Why Does Michelle Obama’s Mother Live at the White House?

Honestly, What did you expect. With Obummer it is merely a case of mind over matter, they don't mind and you don't matter

What was worse, he cut off tours to the White House. Used the sequester as an excuse. They claim they restarted them.
Well, I now pretty much caught up on all of the thread. Whew.

Not hard to separate the chaff from the wheat this time.

I noted early on that a number of really intelligent Cons didn't even visit and indeed, they didn't. They already know that Staph is completely full of shit.

So, to recap, Staph retreads a RW resentment that goes all the way back to 2009 about why Mrs. Robinson, Michelle Obama's mother, Barack Obama's mother-in-law and of course, grandmother to beautiful Sasha and Malia, is living in the White House.

I gotta commend [MENTION=20321]rightwinger[/MENTION] all the way for just socking it to Staph for her utter stupidity.

So, now, let's cut to the chase:

1.) Marian Robinson lived with the Obama's long before Obama was a candidate for President. She has been a source of strength and nuturement for the entire family, not just the grand-children.

2.) The Obama's already said during the campaign that if they won, Marian would be going to the White House with them. This is totally logical, since she was a part of the family living under the same roof in Chicago, and also saves the family the costs for a nanny.

3.) The Obama's pay for all of their personal costs, down to toothpaste and shaving cream, just like all other First Families, and this includes for Marian. The room that she lives in would be heated in the winter, cooled in the summer and cleaned regularly, regardless whether she is there or not.

4.) The Obama's, Democrats, made a decision that reflects real family values AND actually saves the public money, for the President is entitled to have secret service protection for his entire family and it costs LESS to protect Marian within the confines of the White House than to protect her in Chicago. So, actually, in a financial way, the Obamas's decision was fiscally prudent, which is what Conservatives claim to be.

5.) Not only have four presidents had mother's in law live at the White House, a ton of presidents have had nephews, nieces and even friends live there. In fact, some Presidents' neices or even friends took on the role of FIRST LADY under some circumstances. See: Jefferson, Jackson, Benjamin Harrison, also Grover Cleveland BEFORE he married. All of this used to never be an issue, and you know, it still isn't.

Just because a person is elected to the Presidency doesn't mean he gives up the right to have his family as he wants it to be around him. And the First Family mostly pays for itself.

It takes a special kind of insanity to get upset about this kind of stuff. Really.
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Well, I now pretty much caught up on all of the thread. Whew.

Not hard to separate the chaff from the wheat this time.

I noted early on that a number of really intelligent Cons didn't even visit and indeed, they didn't. They already know that Staph is completely full of shit.

So, to recap, Staph retreads a RW resentment that goes all the way back to 2009 about why Mrs. Robinson, Michelle Obama's mother, Barack Obama's mother-in-law and of course, grandmother to beautiful Sasha and Malia, is living in the White House.

I gotta commend [MENTION=20321]rightwinger[/MENTION] all the way for just socking it to Staph for her utter stupidity.

So, now, let's cut to the chase:

1.) Marian Robinson lived with the Obama's long before Obama was a candidate for President. She has been a source of strength and nuturement for the entire family, not just the grand-children.

2.) The Obama's already said during the campaign that if they won, Marian would be going to the White House with them. This is totally logical, since she was a part of the family living under the same roof in Chicago, and also saves the family the costs for a nanny.

3.) The Obama's pay for all of their personal costs, down to toothpaste and shaving cream, just like all other First Families, and this includes for Marian. The room that she lives in would be heated in the winter, cooled in the summer and cleaned regularly, regardless whether she is there or not.

4.) The Obama's, Democrats, made a decision that reflects real family values AND actually saves the public money, for the President is entitled to have secret service protection for his entire family and it costs LESS to protect Marian within the confines of the White House than to protect her in Chicago. So, actually, in a financial way, the Obamas's decision was fiscally prudent, which is what Conservatives claim to be.

5.) Not only have four presidents had mother's in law live at the White House, a ton of presidents have had nephews, nieces and even friends live there. In fact, some Presidents' neices or even friends took on the role of FIRST LADY under some circumstances. See: Jefferson, Jackson, Benjamin Harrison, also Grover Cleveland BEFORE he married. All of this used to never be an issue, and you know, it still isn't.

Just because a person is elected to the Presidency doesn't mean he gives up the right to have his family as he wants it to be around him. And the First Family mostly pays for itself.

It takes a special kind of insanity to get upset about this kind of stuff. Really.


WHY are leftardz so self-absorbed?

is having illegal relatives in the country also reflective of the obama's all-American family values?
and who reads all the way through the long-winded rants of left-wing idiots?
Haven't been on much, but even without having read the comments, it is clear that the entire premise of the "OP" is total bullshit. Many members of the 1st family other than the President, his wife and children have lived at the White House pretty much ever since the 1st president and NO ONE ever complained.

Suddenly, with our first black President, and now in his 6th year, some want to complain? Really?

The Obama's said very specifically in early 2009 that they were bringing Michelle's mother with to the White House to help tend for and raise the children, knowing full well that FLOTUS Michelle Obama would not be able to every day. Their decision was a good and practical one and makes sense. And people who don't like it because suddenly a black president was "uppity" enough to allow yet another black person to breath air within the White House can go shove it up their fucking arses. Bunch of morons!

This has got to be one of the more transparent cases of racism I have seen in a while. Oh, the ODS has only deepened among some... just fucking amazing. And then those same idiots turn around and wonder why they can't secure the minority vote......


Obama lectures us on how we should pay our bills, then his wife takes his mother to China on some unnecessary "Hey, America hates Blacks" tour. Obama lectures us that we need to all cut back and be frugal, then he wastes our money on another trip to Hawaii, or spends a million dollars on Michelle's star-studded 50th birthday bash. People have suffered in the country because of his policies. They have a right to be pissed. I would be willing to bet that just about everyone has been personally effected by his taking office.

This isn't racism. We wouldn't have many complains if the Obama practiced what they preached. They're hypocrites.

Really? What part of the tour says that? Really?

And you expect people to believe that bullshit? Really?
Sigh...Presidents have had their moms live in the Whitehouse from time to time; I know that Clinton had his there and there have been others. Why r u picking on Michelle's mom?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Because they are eternally butthurt.


Yes, but, but, bbbbut... BENGHAZI!

Yeah, that's socialism!!! lol...

Psst. You are ruining their wet-dream.


That pretty much covers it.

30 pages into this thread and conservatives still can't accept that a grandmother can be part of a family....Even one who is not crippled

Sad commentary on an ideology that is increasingly out of touch with American values

Indeed. And they wonder why they lose national election. Hmmm....

Maybe you could add something worthwhile instead of spamming.

I am not spamming. I am responding to postings, one after the other, per page.

If you don't like it, tough shit for you. I responded to content. You made an accusation that is unfounded. People will know which one of the two of us looks foolish right now.

Hint: it ain't me.
What about "from time to time" don't u understand? Regardless of what Clinton's mom had as her domicile...she was known to reside w the Clintons in the whitehouse for extended periods...as did Ike's mom in law and others....
So answer the question...Why r U and ur Ilk picking on Michelle?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Republicans struggle with the concept of family. The idea that you would have grandma live with you is bizarre to them

Obama is busy gutting the military and bragging about it, because of the debt, even though the threats abroad are growing as we speak, yet he feels no guilt over his extravagance.

I would say that having Grandma there to babysit the kids was frugal.....but the problem is they already have a well paid staff that does that. Most of them make over $100,000.00/yr to do it. I wonder if they all have to be licensed and a member of the union. If so, could Obama be breaking his own regulations?

No. the President gets to decide on the hiring and firing of staff for such things. There is no permanent staff nanny. Nope. And where do you get your lying stats that WH staffers start at 100 K? This should be good for a laugh.
Republicans struggle with the concept of family. The idea that you would have grandma live with you is bizarre to them

Obama is busy gutting the military and bragging about it, because of the debt, even though the threats abroad are growing as we speak, yet he feels no guilt over his extravagance.

I would say that having Grandma there to babysit the kids was frugal.....but the problem is they already have a well paid staff that does that. Most of them make over $100,000.00/yr to do it. I wonder if they all have to be licensed and a member of the union. If so, could Obama be breaking his own regulations?

No. the President gets to decide on the hiring and firing of staff for such things. There is no permanent staff nanny. Nope. And where do you get your lying stats that WH staffers start at 100 K? This should be good for a laugh.

The president decided the pay scale and selects the staff. It's all on him. If he wants someone to wipe his ass for him at six figures, he has the right to.

You can look it up if you want.
In a recent article by Alex Pappas at the “Daily Caller,” Pappas references “Presidential Perks Gone Royal” by Robert Gray. According to Pappas’ research, last year, the American taxpayer spent $1.4 billion to maintain and provide for the opulent lifestyle enjoyed by our nation’s First Family, which includes “everything from staffing, housing, flying, and entertaining President Obama, and the First Family.” Incidentally, that also includes regular transportation and entertaining of Mr. Messina and his grassroots group’s fundraisers at “Organizing for Action.”

White House occupants and guests also enjoy a 24-hour live-in movie projectionist (actually bunks at the White House just in case somebody wants to watch a movie on-demand) and $102,000 salaried Walker/Handler for the first family’s $1600 hypoallergenic dog, “Bo.” White House sources could not confirm if turd cleanup falls within the job description of a White House dog walker, but belly scratching is mandatory. Actually, it is possible Bo’s handler is a U.S. Secret Service Agent.

All U.S. Presidents in recent history have enjoyed creature comforts most Americans will never experience. What is truly astonishing is the rate of unregulated White House spending growth Obama has pursued since his first inauguration. At a time when America has record debt and deficits for entitlements supporting our nation’s unemployed and working poor; President Obama has increased White House staffing (Czars) by 50%, pays the highest wages in history, and runs around in Air Force 1 “with the frequency of a scheduled airline” all to campaign for public support of his vision for America.

Someone should remind Jim Messina that Air Force 1, the biggest and most expensive private luxury jet on the planet, costs 180,000 taxpayer dollars per hour to operate. Moreover, the Obama/Messina grassroots fundraising cartel, with IRS 501(c) (4) not-for profit status “Organizing for Action,” does not pay any taxes and is only required to reimburse the taxpayer the market value of a first class commercial ticket for certain un-official passengers.

Time for a replay of the beginning of the French Revolution, or better yet, a replay of the ending of the Czar Nicholas Royal Family.
Well, I now pretty much caught up on all of the thread. Whew.

Not hard to separate the chaff from the wheat this time.

I noted early on that a number of really intelligent Cons didn't even visit and indeed, they didn't. They already know that Staph is completely full of shit.

So, to recap, Staph retreads a RW resentment that goes all the way back to 2009 about why Mrs. Robinson, Michelle Obama's mother, Barack Obama's mother-in-law and of course, grandmother to beautiful Sasha and Malia, is living in the White House.

I gotta commend [MENTION=20321]rightwinger[/MENTION] all the way for just socking it to Staph for her utter stupidity.

So, now, let's cut to the chase:

1.) Marian Robinson lived with the Obama's long before Obama was a candidate for President. She has been a source of strength and nuturement for the entire family, not just the grand-children.

2.) The Obama's already said during the campaign that if they won, Marian would be going to the White House with them. This is totally logical, since she was a part of the family living under the same roof in Chicago, and also saves the family the costs for a nanny.

3.) The Obama's pay for all of their personal costs, down to toothpaste and shaving cream, just like all other First Families, and this includes for Marian. The room that she lives in would be heated in the winter, cooled in the summer and cleaned regularly, regardless whether she is there or not.

4.) The Obama's, Democrats, made a decision that reflects real family values AND actually saves the public money, for the President is entitled to have secret service protection for his entire family and it costs LESS to protect Marian within the confines of the White House than to protect her in Chicago. So, actually, in a financial way, the Obamas's decision was fiscally prudent, which is what Conservatives claim to be.

5.) Not only have four presidents had mother's in law live at the White House, a ton of presidents have had nephews, nieces and even friends live there. In fact, some Presidents' neices or even friends took on the role of FIRST LADY under some circumstances. See: Jefferson, Jackson, Benjamin Harrison, also Grover Cleveland BEFORE he married. All of this used to never be an issue, and you know, it still isn't.

Just because a person is elected to the Presidency doesn't mean he gives up the right to have his family as he wants it to be around him. And the First Family mostly pays for itself.

It takes a special kind of insanity to get upset about this kind of stuff. Really.

Yeah, tight, sure, uhuh....

Most of what you mentioned is all elective expenses that Obama decided. That doesn't mean the subject is closed. It's clear that Obama isn't concerned about the expense to the taxpayer. It wouldn't even be an issue if he made an effort.

She needs to eat. I'm sure she uses her share of water to take showers. She needs someone to do her landry, change her bedding, clean up after her. The Chinese complained about her extreme demands. Michelle and the girls got no such complaints.

She's there to keep Michelle company, not take care of the girls. If your marriage sucks you want mom around.
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Haven't been on much, but even without having read the comments, it is clear that the entire premise of the "OP" is total bullshit. Many members of the 1st family other than the President, his wife and children have lived at the White House pretty much ever since the 1st president and NO ONE ever complained.

Suddenly, with our first black President, and now in his 6th year, some want to complain? Really?

The Obama's said very specifically in early 2009 that they were bringing Michelle's mother with to the White House to help tend for and raise the children, knowing full well that FLOTUS Michelle Obama would not be able to every day. Their decision was a good and practical one and makes sense. And people who don't like it because suddenly a black president was "uppity" enough to allow yet another black person to breath air within the White House can go shove it up their fucking arses. Bunch of morons!

This has got to be one of the more transparent cases of racism I have seen in a while. Oh, the ODS has only deepened among some... just fucking amazing. And then those same idiots turn around and wonder why they can't secure the minority vote......


Obama lectures us on how we should pay our bills, then his wife takes his mother to China on some unnecessary "Hey, America hates Blacks" tour. Obama lectures us that we need to all cut back and be frugal, then he wastes our money on another trip to Hawaii, or spends a million dollars on Michelle's star-studded 50th birthday bash. People have suffered in the country because of his policies. They have a right to be pissed. I would be willing to bet that just about everyone has been personally effected by his taking office.

This isn't racism. We wouldn't have many complains if the Obama practiced what they preached. They're hypocrites.

Really? What part of the tour says that? Really?

And you expect people to believe that bullshit? Really?

I can pull up a quote for you, or you can find it yourself. She gave a speech in Beijing saying as much. Also the Chinese were a bit put off that she visited without her husband.

Both of these are being reported on NPR while I'm typing this.....
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GreenBean and Mudflap are both whiny wuzzies. They be like.....


FYI: It doesn't work as well as you'd like kid.

You need someone interested enough in your stupid BS to click on your little video.

Epic fail......

I see 4 pages later you still are having "the greatest cry ever" and nothing has changed. Grandma is still kicking up her feet in the White House. :lol: Mudwhistle is a buffoon!
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GreenBean and Mudflap are both whiny wuzzies. They be like.....


FYI: It doesn't work as well as you'd like kid.

You need someone interested enough in your stupid BS to click on your little video.

Epic fail......

I see 4 pages later you still are having "the greatest cry ever" and nothing has changed. Grandma is still kicking up her feet in the White House. :lol: Mudwhistle is a buffoon!

Like dumb comments from a troll bothers me.

Usually I don't put people on ignore even when they're wrong, all of the time. A pillow-biter like you usually gives me a laugh or two.

How do you spell your name?

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FYI: It doesn't work as well as you'd like kid.

You need someone interested enough in your stupid BS to click on your little video.

Epic fail......

I see 4 pages later you still are having "the greatest cry ever" and nothing has changed. Grandma is still kicking up her feet in the White House. :lol: Mudwhistle is a buffoon!

Like dumb comments from a troll bothers me.

Usually I don't put people on ignore even when they're wrong, all of the time. A pillow-biter like you usually gives me a laugh or two.

How do you spell your name?


That was a weird response? You are trying waaaaaaay too hard. You dont have to convince me what I am saying doesn't bother you. I really don't care if it does or not. You have provided me with 2 days so far of good humor with your whining. You should be running pretty close to E about now with the tears.

Why Does Michelle Obama’s Mother Live at the White House?

They have a cotton field at the white House too? :dunno:
Why Does Michelle Obama’s Mother Live at the White House?

They have a cotton field at the white House too? :dunno:

Are you one of those government plants sent here to give liberals a stereotype?
Well, I now pretty much caught up on all of the thread. Whew.

Not hard to separate the chaff from the wheat this time.

I noted early on that a number of really intelligent Cons didn't even visit and indeed, they didn't. They already know that Staph is completely full of shit.

So, to recap, Staph retreads a RW resentment that goes all the way back to 2009 about why Mrs. Robinson, Michelle Obama's mother, Barack Obama's mother-in-law and of course, grandmother to beautiful Sasha and Malia, is living in the White House.

I gotta commend [MENTION=20321]rightwinger[/MENTION] all the way for just socking it to Staph for her utter stupidity.

So, now, let's cut to the chase:

1.) Marian Robinson lived with the Obama's long before Obama was a candidate for President. She has been a source of strength and nuturement for the entire family, not just the grand-children.

2.) The Obama's already said during the campaign that if they won, Marian would be going to the White House with them. This is totally logical, since she was a part of the family living under the same roof in Chicago, and also saves the family the costs for a nanny.

3.) The Obama's pay for all of their personal costs, down to toothpaste and shaving cream, just like all other First Families, and this includes for Marian. The room that she lives in would be heated in the winter, cooled in the summer and cleaned regularly, regardless whether she is there or not.

4.) The Obama's, Democrats, made a decision that reflects real family values AND actually saves the public money, for the President is entitled to have secret service protection for his entire family and it costs LESS to protect Marian within the confines of the White House than to protect her in Chicago. So, actually, in a financial way, the Obamas's decision was fiscally prudent, which is what Conservatives claim to be.

5.) Not only have four presidents had mother's in law live at the White House, a ton of presidents have had nephews, nieces and even friends live there. In fact, some Presidents' neices or even friends took on the role of FIRST LADY under some circumstances. See: Jefferson, Jackson, Benjamin Harrison, also Grover Cleveland BEFORE he married. All of this used to never be an issue, and you know, it still isn't.

Just because a person is elected to the Presidency doesn't mean he gives up the right to have his family as he wants it to be around him. And the First Family mostly pays for itself.

It takes a special kind of insanity to get upset about this kind of stuff. Really.

Yeah, tight, sure, uhuh....

Most of what you mentioned is all elective expenses that Obama decided. That doesn't mean the subject is closed. It's clear that Obama isn't concerned about the expense to the taxpayer. It wouldn't even be an issue if he made an effort.

She needs to eat. I'm sure she uses her share of water to take showers. She needs someone to do her landry, change her bedding, clean up after her. The Chinese complained about her extreme demands. Michelle and the girls got no such complaints.

She's there to keep Michelle company, not take care of the girls. If your marriage sucks you want mom around.

Well, that was a hearty portion of bullshit, but I expected no less from you.

1.) The president pays for food for ALL of the first family, including Marian Robinson.

2.) The family says she is there to help with the kids. Unless you are living in the White House, then you have no way of saying, much less confirming that the Obama marriage "sucks". In fact, there is not even one shred of credible evidence that this is so. You can feel free to issue an opinion on this, but it only makes you look like both an ass and an utter fool, which is also no surprise to me.

First families use water, they also use electricity. This all comes with the presidency. Only a fool would think that the First Family should not be afforded these most basic of items. I bet you didn't bitch even for a second when Barbara Bush spent months on end at the White House with Laura and the girls during her son's presidency. Did that bother you, too?

No, the chinese did not complain about her "extreme demands". Online mail found one - count it - one worker whom they translated as having said that she barked. And even that is unconfirmed. But it's ok, live in the bubble like you are living.

It's laughable.
Well, I now pretty much caught up on all of the thread. Whew.

Not hard to separate the chaff from the wheat this time.

I noted early on that a number of really intelligent Cons didn't even visit and indeed, they didn't. They already know that Staph is completely full of shit.

So, to recap, Staph retreads a RW resentment that goes all the way back to 2009 about why Mrs. Robinson, Michelle Obama's mother, Barack Obama's mother-in-law and of course, grandmother to beautiful Sasha and Malia, is living in the White House.

I gotta commend [MENTION=20321]rightwinger[/MENTION] all the way for just socking it to Staph for her utter stupidity.

So, now, let's cut to the chase:

1.) Marian Robinson lived with the Obama's long before Obama was a candidate for President. She has been a source of strength and nuturement for the entire family, not just the grand-children.

2.) The Obama's already said during the campaign that if they won, Marian would be going to the White House with them. This is totally logical, since she was a part of the family living under the same roof in Chicago, and also saves the family the costs for a nanny.

3.) The Obama's pay for all of their personal costs, down to toothpaste and shaving cream, just like all other First Families, and this includes for Marian. The room that she lives in would be heated in the winter, cooled in the summer and cleaned regularly, regardless whether she is there or not.

4.) The Obama's, Democrats, made a decision that reflects real family values AND actually saves the public money, for the President is entitled to have secret service protection for his entire family and it costs LESS to protect Marian within the confines of the White House than to protect her in Chicago. So, actually, in a financial way, the Obamas's decision was fiscally prudent, which is what Conservatives claim to be.

5.) Not only have four presidents had mother's in law live at the White House, a ton of presidents have had nephews, nieces and even friends live there. In fact, some Presidents' neices or even friends took on the role of FIRST LADY under some circumstances. See: Jefferson, Jackson, Benjamin Harrison, also Grover Cleveland BEFORE he married. All of this used to never be an issue, and you know, it still isn't.

Just because a person is elected to the Presidency doesn't mean he gives up the right to have his family as he wants it to be around him. And the First Family mostly pays for itself.

It takes a special kind of insanity to get upset about this kind of stuff. Really.

Yeah, tight, sure, uhuh....

Most of what you mentioned is all elective expenses that Obama decided. That doesn't mean the subject is closed. It's clear that Obama isn't concerned about the expense to the taxpayer. It wouldn't even be an issue if he made an effort.

She needs to eat. I'm sure she uses her share of water to take showers. She needs someone to do her landry, change her bedding, clean up after her. The Chinese complained about her extreme demands. Michelle and the girls got no such complaints.

She's there to keep Michelle company, not take care of the girls. If your marriage sucks you want mom around.

Well, that was a hearty portion of bullshit, but I expected no less from you.

1.) The president pays for food for ALL of the first family, including Marian Robinson.

2.) The family says she is there to help with the kids. Unless you are living in the White House, then you have no way of saying, much less confirming that the Obama marriage "sucks". In fact, there is not even one shred of credible evidence that this is so. You can feel free to issue an opinion on this, but it only makes you look like both an ass and an utter fool, which is also no surprise to me.

First families use water, they also use electricity. This all comes with the presidency. Only a fool would think that the First Family should not be afforded these most basic of items. I bet you didn't bitch even for a second when Barbara Bush spent months on end at the White House with Laura and the girls during her son's presidency. Did that bother you, too?

No, the chinese did not complain about her "extreme demands". Online mail found one - count it - one worker whom they translated as having said that she barked. And even that is unconfirmed. But it's ok, live in the bubble like you are living.

It's laughable.

Obama sure must have a night job because they have an expense account tax-free, and he used that up in a week. He couldn't afford the extravagant demands they put on the Treasury.

The story said "Beijing hotel workers already 'fed up' with Obama entourage" which to me means more than one. Don't ask me to do a search. It's probably been scrubbed. At any rate, you won't believe anything unless media matters prints it.

The reason someone's mom follows her grown daughter around the world is because the mom can't cut the apron strings or the daughter is in an unhappy marriage. It's only logical.
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