Why does the Bible have authority?

Nothing like America exists in Biblical teachings

too stupid as always. The Bible established the notion of individual liberty at a time when humanity was enslaved by liberal govt. Today America represents individual liberty more than any other significant place in human history.
It does nothing of the kind. The core lesson is fear the Lord your God and do His Will, or burn.
It says no such thing and I know My reading comprehension exceeds yours by orders of magnitude.
If you believe you know the Bible, you don't.
I believe that you just drop bombs for the fun of it, and have no real understanding of the bible. Does not surprise Me in the least.

buh bye.
What you believe has already been shown to be false.
The Bible is God's word, He is the authority
There could be a historical document that is 100% accurate, but that wouldn't make it the Word of God. In fact, a few passages in the NT has Paul claiming to speak on his own authority, and not from God.

It's widely accepted the Bible is the word of God.
It's widely accepted the God exists somewhere. Did you see him?
Where is the evidences that the Bible was proclaimed by Him. It might be made up by people or (I hope) by prophets.
Tell me why are you sure?
The only way you'll ever know the truth is to study Gods word. There are plenty of websites with good study guides. Use them. The bible says that God will reveal Himself to those who diligently seek Him. That's the best advice I can offer.
Man does not know God, let alone his word, hence the problem.

You are not all mankind.
I would like to ask you a Simple question, maybe you've heard it before. The Bible is the primary source of Christian knowledge, some Christians take it literally, others don't, some pick and choose.
But what gives it its authority?
It seems to me that the authority of the Bible is given by itself, which makes no sense to me. It says it's the word of God, therefore it is? I don't understand how it is given more weight than other religious texts from other religions.
Does Bible have a weight in our life?

It's probably one of the biggest scandals in the history of Christianity, the lie that the Bible is a rule book and a source of authority. Not only does the Bible never give itself this role, but historically, sola scripture proves itself a product of authority, not an authority itself. Jesus said he would build a Church, not a book. Jesus invested his authority in a living church, full of fallible people, not in a book. It's by this authority that the Catholic Church determined what the Bible is, what books would be included or excluded from the official Christian canon in the councils of Rome and Hippo late in the 4th century.

Sola Scripture was a lie, formed by a mentally ill renegade from Christianity named Martin Luther. He is proof that errors in doctrine are not harmless, but create reverberating consequences that afflict humanity for generations to come. In Christianity, there is no higher authority than the Apostolic Synods of the Catholic and Orthodox Church.

RCC doctrines doesn't lead to salvation.
No doctrine does. A Christian would know that.
The Bible was the justification for LIMITING the absolute authority of the monarchy, and the eventual establishment of democracy.



Let's see your "credible source".

"After King John of England violated a number of ancient laws and customs, the country’s barons forced him to sign the Magna Carta (Great Charter) in 1215 at the small picturesque village of Runnymeade alongside the River Thames west of London.
"The document enumerates the church’s right to appoint its own clergy, bishops and archbishops following a bitter church-state row about who should be archbishop of Canterbury — the man appointed by King John or Pope Innocent III’s appointee, Stephen Langton."

British churches to celebrate Magna Carta s 800th birthday by reasserting its Christian heritage - Religion News Service
The Anglican Church is separated from apostolic succession and therefore cannot legitimately be part of Christ's original church. Only the Catholic and Orthodox synods can trace their line of succession to the original apostles.
100% stupid of course. Is there one human being on earth who would agree Mockingbird is read as much as the Bible???
PissMyPants is insane.

Pity him.

Jesus would.

I've often envisioned Jesus having a face palm when left loons start trying to use the Bible
The christian right claims the ultimate right to interpretation of the scriptures and that shit just cannot be allowed to go unchallenged. I am a liberal because I read the bible and after a lifetime of study I still have not found the part that says the government cannot ever be allowed to reflect our christian values of service to the downtrodden, the sick and the needy. Care to point it out?

Who said it did or didn't?

The right simultaneously claims divine guidance and is engaged in efforts to snatch away the social safety net. Since you seem to think the left has no right to even mention the bible I thought you might offer some insight on how you guys hear the words of Jesus and then try to destroy the best solution to sickness and hunger mankind has ever produced.
Far from not wanting Leftists to mention the Bible, we want you to open and read it so you may understand your error and repent, being spared eternal condemnation.
Not entirely sure how this is political but the answer is obvious.

The bible is an authority because it contains the word of God and the testimony of the people God called and ordained concerning the Plan of Happiness.
That doesn't make the Bible an authority. Jesus built a Church, not a book, and bequeathed to it his own authority. Christ's church has never been "people of the book".
The Bible was the justification for LIMITING the absolute authority of the monarchy, and the eventual establishment of democracy.



Let's see your "credible source".

"After King John of England violated a number of ancient laws and customs, the country’s barons forced him to sign the Magna Carta (Great Charter) in 1215 at the small picturesque village of Runnymeade alongside the River Thames west of London.
"The document enumerates the church’s right to appoint its own clergy, bishops and archbishops following a bitter church-state row about who should be archbishop of Canterbury — the man appointed by King John or Pope Innocent III’s appointee, Stephen Langton."

British churches to celebrate Magna Carta s 800th birthday by reasserting its Christian heritage - Religion News Service
The Anglican Church is separated from apostolic succession and therefore cannot legitimately be part of Christ's original church. Only the Catholic and Orthodox synods can trace their line of succession to the original apostles.
What snobbery is this. The church is composed of those who have accepted Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior. The Catholic Church, or any other organized church, can go hang. Christianity dose not have pedigrees. BTW, Peter was not the first pope. So the Catholic Church has no authority. Peter never even visited Rome.
The Bible was the justification for LIMITING the absolute authority of the monarchy, and the eventual establishment of democracy.



Let's see your "credible source".

"After King John of England violated a number of ancient laws and customs, the country’s barons forced him to sign the Magna Carta (Great Charter) in 1215 at the small picturesque village of Runnymeade alongside the River Thames west of London.
"The document enumerates the church’s right to appoint its own clergy, bishops and archbishops following a bitter church-state row about who should be archbishop of Canterbury — the man appointed by King John or Pope Innocent III’s appointee, Stephen Langton."

British churches to celebrate Magna Carta s 800th birthday by reasserting its Christian heritage - Religion News Service
The Anglican Church is separated from apostolic succession and therefore cannot legitimately be part of Christ's original church. Only the Catholic and Orthodox synods can trace their line of succession to the original apostles.
What snobbery is this. The church is composed of those who have accepted Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior. The Catholic Church, or any other organized church, can go hang. Christianity dose not have pedigrees. BTW, Peter was not the first pope. So the Catholic Church has no authority. Peter never even visited Rome.
Peter was martyred in Rome. I can't argue with those who want to turn a blind eye to history, so good bye.
The Bible was the justification for LIMITING the absolute authority of the monarchy, and the eventual establishment of democracy.



Let's see your "credible source".

"After King John of England violated a number of ancient laws and customs, the country’s barons forced him to sign the Magna Carta (Great Charter) in 1215 at the small picturesque village of Runnymeade alongside the River Thames west of London.
"The document enumerates the church’s right to appoint its own clergy, bishops and archbishops following a bitter church-state row about who should be archbishop of Canterbury — the man appointed by King John or Pope Innocent III’s appointee, Stephen Langton."

British churches to celebrate Magna Carta s 800th birthday by reasserting its Christian heritage - Religion News Service
The Anglican Church is separated from apostolic succession and therefore cannot legitimately be part of Christ's original church. Only the Catholic and Orthodox synods can trace their line of succession to the original apostles.
What snobbery is this. The church is composed of those who have accepted Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior. The Catholic Church, or any other organized church, can go hang. Christianity dose not have pedigrees. BTW, Peter was not the first pope. So the Catholic Church has no authority. Peter never even visited Rome.
Peter was martyred in Rome. I can't argue with those who want to turn a blind eye to history, so good bye.
What history? There is no credible evidence that Peter ever went to Rome. Also, if you'd bother to read the Bible, there is nothing there to ascribe anything special about him. Quite the opposite, in fact. You might want to read this.

too stupid as always. The Bible established the notion of individual liberty at a time when humanity was enslaved by liberal govt. Today America represents individual liberty more than any other significant place in human history.
It does nothing of the kind. The core lesson is fear the Lord your God and do His Will, or burn.
It says no such thing and I know My reading comprehension exceeds yours by orders of magnitude.
If you believe you know the Bible, you don't.
I believe that you just drop bombs for the fun of it, and have no real understanding of the bible. Does not surprise Me in the least.

buh bye.
What you believe has already been shown to be false.

The Bible established the notion of individual liberty at a time when humanity was enslaved by liberal Roman govt. Today America represents individual liberty more than any other significant place in human history and according is a very Christian country. Without Christianity civilization would not exist on earth and if liberals succeed in destroying Christianity, Rome or its equlivant will reappear.
It does nothing of the kind. The core lesson is fear the Lord your God and do His Will, or burn.
It says no such thing and I know My reading comprehension exceeds yours by orders of magnitude.
If you believe you know the Bible, you don't.
I believe that you just drop bombs for the fun of it, and have no real understanding of the bible. Does not surprise Me in the least.

buh bye.
What you believe has already been shown to be false.

The Bible established the notion of individual liberty at a time when humanity was enslaved by liberal Roman govt. Today America represents individual liberty more than any other significant place in human history and according is a very Christian country. Without Christianity civilization would not exist on earth and if liberals succeed in destroying Christianity, Rome or its equlivant will reappear.
Liberal Roman Government? Where do you get this utter nonsense from? And civilization existed eons before that radical Jew Yeshua was born into a backwater of the Roman Empire. Just another nut claiming to be the Messiah, and there were many in those days, some much better known. Rome was a lot of things but not liberal.
. Rome was a lot of things but not liberal.

dear, a powerful central govt( whether Roman or communist) is the essence of liberalism. thats why our founders made them all illegal in America. THe only thing thats legal here is a very very limited govt.

Now do you understand your ABC's??
. Rome was a lot of things but not liberal.

dear, a powerful central govt( whether Roman or communist) is the essence of liberalism. thats why our founders made them all illegal in America. THe only thing thats legal here is a very very limited govt.

Now do you understand your ABC's??
Learn what Liberalism is, that isn't it, and Rome wasn't liberal.
. Rome was a lot of things but not liberal.

dear, a powerful central govt( whether Roman or communist) is the essence of liberalism. thats why our founders made them all illegal in America. THe only thing thats legal here is a very very limited govt.

Now do you understand your ABC's??
Learn what Liberalism is, that isn't it, and Rome wasn't liberal.

dear, here are some quotes from our Founders to help you understand why they opposed big govt liberal communists liberal Romans and liberal monarchs:

17)A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor (read-taxes) and bread it has earned -- 18)this is the sum of good government.

-19)Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.

-20)History, in general, only informs us of what bad government is.

-21)I own that I am not a friend to a very energetic government. It is always oppressive.

-22)I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.

-23)My reading of history convinces me that bad government results from too much government.

now do you understand your your ABC's???
The big question is why ignorant (foreign?) posters and left wing Americans seem to think that the Bible is so important and the U.S. Constitution has no authority. The former KKK member appointed to the Supreme Court by FDR wrote the majority opinion that perverted the 1st Amendment and created the modern version of "separation of Church/State" that didn't appear in the Constitution. Jack booted (mostly democrat) thugs have used the 1948 illegal interpretation of the Bill of Rights in sixty + years to tear down every semblance of Christianity and the Bible from the public sector. In another words the racist/anti-Papist FDR administration managed to turn the Bill of Rights inside out from a curb on federal authority to a tool by federal authority to undermine freedom of religion in the United States. God help us if the democrat party continues to pervert the rest of the Constitutional Amendments formerly known as the Bill of Rights
. Rome was a lot of things but not liberal.

dear, a powerful central govt( whether Roman or communist) is the essence of liberalism. thats why our founders made them all illegal in America. THe only thing thats legal here is a very very limited govt.

Now do you understand your ABC's??
Learn what Liberalism is, that isn't it, and Rome wasn't liberal.

dear, here are some quotes from our Founders to help you understand why they opposed big govt liberal communists liberal Romans and liberal monarchs:

17)A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor (read-taxes) and bread it has earned -- 18)this is the sum of good government.

-19)Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.

-20)History, in general, only informs us of what bad government is.

-21)I own that I am not a friend to a very energetic government. It is always oppressive.

-22)I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.

-23)My reading of history convinces me that bad government results from too much government.

now do you understand your your ABC's???
I know the Founders well, my kind of people, liberals. They and I are much the same, only I'm 230 years smarter.
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The big question is why ignorant (foreign?) posters and left wing Americans seem to think that the Bible is so important and the U.S. Constitution has no authority. The former KKK member appointed to the Supreme Court by FDR wrote the majority opinion that perverted the 1st Amendment and created the modern version of "separation of Church/State" that didn't appear in the Constitution. Jack booted (mostly democrat) thugs have used the 1948 illegal interpretation of the Bill of Rights in sixty + years to tear down every semblance of Christianity and the Bible from the public sector. In another words the racist/anti-Papist FDR administration managed to turn the Bill of Rights inside out from a curb on federal authority to a tool by federal authority to undermine freedom of religion in the United States. God help us if the democrat party continues to pervert the rest of the Constitutional Amendments formerly known as the Bill of Rights

Forgetting all that since republicans aren't angels either, thank God for FDR and other democrats for making this a better country for all of us.

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