Why does Obama support Iran going nuclear ?

Major BS. But it is from the American Thinker so........

"People don't remember, but when Ayatollah Khomeini took over, he sent Revolutionary Guards to Saudi Arabia and they seized Mecca."


Now, at the time, nobody knew about the existence of this Sunni jihadi fundamentalist ideology that later evolved into what is known today as al-Qaida. In fact, the assumption in Washington at the time was that the Shiites, the Iranian Shiites, had taken over the mosque and is also part of the Iranian revolutionary expansion to the rest of the Muslim world.

1979: Remembering 'The Siege Of Mecca' : NPR

The seizure was led by Juhayman al-Otaybi, who belonged to a powerful family of Najd. He declared his brother-in-law Mohammed Abdullah al-Qahtani to be the Mahdi, or redeemer. His followers took that the fact that Al-Qahtani's name and his father's name are identical to Muhammad's name and that of his father

Grand Mosque Seizure - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I realize your just a hack, but your own link in no way supports your claim.

Your link confirms that American intelligence identified Iran as the perpetrator.

Does it serve the party for you to believe Khomeini that it was really DA JOOOOZZZ who did it?

I would tend to have more faith in American intelligence,, but then, I think for myself. I guess it must serve the party for you to accept the words of the Ayatollah.
Damn good question. He would believe him if they told him they'd still respect him in the morning........when they have a track record of doing the opposite.

Obama actively supports a nuclear Iran.

No.. Obama does not support a nuclear Iran.. Israel is making a lot of noise about an existential threat.. but the threat is to the GCC... the oil and gasfields, the port facilities at Jubail and Ras Tanura.
Look at all the crazy righties. Their bloodlust is up, and they all so very badly want the USA to kill a lot of people in Iran. Loyal Americans, on the other hand, overwhelmingly oppose a new war with Iran, and don't think the USA should be going to war on the orders of Israel.

This is much like North Korea. Clinton had their nuclear program under careful surveillance, then Bush came in, tossed out all the agreements and blustered "My way or the highway!". NK chose the highway and developed nukes. Likewise, President Obama is keeping Iran under careful survellaince. Predictably, Republicans think more threats are a good substitute for actual surveillance. Because it worked so well with North Korea.

And speaking of alphas, one mark of alphas is they don't constantly piddle themselves in terror. Most of the conservatives here wouldn't even qualify as betas, or even gammas. They're solidly in the delta or epsilon categories.
Time will tell, no one - not even partisan hacks - can predict the future. Better to speak softly and carry a big stick then to rattle swords and call for a crusade.

Since we are throwing out cliches here, the best defense is a good offense. Obama is rolling over and showing his belly like a bitch to an alpha male. Any idea what the alpha male does with the submissive bitch?

You hear what you want to hear and that's fine. But the reality is sanctions have hurt the power elite in Iran and brought them to the table. If they do not follow through more and maybe harsher sanctions will be applied and the Iranian People will once again rise up; the power elite will once again suppress their protests.. At that point the potential for Israel, with our support, may blast their nuclear program to pieces.

Say what? You do realize that there are congressmen on both sides of the aisle that want to increase sanctions and Obama is saying he will veto them.......don't you? He thinks he can mesmerize them with his sweet talk to keep them from building a bomb. They will tell him what he wants to hear while they proceed full speed ahead.
Because he is a muslim who hates our country, and our friends! Israel will stop Iran.


Even the women in the IDF would kick the shit out Iran's pussy-boys.

All the Iranians can do is murder innocent women

and shoot you in the back when you'rte not looking.

How Neda Agha-Soltan became the face of Iran's struggle | World news | The Guardian

Faced with a determined enemy, they'll run like the cowards they are.

Could happen any time. Stay tuned.

If it does, will the scumbag-in-chief back Israel?

I honestly don't know. I don't think he'll have much of a choice but I know this -- He doesn't want to.

obama is a scumbag, a coward and an America-hating piece of shit.

That simple. And the people who back him aren't any better

U.S. Intel Chief Admits Iran Now Has The Ability To Build And Deliver Nuclear Weapons…


In other words, Obama’s deal with Iran is meaningless.

Via Times of Israel:

Iran now has all the technical infrastructure to produce nuclear weapons should it make the political decision to do, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper wrote in a report to a Senate intelligence committee published Wednesday. However, he added, it could not break out to the bomb without being detected.

In the “US Intelligence Worldwide Threat Assessment,” delivered to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Clapper reported that Tehran has made significant advances recently in its nuclear program to the point where it could produce and deliver nuclear bombs should it be so inclined.

“Tehran has made technical progress in a number of areas — including uranium enrichment, nuclear reactors, and ballistic missiles — from which it could draw if it decided to build missile-deliverable nuclear weapons,” Clapper wrote. “These technical advancements strengthen our assessment that Iran has the scientific, technical, and industrial capacity to eventually produce nuclear weapons. This makes the central issue its political will to do so.”

In the past year alone, the report states, Iran has enhanced its centrifuge designs, increased the number of centrifuges, and amassed a larger quantity of low-enriched uranium hexafluoride. These advancements have placed Iran in a better position to produce weapons-grade uranium.
I'm going really far out on a limb here...

Maybe, because Iran is going to get a bomb whether we like it or not, he's trying to be nice to them so they don't use it on us?

And hey, that might work, until the day Iran is all like, "Someone stole our bomb".

Actually, if we let Israel off the leash, Iran will NOT get the bomb in the next decade.

Obama wants a nuclear Iran. He want to drive who he sees as the Imperialists, the USA, out of the region.

Obama seeks to end American dominance in the region.

Occam's razor.
Because he is a muslim who hates our country, and our friends! Israel will stop Iran.

Obama is not a Muslim.

BUT he does sympathize with the Muslims. Not for religious reasons, rather because he sees them as struggling against an Empirical force. Obama seeks the rise of third world radicals, and most of all, the defeat of the United States.
I'm going really far out on a limb here...

Maybe, because Iran is going to get a bomb whether we like it or not, he's trying to be nice to them so they don't use it on us?

And hey, that might work, until the day Iran is all like, "Someone stole our bomb".

Actually, if we let Israel off the leash, Iran will NOT get the bomb in the next decade.

Obama wants a nuclear Iran. He want to drive who he sees as the Imperialists, the USA, out of the region.

Obama seeks to end American dominance in the region.

Occam's razor.

Is that like never assigning blame to partisan politics when lead paint and being severely beaten with an ugly stick will suffice?
Because he is a muslim who hates our country, and our friends! Israel will stop Iran.

Obama is not a Muslim.

BUT he does sympathize with the Muslims. Not for religious reasons, rather because he sees them as struggling against an Empirical force. Obama seeks the rise of third world radicals, and most of all, the defeat of the United States.

obama is a racist.

Oh please, he's not a Muslim. He's a lot of things, but Muslim ain't one of them. Spreading that kind of crap makes you look loony.

He doesn't hate America either. He's just too idealistic to see that what he's doing is more harmful than helpful.

Why do you say this?

Virtually 100% of availible evidence suggests that he has very strong, anti-American views. That he sees America as an invader and an illegitimate Empire that is occupying areas we need to be driven from, much as his father worked to drive the British from Kenya.

Obama absolutely is anti-American.
Oh please, he's not a Muslim. He's a lot of things, but Muslim ain't one of them. Spreading that kind of crap makes you look loony.

He doesn't hate America either. He's just too idealistic to see that what he's doing is more harmful than helpful.

Why do you say this?

Virtually 100% of availible evidence suggests that he has very strong, anti-American views. That he sees America as an invader and an illegitimate Empire that is occupying areas we need to be driven from, much as his father worked to drive the British from Kenya.

Obama absolutely is anti-American.

Frank Marshall Davis was in Kenya?


Nothing about this cocksucker is real.
OP- Fear mongered hater dupes...Iran is about to go civil- youngest, best educated country in the ME. Calling them part of the axis of evil was another of W's disasters...
No.. Obama does not support a nuclear Iran..

{Iran calls nuclear pact a Western 'surrender'}

Iran calls nuclear pact a Western 'surrender'

You voted for Obama several times, dinja?

Israel is making a lot of noise about an existential threat.. but the threat is to the GCC... the oil and gasfields, the port facilities at Jubail and Ras Tanura.

Obama seeks to end American influence in the region. A nuclear Iran is the means to his goal.
No.. Obama does not support a nuclear Iran..

{Iran calls nuclear pact a Western 'surrender'}

Iran calls nuclear pact a Western 'surrender'

You voted for Obama several times, dinja?

Israel is making a lot of noise about an existential threat.. but the threat is to the GCC... the oil and gasfields, the port facilities at Jubail and Ras Tanura.

Obama seeks to end American influence in the region. A nuclear Iran is the means to his goal.

The sanctions against Iran have been brutal.. and if Iran ever bombs anyone, they will be bombed to glass.

I voted for Obama because I couldn't vote for Senile and Stupid... but I did not expect miracles from Obama.

Iran wants a foothold on the Arabian peninsula.. they have since I was a girl and earlier. KSA has no ambitions to control Iran.

If Iran/Iraq get too froggy.. KSA will likely increase their production by 2.5 million bpd.. and cut the ground from under them.

Obama is trying to avoid another ground war which we can't afford.. and it sure is dicey.

Iran is playing a dangerous game by supporting Syria, Hamas, Hazbollah and the al Houthis...
The sanctions against Iran have been brutal..


Iran is a terrorist state.

and if Iran ever bombs anyone, they will be bombed to glass.

How would we do that?

The moment Iran turns nuclear our Persian fleet will have two choices, retreat, or launch a full scale, nuclear attack.

I voted for Obama because I couldn't vote for Senile and Stupid... but I did not expect miracles from Obama.

Did you expect treason from Obama? Because you got it. Obama is promoting and ushering in a nuclear Iran. He follows in the footsteps of Jimmy Carter, who gave us a nuclear North Korea. Two traitors.

Iran wants a foothold on the Arabian peninsula.. they have since I was a girl and earlier. KSA has no ambitions to control Iran.

Iran wants to control Mecca, and by extension, all of Islam. Once they go nuclear, the KSA will cease to exist. In fact, the only chance Saudi Arabia has to survive, is Israel. The irony of which is sweet.

If Iran/Iraq get too froggy.. KSA will likely increase their production by 2.5 million bpd.. and cut the ground from under them.

When Iran moves, the KSA will fall before them. The Kingdom depends on American power to keep Iran at bay. Once Iran is nuclear, we will withdraw, leaving the KSA to fall.

Obama is trying to avoid another ground war which we can't afford.. and it sure is dicey.

Obama is working to create a nuclear Iran, in his radical anti-colonialist zeal. He has betrayed the nation, and our allies in the ME, but he has fulfilled his radical agenda. American power in the ME is at an end.

Iran is playing a dangerous game by supporting Syria, Hamas, Hazbollah and the al Houthis...

It is no game. Iran knows the time is ripe to strike. America is betrayed by Obama, as are Jordan, the KSA, and Israel. Iran needs only march in and take control.
Look at all the crazy righties. Their bloodlust is up, and they all so very badly want the USA to kill a lot of people in Iran. Loyal Americans, on the other hand, overwhelmingly oppose a new war with Iran, and don't think the USA should be going to war on the orders of Israel.

This is much like North Korea. Clinton had their nuclear program under careful surveillance, then Bush came in, tossed out all the agreements and blustered "My way or the highway!". NK chose the highway and developed nukes. Likewise, President Obama is keeping Iran under careful survellaince. Predictably, Republicans think more threats are a good substitute for actual surveillance. Because it worked so well with North Korea.

And speaking of alphas, one mark of alphas is they don't constantly piddle themselves in terror. Most of the conservatives here wouldn't even qualify as betas, or even gammas. They're solidly in the delta or epsilon categories.

Bloodlust? Really? Get a grip. The majority think sanctions should continue. It's the radicals who dream of killing us. Many of us just don't see any good reason to help them.

Surveillance is done by all administrations. Thing is, even if Iran steps up their nuclear program, I doubt Obama will do anything. Would he continue with sanctions? If the threat was real, would he take action?

Taking their word for it is downright stupid. They retained full ability to increase their nuclear program since Obama is willing to trust that they won't make weapons.

Shame Obama doesn't have that kind of respect for the American people.
Ronald Reagan sold weapons to Iran and Republicans still defend him.

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