Why Does Obama Need To Compromise?

Face it. Obamacare was passed in the House, in the Senate, Signed in to law by the President and survived a challenge before the Supreme Court.

The GOP candidates for POTUS then made Obamacare the number one issue in the last election. In short they made the entire election in 2012 a referendum on Obamacare. And guess what? The GOP lost. The American people voted in the only candidate that said he would keep it intact.

So what to do? The Tea Party backed politicians decided (like a bunch of whiny kids) that if they didn't get their way they would shut down the government.

What makes this so incredible is that the individual mandate was a conservative idea to begin with.

The bottom line? Obama does not have to compromise on a damn thing. It is the law of the land and the American people spoke. And once people start to sign up and take advantage of it they will like it much like they do Social Security and Medicare.

So let the Tea Party controlled GOP continue on with their little fiasco. They are only hurting themselves.

That same election gave the Reps the seats in the house to keep this explosion of government in check.

Also, winning an election doesn't make him the king he and his sheep think he is. Leaders lead and that's where Obama runs out of talent.

But winning that election showed you, me, congress and Obama that the American people want Obamacare. The GOP made the last election a mandate of it and the GOP lost.

Yes. Leaders do indeed lead. They compromise when they need to and stand firm when they have to. Obama is rightfully choosing to call the GOP's bluff and standing firm.

The GOP loses.

Face it. Obamacare was passed in the House, in the Senate, Signed in to law by the President and survived a challenge before the Supreme Court.

The GOP candidates for POTUS then made Obamacare the number one issue in the last election. In short they made the entire election in 2012 a referendum on Obamacare. And guess what? The GOP lost. The American people voted in the only candidate that said he would keep it intact.

So what to do? The Tea Party backed politicians decided (like a bunch of whiny kids) that if they didn't get their way they would shut down the government.

What makes this so incredible is that the individual mandate was a conservative idea to begin with.

The bottom line? Obama does not have to compromise on a damn thing. It is the law of the land and the American people spoke. And once people start to sign up and take advantage of it they will like it much like they do Social Security and Medicare.

So let the Tea Party controlled GOP continue on with their little fiasco. They are only hurting themselves.
I think you're wrong.

He should compromise..with the liberal wing of the Democrats.

He should shit can the Sequester and reinstate the original outlays of spending.
He should push through a stimulus package for rebuilding our infrastructure.
He should push for greater block grants to hire more teachers, police and firemen.
He should push for grants to keep hospitals open and educate more doctors.
He should push for spending on science and research.
He should provide funding for head start and people who need food.

His been in the pocket of conservatives for too fucking long.

We won this elections and now Obama is the "Decider".

And they have nothing to negotiate with anyway, Obama has really told them he's done. I'm sick of their threats every three months or so.

At this point, Republicans are begging for Obama to give them something, anything, to help them save face. I hope he doesn't.
He doesn't have to negotiate and he isn't going to. GOPs getting pressure from the banks as well:

Bank CEOs Warn of Consequences From US Shutdown, Default

Goldman Sachs chief executive Lloyd Blankfein, while stressing that the business leaders who met with Obama represented diverse political views, implicitly criticized Republicans for using their opposition to the healthcare law as a weapon that could lead to a U.S. default.

“You can litigate these policy issues. You can re-litigate these policy issues in a political forum, but they shouldn't use the threat of causing the U.S. to fail on its ... obligations to repay on its debt as a cudgel,” Blankfein said.

While the government closure has already had repercussions from frustrated tourists turned away from national parks to canceled stops on Obama's Asia trip, the deadline for raising the nation's debt limit poses a much graver risk.

Bank CEOs Warn of Consequences From US Shutdown, Default

I just can't believe how harshly and swiftly House Republicans are being judged negatively on the stupid decisions they made. What a gift.

They continue to try and place the blame elsewhere though but it's looking more like whimpers than roars today.

Washington being controlled by those bankers is half the problem

And who's fault is that?

SEE: Citizen's United.

He doesn't have to negotiate and he isn't going to. GOPs getting pressure from the banks as well:

Bank CEOs Warn of Consequences From US Shutdown, Default

Goldman Sachs chief executive Lloyd Blankfein, while stressing that the business leaders who met with Obama represented diverse political views, implicitly criticized Republicans for using their opposition to the healthcare law as a weapon that could lead to a U.S. default.

“You can litigate these policy issues. You can re-litigate these policy issues in a political forum, but they shouldn't use the threat of causing the U.S. to fail on its ... obligations to repay on its debt as a cudgel,” Blankfein said.

While the government closure has already had repercussions from frustrated tourists turned away from national parks to canceled stops on Obama's Asia trip, the deadline for raising the nation's debt limit poses a much graver risk.

Bank CEOs Warn of Consequences From US Shutdown, Default

I just can't believe how harshly and swiftly House Republicans are being judged negatively on the stupid decisions they made. What a gift.

They continue to try and place the blame elsewhere though but it's looking more like whimpers than roars today.

Washington being controlled by those bankers is half the problem

They're trying to help Republicans out here. Rs are actually making noises about default.

Face it. Obamacare was passed in the House, in the Senate, Signed in to law by the President and survived a challenge before the Supreme Court.

The GOP candidates for POTUS then made Obamacare the number one issue in the last election. In short they made the entire election in 2012 a referendum on Obamacare. And guess what? The GOP lost. The American people voted in the only candidate that said he would keep it intact.

So what to do? The Tea Party backed politicians decided (like a bunch of whiny kids) that if they didn't get their way they would shut down the government.

What makes this so incredible is that the individual mandate was a conservative idea to begin with.

The bottom line? Obama does not have to compromise on a damn thing. It is the law of the land and the American people spoke. And once people start to sign up and take advantage of it they will like it much like they do Social Security and Medicare.

So let the Tea Party controlled GOP continue on with their little fiasco. They are only hurting themselves.
I think you're wrong.

He should compromise..with the liberal wing of the Democrats.

He should shit can the Sequester and reinstate the original outlays of spending.
He should push through a stimulus package for rebuilding our infrastructure.
He should push for greater block grants to hire more teachers, police and firemen.
He should push for grants to keep hospitals open and educate more doctors.
He should push for spending on science and research.
He should provide funding for head start and people who need food.

His been in the pocket of conservatives for too fucking long.

We won this elections and now Obama is the "Decider".

And they have nothing to negotiate with anyway, Obama has really told them he's done. I'm sick of their threats every three months or so.

At this point, Republicans are begging for Obama to give them something, anything, to help them save face. I hope he doesn't.

It would be nice if he grew a pair and got away from his usual "Machiavellian" strategies. He, for once, should take these guys to the mat like Bush, Reagan or Clinton.

They will never ever like him or accept him. But if he gave them a good pasting politically, they might wind up respecting him and become cowed.
He doesn't have to negotiate and he isn't going to. GOPs getting pressure from the banks as well:

I just can't believe how harshly and swiftly House Republicans are being judged negatively on the stupid decisions they made. What a gift.

They continue to try and place the blame elsewhere though but it's looking more like whimpers than roars today.

Washington being controlled by those bankers is half the problem

They're trying to help Republicans out here. Rs are actually making noises about default.


No their not.

They are looking to save their own bacon.

Default fucks them for a very long time.
He doesn't have to negotiate and he isn't going to. GOPs getting pressure from the banks as well:

I just can't believe how harshly and swiftly House Republicans are being judged negatively on the stupid decisions they made. What a gift.

They continue to try and place the blame elsewhere though but it's looking more like whimpers than roars today.

Washington being controlled by those bankers is half the problem

They're trying to help Republicans out here. Rs are actually making noises about default.


lol bullshit, they have one concern, themselves, and they'll fuck over whoever it takes to do so.
He doesn't have to negotiate and he isn't going to. GOPs getting pressure from the banks as well:

I just can't believe how harshly and swiftly House Republicans are being judged negatively on the stupid decisions they made. What a gift.

They continue to try and place the blame elsewhere though but it's looking more like whimpers than roars today.

Washington being controlled by those bankers is half the problem

And who's fault is that?

SEE: Citizen's United.


We'll I guess if one thinks that's how recently their influence started they might believe that nonsense.
Becasue that's what Presidents do...

Why should he negotiate on....You are going to give up this or you are going to give up that?

Other than 800,000 workers being used as hostages, what are Republicans offering?
Washington being controlled by those bankers is half the problem

And who's fault is that?

SEE: Citizen's United.


We'll I guess if one thinks that's how recently their influence started they might believe that nonsense.

What nonsense?

Of course big money has had a huge and terrible influence on politics. But, over the last century or so, congress has been slowly and surely beating that back.

McCain/Feingold was the latest iteration of that.

Thanks to you folks..a whole century of progress was blown to smithereens with one court decision that truly was a vile example of legislating from the bench.
Washington being controlled by those bankers is half the problem

They're trying to help Republicans out here. Rs are actually making noises about default.


No their not.

They are looking to save their own bacon.

Default fucks them for a very long time.

Everyone can see the GOP are desperately trying to get something that will perhaps bring them some indication that they've done the right thing in shutting government down. It hasn't happened so they are going on to something that will hurt a little more to force negotiations.

The banks surely will lose if we default but Rs seem to need some guidance here. I truly believe they're incompetent.
Face it. Obamacare was passed in the House, in the Senate, Signed in to law by the President and survived a challenge before the Supreme Court.

The GOP candidates for POTUS then made Obamacare the number one issue in the last election. In short they made the entire election in 2012 a referendum on Obamacare. And guess what? The GOP lost. The American people voted in the only candidate that said he would keep it intact.

So what to do? The Tea Party backed politicians decided (like a bunch of whiny kids) that if they didn't get their way they would shut down the government.

What makes this so incredible is that the individual mandate was a conservative idea to begin with.

The bottom line? Obama does not have to compromise on a damn thing. It is the law of the land and the American people spoke. And once people start to sign up and take advantage of it they will like it much like they do Social Security and Medicare.

So let the Tea Party controlled GOP continue on with their little fiasco. They are only hurting themselves.
I think you're wrong.

He should compromise..with the liberal wing of the Democrats.

He should shit can the Sequester and reinstate the original outlays of spending.
He should push through a stimulus package for rebuilding our infrastructure.
He should push for greater block grants to hire more teachers, police and firemen.
He should push for grants to keep hospitals open and educate more doctors.
He should push for spending on science and research.
He should provide funding for head start and people who need food.

His been in the pocket of conservatives for too fucking long.

We won this elections and now Obama is the "Decider".

Where is the money for all that going to come from? We are 17 trillion in debt, the debt is increasing at 1 trillion per year now, we are only paying the interest on the debt.
Our national credit rating was downgraded for the first time ever under Obama.

Where do you fools think this will end? should we go 50 trillion in debt? 100 trillion? What happens when the interest on the debt is more than the total revenue of the government?

Oh I know, tax the evil rich, right? We could take 100% of the income and wealth of the top 20% and it would not put a dent in the debt.

This insanity has to end, and stopping obamacare is a good start to ending it.
They're trying to help Republicans out here. Rs are actually making noises about default.


No their not.

They are looking to save their own bacon.

Default fucks them for a very long time.

Everyone can see the GOP are desperately trying to get something that will perhaps bring them some indication that they've done the right thing in shutting government down. It hasn't happened so they are going on to something that will hurt a little more to force negotiations.

The banks surely will lose if we default but Rs seem to need some guidance here. I truly believe they're incompetent.

Barry is lying to you about the USA defaulting on its debt. The interest on the debt gets paid first. There will be no default.

the incompetence is sitting in the whitehouse and chairing the senate.
Becasue that's what Presidents do...

Why should he negotiate on....You are going to give up this or you are going to give up that?

Other than 800,000 workers being used as hostages, what are Republicans offering?

That's the thing, he already has everything, Rs are the ones who want to ram their agenda through. If Obama negotiates anything, I will be surprised and baffled.
Face it. Obamacare was passed in the House, in the Senate, Signed in to law by the President and survived a challenge before the Supreme Court.

The GOP candidates for POTUS then made Obamacare the number one issue in the last election. In short they made the entire election in 2012 a referendum on Obamacare. And guess what? The GOP lost. The American people voted in the only candidate that said he would keep it intact.

So what to do? The Tea Party backed politicians decided (like a bunch of whiny kids) that if they didn't get their way they would shut down the government.

What makes this so incredible is that the individual mandate was a conservative idea to begin with.

The bottom line? Obama does not have to compromise on a damn thing. It is the law of the land and the American people spoke. And once people start to sign up and take advantage of it they will like it much like they do Social Security and Medicare.

So let the Tea Party controlled GOP continue on with their little fiasco. They are only hurting themselves.

The bottom line is you are one stupid motherfucker so no answer anyone gives you will change your little mind.
Until Obama compromises and you will swear up and down that he intended to compromise all along. At least if Chris Matthews tell you so.

What did you do? Get a double dose of Rush today?

He doesn't need to compromise. Period.

Obamacare is the law of the land and Obama's winning the fight. So get used to it.

And if you don't like it cry me a river. :eusa_boohoo:

the HOR has the power of the purse and if you don't like it, cry me a river :eusa_boohoo:
Face it. Obamacare was passed in the House, in the Senate, Signed in to law by the President and survived a challenge before the Supreme Court.

The GOP candidates for POTUS then made Obamacare the number one issue in the last election. In short they made the entire election in 2012 a referendum on Obamacare. And guess what? The GOP lost. The American people voted in the only candidate that said he would keep it intact.

So what to do? The Tea Party backed politicians decided (like a bunch of whiny kids) that if they didn't get their way they would shut down the government.

What makes this so incredible is that the individual mandate was a conservative idea to begin with.

The bottom line? Obama does not have to compromise on a damn thing. It is the law of the land and the American people spoke. And once people start to sign up and take advantage of it they will like it much like they do Social Security and Medicare.

So let the Tea Party controlled GOP continue on with their little fiasco. They are only hurting themselves.

He doesn't need to. The question is, why won't he? Why is he more interested in protecting the profits of the insurance industry than following the wishes of the voters?

People don't want the mandate, that much is clear. If the whole thing was a 'conservative idea to begin with', then why in the hell are liberals stuck on it?
Face it. Obamacare was passed in the House, in the Senate, Signed in to law by the President and survived a challenge before the Supreme Court.

The GOP candidates for POTUS then made Obamacare the number one issue in the last election. In short they made the entire election in 2012 a referendum on Obamacare. And guess what? The GOP lost. The American people voted in the only candidate that said he would keep it intact.

So what to do? The Tea Party backed politicians decided (like a bunch of whiny kids) that if they didn't get their way they would shut down the government.

What makes this so incredible is that the individual mandate was a conservative idea to begin with.

The bottom line? Obama does not have to compromise on a damn thing. It is the law of the land and the American people spoke. And once people start to sign up and take advantage of it they will like it much like they do Social Security and Medicare.

So let the Tea Party controlled GOP continue on with their little fiasco. They are only hurting themselves.
I think you're wrong.

He should compromise..with the liberal wing of the Democrats.

He should shit can the Sequester and reinstate the original outlays of spending.
He should push through a stimulus package for rebuilding our infrastructure.
He should push for greater block grants to hire more teachers, police and firemen.
He should push for grants to keep hospitals open and educate more doctors.
He should push for spending on science and research.
He should provide funding for head start and people who need food.

His been in the pocket of conservatives for too fucking long.

We won this elections and now Obama is the "Decider".

Where is the money for all that going to come from? We are 17 trillion in debt, the debt is increasing at 1 trillion per year now, we are only paying the interest on the debt.
Our national credit rating was downgraded for the first time ever under Obama.

Where do you fools think this will end? should we go 50 trillion in debt? 100 trillion? What happens when the interest on the debt is more than the total revenue of the government?

Oh I know, tax the evil rich, right? We could take 100% of the income and wealth of the top 20% and it would not put a dent in the debt.

This insanity has to end, and stopping obamacare is a good start to ending it.

Perhaps we can start by stopping the building of 400 Billion dollar jet fighters that look spiffy but are essentially useless.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBt-aQ1vObM]F35 AIR SHOW - YouTube[/ame]

I NEVER hear you folks complaining about this stuff.

And who's fault is that?

SEE: Citizen's United.


We'll I guess if one thinks that's how recently their influence started they might believe that nonsense.

What nonsense?

Of course big money has had a huge and terrible influence on politics. But, over the last century or so, congress has been slowly and surely beating that back.

McCain/Feingold was the latest iteration of that.

Thanks to you folks..a whole century of progress was blown to smithereens with one court decision that truly was a vile example of legislating from the bench.

You made the assertion banker influence started with citizens united, that is nonsense and you are full of shit.
Face it. Obamacare was passed in the House, in the Senate, Signed in to law by the President and survived a challenge before the Supreme Court.

The GOP candidates for POTUS then made Obamacare the number one issue in the last election. In short they made the entire election in 2012 a referendum on Obamacare. And guess what? The GOP lost. The American people voted in the only candidate that said he would keep it intact.

So what to do? The Tea Party backed politicians decided (like a bunch of whiny kids) that if they didn't get their way they would shut down the government.

What makes this so incredible is that the individual mandate was a conservative idea to begin with.

The bottom line? Obama does not have to compromise on a damn thing. It is the law of the land and the American people spoke. And once people start to sign up and take advantage of it they will like it much like they do Social Security and Medicare.

So let the Tea Party controlled GOP continue on with their little fiasco. They are only hurting themselves.

He doesn't need to. The question is, why won't he? Why is he more interested in protecting the profits of the insurance industry than following the wishes of the voters?

People don't want the mandate, that much is clear. If the whole thing was a 'conservative idea to begin with', then why in the hell are liberals stuck on it?

The voters put him back in the office even though the central issue was Obamacare.

He IS following their wishes. :eusa_whistle:
We'll I guess if one thinks that's how recently their influence started they might believe that nonsense.

What nonsense?

Of course big money has had a huge and terrible influence on politics. But, over the last century or so, congress has been slowly and surely beating that back.

McCain/Feingold was the latest iteration of that.

Thanks to you folks..a whole century of progress was blown to smithereens with one court decision that truly was a vile example of legislating from the bench.

You made the assertion banker influence started with citizens united, that is nonsense and you are full of shit.

Wait what?

I made no such assertion.

That's what YOU extrapolated.

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