Why Does The Corona-Virus Have Trumpers So Triggered?

I voted for our current leader, but I am not one of the people out there stocking up on things like crazy either. If anything, I am one of the many who are sick of going into stores and finding that what I came in there to get is gone.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. A few cans of Del Monte green beans were all that I wanted because that has been one of my diet foods.
It doesn't take much to trigger a Trumper.

Nope, they wake up triggered and they go to bed triggered.

Most miserable group of "winners" I've seen in all my born days! ;)
I have always backed up dignity for people. However I know the war on hetero marriage is a death knell for any nation or civilization. The taxes are immense because of this. Wealth can be fleeting. The stock market is fragile because we have much less foundation then we had in the past. Even if it returns to what it was you see the truth about it. With the broken people we have, this depression will be a nasty one but with a low level social program agenda existing compared to the last depression, survival will be obtainable and people will realize the traditional ways are the right ones even if it means we are not at our happiest. But then again a lot of people are not happy anyway.
This weekend, I had a landscaper come over to give me a quote for some work I need done.

When I met him, I apologized that I wouldn't shake his hand because of the Coronavirus.

I asked him what he thought of the virus.

He said "It's a liberal media plot."


True story.
This weekend, I had a landscaper come over to give me a quote for some work I need done.

When I met him, I apologized that I wouldn't shake his hand because of the Coronavirus.

I asked him what he thought of the virus.

He said "It's a liberal media plot."


True story.
Funny, but these people are damn near Borg at this point.
It doesn't take much to trigger a Trumper.

Nope, they wake up triggered and they go to bed triggered.

Most miserable group of "winners" I've seen in all my born days! ;)
I have always backed up dignity for people. However I know the war on hetero marriage is a death knell for any nation or civilization. The taxes are immense because of this. Wealth can be fleeting. The stock market is fragile because we have much less foundation then we had in the past. Even if it returns to what it was you see the truth about it. With the broken people we have, this depression will be a nasty one but with a low level social program agenda existing compared to the last depression, survival will be obtainable and people will realize the traditional ways are the right ones even if it means we are not at our happiest. But then again a lot of people are not happy anyway.

A full-blown depression would probably do this county some good. Our "Greatest Generation" fathers, mothers, and Grandparents had to live through the worst depression this country had ever seen, and look at what they accomplished.

In spite of the hard times they had to endure, they mobilized to put down Nazi Germany's and Imperialist Japan's horrific expansion across Europe and the Pacific, and it only took the five short years.

Unless this generation learns to adapt to the changing economic times, we're pretty much fucked.
This weekend, I had a landscaper come over to give me a quote for some work I need done.

When I met him, I apologized that I wouldn't shake his hand because of the Coronavirus.

I asked him what he thought of the virus.

He said "It's a liberal media plot."


True story.
Funny, but these people are damn near Borg at this point.

Sadly, they will perpetuate the virus and hurt the Orange God they claim to love.
I don't read any "triggered" conservative posts about the Chinese Wuhan Virus on here.
Neither do I.

He is pretending or lying to imply conservatives are overly defensive or "triggered" because they have something to hide.

CDC was very slow and incompetent but this was mostly their fault and not Trumps. Although, had Trump been a true conservative genius he might have foreseen that CDC was a soviet liberal bureaucracy that could not be counted upon.
OP has some serious TDS. LOL

The only thing I'm consistently reading on social media is Liberals glad Americans are getting sick and dying as they think it helps their chances of winning in November.

Where are you reading that bullshit? Breitfart.
I think you are confusing them for the person looking back at you in the mirror.
Trump finds his MAGA movement fracturing over coronavirus

Why are Trumpers letting something like a made up Chinese virus get them so worked up and triggered?? That is exactly what the Dems and Chinese communists want you to be, why give them what they want?

I even see it playing out on Fox News -- just take how Tucker Carlson covered this hoax story versus how conservative patriot Sean Hannity covered it? Tucker was making a big deal about it and accusing Trump officials of lying and downplaying it to the American people.. What the fuck Tuck?? Just stick to demonizing the Chinese and cut out the attacking Trump talk...Fox News even silenced conservative superstar Trish Reagan for calling this a Democrat hoax to attack our leader...WTF?? Why is Fox getting so triggered over this??

Other MAGA supporters like longtime biblical prophet, Jerry Falwell Jr. is still standing strong in support of Trump and suggested that North Korea created the virus and he will be holding an evangelical conference promising "supernatural protection from the CoronaVirus thru the blood of Jesus" and/or Trump...same thing basically...

However, what Trump should be doing is pushing even harder for a wall, sealed borders, permanent travel bans, demonizing dirty foreigners and especially making sure not to do anything that looks like "socialism" -- this is how he can win re-election easily...and capture 79% of the black vote.....but as one prominent Trump supporter said:

“If Trump wants to pursue his normal, original nationalist agenda, there's nothing about the coronavirus crisis that would preclude him from doing so. If anything, it is evident that his agenda is the right one to pursue -- When the president had a crisis that hit that would have, theoretically, been designed perfectly for the nationalist argument, he didn't reach for it. So maybe he doesn't really believe it.”

--- Man this Democrat-Chinese-North Korean-George Soros funded coronavirus really does have Trump and trumpers totally triggered right now..
Trump finds his MAGA movement fracturing over coronavirus

Why are Trumpers letting something like a made up Chinese virus get them so worked up and triggered?? That is exactly what the Dems and Chinese communists want you to be, why give them what they want?

I even see it playing out on Fox News -- just take how Tucker Carlson covered this hoax story versus how conservative patriot Sean Hannity covered it? Tucker was making a big deal about it and accusing Trump officials of lying and downplaying it to the American people.. What the fuck Tuck?? Just stick to demonizing the Chinese and cut out the attacking Trump talk...Fox News even silenced conservative superstar Trish Reagan for calling this a Democrat hoax to attack our leader...WTF?? Why is Fox getting so triggered over this??

Other MAGA supporters like longtime biblical prophet, Jerry Falwell Jr. is still standing strong in support of Trump and suggested that North Korea created the virus and he will be holding an evangelical conference promising "supernatural protection from the CoronaVirus thru the blood of Jesus" and/or Trump...same thing basically...

However, what Trump should be doing is pushing even harder for a wall, sealed borders, permanent travel bans, demonizing dirty foreigners and especially making sure not to do anything that looks like "socialism" -- this is how he can win re-election easily...and capture 79% of the black vote.....but as one prominent Trump supporter said:

“If Trump wants to pursue his normal, original nationalist agenda, there's nothing about the coronavirus crisis that would preclude him from doing so. If anything, it is evident that his agenda is the right one to pursue -- When the president had a crisis that hit that would have, theoretically, been designed perfectly for the nationalist argument, he didn't reach for it. So maybe he doesn't really believe it.”

--- Man this Democrat-Chinese-North Korean-George Soros funded coronavirus really does have Trump and trumpers totally triggered right now..
'Bell Curve Biff'.
C&Ps SOMEONE ELSE'S WORK and calls it his own. Pretty typical

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