Why does Obama support Iran going nuclear ?

in his SOTU address the one thing Obama seemed to get emotional about was Iran.....threatening Congress with a veto if they passed a bill for more sanctions on Iran....why does Obama support a threat not only to Israel but to the United States and other allies as well....?

I called a hardheaded realist, a Harvard trained PhD who has been watching the Middle East professionally for decades, to ask him about Obama's Iran deal. This is what he told me.

It's done. Iran will get a bomb.

They want a bomb and they will not be denied unless somebody stops them. Obama does not want to stop them. He does not want a friendly regime in Iran. He wants Iran as a counterforce to America and Israel. Obama is not a Muslim, but he is a radical. He sees the U.S. and Israel as imperialistic and oppressive. He doesn't like the U.S. military. He'd cut it to nothing if he could get away with it.

We'll have to pull our troops and our aircraft carriers out of the Persian Gulf. We'll lose our ability to protect Middle Eastern oil. The Gulf Arabs will have to cooperate with Iran. So will Europe; they depend on that oil.

The Iranians want the ascendance of Shia Islam. People don't remember, but when Ayatollah Khomeini took over, he sent Revolutionary Guards to Saudi Arabia and they seized Mecca. French paratroopers had to go in secretly and get them out. The Saudis couldn't do it themselves.

The Iranians want to take over Mecca and Medina. They want to take over the Arab world. With their nuclear weapons they will pressure Israel. They don't need to bomb them. They will test a nuclear bomb, they will send in missiles, they will issue threats, they will strangle them economically. Israel's high tech people will leave. They can do start-ups in Silicon Valley just as easily as in Israel; the weather is just as nice. Investments in Israel will dry up.

The deal is indeed terrible. Obama has been changing the rules of the game -- he went from Iran not having the ability to make a bomb, which had been our policy, to Iran not actually making a complete bomb.

Once you've mastered enrichment, and Iran has, creating enough highly enriched uranium is just a choice; there are no technical hurdles left. They have thousands of centrifuges that can enrich uranium in a few months, starting from zero. Whether they have stocks on hand enriched to 5% or 20% is totally irrelevant.

Iran will have an unarmed bomb on the shelf ready to go. Loading the bomb takes a short time -- who will know when they do that? Bombs are not that big, especially ones meant to be loaded on missiles. So who will even know where it is?

The Threat to America

Forget a dirty bomb against America. What about a real bomb? A ten thousand pound bomb could be on a cargo ship or a barge heading into an American port. There are many points of failure in trying to stop them.

Read more: Articles: Obama Has Made it Impossible for Israel to Strike Iran
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At this point the only way to stop Iran would be through military action which Obama won't take and the public doesn't support so it's either hope Israel takes action or accept Iran getting nukes. The world should have never let it get to this point but they did and now it is what it is.
Ronald Reagan sold weapons to Iran and Republicans still defend him.

Uh-huh........30 years ago. A lot of things have changed since then. I mean, who would have ever thought we would ever have a clueless socialist elitest as president?
Why does Obama support Iran going nuclear ?

because he is a fucking muslime, hates America, our traditions, our conservative values, our basic Christian heritage, our Constitution, Bill Of Rights, in short, he wants to "fundamentally change America"...., see below

“We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” — Barack Obama, October 30, 2008

“We are going to have to change our conversation; we’re going to have to change our traditions, our history; we’re going to have to move into a different place as a nation.” — Michelle Obama, May 14, 2008

what the bitch says is right out of the commie manifesto. :up:
At this point the only way to stop Iran would be through military action which Obama won't take and the public doesn't support so it's either hope Israel takes action or accept Iran getting nukes. The world should have never let it get to this point but they did and now it is what it is.

The ONLY thing restraining Israel from military action is the USA.
Look at all the crazy righties. Their bloodlust is up, and they all so very badly want the USA to kill a lot of people in Iran. Loyal Americans, on the other hand, overwhelmingly oppose a new war with Iran, and don't think the USA should be going to war on the orders of Israel.

This is much like North Korea. Clinton had their nuclear program under careful surveillance, then Bush came in, tossed out all the agreements and blustered "My way or the highway!". NK chose the highway and developed nukes. Likewise, President Obama is keeping Iran under careful survellaince. Predictably, Republicans think more threats are a good substitute for actual surveillance. Because it worked so well with North Korea.

And speaking of alphas, one mark of alphas is they don't constantly piddle themselves in terror. Most of the conservatives here wouldn't even qualify as betas, or even gammas. They're solidly in the delta or epsilon categories.

Bloodlust? Really? Get a grip. The majority think sanctions should continue. It's the radicals who dream of killing us. Many of us just don't see any good reason to help them.

Surveillance is done by all administrations. Thing is, even if Iran steps up their nuclear program, I doubt Obama will do anything. Would he continue with sanctions? If the threat was real, would he take action?

Taking their word for it is downright stupid. They retained full ability to increase their nuclear program since Obama is willing to trust that they won't make weapons.

Shame Obama doesn't have that kind of respect for the American people.

Its not Obama that Iran needs to convince.. Iran desperately needs investments for pipelines, refineries, and exploration. Who would invest in them?
Isn't just President Obama. US think-tanks were saying ~10 years ago we're going to have to accept that Iran will become a nuclear power. Best we can do is control how it manifests itself and guard against it becomming a nuclear weapons program. If we attack we just harden their resolve and ensure they do make it for nuclear weapons to defend themselves.

Recognizing Iran as a Strategic Threat: An Intelligence Challenge for the United States

from 2006.

This isn't some new Obama administration thing. It's been an on-going issue for 30 years. It's just know-nothings who chime in because a democratic black guy's President trying to make it seem like the current administration's to blame.
Isn't just President Obama. US think-tanks were saying ~10 years ago we're going to have to accept that Iran will become a nuclear power. Best we can do is control how it manifests itself and guard against it becomming a nuclear weapons program. If we attack we just harden their resolve and ensure they do make it for nuclear weapons to defend themselves.

Recognizing Iran as a Strategic Threat: An Intelligence Challenge for the United States

from 2006.

This isn't some new Obama administration thing. It's been an on-going issue for 30 years. It's just know-nothings who chime in because a democratic black guy's President trying to make it seem like the current administration's to blame.

What's new to Obama is the capitulation, the surrender by the United States.

Obama's surrender to Iran deeply injures our nation, and completely fucks under our allies. What do you think Iran will do to pro-West Muslim states like Jordan and the KSA? Do you think Obama's allies will treat them fairly?

Look, the House of Saud is corrupt as the day is long, but they have been a solid ally. For Obama to hand them over to Iran to be slaughtered is far more than obscene, it's treason.

The reason no one, on any side will ever trust America is because of traitorous piles of shit like Obama.
because he is a closet muslim.

Can you imagine Obama uttering the phrase "Allahu Akbar?" (Ba'al is the greatest)

Obama views no power as greater than himself. Obama is many things, most of them bad, but a Muslim he is not.

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