Why Does Michelle Obama’s Mother Live at the White House?

I can do something about it.

I'm doing it.

Now grow up kid.

Crying and whining has never accomplished anything. Were you not taught that? Try a new tactic. This sad tantrum is not working. In fact it is failing miserably. Look around you. Nothing has changed. She still lives there. :lol:

You're the one throwing a tantrum.

I made my case. This wouldn't even be an issue if the first family learned to shut up and quit lecturing us on how we're to pay our bills, or how we are to eat, or any number of sanctimonious lectures they've given us.

If they practiced what they preached they wouldn't have near the complaints they receive.

If they would stop lying to us we might cut them some slack. Until then, I see no reason to remain silent.

Tantrum? :lol:

I'm laughing at your pitiful whining. Made your case? I waited for the announcement on CNN to say they were kicking Grandma out of the white house. Guess what? Nothing happened. You didnt make a case because there was never one to be made. You are powerless to do anything. Pinch yourself and wake up. Your whining has no affect other than to make me laugh.
Crying and whining has never accomplished anything. Were you not taught that? Try a new tactic. This sad tantrum is not working. In fact it is failing miserably. Look around you. Nothing has changed. She still lives there. :lol:

You're the one throwing a tantrum.

I made my case. This wouldn't even be an issue if the first family learned to shut up and quit lecturing us on how we're to pay our bills, or how we are to eat, or any number of sanctimonious lectures they've given us.

If they practiced what they preached they wouldn't have near the complaints they receive.

If they would stop lying to us we might cut them some slack. Until then, I see no reason to remain silent.

Tantrum? :lol:

I'm laughing at your pitiful whining. Made your case? I waited for the announcement on CNN to say they were kicking Grandma out of the white house. Guess what? Nothing happened. You didnt make a case because there was never one to be made. You are powerless to do anything. Pinch yourself and wake up. Your whining has no affect other than to make me laugh.

You've been throwing a tantrum for hours. I give you facts and all you do is bitch.

You can't come up with a convincing argument so all you have is "we won". "Get over it!"

Very effective. For an 8th grader.
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You're the one throwing a tantrum.

I made my case. This wouldn't even be an issue if the first family learned to shut up and quit lecturing us on how we're to pay our bills, or how we are to eat, or any number of sanctimonious lectures they've given us.

If they practiced what they preached they wouldn't have near the complaints they receive.

If they would stop lying to us we might cut them some slack. Until then, I see no reason to remain silent.

Tantrum? :lol:

I'm laughing at your pitiful whining. Made your case? I waited for the announcement on CNN to say they were kicking Grandma out of the white house. Guess what? Nothing happened. You didnt make a case because there was never one to be made. You are powerless to do anything. Pinch yourself and wake up. Your whining has no affect other than to make me laugh.

You've been throwing a tantrum for hours. I give you facts and all you do is bitch.

You can't come up with a convincing argument so all you have is "we won". "Get over it!"

Very effective.

I've actually been laughing for hours. You gave me your opinion. I disagree. Why do I need to come up with a convincing argument? You must be confused. I'm not trying to convince you of anything. I checked again and she still lives there. Did you stop paying your taxes? I bet you still pay them. Typical of people that are all talk and no action.
Tantrum? :lol:

I'm laughing at your pitiful whining. Made your case? I waited for the announcement on CNN to say they were kicking Grandma out of the white house. Guess what? Nothing happened. You didnt make a case because there was never one to be made. You are powerless to do anything. Pinch yourself and wake up. Your whining has no affect other than to make me laugh.

You've been throwing a tantrum for hours. I give you facts and all you do is bitch.

You can't come up with a convincing argument so all you have is "we won". "Get over it!"

Very effective.

I've actually been laughing for hours. You gave me your opinion. I disagree. Why do I need to come up with a convincing argument? You must be confused. I'm not trying to convince you of anything. I checked again and she still lives there. Did you stop paying your taxes? I bet you still pay them. Typical of people that are all talk and no action.

I pay them cuz it's the law. I don't see what that had to do with it.

The reason you aren't arguing the point is you have none. You can't argue with my logic in a rational manner, so you resort to infantile rhetoric.

You come off as a shit-for-brains that hasn't the knowledge to back anything up. So you troll. Not even troll well I might add.
You've been throwing a tantrum for hours. I give you facts and all you do is bitch.

You can't come up with a convincing argument so all you have is "we won". "Get over it!"

Very effective.

I've actually been laughing for hours. You gave me your opinion. I disagree. Why do I need to come up with a convincing argument? You must be confused. I'm not trying to convince you of anything. I checked again and she still lives there. Did you stop paying your taxes? I bet you still pay them. Typical of people that are all talk and no action.

I pay them cuz it's the law. I don't see what that had to do with it.

The reason you aren't arguing the point is you have none. You can't argue with my logic in a rational manner, so you resort to infantile rhetoric.

You come off as a shit-for-brains that hasn't the knowledge to back anything up. So you troll. Not even troll well I might add.

You pay your taxes because you have no backbone. If you had conviction in your beliefs you would not contribute one cent towards the financial situation for the mother-in-law. You would go to jail first.

The reason I'm not arguing is because your opinion is stupid. Find a subject you can sound halfway like a grownup on instead whining like a petulant towheaded child. Find something you are more effective at instead of this pitiful puerile display. If you want to see a troll thread just go back to the OP. You and your butthurt kind have no power. Deal with it.
The Obama's have no shame in taking advantage of you taxpayers...this is something else I have never seen before
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Although not a common occurrence, I do know other Presidents such as Harry Truman, Ulysses S. Grant, Benjamin Harrison, and Dwight Eisenhower have all invited in-laws to live under the roof of the Whitehouse while in office. Regarding President Eisenhower, I think it was his mother-in-law specifically, just like with President Obama.

So let's be totally honest here: I don't think the fact Dwight's mother-in-law lived with him had ANY effect on how people view his Presidency so why should the situation with Obama be any different?

I think it's a gigantic NON-ISSUE.

This is just another straw that broke the camel's back. It would be easy to overlook if the first family wasn't prone to wasting money at the same time they preach to us about cutting back.

There once was a man called Obama
Who lived with his wife and her Mama
Cause she's a freeloading Bitch
That crawled out of a Ditch
And she thinks shes the cats pajama
GreenBean and Mudflap are both whiny wuzzies. They be like.....

Haven't been on much, but even without having read the comments, it is clear that the entire premise of the "OP" is total bullshit. Many members of the 1st family other than the President, his wife and children have lived at the White House pretty much ever since the 2nd president and NO ONE ever complained.

Suddenly, with our first black President, and now in his 6th year, some want to complain? Really?

The Obama's said very specifically in late 2008 and early 2009 that they were bringing Michelle's mother, Marian Robinson, with to the White House to help tend for and raise the children, knowing full well that FLOTUS Michelle Obama would not be able to every day. Their decision was a good and practical one and makes sense. And people who don't like it because suddenly a black president was "uppity" enough to allow yet another black person to breath air within the White House can go shove it up their fucking arses. Bunch of morons!

This has got to be one of the more transparent cases of racism I have seen in a while. Oh, the ODS has only deepened among some... just fucking amazing. And then those same idiots turn around and wonder why they can't secure the minority vote......
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Your spite shrinks your character by day. Lets bet a stack nobody researched any precedent here before spiddling. Takers?


Anyone who.wants their one one millionth of a penny.back hollar at me via p.m.I got.you though dont worry


I cheese everytime yall show your downright hatred. It.brings , great joy being quite honest. I hope the old bat flushes three times for every pee too and leaves allllllll the lights on so criminal!!!


Why Does Michelle Obama’s Mother Live at the White House?
Why do you and others on the right suffer from ODS, contriving and obsessing over non-issues.

Because it's the only thing they have left. They lost twice. They lot the ACA battle. They lost the battle over gay rights. They would love to seceed. They are MAD!!!!

Why Does Michelle Obama’s Mother Live at the White House?
Why do you and others on the right suffer from ODS, contriving and obsessing over non-issues.

Yep, this is so, so petty. Pathetic.

Expect to hosed says the lunch lady in her hair net. Why didnt you run a successful business with your hard working home educated uber self reliant non government needing self, leech? Fuck ouuta my internet ya hateful hypocritical bee hotch


Steph hates old people and grandmothers. What a disgusting person you are.


:eusa_boohoo: moo
Yep, this is so, so petty. Pathetic.

but of course, what right do us taxpayers have to question paying for a relatives room and board

we should just sit down, accept it and shut up right?

How.much does that room cost when its vacant, whiner? Or was it freshly built! Yea!


Can Conservatives get any more petty?

Imagine taking care of an elderly family member.....how unamerican

Yepp, imagine that.

Why do you and others on the right suffer from ODS, contriving and obsessing over non-issues.
because it is our tax dollars that are paying for her accommodation?

Those same tax dollars that pay for.boehners tanning.hut trips and aye rand pauls sue obama road trip? The old.babysitter is of course the one to cringe at genuis.

And percentually, less than a drop within a drop within a molecule of a drop within a bucket.
The Obama's have no shame in taking advantage of you taxpayers...this is something else I have never seen before
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March 21, 2014 - 3:32 pm
Here’s a question I’ll bet nobody ever asked Jay Carney at a White House press briefing: Why does Michelle Obama’s mother live at the White House at taxpayer expense? (If someone has asked, please send link for me to stand corrected.)

Now that Michelle Obama’s mother has caused a disruption on the latest exotic vacation for the first lady, perhaps it is time for some answers about why Marian Robinson is even on the trip to China. Worse, why is she appearing in official photographs with Chinese officials?

Drudge is reporting in big bold lead letters that Marian Robinson is barking orders at hotel staff and generally misbehaving.

How many Americans know that Michelle Obama’s mother is living at the White House at taxpayer expense? Not many, I’d guess.

all of it here

The PJ Tatler » Why Does Michelle Obama?s Mother Live at the White House?

Probably one of the reasons is that she is living there to help raise the Obama children while the President and First Lady go off to take care of their obligations as the First Couple......................

Here's an article from Grandparents.com

Robinson, 71, will become the first Presidential in-law to live in the executive mansion since Elvira "Minnie" Doud, Mamie Eisenhower's mother. Doud "wintered" in the White house from 1953 to 1960, but Eisenhower's children were grown at the time.

An "unsung hero"

In an interview on 60 Minutes soon after the general election, President-elect Obama called Robinson "one of the unsung heroes" of his campaign, and said, "We couldn't have done it without her." He meant that literally: Michelle Obama has said that if Robinson had not been available to step in and watch over the girls, Obama might never have launched his campaign. During the campaign, Robinson quit her job as an executive secretary at a bank to have more time for her grandchildren.

"We couldn't have done it without her," Obama said on the program. "'Cause she retired, looked after the girls, gave Michelle confidence that somebody was gonna be there when Michelle was on the road."

Breaking: "First Grandma" To Live in White House - Grandparents.com

And..................fwiw.........................Obama's mother isn't the first Presidential mother to spend time in the White House. Eisenhower's mother used to spend her winters there while Ike (who was a Republican) was in office.
This is old news. It was well known in 2008 that Obama's mother-in-law came with the package deal.

she moved in with them to give the children a sense of normalcy and consistency.

what an awesome whinging thread.

Yepp. Goes in the top-ten list of the stupid.

Why do Conservatives hate grandmothers? Why?


Because the chicken crossed the road, or something like that.

Why do Conservatives hate grandmothers? Why?

they don't…. they're obama deranged psychos


The Obama's have no shame in taking advantage of you taxpayers...this is something else I have never seen before
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March 21, 2014 - 3:32 pm
Here’s a question I’ll bet nobody ever asked Jay Carney at a White House press briefing: Why does Michelle Obama’s mother live at the White House at taxpayer expense? (If someone has asked, please send link for me to stand corrected.)

Now that Michelle Obama’s mother has caused a disruption on the latest exotic vacation for the first lady, perhaps it is time for some answers about why Marian Robinson is even on the trip to China. Worse, why is she appearing in official photographs with Chinese officials?

Drudge is reporting in big bold lead letters that Marian Robinson is barking orders at hotel staff and generally misbehaving.

How many Americans know that Michelle Obama’s mother is living at the White House at taxpayer expense? Not many, I’d guess.

all of it here

The PJ Tatler » Why Does Michelle Obama?s Mother Live at the White House?

Family values, that's why. Why do you care? Oh yeah, you're one of those, i.e., a captious individual. Do you look out your windows to try and catch a neighbor doing something upon which you can gossip? I'd bet you do; you're disgusting.

It really is funny to watch.

The Obama's have no shame in taking advantage of you taxpayers...this is something else I have never seen before
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March 21, 2014 - 3:32 pm
Here’s a question I’ll bet nobody ever asked Jay Carney at a White House press briefing: Why does Michelle Obama’s mother live at the White House at taxpayer expense? (If someone has asked, please send link for me to stand corrected.)

Now that Michelle Obama’s mother has caused a disruption on the latest exotic vacation for the first lady, perhaps it is time for some answers about why Marian Robinson is even on the trip to China. Worse, why is she appearing in official photographs with Chinese officials?

Drudge is reporting in big bold lead letters that Marian Robinson is barking orders at hotel staff and generally misbehaving.

How many Americans know that Michelle Obama’s mother is living at the White House at taxpayer expense? Not many, I’d guess.

all of it here

The PJ Tatler » Why Does Michelle Obama?s Mother Live at the White House?

Family values, that's why. Why do you care? Oh yeah, you're one of those, i.e., a captious individual. Do you look out your windows to try and catch a neighbor doing something upon which you can gossip? I'd bet you do; you're disgusting.

It would seem republicans aren’t advocates of family values, then.

Of course not. Larry Craig, Mark Foley, Mark Sanford and a slew of others.

Staph and ANOTHER one of her hack PJTatler threads


Life is not easy for kids of the President: scrutiny of everything you do, all your friends, etc. They didn't ask for it, nor did the grandmother. If I recall correctly the grandmother was living with them prior to his election and thus this was not new.

Yepp. That was part of the decision to bring her with to the White House.

Just because Conservatives put their grandmothers into old age homes is no reason the Obamas should

We all know conservatives lack family values

man you need to go out and smell the roses...you are getting slightly more insane and just downright nasty

Least he doesnt hate grandmothers, you drain on people's intelligence.

She can't drain something she herself cannot access. But she is a drain on patience, longsuffering and co.

they don't…. they're obama deranged psychos

Do Conservatives like Stephanie abandon their grandmas?

Seems sick to me

It is.

Its like the President said, if he's for something, the ODS gang are against it

I just wish he would require people to eat.

Do remember every 1st family has to pay their own personal expenses.


Just because Conservatives put their grandmothers into old age homes is no reason the Obamas should

We all know conservatives lack family values

man you need to go out and smell the roses...you are getting slightly more insane and just downright nasty

Why do you hate grandmas?


The Obama's have no shame in taking advantage of you taxpayers...this is something else I have never seen before
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March 21, 2014 - 3:32 pm
Here’s a question I’ll bet nobody ever asked Jay Carney at a White House press briefing: Why does Michelle Obama’s mother live at the White House at taxpayer expense? (If someone has asked, please send link for me to stand corrected.)

Now that Michelle Obama’s mother has caused a disruption on the latest exotic vacation for the first lady, perhaps it is time for some answers about why Marian Robinson is even on the trip to China. Worse, why is she appearing in official photographs with Chinese officials?

Drudge is reporting in big bold lead letters that Marian Robinson is barking orders at hotel staff and generally misbehaving.

How many Americans know that Michelle Obama’s mother is living at the White House at taxpayer expense? Not many, I’d guess.

all of it here

The PJ Tatler » Why Does Michelle Obama?s Mother Live at the White House?
Really? This is a problem for you? Really?


Hey...current marching orders: Attack the Mother-in-Law too.

Staph is an outstanding drone.

Hey...current marching orders: Attack the Mother-in-Law too.

Yes, ODS is a sad, tragic mental disorder.

yes, and sadly enough, incurable.

Leave the Obama's Mommy alone

good grief:lol:

same ole same ole from the left

Stop hating grandmothers you swine.as you can see the right is willing to attack family members. There is no low they wont go to in order to hate.

Bet she didn't hate Mame Eisenhower's mom.

Leave the Obama's Mommy alone

good grief:lol:

same ole same ole from the left

Have't said that, have I? Feel free to attack the MIL...it shows way more about you than it does her. :D

Indeed. :D

When I was a kid, we had my Grandfather come and live with us after my grandmother died

Is that just a liberal value or do conservatives do it too?

It is definitely a liberal value to care for elderly.

Why Does Michelle Obama’s Mother Live at the White House?
Why do you and others on the right suffer from ODS, contriving and obsessing over non-issues.

Its called bitter white people's syndrome. Very prevalent among the less educated in history and the lower IQ crowd

Now to educate the Ignorant

4 presidential in-laws who moved to White House - CNN.com :eusa_whistle:

THIS IS BY FAR THE BEST POSTING THUS FAR ON THIS THREAD and I will be expatiating on it just as soon as I have read the rest of this hilarity.

Why do you and others on the right suffer from ODS, contriving and obsessing over non-issues.

Its called bitter white people's syndrome. Very prevalent among the less educated in history and the lower IQ crowd

Now to educate the Ignorant

4 presidential in-laws who moved to White House - CNN.com :eusa_whistle:

ah yes, and here we get the typical uppity left condescending syndrome we are all accustomed to

makes me want to read his links he provides...not

in fact I've had enough of it...see ya

Yes, Staph, why should you actually read and educate yourself when you can just bitch and moan like a beached whale with a harpoon up it's ass. Yes, indeed, I think I can see your logic in this.

Its called bitter white people's syndrome. Very prevalent among the less educated in history and the lower IQ crowd

Now to educate the Ignorant

4 presidential in-laws who moved to White House - CNN.com :eusa_whistle:

ah yes, and here we get the typical uppity left condescending syndrome we are all accustomed to

makes me want to read his links he provides...not

in fact I've had enough of it...see ya

We're uppity now. Didn't see THAT one coming. :rofl:

OMG, "uppity"!!!

Its called bitter white people's syndrome. Very prevalent among the less educated in history and the lower IQ crowd

Now to educate the Ignorant

4 presidential in-laws who moved to White House - CNN.com :eusa_whistle:

ah yes, and here we get the typical uppity left condescending syndrome we are all accustomed to

makes me want to read his links he provides...not

in fact I've had enough of it...see ya

Maybe some of the other conservatives on the board can help us on this one

Is the hatred of those who take care of elderly parents a conservative value or is it just a sick, twisted hatred coming out of Stephanie?

Well, let's let some other Conservatives chime in as to whether they think this thread is worth it...

the really does fit the Obama's and extended family
just sit back and enjoy being hosed by them, oh and shut about it too...lol

OMG, how dare those black people wear nice clothes and even deign to act as if they currrently are part of America's elite. Damn them, damn them all to hell!!!! Go get em, Staph, you got em right where they want you!!!

the really does fit the Obama's and extended family
just sit back and enjoy being hosed by them, oh and shut about it too...lol

Is your hatred towards extended families against all extended families or just those of Democrats? We all know you wouldn't be opposed because it is a black family....that would be so unlike you


now they care about the elderly...after they use them in ads shoving them over cliffs in wheelchairs...they're just such two faced hypocrites

the drama and hysterics from them over asking who is footing the bill for the Dear mommie

so typical though



Have you always hated old people or just Obama old people?

3.... 2..... 1.....

Our tax dollars pay the salaries and expenses of politicians. We all know that. What I didn't know is that my tax dollars are also required to pay for the expenses of Ms. Robinson who is not a politician. :eusa_eh:

Not a single dollar of yours pays for that. More like a penny. Certainly somthing to ruin your saturday morning.

Get a life.
A penny?

We know that she goes about her life, and Secret Service have to accompany her, not to mention all the trips that she's been on with the first family, including the $8000 per night stay in China where she's making life uncomfortable for hotel staff.

Her expenses when factoring in food, lodging, trips, secret service, easily comes to 1 million per year. That is 8 million for the two 4 year terms. I don't know about you, but in my book 8 million bucks comes out to more than a penny per taxpayer.

[MENTION=45739]Jughead[/MENTION] - care to explain how FLOTUS Michelle Obama is making life "uncomfortable" to the hotel staff? Is Michelle Obama doing anything differently than any other travelling FLOTUS has done. I look forward to your enlightening answer.

Your admiring Statistikhengst.
The Obama's have no shame in taking advantage of you taxpayers...this is something else I have never seen before
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March 21, 2014 - 3:32 pm
Here’s a question I’ll bet nobody ever asked Jay Carney at a White House press briefing: Why does Michelle Obama’s mother live at the White House at taxpayer expense? (If someone has asked, please send link for me to stand corrected.)

Now that Michelle Obama’s mother has caused a disruption on the latest exotic vacation for the first lady, perhaps it is time for some answers about why Marian Robinson is even on the trip to China. Worse, why is she appearing in official photographs with Chinese officials?

Drudge is reporting in big bold lead letters that Marian Robinson is barking orders at hotel staff and generally misbehaving.

How many Americans know that Michelle Obama’s mother is living at the White House at taxpayer expense? Not many, I’d guess.

all of it here

The PJ Tatler » Why Does Michelle Obama?s Mother Live at the White House?
Really? This is a problem for you? Really?


Staph is an outstanding drone.

yes, and sadly enough, incurable.

Bet she didn't hate Mame Eisenhower's mom.

Indeed. :D

It is definitely a liberal value to care for elderly.

THIS IS BY FAR THE BEST POSTING THUS FAR ON THIS THREAD and I will be expatiating on it just as soon as I have read the rest of this hilarity.

Yes, Staph, why should you actually read and educate yourself when you can just bitch and moan like a beached whale with a harpoon up it's ass. Yes, indeed, I think I can see your logic in this.

OMG, "uppity"!!!

Well, let's let some other Conservatives chime in as to whether they think this thread is worth it...

OMG, how dare those black people wear nice clothes and even deign to act as if they currrently are part of America's elite. Damn them, damn them all to hell!!!! Go get em, Staph, you got em right where they want you!!!


3.... 2..... 1.....

Not a single dollar of yours pays for that. More like a penny. Certainly somthing to ruin your saturday morning.

Get a life.
A penny?

We know that she goes about her life, and Secret Service have to accompany her, not to mention all the trips that she's been on with the first family, including the $8000 per night stay in China where she's making life uncomfortable for hotel staff.

Her expenses when factoring in food, lodging, trips, secret service, easily comes to 1 million per year. That is 8 million for the two 4 year terms. I don't know about you, but in my book 8 million bucks comes out to more than a penny per taxpayer.

[MENTION=45739]Jughead[/MENTION] - care to explain how FLOTUS Michelle Obama is making life "uncomfortable" to the hotel staff? Is Michelle Obama doing anything differently than any other travelling FLOTUS has done. I look forward to your enlightening answer.

Your admiring Statistikhengst.
Ooops, I was referring to Marian Robinson, Michelle Obama's mom. :lol:

Here's an article...

But the Obamas' stay has already affected staff and guests at the hotel, with the Westin front-desk veteran alleging that Mrs. Obama's mother Marian Robinson has been 'barking at the staff since she arrived.'

Beijing hotel workers already 'fed up' with Obama entourage in 3400-square-foot, $8,350-per-night suite inconveniencing 'pretty much everyone' -- and the first lady's mother is 'barking at the staff' | Mail Online
Not a single dollar of yours pays for that. More like a penny. Certainly somthing to ruin your saturday morning.

Get a life.
A penny?

We know that she goes about her life, and Secret Service have to accompany her, not to mention all the trips that she's been on with the first family, including the $8000 per night stay in China where she's making life uncomfortable for hotel staff.

Her expenses when factoring in food, lodging, trips, secret service, easily comes to 1 million per year. That is 8 million for the two 4 year terms. I don't know about you, but in my book 8 million bucks comes out to more than a penny per taxpayer.

Do you think the first family would prefer to live in a world where they didn't need round the clock security?

They didn't mind President Reagan having secret security the day he was (very unfortunately) shot. Had the SS not been there, I bet that Reagan would not have lived, and that would have been a national tragedy. The Wingers and Nutters just don't get how many crazy people are out there who would love to do harm to anyone within the immediate first family, and that includes Grandma Robinson. There is a reason why the number of threats has gone up drastically under both President Bush and President Obama - more crazies out there. Honestly, had President Bush and Laura invited both Barbara and George Sr. to live at the White House, I never would have complained.

Out of his paycheck, President Obama pays for his own food and the food for the First Family, including Mrs. Robinson. Whether or not Mrs. Robinson would be living in a room there, it would be heated in winter and kept warm in the summer. It would be cleaned regularly with or without her presence. Since Mrs. Robinson stays within the White House most of the time, SS costs for her are minimal, probably LESS than would be were the President to have to assign an SS detail to watch her at her house in Chicago. So, irony of ironies, it may well turn out that having Mrs. Robinson at the White House will have cost the taxpayer LESS after eight years than had she stayed in Chicago.

And as soon as those stats come out, I will GLADLY publish them.

A penny?

We know that she goes about her life, and Secret Service have to accompany her, not to mention all the trips that she's been on with the first family, including the $8000 per night stay in China where she's making life uncomfortable for hotel staff.

Her expenses when factoring in food, lodging, trips, secret service, easily comes to 1 million per year. That is 8 million for the two 4 year terms. I don't know about you, but in my book 8 million bucks comes out to more than a penny per taxpayer.

Do you think the first family would prefer to live in a world where they didn't need round the clock security?

They could have that. It's called don't let the door hit you in the ass when you leave. They would just have to give up the luxurious lifestyle to which they feel is their due. If they weren't in a position to get round the clock security no hotel in China would let them dirty the sheets.

Where does katzndogs get these stats? Oh let me guess, right out his or her ass... And BTW, is the Obama lifestyle any different than the Bush or Clinton or Reagan lifestyle? Really? ODS ODS ODS...

The lady is 76 years old. If her daughter's family were not the first family, she would be living with them because that is how the Obama's do it: they don't leave the elderly on their own or in a rest home. So she is living with her family, as we would, most of us, prefer to do all over America, keep our parents with us. Why do you begrude her this? Why do you want to send her off to live alone or in a nursing home? What is wrong with your? Any costs involved to the American taxpayer are acutely minimal. This is very sad, very sad indeed.

Yes, it is pitiful.

A penny?

We know that she goes about her life, and Secret Service have to accompany her, not to mention all the trips that she's been on with the first family, including the $8000 per night stay in China where she's making life uncomfortable for hotel staff.

Her expenses when factoring in food, lodging, trips, secret service, easily comes to 1 million per year. That is 8 million for the two 4 year terms. I don't know about you, but in my book 8 million bucks comes out to more than a penny per taxpayer.

Do you think the first family would prefer to live in a world where they didn't need round the clock security?
The First Family does indeed deserve to have Secret Service protection. That includes the President, spouse, and children. It does not include cousins, aunts, uncles, in-laws, friends, neighbors. Those millions of taxpayer dollars spent on the in-law could have been better spent elsewhere.

Do you think the first family would prefer to live in a world where they didn't need round the clock security?

They could have that. It's called don't let the door hit you in the ass when you leave. They would just have to give up the luxurious lifestyle to which they feel is their due. If they weren't in a position to get round the clock security no hotel in China would let them dirty the sheets.

The first family putting up with round the clock security is more of their concession to us rather than our concession to them


The lady is 76 years old. If her daughter's family were not the first family, she would be living with them because that is how the Obama's do it: they don't leave the elderly on their own or in a rest home. So she is living with her family, as we would, most of us, prefer to do all over America, keep our parents with us. Why do you begrude her this? Why do you want to send her off to live alone or in a nursing home? What is wrong with your? Any costs involved to the American taxpayer are acutely minimal. This is very sad, very sad indeed.

That is why it shocks me that conservatives would sink so low as to complain about an extended family in the White House. Even conservatives should have some degree of family values

That would require them to have hearts, and not all of them do. But I notice that a number of very intelligent Cons here are avoiding this thread and I commend them for it.

The lady is 76 years old. If her daughter's family were not the first family, she would be living with them because that is how the Obama's do it: they don't leave the elderly on their own or in a rest home. So she is living with her family, as we would, most of us, prefer to do all over America, keep our parents with us. Why do you begrude her this? Why do you want to send her off to live alone or in a nursing home? What is wrong with your? Any costs involved to the American taxpayer are acutely minimal. This is very sad, very sad indeed.

That is why it shocks me that conservatives would sink so low as to complain about an extended family in the White House. Even conservatives should have some degree of family values

You would think so, but their desire to criticize the President knows no limits, including worshiping a communist dictator and wanting to put an old woman in a nursing home or to fend for herself in loneliness.


Just because Conservatives put their grandmothers into old age homes is no reason the Obamas should

We all know conservatives lack family values

It was obama who answered a question from a lady that asked him, my 90 year old mother needs a new hip, should she get a new one? Obama says, just give her a pain pill. Obamacare won't cover cancer treatment at the best cancer hospitals. So i guess liberals have started a war on old people.

I am unaware of any insurance company that will pay for a hip replacement on a 90 year old....are you?

There is no such thing as an "Obamacare" policy. Each state sets up its own policies. Some are bronze, silver, gold or platinum. Your premium and coverage will vary. Now, if you want your state to set up a policy that covers trips to the Mayo clinic, I'm sure it can be done


The Obama's have no shame in taking advantage of you taxpayers...this is something else I have never seen before
LINKS with this at site


March 21, 2014 - 3:32 pm
Here’s a question I’ll bet nobody ever asked Jay Carney at a White House press briefing: Why does Michelle Obama’s mother live at the White House at taxpayer expense? (If someone has asked, please send link for me to stand corrected.)

Now that Michelle Obama’s mother has caused a disruption on the latest exotic vacation for the first lady, perhaps it is time for some answers about why Marian Robinson is even on the trip to China. Worse, why is she appearing in official photographs with Chinese officials?

Drudge is reporting in big bold lead letters that Marian Robinson is barking orders at hotel staff and generally misbehaving.

How many Americans know that Michelle Obama’s mother is living at the White House at taxpayer expense? Not many, I’d guess.

all of it here

The PJ Tatler » Why Does Michelle Obama?s Mother Live at the White House?

Desperation simply doesn't become you. She is a member of their family, sort of like their kids, you stupid twit.

But I tell you what put me right over the top, honey. It's when they got that damn dog. You see how much that thing eats? And leaves piles on the White House lawn the size of your mama's telephone.


This thread is so incredibly petty and mean spirited. Right wingers really show what they are.

In their defence, not all Right-Wingers are like this. I don't see Listening, 007, spoonman or Jroc joining in the fray. They are SMART Righties who know better than this.

(And now that I have said that, I hope they didn't write anything crazy later... :) :) )

You would think so, but their desire to criticize the President knows no limits, including worshiping a communist dictator and wanting to put an old woman in a nursing home or to fend for herself in loneliness.

Its just the blind hate from conservatives where they will even attack values they claim to profess

Can you imagine the Conservative outrage if the Obamas stuck their mother in law in an old age home?

^ that

^^^ that

Medicare parts A& B will cover a hip replacement....

Psst. You are ruining their fantasy.
When I was a kid, we had my Grandfather come and live with us after my grandmother died

Is that just a liberal value or do conservatives do it too?
Did you make your neighbor pay for it?

Interesting response

I know conservatives hate the idea of a gay family, but I never knew they didn't believe a family with a grandparent in it is a "real family"

Sinking pretty low even for Conservatives

Sinking lower by the day. You know, I am thinking of erecting a "Right Wing Hall of Shame" thread...

What additional expenses to the taxpayer are being incurred by her living at the White House?

Little or none.

What additional expenses to the taxpayer are being incurred by her living at the White House?

Let me check my figures........ummmm.....none?

Little or none.

Let me check my figures........ummmm.....none?



Sequester Cuts Force Obama to Kick Mother-in-Law Out of White House

WASHINGTON – The White House announced this morning that because of the automatic spending cuts known as sequestration, President Obama was forced to tell Michelle Obama’s mother, Marian Robinson, she had to move out of the White House. Moments after his mother-in-law and her possessions disappeared through the gates of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave in a rented U-haul truck, Obama met with reporters in the Rose Garden.

The president’s tone was melancholy as he answered questions about moving his children’s grandmother out of the White House and into a small apartment in the southeastern part of the city.

REPORTER: Because of the sequestration cuts your mother-in-law will no longer have secret service protection. As a parting gift Vice President Biden gave her a sawed off double barrel shotgun and a dozen boxes of shells to protect herself in her new residence. Do you approve of Mr. Biden’s gift?

OBAMA: Well, the area where she’ll be living ain’t exactly Mayberry, if you know what I’m saying. Fact is, the crime rate is one of the highest in the city

Sequester Cuts Force Obama to Kick Mother-in-Law Out of White House | The DAILY RASH

You do know that's supposed to be a joke, right?

The "Daily Rash" is a satire site.

OMG, they do love their satire sites... kind of like the alternate universe for the butthurteds...

You do know that's supposed to be a joke, right?

The "Daily Rash" is a satire site.

You think?


Just checking.

Once a month or so, someone will post from one of those satire sites thinking it's a real story.

Getting back to the topic of the thread, what additional costs to the taxpayers do you think Marian Robinson is causing by living in the White House?

Little or none.

Not to mention the Romney family! Now you gotta whine about mooch's take along mooch!

Alone the fact that you are willling to call both Michelle Obama and her mother mooches says a lot more about you than it says about them, and it ain't pretty.

Your spite shrinks your character by day. Lets bet a stack nobody researched any precedent here before spiddling. Takers?

That evil liberal...President Dwight D. Eisenhower (former 5 star General)

Last edited:
The Obama's have no shame in taking advantage of you taxpayers...this is something else I have never seen before
LINKS with this at site


March 21, 2014 - 3:32 pm
Here’s a question I’ll bet nobody ever asked Jay Carney at a White House press briefing: Why does Michelle Obama’s mother live at the White House at taxpayer expense? (If someone has asked, please send link for me to stand corrected.)

Now that Michelle Obama’s mother has caused a disruption on the latest exotic vacation for the first lady, perhaps it is time for some answers about why Marian Robinson is even on the trip to China. Worse, why is she appearing in official photographs with Chinese officials?

Drudge is reporting in big bold lead letters that Marian Robinson is barking orders at hotel staff and generally misbehaving.

How many Americans know that Michelle Obama’s mother is living at the White House at taxpayer expense? Not many, I’d guess.

all of it here

The PJ Tatler » Why Does Michelle Obama?s Mother Live at the White House?

LOL, really, its not that big of a deal. Actually, its ridiculous nitpicking and complaining and just evidence that you are a severely bitter woman. You have so much hate festering in you when it comes to Obama, yet I am yet to see a lucid argument from you...just tabloid trash and junk media.

And no, I'm not calling you racist for your nonsensical posts and ridiculous flame fest arguments you have with your liberal counterparts. I just seriously question whether you truly have an educated opinion or if you just regurgitate what you read and hear from like minded people and news sources.

Keep it up, you make me laugh...but PLEASE. I BEG OF YOU, when elections come up next year, please shut up. I don't want your nonsensical posts and logic deterring anyone from voting Republican. Seriously...please, go on vacation during the next election cycle!

Good man, good man. Finally, a sensible Conservative here. Bravo.

Just because Conservatives put their grandmothers into old age homes is no reason the Obamas should

We all know conservatives lack family values

The Obama's are multi-millionaires and could certainly afford to rent or buy a home near the White House for Michelle's mother. Of course she wouldn't be waited on hand and foot and might even have to cook her own meals. Unless the Obama multi-millionaires hired her a cook and a maid.

not likely, obama's brother lives in a one room hut with a dirt floor. they care about no one but themselves. They are "gittin even" with whitey.

Nosiree, there was no bitter racism in that comment at all.

This is the left on this board when it comes to their Dear Leader and the wifey poo

but they can call Palins daughter a whore with no problem

Who started a thead about the presidents mother in law living with them?

Drama Queen?


LOL, really, its not that big of a deal. Actually, its ridiculous nitpicking and complaining and just evidence that you are a severely bitter woman. You have so much hate festering in you when it comes to Obama, yet I am yet to see a lucid argument from you...just tabloid trash and junk media.

And no, I'm not calling you racist for your nonsensical posts and ridiculous flame fest arguments you have with your liberal counterparts. I just seriously question whether you truly have an educated opinion or if you just regurgitate what you read and hear from like minded people and news sources.

Keep it up, you make me laugh...but PLEASE. I BEG OF YOU, when elections come up next year, please shut up. I don't want your nonsensical posts and logic deterring anyone from voting Republican. Seriously...please, go on vacation during the next election cycle!

boy we're glad you got off your hairy chest..now go beat it like the ugly ape that you are
good gawd you shut up
No, you shut up. You are a disgrace to conservatism. Yes, the liberals were nasty, nonsensical, irrational and destructive in their efforts to defame George and Laura Bush. They are childish windbags too!

Oh, and why would you call me an ape? Is that the best you got?

You are a smart Conservative, I bet you and I could have some good conversations. And just for the record, I as a Democrat never even one tried to defame former President George. W. Bush (43), his lovely wife Laura or their two lovely daughters. I have always liked the man, but disagreed strongly with some, but not all, of his policies. I am also the one who opened the thread on FLOTUSES here. I also wishes former President George H.W. Bush (Sr.) well when he took ill.

And yes, Staph is an absolute disgrace to Conservatism. It's hard for Conservatives to get their message out there with idiots like her muddying up the waters with non-issues. However, I must admit, it is quite entertaining.

Rightwinger thinks 90 year olds shouldn't get hip replcements. Why do you hate old people?

I already asked you to show me an insurance company that will pay for a hip replacement on a 90 year old

Still waiting.....

And I am still waiting for the Messiah to return...

Why Does Michelle Obama’s Mother Live at the White House?

Why not? And there is no evidence that mama is being mean to the staff.


Secret service radio call!

Emperor needs a 20 on "Queen Bee"

In case Obama wants to make a late nite booty call after spending hours in the situation room during the attack on Benghazi...

Wait what was I thinking....
Obama wasn't anywhere near the situation room.....

Got some facts and evidence to back up that bullshit? There is not even one shred of evidence that President Bush or President Obama ever had an affair in any way. In fact, it's been 18 years since anything like that happened.

I have no problem with Grandma living with the Obama's. Taking care of elderly family members is the right thing to do. It's not like there aren't plenty of bedrooms at the White House.

Another sensible Conservative. That makes for two. BRAVO.

I have no problem with Grandma living with the Obama's. Taking care of elderly family members is the right thing to do. It's not like there aren't plenty of bedrooms at the White House.

I guess for some, family is not so important, unless they are targets of the opposing view. :doubt:

Not of my view. For me, First Families are always off limits.

Both our mothers live on the property with us. Family is important.

There are a ton of empty rooms in that place and added cost is minimal. It is cheaper and better than a nanny. I don't care for Obama much, but certainly don't begrudge the first children their grandmother. I'm sure it is difficult enough growing up so publicly and with half the country hating your family. Any comfort we can extend to them, we should, IMO. No matter what you feel for their parents, they are children, and as a patriot, they are your and my first children.

As for MIL's behavior, if you've ever had a parent live with you, you know you can't control them. You love them and hope they don't embarrass you too much, especially in front of your friends lol.


Another sensible non-liberal. Brava.

This is old news. It was well known in 2008 that Obama's mother-in-law came with the package deal.

and you're fine paying for her room and board?
why don't they move in all their family members, you can enjoy paying for them too

Wrong as usual.

Tax payers do not pay her "room and board". Edited to add - We don't even pay for Barry's, Mitzi's and the girl's room and board.

But, if it makes your empty head explode, I'd be good with it. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Oh goody!! So...when hubby needs 24/7 care, that means y'all will pay for it? Thank you all in advance! After all, it's no big deal.

In face, why don't we all pay for every senator's and government high officials parent(s) ? No biggie, right?

Actually, we do pay for every congressperson's family. Just as we pay for them to work a scant 126 days a year and vacation the other 2/3rds of the year.

But, we do not pay "room and board" for the president and/or his family.

Got it?

They won't get it, because they like bitching about this. It is a form of butthurt-release for some, but not all, Conservatives.

Sorry...it is a fact

Read the OP

Conservatives prefer their elderly out of sight and out of mind. They are less of a bother that way

I don't see that. It may make you feel better about your opinions to think that and spew your nonsense around, but in the end...nonsense. Maybe your liberal buddies can pat you on the back or you can get stephanie into a flamewar...have fun with that.
Seriously....who else would complain about a grandmother living with her Grandkids?

Doesn't get any lower than that


"Nobody ever told us the president and his wife are charged for every meal, as well as incidentals like dry cleaning, toothpaste, and other toiletries."

Nancy Reagan

amazing, what???

But when Nancy Reagan stood there, looking absolutely incredible in a costly evening gown, did any Conservatives call her "uppity"? Bet not.

Both our mothers live on the property with us. Family is important.

There are a ton of empty rooms in that place and added cost is minimal. It is cheaper and better than a nanny. I don't care for Obama much, but certainly don't begrudge the first children their grandmother. I'm sure it is difficult enough growing up so publicly and with half the country hating your family. Any comfort we can extend to them, we should, IMO. No matter what you feel for their parents, they are children, and as a patriot, they are your and my first children.

As for MIL's behavior, if you've ever had a parent live with you, you know you can't control them. You love them and hope they don't embarrass you too much, especially in front of your friends lol.

The kids are hardly infants requiring 24/7 care.

Their parents are very busy doing our work (whether you like their pefformance or not) and they are too young to be left alone. I'd rather it be Grammy than a nanny, house staff or secret service. They are children and will fare better being raised by people that love them. Nannies cost the taxpayer more anyway, would still live onsite and would still have to travel with the girls ... our first girls. It's not the Secret Service's job to raise our first children.

[MENTION=36756]Tresha91203[/MENTION] - that was beautifully written. Well done.

"Nobody ever told us the president and his wife are charged for every meal, as well as incidentals like dry cleaning, toothpaste, and other toiletries."

Nancy Reagan

Ridiculous. It probably costs more to pay the beancounter to track that than it does for the meals and toilet paper. Do we charge visiting dignitaries, too, or just our own?

Not sure about that. The automatic accounting programs do that pretty easily these days. And excel table is not hard to set up and run.

so i can only conclude the right hates grandmothers and family.

Some, to be sure. But not all. I don't want to broadbrush like Staph Infection likes to do.

Room But Not Board: Presidents have always paid for White House groceries

Housing’s included, food will run you extra.
That’s the deal we make with presidents when they move into the White House.
The government picks up the tab for state functions, but when it comes to family meals, they’re on their own.

Groceries are delivered from various Secret Service-approved commercial suppliers, and household staff members fill in the basics with runs to butcher shops, supermarkets, and farmers markets, with a varied rotation for added security. Toothpaste, shaving cream, Tylenol—they’re added to the tab too. At the end of each month, the bills are tallied and submitted to Mr. and Mrs. Obama.

Past first families have opted to purchase groceries but to have their family meals prepared by the White House kitchen staff—an executive chef, executive pastry chef, and four sous-chefs paid for with taxpayer dollars. The Obamas chose to bring in Sam Kass as their personal chef, and pay his salary themselves. Kass has been cooking for the Obamas since their Chicago days, and by now he knows their likes and dislikes so well that he rarely consults with them on menu planning. He’s also notoriously tight-lipped about their eating habits saying little more than “we have very balanced meals,” and that the family “walks the walk” with Michelle Obama’s healthful food initiative for the country.

Not the best source, but there are many other sources that verify this. So what is the cost of Grandma living in the WH? Again, not a big deal. Just psuedo-conservatives shooting blanks.

So, actually, since the Obama's brought and are paying for their own chef, they are saving the White House the cost of at least one chef that would usually automatically go onto the taxpayer's tab. Amazing.

oh dear gawd spare us the dramatics.

Yea, you right wing turds love to talk about 'family values'. Just don't BE a family.

Please stop referring to her as right wing or conservative. She is neither and shames true conservatism.

Sorry, she claims to be on of you. You need to straighten her out. It's not my job. :)

Room But Not Board: Presidents have always paid for White House groceries

Housing’s included, food will run you extra.
That’s the deal we make with presidents when they move into the White House.
The government picks up the tab for state functions, but when it comes to family meals, they’re on their own.

Groceries are delivered from various Secret Service-approved commercial suppliers, and household staff members fill in the basics with runs to butcher shops, supermarkets, and farmers markets, with a varied rotation for added security. Toothpaste, shaving cream, Tylenol—they’re added to the tab too. At the end of each month, the bills are tallied and submitted to Mr. and Mrs. Obama.

Past first families have opted to purchase groceries but to have their family meals prepared by the White House kitchen staff—an executive chef, executive pastry chef, and four sous-chefs paid for with taxpayer dollars. The Obamas chose to bring in Sam Kass as their personal chef, and pay his salary themselves. Kass has been cooking for the Obamas since their Chicago days, and by now he knows their likes and dislikes so well that he rarely consults with them on menu planning. He’s also notoriously tight-lipped about their eating habits saying little more than “we have very balanced meals,” and that the family “walks the walk” with Michelle Obama’s healthful food initiative for the country.

Not the best source, but there are many other sources that verify this. So what is the cost of Grandma living in the WH? Again, not a big deal. Just psuedo-conservatives shooting blanks.

And we pay the president peanuts compared to what they put out.

No wonder the Obama's have shopped at Target.



Who is paying Granny's bill in China?

Just askin'.

Try looking it up...you might be surprised as to the true answer. Hint: Try a non-partisan publication or website.

Her being a part of the China trip only incurs minimal extra costs, all part and parcel of the presidency.

Yea, you right wing turds love to talk about 'family values'. Just don't BE a family.

Please stop referring to her as right wing or conservative. She is neither and shames true conservatism.

You mean Stoopid Stuff?

Actually, she's practically the poster child for the hatred from the right.

Sorry, but the right is stuck with these losers.


I don't care HOW many family members our ghetto president wants to support. I just have a big problem with the taxpayers picking up the tab for him. And you disingenuous left wing jerks (like rw) with your diversions aren't fooling anyone. It isn't about family values, it's about his whole fucking family living a life of luxury on the backs of the taxpayers. American citizens are struggling to pay their bills, including soaring gas prices, and now Obamacare piling even more on them, and we're expected to foot the bill for grandma too? What's next, is his drunken uncle gonna move in and crash on the couch with his bottle of Ripple and brown paper bag next to him? You assholes would be shitting bricks if this was a Republican president and everyone knows it.

Nosiree, no racism in that comment. Nope.

This is the left on this board when it comes to their Dear Leader and the wifey poo

but they can call Palins daughter a whore with no problem

I have NEVER attacked Sarah Palin on a personal or family level. You CAN'T say the same about YOUR attacks on the Obama family, now can you Stephanie?

Your word for the day:

You OWN it.

Yes, she does.

Yea, you right wing turds love to talk about 'family values'. Just don't BE a family.

Please stop referring to her as right wing or conservative. She is neither and shames true conservatism.

Bullshit.....she cuts and pastes....or should we say....SNIP

From conservative sites. You think she comes up with this crap on her own?

That would require intelligence and discernment.

Who is paying Granny's bill in China?

Just askin'.

The same one who paid the Kennedy e's nanny to travel with them? I doubt they changed the policy recently. I'm pretty fiscally conservative ... most call me a tightwad ... but this is just a nonissue fiscally. Emotionally, morally, really? They are children. OUR children. I hope we pay whatever it costs to make sure they get what they neec while their parents serve our country. What kind of presidents would we have if one of the requirements was to sacrifice your children? We have enough trouble with quality candidates.

Again, beautifully written.

Please stop referring to her as right wing or conservative. She is neither and shames true conservatism.

You mean Stoopid Stuff?

Actually, she's practically the poster child for the hatred from the right.

Sorry, but the right is stuck with these losers.

It is regrettable you think that way. True conservatism has no hate, only ideals. I am sorry you can't look past these people with suspect ideals and lump them in with true conservatism. On the other hand, if you are one of those liberals who always points their fingers and cries hate and racism...I have little need for you either.

Both major ideologies are simply ideas. But the people of the day who propagate those ideas, those people (and their personalities) make a mark on the ideology itself. Conservatism is probably not supposed to be cold-hearted or hateful at all, but based on the yahoos out there screaming shit like this, Conservatism sure looks like it right now. It needs good people like you to bat the crazies down.
Conservatives claim she "barks"

They don't realize how much they treasure dogs in China

How did you know that the hotel staffer is a conservative? LMAO

Mrs. Robinson has been 'barking at the staff since she arrived,' a hotel staffer said, adding that 'we can't wait for this to be over'

Read more: Beijing hotel workers already 'fed up' with Obama entourage in 3400-square-foot, $8,350-per-night suite inconveniencing 'pretty much everyone' -- and the first lady's mother is 'barking at the staff' | Mail Online
Hotel staffer?

That settles it I guess. :lol:


Ahhh, the Mail Online, at it again...

I don't care HOW many family members our ghetto president wants to support. I just have a big problem with the taxpayers picking up the tab for him. And you disingenuous left wing jerks (like rw) with your diversions aren't fooling anyone. It isn't about family values, it's about his whole fucking family living a life of luxury on the backs of the taxpayers. American citizens are struggling to pay their bills, including soaring gas prices, and now Obamacare piling even more on them, and we're expected to foot the bill for grandma too? What's next, is his drunken uncle gonna move in and crash on the couch with his bottle of Ripple and brown paper bag next to him? You assholes would be shitting bricks if this was a Republican president and everyone knows it.

WHY didn't we hear a PEEP from turds like you when Bush was using Air Force One as a taxi cab to and from his ranch? Or when his wife ordered expensive China for the White House?

Can you people get any smaller?

Does your right wing propaganda machine ever report THIS stuff?

Obamas to renovate White House with own money, turn down $100K from Congress
BY Kenneth R. Bazinet
Monday, March 30, 2009, 5:42 PM

WASHINGTON - President Obama is finally taking his own advice when he says all Americans need to sacrifice during these tough times.

After repeated questioning from the White House press corps, the First Couple has decided to pass up the $100,000 that Congress has long allotted to every incoming President to renovate the White House to his taste.

Instead, the Obamas, who are worth millions, will pay to overhaul the White House residence from their own pockets, said Camille Johnston, First Lady Michelle Obama's communications director.

"The Obamas have determined now is not the time to use taxpayer funds and they will not be accepting any donations," Johnston said.

They also recently forked over a few thousand dollars of their own to pay for a South Lawn swing set for daughters Malia and Sasha.

NY Daily News

Damn those moochers, making the taxpayers pay for the WH reno.... oh, wait, the Obama's have cost us less than the Bushes.... or the Clintons... or the Reagans.... hmmmm...

I'm sure the Presidident is as happy as Bill Clinton was when Bill was getting a Lewinsky now that the ladies are out of Obama's WH...

Got some facts to go with that bullshit?

Who in the hotel claims she barks?

Only Conservatives are claiming it

"Mrs. Robinson has been 'barking at the staff since she arrived,' a hotel staffer said, adding that 'we can't wait for this to be over'"

Beijing hotel workers already 'fed up' with Obama entourage in 3400-square-foot, $8,350-per-night suite inconveniencing 'pretty much everyone' -- and the first lady's mother is 'barking at the staff' | Mail Online

Hotel staffer?

Some guy taking out the garbage? Ever hear about an unnamed source? "Bark" is the worst thing you can say about the woman after all you have tried to dig up?



ah yes, and here we get the typical uppity left condescending syndrome we are all accustomed to

makes me want to read his links he provides...not

in fact I've had enough of it...see ya

We're uppity now. Didn't see THAT one coming. :rofl:

Yep the Uppity phrase were used by confederates now neo Confederates as an insult and put down to people of color, Thankfully people like her Ilk are dying off



I don't care HOW many family members our ghetto president wants to support. I just have a big problem with the taxpayers picking up the tab for him. And you disingenuous left wing jerks (like rw) with your diversions aren't fooling anyone. It isn't about family values, it's about his whole fucking family living a life of luxury on the backs of the taxpayers. American citizens are struggling to pay their bills, including soaring gas prices, and now Obamacare piling even more on them, and we're expected to foot the bill for grandma too? What's next, is his drunken uncle gonna move in and crash on the couch with his bottle of Ripple and brown paper bag next to him? You assholes would be shitting bricks if this was a Republican president and everyone knows it.

WHY didn't we hear a PEEP from turds like you when Bush was using Air Force One as a taxi cab to and from his ranch? Or when his wife ordered expensive China for the White House?

Can you people get any smaller?

Does your right wing propaganda machine ever report THIS stuff?

Obamas to renovate White House with own money, turn down $100K from Congress
BY Kenneth R. Bazinet
Monday, March 30, 2009, 5:42 PM

WASHINGTON - President Obama is finally taking his own advice when he says all Americans need to sacrifice during these tough times.

After repeated questioning from the White House press corps, the First Couple has decided to pass up the $100,000 that Congress has long allotted to every incoming President to renovate the White House to his taste.

Instead, the Obamas, who are worth millions, will pay to overhaul the White House residence from their own pockets, said Camille Johnston, First Lady Michelle Obama's communications director.

"The Obamas have determined now is not the time to use taxpayer funds and they will not be accepting any donations," Johnston said.

They also recently forked over a few thousand dollars of their own to pay for a South Lawn swing set for daughters Malia and Sasha.

NY Daily News

Awesome. I love it. As much as I dislike his politics, I admire his father skills and apparent husband skills. From what I see, he appears to be a genuine family man and an excellent role model in that regard. No complaints in that department. Right up there with GBSr.

The bolded: 100% agreement.
What is your point? Did you just want to call Obama a 'Ghetto President'? Did you just want to spew some venom devoid of fact?
My point is that the rest of us foot the bill for our OWN parents, or are you too stupid to grasp that simple concept?

How much are you paying for grandma Robinson to stay in the White House?

The point is that Grandma is part of the Obama family and Conservatives are swine to complain about it

Her daughter is the first lady of United States of America. The greatest country on earth. And she is the nanny to.the first daughters, of course she deserves to be in the whitehouse just like all the other nannies of Presidents. Cry about somthing important for once pussies.

I thought the Right was all about family.

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