Why does obama and his surrogates continually lie about the attack on 9/11/12?

Now now gramps, I am going to play the part of a liberal and defend Obama on this one. Using liberal logic, he isn't lying, he is merely not telling the truth.
Not another rw fantasy thread .............................................

Oh, its gramps and the ditto heads.

You'd-uh made a great 50's doo-wop group. Otherwise, pretty useless.

I suspect most of the FBI investigaton is being conducted outside the embassy, following leads and such. Reportedy, they already knew who one of the suspects was shortly after the embassy attack.
Q. What do Arab Muslim terrorists and American conservative militia uber patriots have in common?

A. The both use images of President Obama for target practice.

Your bullshit assertion has as much to do with this thread as Obama's lies about the reality of this situation.

I'm gonna take a somewhat extreme position here but I consider the 4 dead part of the cost of Obama's reelection campaign.
Q. What do Arab Muslim terrorists and American conservative militia uber patriots have in common?

A. The both use images of President Obama for target practice.
You SUCK at distraction.

Meanwhile, Obama is lying to your face, and you eagerly lick it up.

Not another rw fantasy thread .............................................

Oh, its gramps and the ditto heads.

You'd-uh made a great 50's doo-wop group. Otherwise, pretty useless.

Look, retard, I don't care how much of Obama's shit you eat.

Just don't tell me it's yummy.
I suspect most of the FBI investigaton is being conducted outside the embassy, following leads and such. Reportedy, they already knew who one of the suspects was shortly after the embassy attack.

Your suspicions are worthless.
Q. What do Arab Muslim terrorists and American conservative militia uber patriots have in common?

A. The both use images of President Obama for target practice.

Your bullshit assertion has as much to do with this thread as Obama's lies about the reality of this situation.

I'm gonna take a somewhat extreme position here but I consider the 4 dead part of the cost of Obama's reelection campaign.
Wonder if he'll try to get a tax break on them as contributions?
Many people there have easy access to them since they are not secured after the uprising and a regular person can instantaneously turn from postesor to launching an RPG!

Also, these are some things I've read in USA today, other news papers and seen online that make me say it was beyond our control to a large extent (the attack). Maybe in hindsight we should have withdrawn our personne but at the same time, maybe those who were there wanted to stay and perhaps we didn't have enough info to think there would be direct attacks on the embassy.

The Libyan government reminded us that it was a military assault, and that antagonistic militia and Al Qaeda affiliates might be better armed than the Libyan military, and that the entire official Libyan Army consists of only about 6,000 men. The rest of the armed forces in Libya are militia with conflicting local allegiances that might at any time over ride the allegiance to the (more or less official) Libyan government, which acknowledges itself as provisional and subject to quick change after elections.

The Libyan government suggested that if we wanted the site to be secure, it would be up to the US military. But they also warned us that it might make for a public relations problem, for reasons with which the US government agreed.

Because mortars and heavy weapons were used in the attack, and because we could not rely on local authorities, we would have to:

(1)Use a disproportionately large number of troops
(2)Use armour and heavy weapons
(3)Seize a large territory of currently populated area


From NPR:

Violence Takes Root In Post-Gadhafi Security Vacuum

Published: September 17, 2012

by Leila Fadel

The deadly attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other American personnel has highlighted the serious post-Moammar Gadhafi security vacuum in the country.

The problem is much bigger than a few rogue militants: Eastern Libya is awash with heavy weaponry; security forces are weak; assassinations are plaguing Benghazi; and the people with the biggest guns rule.

Raouf Mohammed knows all of this from personal experience, and he wears a silver ring as a reminder: It belonged to his father, Mohammed Hadiya, who was wearing it the day he was shot down outside a mosque.

Many people there have easy access to them since they are not secured after the uprising and a regular person can instantaneously turn from postesor to launching an RPG!

Also, these are some things I've read in USA today, other news papers and seen online that make me say it was beyond our control to a large extent (the attack). Maybe in hindsight we should have withdrawn our personne but at the same time, maybe those who were there wanted to stay and perhaps we didn't have enough info to think there would be direct attacks on the embassy.

The Libyan government reminded us that it was a military assault, and that antagonistic militia and Al Qaeda affiliates might be better armed than the Libyan military, and that the entire official Libyan Army consists of only about 6,000 men. The rest of the armed forces in Libya are militia with conflicting local allegiances that might at any time over ride the allegiance to the (more or less official) Libyan government, which acknowledges itself as provisional and subject to quick change after elections.

The Libyan government suggested that if we wanted the site to be secure, it would be up to the US military. But they also warned us that it might make for a public relations problem, for reasons with which the US government agreed.

Because mortars and heavy weapons were used in the attack, and because we could not rely on local authorities, we would have to:

(1)Use a disproportionately large number of troops
(2)Use armour and heavy weapons
(3)Seize a large territory of currently populated area


From NPR:

Violence Takes Root In Post-Gadhafi Security Vacuum

Published: September 17, 2012

by Leila Fadel

The deadly attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other American personnel has highlighted the serious post-Moammar Gadhafi security vacuum in the country.

The problem is much bigger than a few rogue militants: Eastern Libya is awash with heavy weaponry; security forces are weak; assassinations are plaguing Benghazi; and the people with the biggest guns rule.

Raouf Mohammed knows all of this from personal experience, and he wears a silver ring as a reminder: It belonged to his father, Mohammed Hadiya, who was wearing it the day he was shot down outside a mosque.


I'm not interested in NPR in the least but your personal thoughts are well thought out and for that pos rep. Having said that I believe your final conclusions are wrong and ultimately this thread is about our abysmal response.
1. FBI isnt investing like they claimed.
2. They claimed this is a spontaneous uprising when it wasn't.
3. They claimed this was about a video, when it wasn't.
4. They claimed it wasnt a terrorist attack when they knew it was on day one.
5. They wont explain what the Ambassador was doing in Benghazai, very hostile area, without any security with men searching for weapons.
6. They won't even address whether the ambassador was killed with the weapons the US supplied the Libyan "rebels" (which include Al Qaeda)

There are lots of things the administration is not answering and/or covering up. And they arent answering because it hurts them politically to tell the truth.

Sources: 15 days after Benghazi attack, FBI still investigating from afar

They can't safely operate in Libya and the moment. Do you want more US deaths? Libya has told them they can't gurarantee safety due to their army only being about 6,000 at the moment, heavy weaponry being unsecured and people easily getting ahold of it.

You guys blame the US for not having enough security there (when the reason is above--we also couldn't put enough people on the ground to prevent violence and more deaths). If 6,000 Libyan troops aren't enough, do you think a batallion of our forces would be even if we were allowed to send them? I think Libya is afraid of starting a war there also if we have a significant presence.

For the time-being we are withdrawing ALL US government personnnel, including investigators and not sending anymore in right now for the above reasons!
1. FBI isnt investing like they claimed.
2. They claimed this is a spontaneous uprising when it wasn't.
3. They claimed this was about a video, when it wasn't.
4. They claimed it wasnt a terrorist attack when they knew it was on day one.
5. They wont explain what the Ambassador was doing in Benghazai, very hostile area, without any security with men searching for weapons.
6. They won't even address whether the ambassador was killed with the weapons the US supplied the Libyan "rebels" (which include Al Qaeda)

There are lots of things the administration is not answering and/or covering up. And they arent answering because it hurts them politically to tell the truth.

Not that I disbelieve you but;
1. Any links?

2. Any links? I've found this one
What Obama administration has said about Libya attack - CNN.com
September 12 -- President Barack Obama:

"The United States condemns in the strongest terms this outrageous and shocking attack. ... No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation."

September 12 -- Secretary of State Hillary Clinton:

"We are working to determine the precise motivations and methods of those who carried out this assault. Some have sought to justify this vicious behavior, along with the protest that took place at our embassy in Cairo yesterday, as a response to inflammatory material posted on the Internet. America's commitment to religious tolerance goes back to the very beginning of our nation. But let me be clear -- there is no justification for this, none."

September 12 -- White House spokesman Jay Carney, in response to questions about whether the attack was planned:

"It's too early for us to make that judgment. I think -- I know that this is being investigated, and we're working with the Libyan government to investigate the incident. So I would not want to speculate on that at this time."

3. The link above says that the Whitehouse claims that the regional protests were about the video, not the Libyan attack
September 13 -- Jay Carney:

"The protests we're seeing around the region are in reaction to this movie. They are not directly in reaction to any policy of the United States or the government of the United States or the people of the United States."

4. As above in 2...they drew no early conclusions.

5. Maybe they don't know but, strictly speaking, you're right.

6. Just asking...could you tell if they were weapons supplied to the rebels...or Gadaffi?
They continually say the FBI is investigating it. But they aren't and they can't. The first thing you do is secure the scene and since they have yet to set foot there why the lie? There are tons of journalists there trouncing the scene. Why the fuck haven't we secured our own property? Where is the response? We look weak and inept.

How do you know the FBI isn't investigating it? They say that? You have proof?

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