Why Does Obama Need To Compromise?

Nonsense! The majority of Americans do want some National Healthcare system. All polling at the time the ACA was enacted indicated this.

All that has happened is that a concerted GOP PR initiative - based almost totally on lies - has led the majority of Americans to believe that the ACA is some horrendous program that will cost the government a fortune. Those are blatant lies.

Once people understand what the ACA is they will love it. They'll also realize the the GOP has been blatantly lying to them.

This is why the GOP is so desparate in stopping the ACA - they don't want the American people to discover how good it is.

NO, thats wrong, americans want access to high quality, reasonably priced medical care. The ACA does not do either thing.

How are you better off with a policy that costs $100/month and has a 10K deductible? Do you understand what that means? you will have out of pocket costs of $11,200 before your insurance policy pays anything. Thats not medical insurance. What will you do if you don't have the 10K? borrow it from mama? what if she doesn't have it?

What the ACA means is that millions of people who have absolutely no health insurance, but still get socialized health care from hospital emergency rooms, will now have to pay some money for the care they receive. This means that the rest of us that do have health insurance (and the government) will no longer have to pay for there health care costs.

No they won't. the poor will get subsidies to cover them. They will pay nothing, just like now. the rest of us will pay for treatment of the poor, just like now.

the difference is that the ACA creates a huge expensive unnecessary govt beaurocracy that will suck up billions of dollars.
Face it. Obamacare was passed in the House, in the Senate, Signed in to law by the President and survived a challenge before the Supreme Court.

The GOP candidates for POTUS then made Obamacare the number one issue in the last election. In short they made the entire election in 2012 a referendum on Obamacare. And guess what? The GOP lost. The American people voted in the only candidate that said he would keep it intact.

So what to do? The Tea Party backed politicians decided (like a bunch of whiny kids) that if they didn't get their way they would shut down the government.

What makes this so incredible is that the individual mandate was a conservative idea to begin with.

The bottom line? Obama does not have to compromise on a damn thing. It is the law of the land and the American people spoke. And once people start to sign up and take advantage of it they will like it much like they do Social Security and Medicare.

So let the Tea Party controlled GOP continue on with their little fiasco. They are only hurting themselves.

thank you for being genuine 100% asshole :up: so....., you are in favor of shutting down the WWII Vets Memorial and other "always open" scenic sites ? were you born retarded or just since you got on that lille bike of yours ? :lmao:
Well, they put the blame for everything negative on Obama. The good stuff goes to them. See? That's the rule.

Hmmmm, and you on the left are still blaming Bush for everything before and after his time in office.

Tell me, is obama ever going to responsible for anything?

The only thing telling about your post is that you did not contest anything Sarah said in hers.

I merely pointed out that thats the way the politics game is played by both sides. Blame the other guy for everything bad and ignore the good that he may have done.

You on the left need to grasp the FACT that your guys are not always right. You need to acknowledge that obama has made some very serious mistakes that are hurting the country.

being truthful does not make you a traitor to liberalism, it makes you an honest person.
Hmmmm, and you on the left are still blaming Bush for everything before and after his time in office.

Tell me, is obama ever going to responsible for anything?

The only thing telling about your post is that you did not contest anything Sarah said in hers.

I merely pointed out that thats the way the politics game is played by both sides. Blame the other guy for everything bad and ignore the good that he may have done.

You on the left need to grasp the FACT that your guys are not always right. You need to acknowledge that obama has made some very serious mistakes that are hurting the country.

being truthful does not make you a traitor to liberalism, it makes you an honest person.

You want me to pretend that I support the idea of one radical faction in the House of Representatives being able to shut down the government, against the will of the majority of the House, Senate, and against the will of the President,

all to overturn a legitimately passed law, all for the sake of a narrow partisan ideological

agenda that cannot even claim support of a majority of Americans even if that were relevant...

...all for the sake me proving I'm not a lockstep Obama robot?

lol, you get more ignorant every day. You need a new way to waste your time.
Why? Because it's hugely unpopular.

Also he rammed it through the congress without even a good chunk of the democraps reading it before they voted for it.

That's a lie. Support for repealing Obamacare is maybe 35 or 40 percent.

support for amending and fixing it is around 80%, even the unions want it fixed.

Then the legislature should work on that in a non-hostage crisis context.
Seriously for a minute. Our system of government is based on negotiation and compromise. We do not live in a monarchy or a dictatorship.

Its really that simple and every previous president has understood that. Clinton probably better than most.

So if the GOP members of the House demanded that the Ryan/Romney plan for ending Medicare be passed before they would agree to fund the government,

President Obama would be a dictator if he didn't agree to that?

lol, you're demented.

Thats not what I said, and your juvenile insult is noted for its worthlessness.

Negotiation and compromise means that both sides give and take until an agreement is reached. Clinton and Newt did it. Reagan and O'Neill did it. Obama refuses.

Is it because he knows that his negotiation skills are so poor that he will always lose? Or is he such a narcissist that he thinks he can dictate to everyone else?

Negotiation after a law was passed?

That's ridiculous.

That's like the losing team in a football game refusing to leave the field until the score is changed.

The house is one branch of several parts of government. They hold a small majority there. That does not give them the right to lord over the minority in the house, the Majority in the Senate and the President.

The law was passed and settled in the Supreme Court.

If they don't like it, they can pass legislation to modify or repeal.

This is not what the Constitution ever intended for the minority or the Power of the purse.

There are other clauses that even articulate that..in that the full faith and credit of the United States must be guarded.
To get back to the specific question in the OP,

this is why the President must not compromise, aka give in to GOP demands, under these circumstances:

1. The President cannot not let the holding hostage of government funding become a legitimate, workable bargaining strategy in budget negotiations.

2. If the radical faction in the House succeeds with the above strategy, their lesson learned will be that this is the new way to impose their radical agenda on the rest of the country.

3. This would never end. Here is one list of everything else the GOP has demanded on threat of shutting down the government:

1. A balanced budget amendment [Link]

2. Approving Keystone XL [Link]

3. Eliminating funding for Planned Parenthood [Link]

4. Medicare privatization [Link]

5. Tax reform, as outlined by Paul Ryan [Link]

6. The REINS Act, which would require Congress to approve significant federal regulations [Link]

7. Means-testing Social Security [Link]

8. Defunding Obamacare [Link]

9. Allowing employers to eliminate insurance coverage for birth control [Link]

10. An expansion of off-shore drilling [Link]

11. Preserving all the Bush tax cuts [Link]

12. “Trillions” in budget cuts [Link]

13. Slashing funding for food stamps [Link]

14. Protecting mountaintop strip mining [Link]

15. Stripping the EPA of authority to regulate greenhouse gases [Link]

16. Loosening regulation on coal ash [Link

21 Things Republicans Have Demanded To Avoid A Crisis
Seriously for a minute. Our system of government is based on negotiation and compromise. We do not live in a monarchy or a dictatorship.

Its really that simple and every previous president has understood that. Clinton probably better than most.

So if the GOP members of the House demanded that the Ryan/Romney plan for ending Medicare be passed before they would agree to fund the government,

President Obama would be a dictator if he didn't agree to that?

lol, you're demented.

Thats not what I said, and your juvenile insult is noted for its worthlessness.

Negotiation and compromise means that both sides give and take until an agreement is reached. Clinton and Newt did it. Reagan and O'Neill did it. Obama refuses.

Is it because he knows that his negotiation skills are so poor that he will always lose? Or is he such a narcissist that he thinks he can dictate to everyone else?

No, it's exactly what you said.

You want John Boehner to have the power of dictator, and you want to label the President a dictator if he doesn't cede that power.

You want the democratic process of running our country to be completely turned upside down so that majority rule simply disappears.
Seriously for a minute. Our system of government is based on negotiation and compromise. We do not live in a monarchy or a dictatorship.

Its really that simple and every previous president has understood that. Clinton probably better than most.

So if the GOP members of the House demanded that the Ryan/Romney plan for ending Medicare be passed before they would agree to fund the government,

President Obama would be a dictator if he didn't agree to that?

lol, you're demented.

Thats not what I said, and your juvenile insult is noted for its worthlessness.

Negotiation and compromise means that both sides give and take until an agreement is reached. Clinton and Newt did it. Reagan and O'Neill did it. Obama refuses.

Is it because he knows that his negotiation skills are so poor that he will always lose? Or is he such a narcissist that he thinks he can dictate to everyone else?

Are the GOP's negotiating skills so poor that they must take entire government hostage in order to terrorize their way to advancing an agenda that most people do not want?
The only terrorists are democrats. The public is finally starting to see that.
Face it. Obamacare was passed in the House, in the Senate, Signed in to law by the President and survived a challenge before the Supreme Court.

The GOP candidates for POTUS then made Obamacare the number one issue in the last election. In short they made the entire election in 2012 a referendum on Obamacare. And guess what? The GOP lost. The American people voted in the only candidate that said he would keep it intact.

So what to do? The Tea Party backed politicians decided (like a bunch of whiny kids) that if they didn't get their way they would shut down the government.

What makes this so incredible is that the individual mandate was a conservative idea to begin with.

The bottom line? Obama does not have to compromise on a damn thing. It is the law of the land and the American people spoke. And once people start to sign up and take advantage of it they will like it much like they do Social Security and Medicare.

So let the Tea Party controlled GOP continue on with their little fiasco. They are only hurting themselves.

The democrats should take the momentum, raise the funding in the ACA to cover vision, dental, and eldercare, send that to the House and let the House continue to get blamed for stalemate.

It's time to neuter the dogs.
Seriously for a minute. Our system of government is based on negotiation and compromise. We do not live in a monarchy or a dictatorship.

Its really that simple and every previous president has understood that. Clinton probably better than most.

So if the GOP members of the House demanded that the Ryan/Romney plan for ending Medicare be passed before they would agree to fund the government,

President Obama would be a dictator if he didn't agree to that?

lol, you're demented.

Cantor was just on a clip saying how shameful it is the Democrats are keeping the parks closed.

This is other-worldly. We know they don't believe their own rhetoric, they're making fools of their own base with this BS.
Face it. Obamacare was passed in the House, in the Senate, Signed in to law by the President and survived a challenge before the Supreme Court.

The GOP candidates for POTUS then made Obamacare the number one issue in the last election. In short they made the entire election in 2012 a referendum on Obamacare. And guess what? The GOP lost. The American people voted in the only candidate that said he would keep it intact.

So what to do? The Tea Party backed politicians decided (like a bunch of whiny kids) that if they didn't get their way they would shut down the government.

What makes this so incredible is that the individual mandate was a conservative idea to begin with.

The bottom line? Obama does not have to compromise on a damn thing. It is the law of the land and the American people spoke. And once people start to sign up and take advantage of it they will like it much like they do Social Security and Medicare.

So let the Tea Party controlled GOP continue on with their little fiasco. They are only hurting themselves.
I think you're wrong.

He should compromise..with the liberal wing of the Democrats.

He should shit can the Sequester and reinstate the original outlays of spending.
He should push through a stimulus package for rebuilding our infrastructure.
He should push for greater block grants to hire more teachers, police and firemen.
He should push for grants to keep hospitals open and educate more doctors.
He should push for spending on science and research.
He should provide funding for head start and people who need food.

His been in the pocket of conservatives for too fucking long.

We won this elections and now Obama is the "Decider".

Where is the money for all that going to come from? We are 17 trillion in debt, the debt is increasing at 1 trillion per year now, we are only paying the interest on the debt.
Our national credit rating was downgraded for the first time ever under Obama.

Where do you fools think this will end? should we go 50 trillion in debt? 100 trillion? What happens when the interest on the debt is more than the total revenue of the government?

Oh I know, tax the evil rich, right? We could take 100% of the income and wealth of the top 20% and it would not put a dent in the debt.

This insanity has to end, and stopping obamacare is a good start to ending it.
Tax the rich????Are you joking? Remember Obama gave a year pass to the rich on the Tax/fine of Obamacare yet left it for all of us to pay....
Face it. Obamacare was passed in the House, in the Senate, Signed in to law by the President and survived a challenge before the Supreme Court.

The GOP candidates for POTUS then made Obamacare the number one issue in the last election. In short they made the entire election in 2012 a referendum on Obamacare. And guess what? The GOP lost. The American people voted in the only candidate that said he would keep it intact.

So what to do? The Tea Party backed politicians decided (like a bunch of whiny kids) that if they didn't get their way they would shut down the government.

What makes this so incredible is that the individual mandate was a conservative idea to begin with.

The bottom line? Obama does not have to compromise on a damn thing. It is the law of the land and the American people spoke. And once people start to sign up and take advantage of it they will like it much like they do Social Security and Medicare.

So let the Tea Party controlled GOP continue on with their little fiasco. They are only hurting themselves.

That same election gave the Reps the seats in the house to keep this explosion of government in check.

Also, winning an election doesn't make him the king he and his sheep think he is. Leaders lead and that's where Obama runs out of talent.

But winning that election showed you, me, congress and Obama that the American people want Obamacare. The GOP made the last election a mandate of it and the GOP lost.

Yes. Leaders do indeed lead. They compromise when they need to and stand firm when they have to. Obama is rightfully choosing to call the GOP's bluff and standing firm.

The GOP loses.


Which version of Obamacare do you think the American people voted for? I remember when Obama swore up and down that Obamacare wasn't a tax. The Supreme Court said it was a tax. I don't remember Obama running on the idea that Obamacare would carve out exceptions for friends and themselves. I remember when Obamacare was advertised as being free. You can't just make a blanket claim that people voted for Obamacare if you don't tell us which Obamacare broken promise you are referring to. By the way, according to every poll I've read, most people are NOT for Obamacare. Also, let me sweep away some of the last election revisionism. The GOP did not focus on Obamacare in the last election. Certainly, there were times when Obamacare was discussed but Romney made jobs a priority in his campaign.
If we're going to pretend that the last election was focused on Obamacare as opposed to a it's-not-a-tax version of Obamacare then why can't we say Romney wasn't elected because of Romneycare and it's parallels with Obamacare. We can play this game all day long.
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So if the GOP members of the House demanded that the Ryan/Romney plan for ending Medicare be passed before they would agree to fund the government,

President Obama would be a dictator if he didn't agree to that?

lol, you're demented.

Thats not what I said, and your juvenile insult is noted for its worthlessness.

Negotiation and compromise means that both sides give and take until an agreement is reached. Clinton and Newt did it. Reagan and O'Neill did it. Obama refuses.

Is it because he knows that his negotiation skills are so poor that he will always lose? Or is he such a narcissist that he thinks he can dictate to everyone else?

Are the GOP's negotiating skills so poor that they must take entire government hostage in order to terrorize their way to advancing an agenda that most people do not want?

I give you five points for managing to stick in the words "hostage" and "terrorize". However, you lose one point for not including "arsonist" "joe McCarthy" and "anarchist".
By the way, the majority of people are against Obamacare so when you say the GOP is trying to advance an agenda that most people don't like, that's simply not true.
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Seriously for a minute. Our system of government is based on negotiation and compromise. We do not live in a monarchy or a dictatorship.

Its really that simple and every previous president has understood that. Clinton probably better than most.

So if the GOP members of the House demanded that the Ryan/Romney plan for ending Medicare be passed before they would agree to fund the government,

President Obama would be a dictator if he didn't agree to that?

lol, you're demented.

Cantor was just on a clip saying how shameful it is the Democrats are keeping the parks closed.

This is other-worldly. We know they don't believe their own rhetoric, they're making fools of their own base with this BS.

The gop has two messages: the shutdown proves govt does nothing for you, and we better open up programs people like.

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