Why does the Bible have authority?

The Bible was the justification for LIMITING the absolute authority of the monarchy, and the eventual establishment of democracy.



Let's see your "credible source".

"After King John of England violated a number of ancient laws and customs, the country’s barons forced him to sign the Magna Carta (Great Charter) in 1215 at the small picturesque village of Runnymeade alongside the River Thames west of London.
"The document enumerates the church’s right to appoint its own clergy, bishops and archbishops following a bitter church-state row about who should be archbishop of Canterbury — the man appointed by King John or Pope Innocent III’s appointee, Stephen Langton."

British churches to celebrate Magna Carta s 800th birthday by reasserting its Christian heritage - Religion News Service

The Magna Carta OVERTURNED your Bible's "divine right of kings".

That is the exact opposite of what you claimed.

As I said, you aren't smart enough to understand this stuff.
Nothing like America exists in Biblical teachings

too stupid as always. The Bible established the notion of individual liberty at a time when humanity was enslaved by liberal govt. Today America represents individual liberty more than any other significant place in human history.
The notion of individual liberty was around looooong before the bible.

too stupid, of course it was but it was not the basis of western civilization until Jesus. Catch on??
Boo bear, the last 5 commandments are really the only ones that could be considered "laws." And the ideas of those 5 laws were the basis of nearly EVERY civilization both before AND after Christ. Do you understand?
The Bible was the justification for LIMITING the absolute authority of the monarchy, and the eventual establishment of democracy.



Let's see your "credible source".

"After King John of England violated a number of ancient laws and customs, the country’s barons forced him to sign the Magna Carta (Great Charter) in 1215 at the small picturesque village of Runnymeade alongside the River Thames west of London.
"The document enumerates the church’s right to appoint its own clergy, bishops and archbishops following a bitter church-state row about who should be archbishop of Canterbury — the man appointed by King John or Pope Innocent III’s appointee, Stephen Langton."

British churches to celebrate Magna Carta s 800th birthday by reasserting its Christian heritage - Religion News Service

The Magna Carta OVERTURNED your Bible's "divine right of kings".

That is the exact opposite of what you claimed.

But here, in case you decide to read:

" Magna Carta wasn’t drafted by the barons, and the English liberties did not come from a political struggle. The liberties of England came from the Church, based on the ideological foundation of the faith in Jesus Christ, and the application of His Law in the English society. The signing of Magna Carta was the culmination of a centuries-long war between the pagan and the Christian concepts of law and power. At Runnymede the Church won the victory for Christianity, and by this victory England—and consequently America—was blessed with freedom more than any other nation in Europe."

The Forgotten Clauses of the Magna Carta - The American Vision
Historically, the "divinity" of kings has always been a pagan concept.

Then the Christians came along and threw that out the window.
Gods word has never been successfully discredited. It's historacal accuracy is 100% as well as its prophecies.

Contradictions in your Bible!

BibViz Project - Bible Contradictions Misogyny Violence Inaccuracies interactively visualized

"The bishops could lead the barons and the population of England better than any king could. So Henry knew he had to start his reign with acknowledging the superiority of the church, and therefore limiting his royal power. It was his fear of the power of the church that gave England her first Charter of Liberties. From his first day of coronation, until the execution of Charles I in the hands of the Puritan Parliament, the history of England would be a history of the church’s unrelenting war against royal absolutism.
"But more important, even in that first Charter, the church was not the only beneficiary of freedoms. All the liberties we know today as indispensable for a free society were included in it. A Christian society was a free society, and the Church of Jesus Christ was there to assure that Christian liberty was protected.""

You're welcome.

The Forgotten Clauses of the Magna Carta - The American Vision
Fucking idiots.

What's alarming is they really do believe they know this stuff.
The Bible was the justification for LIMITING the absolute authority of the monarchy, and the eventual establishment of democracy.



Let's see your "credible source".

"After King John of England violated a number of ancient laws and customs, the country’s barons forced him to sign the Magna Carta (Great Charter) in 1215 at the small picturesque village of Runnymeade alongside the River Thames west of London.
"The document enumerates the church’s right to appoint its own clergy, bishops and archbishops following a bitter church-state row about who should be archbishop of Canterbury — the man appointed by King John or Pope Innocent III’s appointee, Stephen Langton."

British churches to celebrate Magna Carta s 800th birthday by reasserting its Christian heritage - Religion News Service

The Magna Carta OVERTURNED your Bible's "divine right of kings".

That is the exact opposite of what you claimed.

But here, in case you decide to read:

" Magna Carta wasn’t drafted by the barons, and the English liberties did not come from a political struggle. The liberties of England came from the Church, based on the ideological foundation of the faith in Jesus Christ, and the application of His Law in the English society. The signing of Magna Carta was the culmination of a centuries-long war between the pagan and the Christian concepts of law and power. At Runnymede the Church won the victory for Christianity, and by this victory England—and consequently America—was blessed with freedom more than any other nation in Europe."

The Forgotten Clauses of the Magna Carta - The American Vision
Historically, the "divinity" of kings has always been a pagan concept.

Then the Christians came along and threw that out the window.

That is merely the opinion of someone trying to justify the embarrassment of having your bible's "divine right of kings" trashed.

Your fallacy has been exposed. Deal with it.
I don't understand how it is given more weight than other religious texts from other religions.

thank God it is since the Bible is the basis of Western Civilization without which you would have Hitler Stalin Mao and ISIS.

Do you understand?

The Bible was the basis for monarchs in Europe to claim absolute authority as their divine right.

Who decided God was wrong about that?

NYC shows up again to prove what an ignoramus he is.

The Bible was the justification for LIMITING the absolute authority of the monarchy, and the eventual establishment of democracy.

But that's okay. Nobody expects more from you.
Ignorant nonsense.

The bible is anathema to democracy, the rule of law, and just governance; indeed, the Framers knew well the evil that can manifest in government as a consequence of 'biblical authority,' and prohibited the conjoining of church and state with the Establishment Clause, mandating that church and state remain separate, safeguarding Americans from the tyranny of a theocracy, tyranny that is the consequence of seeking to codify religious dogma into secular law, as is the wont of you and most other social conservatives.
Doesn't matter, foos and fools.

The Bible is not the Constitution.

The Constitution is the culmination of Western Civilization, and it is a secular document. There is no appeal to the Bible in our law.
"...in 1213, when Stephen Langton, the Archbishop of Canterbury, reminded the barons that they had liberties and rights secured in the Charter of Liberties signed by Henry I, the barons decided to act. By that time both the barons and the King were sure about one thing: The Christian Church in England won’t submit to any king, won’t agree to any expansion of royal power, and won’t agree to any return of the old pagan laws that favored the powerful over the common people. The Church, with its unrelenting fight for liberty, had won a position of a check and balance on the power of the powerful. From now on every king, every ruler, and every baron would have to consider the Law of God as declared by the Church as his first obligation. Every other law had to be based on that higher law.
"And thus, in 1215, with Stephen Langton’s name at the head of the list of bishops, King John acquiesced, but not to the nobility. He submitted to the Church and to her higher law, the law of Christ. After 1215 England would still see kings and queens who tried to usurp absolute power. But the seed of liberty was planted, and all England—king, barons, and commoners—knew that the seed was the Christian religion."

The Forgotten Clauses of the Magna Carta - The American Vision
Doesn't matter, foos and fools.

The Bible is not the Constitution.

The Constitution is the culmination of Western Civilization, and it is a secular document. There is no appeal to the Bible in our law.

However, Jesus loves equally and is concerned equallywith the emotional and spiritual errors of PaintMyHouse and Edward Baiamonte and Koshergrl.
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The Bible has the same authority as To Kill A Mockingbird,..

100% stupid of course. Is there one human being on earth who would agree Mockingbird is read as much as the Bible???
PissMyPants is insane.

Pity him.

Jesus would.

I've often envisioned Jesus having a face palm when left loons start trying to use the Bible
And right loons like you and kg and EB.

Oh, did you ever recapture Route Irish.
My neighbor is former Navy fighter pilot and now an airline pilot and his wife is a high school Advanced Placement Algebra and Calculus teacher. They are members of numerous service leagues in the county, he coaches special needs kids in the Special Olympics and she volunteers for Meals on Wheels delivering meals to home bound seniors. They are both atheists. You do not need an ancient book to know what is right and wrong, be a good and productive citizen and make a great impact on your neighbors and community.
You do not need an ancient book to know what is right and wrong,.
too stupid!! of course you do because the idea did not really occur to mankind until Jesus and Bible spread. You simple lack the IQ to know that your friends are imitating religious behavior.
The Bible has the same authority as To Kill A Mockingbird,..

100% stupid of course. Is there one human being on earth who would agree Mockingbird is read as much as the Bible???
PissMyPants is insane.

Pity him.

Jesus would.

I've often envisioned Jesus having a face palm when left loons start trying to use the Bible
No. He'd being doing one of these.

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