Why does the Bible have authority?

The Bible is God's word, He is the authority
There could be a historical document that is 100% accurate, but that wouldn't make it the Word of God. In fact, a few passages in the NT has Paul claiming to speak on his own authority, and not from God.

It's widely accepted the Bible is the word of God.
It's widely accepted the God exists somewhere. Did you see him?
Where is the evidences that the Bible was proclaimed by Him. It might be made up by people or (I hope) by prophets.
Tell me why are you sure?
Not entirely sure how this is political but the answer is obvious.

The bible is an authority because it contains the word of God and the testimony of the people God called and ordained concerning the Plan of Happiness.
The Bible is God's word, He is the authority
There could be a historical document that is 100% accurate, but that wouldn't make it the Word of God. In fact, a few passages in the NT has Paul claiming to speak on his own authority, and not from God.

It's widely accepted the Bible is the word of God.
It's widely accepted the God exists somewhere. Did you see him?
Where is the evidences that the Bible was proclaimed by Him. It might be made up by people or (I hope) by prophets.
Tell me why are you sure?

Ask and Ye shall receive. Seek and Ye shall find.

Do His will and you will know whether the doctrine is from God.
The Bible is God's word, He is the authority
There could be a historical document that is 100% accurate, but that wouldn't make it the Word of God. In fact, a few passages in the NT has Paul claiming to speak on his own authority, and not from God.

It's widely accepted the Bible is the word of God.
It's widely accepted the God exists somewhere. Did you see him?
Where is the evidences that the Bible was proclaimed by Him. It might be made up by people or (I hope) by prophets.
Tell me why are you sure?

I have faith and I'm not going to debate some left loon on my religious beliefs. I could care less if you believe or don't believe
The Bible is probably the best "Self Help" book ever written, which is just one of the MANY reasons it remains popular even among the "not so religious".
The Bible has the same authority as To Kill A Mockingbird, and she was a much better writer with far better editors. The Bible BTW, gave us the Dark Ages and the Crusades, not things to be proud of...

To you they have the same authority. But to those who have received a witness from the Spirit it teaches the truth of our Savior Jesus christ.

And you are wrong. The bible wasn't in the hands of the people until the end of the dark ages. It was the people studying the scriptures and applying them that lead us out of the dark ages
The Bible is God's word, He is the authority
There could be a historical document that is 100% accurate, but that wouldn't make it the Word of God. In fact, a few passages in the NT has Paul claiming to speak on his own authority, and not from God.

It's widely accepted the Bible is the word of God.
It's widely accepted the God exists somewhere. Did you see him?
Where is the evidences that the Bible was proclaimed by Him. It might be made up by people or (I hope) by prophets.
Tell me why are you sure?
The only way you'll ever know the truth is to study Gods word. There are plenty of websites with good study guides. Use them. The bible says that God will reveal Himself to those who diligently seek Him. That's the best advice I can offer.
The Bible is God's word, He is the authority
There could be a historical document that is 100% accurate, but that wouldn't make it the Word of God. In fact, a few passages in the NT has Paul claiming to speak on his own authority, and not from God.

It's widely accepted the Bible is the word of God.
It's widely accepted the God exists somewhere. Did you see him?
Where is the evidences that the Bible was proclaimed by Him. It might be made up by people or (I hope) by prophets.
Tell me why are you sure?
The only way you'll ever know the truth is to study Gods word. There are plenty of websites with good study guides. Use them. The bible says that God will reveal Himself to those who diligently seek Him. That's the best advice I can offer.
Man does not know God, let alone his word, hence the problem.
PissMyPants is insane.

Pity him.

Jesus would.

I've often envisioned Jesus having a face palm when left loons start trying to use the Bible
The christian right claims the ultimate right to interpretation of the scriptures and that shit just cannot be allowed to go unchallenged. I am a liberal because I read the bible and after a lifetime of study I still have not found the part that says the government cannot ever be allowed to reflect our christian values of service to the downtrodden, the sick and the needy. Care to point it out?

Who said it did or didn't?

The right simultaneously claims divine guidance and is engaged in efforts to snatch away the social safety net. Since you seem to think the left has no right to even mention the bible I thought you might offer some insight on how you guys hear the words of Jesus and then try to destroy the best solution to sickness and hunger mankind has ever produced.
Which solution would that be? Are you referring to the trillion+ dollars spent In the failed war on poverty?

WOP was and has been a great success. Any who suggest otherwise have failed in American culture and life.
The Bible has the same authority as To Kill A Mockingbird, and she was a much better writer with far better editors. The Bible BTW, gave us the Dark Ages and the Crusades, not things to be proud of...

To you they have the same authority. But to those who have received a witness from the Spirit it teaches the truth of our Savior Jesus christ.

And you are wrong. The bible wasn't in the hands of the people until the end of the dark ages. It was the people studying the scriptures and applying them that lead us out of the dark ages
What you post is total nonsense.
The Bible is God's word, He is the authority
There could be a historical document that is 100% accurate, but that wouldn't make it the Word of God. In fact, a few passages in the NT has Paul claiming to speak on his own authority, and not from God.

It's widely accepted the Bible is the word of God.

But almost no acceptance that the far right social cons have the spiritual humility and integrity to interpret it righteously.
You confuse wanting to cut waste and cull those that don't need assistance from the rolls with "Not giving a fuck about the needy". Learn what conservatives believe then spew your age old talking points
Too stupid! Dear, you know far too many on the social con right to not care about the poor and their children.
I've often envisioned Jesus having a face palm when left loons start trying to use the Bible
The christian right claims the ultimate right to interpretation of the scriptures and that shit just cannot be allowed to go unchallenged. I am a liberal because I read the bible and after a lifetime of study I still have not found the part that says the government cannot ever be allowed to reflect our christian values of service to the downtrodden, the sick and the needy. Care to point it out?

Who said it did or didn't?

The right simultaneously claims divine guidance and is engaged in efforts to snatch away the social safety net. Since you seem to think the left has no right to even mention the bible I thought you might offer some insight on how you guys hear the words of Jesus and then try to destroy the best solution to sickness and hunger mankind has ever produced.
Which solution would that be? Are you referring to the trillion+ dollars spent In the failed war on poverty?

WOP was and has been a great success. Any who suggest otherwise have failed in American culture and life.
Wages are stagnant. We have a record number of people on food stamps and the labor participation rate is the lowest it's been In several decades. You are, obviously, too stupid to live.
]I have faith and I'm not going to debate some left loon on my religious beliefs. I could care less if you believe or don't believe
Many good Christians are very worried that far right crack head Christians think they have the authority to interpret the Bible.
You confuse wanting to cut waste and cull those that don't need assistance from the rolls with "Not giving a fuck about the needy". Learn what conservatives believe then spew your age old talking points
Too stupid! Dear, you know far too many on the social con right to not care about the poor and their children.
That's funny. Why are there all these studies that show conservatives give more to charity than liberals? Liberals, as intelligent are aware, are only generous with OTHER PEOPLES MONEY. Quit embarrassing yourself.
The Bible is God's word, He is the authority
There could be a historical document that is 100% accurate, but that wouldn't make it the Word of God. In fact, a few passages in the NT has Paul claiming to speak on his own authority, and not from God.

It's widely accepted the Bible is the word of God.
It's widely accepted the God exists somewhere. Did you see him?
Where is the evidences that the Bible was proclaimed by Him. It might be made up by people or (I hope) by prophets.
Tell me why are you sure?
The only way you'll ever know the truth is to study Gods word. There are plenty of websites with good study guides. Use them. The bible says that God will reveal Himself to those who diligently seek Him. That's the best advice I can offer.
The best advice for you is to stop offering advice as long as you are gripped by anger, by rigidity, by condemnation, and by lack of humility and charity.
The Bible is God's word, He is the authority
There could be a historical document that is 100% accurate, but that wouldn't make it the Word of God. In fact, a few passages in the NT has Paul claiming to speak on his own authority, and not from God.

It's widely accepted the Bible is the word of God.
It's widely accepted the God exists somewhere. Did you see him?
Where is the evidences that the Bible was proclaimed by Him. It might be made up by people or (I hope) by prophets.
Tell me why are you sure?
The only way you'll ever know the truth is to study Gods word. There are plenty of websites with good study guides. Use them. The bible says that God will reveal Himself to those who diligently seek Him. That's the best advice I can offer.
The best advice for you is to stop offering advice as long as you are gripped by anger, by rigidity, by condemnation, and by lack of humility and charity.
Project much?
WOP was and has been a great success. Any who suggest otherwise have failed in American culture and life.
Wages are stagnant. We have a record number of people on food stamps and the labor participation rate is the lowest it's been In several decades. You are, obviously, too stupid to live.
Wages are not stagnant because of the WOP but on the Reagan plus programs that favor the wealthy and stack the tax code in their favor against the working classes. You need to study our history and political economy. The labor rate is the result of the baby boomers retiring and ACA allowing workers to choose their own employment along with their health care. You are too stupid to care about people.

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