Why Does Michelle Obama’s Mother Live at the White House?

When I was a kid, we had my Grandfather come and live with us after my grandmother died

Is that just a liberal value or do conservatives do it too?
Did you make your neighbor pay for it?

Interesting response

I know conservatives hate the idea of a gay family, but I never knew they didn't believe a family with a grandparent in it is a "real family"

Sinking pretty low even for Conservatives
When I was a kid, we had my Grandfather come and live with us after my grandmother died

Is that just a liberal value or do conservatives do it too?
Did you make your neighbor pay for it?

Interesting response

I know conservatives hate the idea of a gay family, but I never knew they didn't believe a family with a grandparent in it is a "real family"

Sinking pretty low even for Conservatives

you want to see sinking low look in a mirror
ugly hateful is what will reflect back at you
What additional expenses to the taxpayer are being incurred by her living at the White House?
Did you make your neighbor pay for it?

Interesting response

I know conservatives hate the idea of a gay family, but I never knew they didn't believe a family with a grandparent in it is a "real family"

Sinking pretty low even for Conservatives

you want to see sinking low look in a mirror
ugly hateful is what will reflect back at you

You are the one who posted a hate thread on how conservatives hate grandparents who "mooch" off their children

I only commented on how despicable that makes you
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What additional expenses to the taxpayer are being incurred by her living at the White House?

Let me check my figures........ummmm.....none?



Sequester Cuts Force Obama to Kick Mother-in-Law Out of White House

WASHINGTON – The White House announced this morning that because of the automatic spending cuts known as sequestration, President Obama was forced to tell Michelle Obama’s mother, Marian Robinson, she had to move out of the White House. Moments after his mother-in-law and her possessions disappeared through the gates of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave in a rented U-haul truck, Obama met with reporters in the Rose Garden.

The president’s tone was melancholy as he answered questions about moving his children’s grandmother out of the White House and into a small apartment in the southeastern part of the city.

REPORTER: Because of the sequestration cuts your mother-in-law will no longer have secret service protection. As a parting gift Vice President Biden gave her a sawed off double barrel shotgun and a dozen boxes of shells to protect herself in her new residence. Do you approve of Mr. Biden’s gift?

OBAMA: Well, the area where she’ll be living ain’t exactly Mayberry, if you know what I’m saying. Fact is, the crime rate is one of the highest in the city

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What additional expenses to the taxpayer are being incurred by her living at the White House?

Let me check my figures........ummmm.....none?



Sequester Cuts Force Obama to Kick Mother-in-Law Out of White House

WASHINGTON – The White House announced this morning that because of the automatic spending cuts known as sequestration, President Obama was forced to tell Michelle Obama’s mother, Marian Robinson, she had to move out of the White House. Moments after his mother-in-law and her possessions disappeared through the gates of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave in a rented U-haul truck, Obama met with reporters in the Rose Garden.

The president’s tone was melancholy as he answered questions about moving his children’s grandmother out of the White House and into a small apartment in the southeastern part of the city.

REPORTER: Because of the sequestration cuts your mother-in-law will no longer have secret service protection. As a parting gift Vice President Biden gave her a sawed off double barrel shotgun and a dozen boxes of shells to protect herself in her new residence. Do you approve of Mr. Biden’s gift?

OBAMA: Well, the area where she’ll be living ain’t exactly Mayberry, if you know what I’m saying. Fact is, the crime rate is one of the highest in the city

Sequester Cuts Force Obama to Kick Mother-in-Law Out of White House | The DAILY RASH

You do know that's supposed to be a joke, right?

The "Daily Rash" is a satire site.
Let me check my figures........ummmm.....none?



Sequester Cuts Force Obama to Kick Mother-in-Law Out of White House

WASHINGTON – The White House announced this morning that because of the automatic spending cuts known as sequestration, President Obama was forced to tell Michelle Obama’s mother, Marian Robinson, she had to move out of the White House. Moments after his mother-in-law and her possessions disappeared through the gates of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave in a rented U-haul truck, Obama met with reporters in the Rose Garden.

The president’s tone was melancholy as he answered questions about moving his children’s grandmother out of the White House and into a small apartment in the southeastern part of the city.

REPORTER: Because of the sequestration cuts your mother-in-law will no longer have secret service protection. As a parting gift Vice President Biden gave her a sawed off double barrel shotgun and a dozen boxes of shells to protect herself in her new residence. Do you approve of Mr. Biden’s gift?

OBAMA: Well, the area where she’ll be living ain’t exactly Mayberry, if you know what I’m saying. Fact is, the crime rate is one of the highest in the city

Sequester Cuts Force Obama to Kick Mother-in-Law Out of White House | The DAILY RASH

You do know that's supposed to be a joke, right?

The "Daily Rash" is a satire site.

You think?



Sequester Cuts Force Obama to Kick Mother-in-Law Out of White House

WASHINGTON – The White House announced this morning that because of the automatic spending cuts known as sequestration, President Obama was forced to tell Michelle Obama’s mother, Marian Robinson, she had to move out of the White House. Moments after his mother-in-law and her possessions disappeared through the gates of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave in a rented U-haul truck, Obama met with reporters in the Rose Garden.

The president’s tone was melancholy as he answered questions about moving his children’s grandmother out of the White House and into a small apartment in the southeastern part of the city.

REPORTER: Because of the sequestration cuts your mother-in-law will no longer have secret service protection. As a parting gift Vice President Biden gave her a sawed off double barrel shotgun and a dozen boxes of shells to protect herself in her new residence. Do you approve of Mr. Biden’s gift?

OBAMA: Well, the area where she’ll be living ain’t exactly Mayberry, if you know what I’m saying. Fact is, the crime rate is one of the highest in the city

Sequester Cuts Force Obama to Kick Mother-in-Law Out of White House | The DAILY RASH

You do know that's supposed to be a joke, right?

The "Daily Rash" is a satire site.

You think?


Just checking.

Once a month or so, someone will post from one of those satire sites thinking it's a real story.

Getting back to the topic of the thread, what additional costs to the taxpayers do you think Marian Robinson is causing by living in the White House?

Have you always hated old people or just Obama old people?

It's not getting any funnier, Chuckles. Your attempts at being 'clever' and 'cute' are - as usual - painfully lame.


What's funny about conservatives questioning whether a grandmother should live in a home with her grand kids?

It's still not working for you, Chuckles. You just look like more and more of a lame idiot.
legal implications are pesky details


TaxProf Blog: Obama's Mother-in-Law Tax Problem

Friday, January 16, 2009
Obama's Mother-in-Law Tax Problem

n class, a student asked about the tax consequences (if any) of President-Elect Obama’s mother-in-law residing in the White House and helping take care of the children. Section 119 would appear only to apply if the mother-in-law is a dependant (which I am not sure she is). Assuming that § 119 does not apply, is the fair market rental value taxable to President-Elect Obama? Is he then gifting it to the mother-in-law? But, under Duberstein, it would not be a gift as she is going to care for the children in return. So, does the mother-in-law then become an employee and have income? Is she an employee of the government and room and board is compensation to her (thus, not a fringe benefit to President-Elect Obama)?
legal implications are pesky details


TaxProf Blog: Obama's Mother-in-Law Tax Problem

Friday, January 16, 2009
Obama's Mother-in-Law Tax Problem

n class, a student asked about the tax consequences (if any) of President-Elect Obama’s mother-in-law residing in the White House and helping take care of the children. Section 119 would appear only to apply if the mother-in-law is a dependant (which I am not sure she is). Assuming that § 119 does not apply, is the fair market rental value taxable to President-Elect Obama? Is he then gifting it to the mother-in-law? But, under Duberstein, it would not be a gift as she is going to care for the children in return. So, does the mother-in-law then become an employee and have income? Is she an employee of the government and room and board is compensation to her (thus, not a fringe benefit to President-Elect Obama)?

what nonsense…..
It's not getting any funnier, Chuckles. Your attempts at being 'clever' and 'cute' are - as usual - painfully lame.


What's funny about conservatives questioning whether a grandmother should live in a home with her grand kids?

It's still not working for you, Chuckles. You just look like more and more of a lame idiot.

it's starting to fit now
on and on and on and on with wrongwhiner clown show in every thread about his Dear wonderful Master Obama..it such a bore
Rightwinger thinks 90 year olds shouldn't get hip replcements. Why do you hate old people?
I thought this was widely known (though kind of weird).

I knew about it...I just thought this would be interesting :lol:

Has anyone done the research on what, if any, other Presidents have kept the in-law at the WH full-time during their administration?

I haven't, and I suppose most of us who have a life haven't. So, I guess that leaves you and Stephanie to gossip and whine together.
I knew about it...I just thought this would be interesting :lol:

Has anyone done the research on what, if any, other Presidents have kept the in-law at the WH full-time during their administration?

I haven't, and I suppose most of us who have a life haven't. So, I guess that leaves you and Stephanie to gossip and whine together.

wrong bucko
maybe you should read the thread before you unleash your rude self
pacer posted this
In otherwords you felt like rehashing an old story because you have nothing better to do.
You could go play russian roulette with yourself and a shotgun.

When you grow up, do you think you'll be able to express yourself without wishing death upon a poster you disagree with? I doubt it, but there's always hope.


I've had him on ignore forever..He's just too ugly and hateful for me to stomach

You're ugly and hateful, but as an embarrassment to all Republicans, conservatives and card carrying members of the idiot fringe you provide a service. Of course no one takes you seriously, thus embarrassing those who hold opinions similar to yours gives many of us a good laugh. Laughing at you, your opinions and your ignorance is too much fun to waste by putting you on ignore.

[BTW, you are now free to give me a negative rep (again) for telling the truth]
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I knew about it...I just thought this would be interesting :lol:

Has anyone done the research on what, if any, other Presidents have kept the in-law at the WH full-time during their administration?

I haven't, and I suppose most of us who have a life haven't. So, I guess that leaves you and Stephanie to gossip and whine together.

But you had enough of "a life" to devote roughly the same amount of time to post that. Busy, busy person you are...

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