideology that is increasingly out of touch with American values

Indeed. And they wonder why they lose national election. Hmmm....

Maybe you could add something worthwhile instead of spamming.
Bubba's mother died not long after he became president in 1994 while she was living in Hot Springs, Arkansas. Virginia Clinton Kelley - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You're making that up.

What about "from time to time" don't u understand? Regardless of what Clinton's mom had as her domicile...she was known to reside w the Clintons in the whitehouse for extended periods...as did Ike's mom in law and others....
So answer the question...Why r U and ur Ilk picking on Michelle?

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Republicans struggle with the concept of family. The idea that you would have grandma live with you is bizarre to them

Obama is busy gutting the military and bragging about it, because of the debt, even though the threats abroad are growing as we speak, yet he feels no guilt over his extravagance.

I would say that having Grandma there to babysit the kids was frugal.....but the problem is they already have a well paid staff that does that. Most of them make over $100,000.00/yr to do it. I wonder if they all have to be licensed and a member of the union. If so, could Obama be breaking his own regulations?
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31 pages and you still can't understand why families want to have their grandmother with them

What a condemnation of conservative values

31 Pages and I'm still waiting for conservatives to say....We don't really care if their grandmother lives with them

That's not the point dumbass.

The point is "we the people" shouldn't be paying for it.

I could care less if they had their entire clan living there with them as long as they paid for it and not us taxpayers.

Hate to break it to you....but for 200 years the White House has been the home to the Presidents family.....you object to THAT?


That's not the point dumbass.

The point is "we the people" shouldn't be paying for it.

I could care less if they had their entire clan living there with them as long as they paid for it and not us taxpayers.

Hate to break it to you....but for 200 years the White House has been the home to the Presidents family.....you object to THAT?

No, but I do object to extended family.

You can point to four examples where it has been done before but that doesn't mean it's right, it just means they were wrong four times before.

It's not just mothers in law. On more than just four occaisions have other relatives of Presidents lived at the WH. Really, you cannot be that naive, or?

Extended family is anybody who is not a parent, child, or sibling.

That's it. Don't try telling me my mother is not part of my immediate family. I have allergies, and the coughing fit could do me in.

Probably not, but sometimes I stretch for humor, wherever it may be.


So then your issue comes down to what is a "real family" and that you don't consider a family with a grandma living with them to be a "real family"

Come on conservatives ...31 pages....you can do it
Just admit this is not a big deal and that you support extended families

No my issue is what us taxpayers should be on the hook for. I have no problem with the first family living in the Whitehouse at our expense, but beyond that they should take care of their own extended family members and not burden us with the expense.

Usually families that have extended members living with them do so because they can't afford alternatives.

Can't afford alternatives? Is that how conservatives look at extended families? You never consider that they may love their mother and want to take care of her? Or that they want their mother in their daughters lives?

Why do Conservatives struggle so much with the concept of family? We know you have issues with gay families....but bitching about grandma is creeping me out

Me too. There's sinking very low, and then there's sinking too low....

Extended family is anybody who is not a parent, child, or sibling.

That's it. Don't try telling me my mother is not part of my immediate family. I have allergies, and the coughing fit could do me in.

Probably not, but sometimes I stretch for humor, wherever it may be.

She's no more a member of your immediate family than your mother-in-law is.

Yes. She is. So - when I was two. My mother was not a member of my immediate family?

Is it your contention that one outgrows their immediate family?

That's a shit-poor contention, home skillet.

Yes, it is.


The immediate family is a defined group of relations, used in rules or laws to determine which members of a person's family are affected by those rules. It normally includes a person's parents, spouses, siblings and children. It can contain others connected by birth, adoption, marriage, civil partnership, or cohabitation, such as grandparents, grandchildren, siblings-in-law, half-siblings, adopted children and step-parents/step-children, and cohabiting partners.

Immediate family - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


I can't believe conservatives want to kick an old lady out of the White House

Sorry lady....Immediate family only

Move along

Is just amazing.

Can't afford alternatives? Is that how conservatives look at extended families? You never consider that they may love their mother and want to take care of her? Or that they want their mother in their daughters lives?

Why do Conservatives struggle so much with the concept of family? We know you have issues with gay families....but bitching about grandma is creeping me out

I don't speak for all conservatives. I speak for myself.

You can spin it any way you want. I'm telling you what I believe and have experienced. My mother lived with me with when could no longer care for herself, now I could have put her in a convalescent home as some people choose to do, but I chose to have a live in nurse there to tend to her because I had the money and could afford it.

Now had I been a poor Democrat then I would probably let the state i.e. the taxpayers provide for her needs. Much like what the Obama's are doing.

Don't be an ass. It has nothing to do with Mrs. Robinson's health. She is Michelle's immediate family. They were living together after she was widowed. She helps with the girls, and I doubt anybody is paying her to do so, as a nanny would be paid. My mom took care of my daughter at no charge. That's what family does. And family doesn't STOP being family just because the man of the house landed the highest office in the land.

Did you call her a freeloader?

Why, I do believe he did!

Another little piece of the puzzle us sane people have. My parents carried me to age 18, and helped me every so often when needed. Not very often. I am a proud one. I don't ask for help except maybe once a decade. But they raised me, and they did without in my honor (in the early years).

Apparently in neocon land, there is no familial debt to a senior parent.

Maybe they should just stick her on an ice floe and wave her out to sea.

Well...they did oppose Social Security and Medicare

We were forewarned

Indeed. We were. Pottersville all over the place.
I got mine, fuck you. And kill all the commies.

Pettiness is a sacrement to the right.

Do they swallow the wafer every day?

Why, I do believe he did!

Another little piece of the puzzle us sane people have. My parents carried me to age 18, and helped me every so often when needed. Not very often. I am a proud one. I don't ask for help except maybe once a decade. But they raised me, and they did without in my honor (in the early years).

Apparently in neocon land, there is no familial debt to a senior parent.

Maybe they should just stick her on an ice floe and wave her out to sea.

You morons are the most dishonest people on the planet.

Still waiting for proof that Mrs. Robinson is not a member of the immediate Obama family.

Put up or shut up.

You may be waiting for a while.

She's Barak's mother-in-law. Not his immediate family.

Look up one post. :thup:

Lonestar is a dishonest convict. He will start lying shortly. He learned nothing about moral integrity in the pen.


And what about the dog?

He's not related to anyone and yet he gets to live there scot free while us taxpayers pay for his dogfood and one or more of the Whitehouse staff to walk him no doubt.

Why aren't the righties bitching about that?

They did, over an AF1 flight where the dog was flown separately.

And what about the dog?

He's not related to anyone and yet he gets to live there scot free while us taxpayers pay for his dogfood and one or more of the Whitehouse staff to walk him no doubt.

Why aren't the righties bitching about that?

They probably did.

They did.
Pettiness is a sacrement to the right.

all the rw media would close up shop tomorrow if it weren't for their partisan pettiness.


The Obama's have no shame in taking advantage of you taxpayers...this is something else I have never seen before
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March 21, 2014 - 3:32 pm
Here’s a question I’ll bet nobody ever asked Jay Carney at a White House press briefing: Why does Michelle Obama’s mother live at the White House at taxpayer expense? (If someone has asked, please send link for me to stand corrected.)

Now that Michelle Obama’s mother has caused a disruption on the latest exotic vacation for the first lady, perhaps it is time for some answers about why Marian Robinson is even on the trip to China. Worse, why is she appearing in official photographs with Chinese officials?

Drudge is reporting in big bold lead letters that Marian Robinson is barking orders at hotel staff and generally misbehaving.

How many Americans know that Michelle Obama’s mother is living at the White House at taxpayer expense? Not many, I’d guess.

all of it here

The PJ Tatler » Why Does Michelle Obama?s Mother Live at the White House?

I don't care. She's her mother. If my mom were still alive, she'd be living with me. Nothing in the rules says the first family is only husband, wife and kids.

Another smart Rightie who didn't take the bait, but rather, showed human compassion and dignity. I will be pos repping this posting today.

Go ahead and throw stones otherwise you'll get your ass kicked in another debate and then you'll once again slink away in shame.

You couldnt kick my ass in a debate even if I was hogged tied and you were a member of the Rockettes. You lie too much to even be considered serious enough to debate.





You started the insults first. You lost your PC card when you did that. Seriously though it does not matter what you think. If you are serious about your displeasure then don't pay your taxes. Otherwise you are less than committed to your ideals. Just another big talker but with no action.

I do use insults, but the difference is I don't have to make shit up. It's all true. You people are straight up idiots.

BTW I never had nor do I ever need PC card. I leave that to the liberal pussies.

I am serious but not paying my taxes isn't a viable option. However voting them big government clowns out is. You will see that option being played out in November when conservatives retain the House and win the Senate.

If you use insults then don't whine and cry about people using them on you. If not paying your taxes is not a viable option then you are a wussy that doesn't stand behind his beliefs. Typical of the spineless, low hanging fruit you are. Get a backbone or shutup.


I do use insults, but the difference is I don't have to make shit up. It's all true. You people are straight up idiots.

BTW I never had nor do I ever need PC card. I leave that to the liberal pussies.

I am serious but not paying my taxes isn't a viable option. However voting them big government clowns out is. You will see that option being played out in November when conservatives retain the House and win the Senate.

If you use insults then don't whine and cry about people using them on you. If not paying your taxes is not a viable option then you are a wussy that doesn't stand behind his beliefs. Typical of the spineless, low hanging fruit you are. Get a backbone or shutup.

Good post

He thinks the repubs, who are addicted to defense spending like its nobody's business [> 1/2 of the discretionary budget], aren't corporatist/fascist tools looking to enrich themselves & stick the taxpayers (him) w/ the tab :rofl: See: Duke Cunningham (R) :thup:


For the record I have no problem with the mother-in-law living at the white house. If it was a cousin or something like that then I would have a problem, but as it stands now, it's not an unusual arrangement for a family. There are much, much bigger issues that we can complain about when it comes to Obama.



The Obama's have no shame in taking advantage of you taxpayers...this is something else I have never seen before
LINKS with this at site


March 21, 2014 - 3:32 pm
Here’s a question I’ll bet nobody ever asked Jay Carney at a White House press briefing: Why does Michelle Obama’s mother live at the White House at taxpayer expense? (If someone has asked, please send link for me to stand corrected.)

Now that Michelle Obama’s mother has caused a disruption on the latest exotic vacation for the first lady, perhaps it is time for some answers about why Marian Robinson is even on the trip to China. Worse, why is she appearing in official photographs with Chinese officials?

Drudge is reporting in big bold lead letters that Marian Robinson is barking orders at hotel staff and generally misbehaving.

How many Americans know that Michelle Obama’s mother is living at the White House at taxpayer expense? Not many, I’d guess.

all of it here

The PJ Tatler » Why Does Michelle Obama?s Mother Live at the White House?

Stephanie is offended when black people get free housing.

Yepp, that make em "uppity". Either that, or it's just another "Sand in yer Vagina" day. Take your pick.

You lie like you are still incarcerated. I bet you were saying you didnt do it like everyone else too.:lol: Either way you cant hold a honest conversation you bum. Did you pay the taxpayers the money back you owe them for giving you free room and board?

Whatever floats your boat assclown!

I actually pled guilty and the state actually paid me money. I don't know what you've been told I can only assume your ignorant since it's been on display for all to see, but uh, when you work as an inmate on a prison farm they actually pay you. Now it may be different now since a lot of the prison are no longer working farms but back in my day the prison was self sufficient relying very little on state dollars. We grew and raised our own beef, pork and vegetables, grew and ginned cotton with which we made our own clothes. Sadly it's not like that anymore.

Dont give me some sad sob story. Just pay the tax payers back their money. I just wonder why you lie so much and cant admit it. Sort of a redundant question I guess. :lol:

Good Lord, will the pettiness and dishonesty ever end? With the Clintons it was accusations that they stole cutlery off of Air force 1 and Whitehouse Furniture ...With Obama, it's his playing golf to unwind and having Michelle's mom living with them "at taxpayer expense"...Hello? The prez DOES have a salary; I'm sure that's sufficient for any extra TP, electricity or food grandma uses...
After my mom passed, Dad moved in with us...and we noticed no increase in household expenses...and loved having him with us and he loved not living alone ...or in a "home"...
What's the matter with u people..and ur So-called Christian values?
Do u hate our prez so much that u even begrudge his wife having her mom live with them? What's next...demands that they put her out or the prez gets impeached?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Lying is one thing they excel at.
You libs are lying to yourself.

Michelle considers the White House a prison.

They have a general staff that cares for the grounds and a personal staff that takes care of their needs.
They don't have to cook because they keep a well paid chef on duty 24/7.
They have an extremely well stocked movie theater that has a projectionist who is paid over $100k/yr.
They don't have to worry about traffic because everywhere the family goes they get a police escort.
They fly in the most expensive jet in the world with beds and a fully stocked kitchen.

I could live in such a prison.
You libs are lying to yourself.

Michelle considers the White House a prison.

They have a general staff that cares for the grounds and a personal staff that takes care of their needs.
They don't have to cook because they keep a well paid chef on duty 24/7.
They have an extremely well stocked movie theater that has a projectionist who is paid over $100k/yr.
They don't have to worry about traffic because everywhere the family goes they get a police escort.
They fly in the most expensive jet in the world with beds and a fully stocked kitchen.

I could live in such a prison.

Maybe for the first few months you could, but trust me...............eventually, you'd get tired of living in a fishbowl where everything you did or said was criticized by someone, somewhere in this country.

Even a gilded cage is still a cage.
You libs are lying to yourself.

Michelle considers the White House a prison.

They have a general staff that cares for the grounds and a personal staff that takes care of their needs.
They don't have to cook because they keep a well paid chef on duty 24/7.
They have an extremely well stocked movie theater that has a projectionist who is paid over $100k/yr.
They don't have to worry about traffic because everywhere the family goes they get a police escort.
They fly in the most expensive jet in the world with beds and a fully stocked kitchen.

I could live in such a prison.

Maybe for the first few months you could, but trust me...............eventually, you'd get tired of living in a fishbowl where everything you did or said was criticized by someone, somewhere in this country.

Even a gilded cage is still a cage.

That was my point a few days ago.

Their mom must be some crazy power-mad bitch to want to live in that damned place 24/7.
Honestly, What did you expect. With Obummer it is merely a case of mind over matter, they don't mind and you don't matter

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