Why Does The Corona-Virus Have Trumpers So Triggered?

Trump finds his MAGA movement fracturing over coronavirus

Why are Trumpers letting something like a made up Chinese virus get them so worked up and triggered?? That is exactly what the Dems and Chinese communists want you to be, why give them what they want?

I even see it playing out on Fox News -- just take how Tucker Carlson covered this hoax story versus how conservative patriot Sean Hannity covered it? Tucker was making a big deal about it and accusing Trump officials of lying and downplaying it to the American people.. What the fuck Tuck?? Just stick to demonizing the Chinese and cut out the attacking Trump talk...Fox News even silenced conservative superstar Trish Reagan for calling this a Democrat hoax to attack our leader...WTF?? Why is Fox getting so triggered over this??

Other MAGA supporters like longtime biblical prophet, Jerry Falwell Jr. is still standing strong in support of Trump and suggested that North Korea created the virus and he will be holding an evangelical conference promising "supernatural protection from the CoronaVirus thru the blood of Jesus" and/or Trump...same thing basically...

However, what Trump should be doing is pushing even harder for a wall, sealed borders, permanent travel bans, demonizing dirty foreigners and especially making sure not to do anything that looks like "socialism" -- this is how he can win re-election easily...and capture 79% of the black vote.....but as one prominent Trump supporter said:

“If Trump wants to pursue his normal, original nationalist agenda, there's nothing about the coronavirus crisis that would preclude him from doing so. If anything, it is evident that his agenda is the right one to pursue -- When the president had a crisis that hit that would have, theoretically, been designed perfectly for the nationalist argument, he didn't reach for it. So maybe he doesn't really believe it.”

--- Man this Democrat-Chinese-North Korean-George Soros funded coronavirus really does have Trump and trumpers totally triggered right now..

I don't read any "triggered" conservative posts about the Chinese Wuhan Virus on here. The only ones seeming to be losing their shit are the progressives, and everyone else is making dark humorous jokes about it.

Ya needs to get away from the front of that television set for awhile, son. And quit reading Politico pieces parroted by the Democratic Underground.

'Cause I just read the thread and it looks to me like Biff_Poindexter triggered a whole shitload of you tRumplings.

I could have just as easily ignored his post.
Trump finds his MAGA movement fracturing over coronavirus

Why are Trumpers letting something like a made up Chinese virus get them so worked up and triggered?? That is exactly what the Dems and Chinese communists want you to be, why give them what they want?

I even see it playing out on Fox News -- just take how Tucker Carlson covered this hoax story versus how conservative patriot Sean Hannity covered it? Tucker was making a big deal about it and accusing Trump officials of lying and downplaying it to the American people.. What the fuck Tuck?? Just stick to demonizing the Chinese and cut out the attacking Trump talk...Fox News even silenced conservative superstar Trish Reagan for calling this a Democrat hoax to attack our leader...WTF?? Why is Fox getting so triggered over this??

Other MAGA supporters like longtime biblical prophet, Jerry Falwell Jr. is still standing strong in support of Trump and suggested that North Korea created the virus and he will be holding an evangelical conference promising "supernatural protection from the CoronaVirus thru the blood of Jesus" and/or Trump...same thing basically...

However, what Trump should be doing is pushing even harder for a wall, sealed borders, permanent travel bans, demonizing dirty foreigners and especially making sure not to do anything that looks like "socialism" -- this is how he can win re-election easily...and capture 79% of the black vote.....but as one prominent Trump supporter said:

“If Trump wants to pursue his normal, original nationalist agenda, there's nothing about the coronavirus crisis that would preclude him from doing so. If anything, it is evident that his agenda is the right one to pursue -- When the president had a crisis that hit that would have, theoretically, been designed perfectly for the nationalist argument, he didn't reach for it. So maybe he doesn't really believe it.”

--- Man this Democrat-Chinese-North Korean-George Soros funded coronavirus really does have Trump and trumpers totally triggered right now..

I don't read any "triggered" conservative posts about the Chinese Wuhan Virus on here. The only ones seeming to be losing their shit are the progressives, and everyone else is making dark humorous jokes about it.

Ya needs to get away from the front of that television set for awhile, son. And quit reading Politico pieces parroted by the Democratic Underground.

'Cause I just read the thread and it looks to me like Biff_Poindexter triggered a whole shitload of you tRumplings.

I could have just as easily ignored his post.
Lol, that was kinda my point, kiddo.
When politize a virus to use as a political weapon people should get pissed
Trump finds his MAGA movement fracturing over coronavirus

Why are Trumpers letting something like a made up Chinese virus get them so worked up and triggered?? That is exactly what the Dems and Chinese communists want you to be, why give them what they want?

I even see it playing out on Fox News -- just take how Tucker Carlson covered this hoax story versus how conservative patriot Sean Hannity covered it? Tucker was making a big deal about it and accusing Trump officials of lying and downplaying it to the American people.. What the fuck Tuck?? Just stick to demonizing the Chinese and cut out the attacking Trump talk...Fox News even silenced conservative superstar Trish Reagan for calling this a Democrat hoax to attack our leader...WTF?? Why is Fox getting so triggered over this??

Other MAGA supporters like longtime biblical prophet, Jerry Falwell Jr. is still standing strong in support of Trump and suggested that North Korea created the virus and he will be holding an evangelical conference promising "supernatural protection from the CoronaVirus thru the blood of Jesus" and/or Trump...same thing basically...

However, what Trump should be doing is pushing even harder for a wall, sealed borders, permanent travel bans, demonizing dirty foreigners and especially making sure not to do anything that looks like "socialism" -- this is how he can win re-election easily...and capture 79% of the black vote.....but as one prominent Trump supporter said:

“If Trump wants to pursue his normal, original nationalist agenda, there's nothing about the coronavirus crisis that would preclude him from doing so. If anything, it is evident that his agenda is the right one to pursue -- When the president had a crisis that hit that would have, theoretically, been designed perfectly for the nationalist argument, he didn't reach for it. So maybe he doesn't really believe it.”

--- Man this Democrat-Chinese-North Korean-George Soros funded coronavirus really does have Trump and trumpers totally triggered right now..

no thanks I’ll pass
Trump finds his MAGA movement fracturing over coronavirus

Why are Trumpers letting something like a made up Chinese virus get them so worked up and triggered?? That is exactly what the Dems and Chinese communists want you to be, why give them what they want?

I even see it playing out on Fox News -- just take how Tucker Carlson covered this hoax story versus how conservative patriot Sean Hannity covered it? Tucker was making a big deal about it and accusing Trump officials of lying and downplaying it to the American people.. What the fuck Tuck?? Just stick to demonizing the Chinese and cut out the attacking Trump talk...Fox News even silenced conservative superstar Trish Reagan for calling this a Democrat hoax to attack our leader...WTF?? Why is Fox getting so triggered over this??

Other MAGA supporters like longtime biblical prophet, Jerry Falwell Jr. is still standing strong in support of Trump and suggested that North Korea created the virus and he will be holding an evangelical conference promising "supernatural protection from the CoronaVirus thru the blood of Jesus" and/or Trump...same thing basically...

However, what Trump should be doing is pushing even harder for a wall, sealed borders, permanent travel bans, demonizing dirty foreigners and especially making sure not to do anything that looks like "socialism" -- this is how he can win re-election easily...and capture 79% of the black vote.....but as one prominent Trump supporter said:

“If Trump wants to pursue his normal, original nationalist agenda, there's nothing about the coronavirus crisis that would preclude him from doing so. If anything, it is evident that his agenda is the right one to pursue -- When the president had a crisis that hit that would have, theoretically, been designed perfectly for the nationalist argument, he didn't reach for it. So maybe he doesn't really believe it.”

--- Man this Democrat-Chinese-North Korean-George Soros funded coronavirus really does have Trump and trumpers totally triggered right now..

I don't read any "triggered" conservative posts about the Chinese Wuhan Virus on here. The only ones seeming to be losing their shit are the progressives, and everyone else is making dark humorous jokes about it.

Ya needs to get away from the front of that television set for awhile, son. And quit reading Politico pieces parroted by the Democratic Underground.

'Cause I just read the thread and it looks to me like Biff_Poindexter triggered a whole shitload of you tRumplings.

I could have just as easily ignored his post.
Lol, that was kinda my point, kiddo.

So I responded to his thread because I had a little down time. No big deal.

But I'm out the door now: Places to go and things to do today. No time to sit here all day and respond to other people's threads because unlike some folks, I have a life.
OP has some serious TDS. LOL

The only thing I'm consistently reading on social media is Liberals glad Americans are getting sick and dying as they think it helps their chances of winning in November.

That's the source of the whole media-driven panic. The progressive left thinks they've won the Golden Ticket that's finally going to take down a President they've despised since day one.

It's called "Dancing on the backs of the dead", which is something the progressive left is so good at.
The lib'tards politicized this disease right out of the box, calling it the Trump virus.

As if the CDC, NIH, HHS etc... are all sitting on their hands waiting for Trump tell them what to do, what to think and how to act. The CDC decided how to acquire testing kits, they wrote the procedures for how to deal with this virus. If the CDC had a proper plan in place, each milestone would trigger a procedure to begin.

It's like our federal health agencies cannot get things right. Where are all the policies, procedures, rules and contingencies?

With COVID-19 it looks like the CDC didn't really have any plans at all, as to how they will test for and control the virus. They seemed to have been satisfied only creating plans and procedures for the common flu.

This is not about funding, it's about how the CDC goes about structuring itself, writing procedures, planning for dealing with outbreaks, how to test, how to acquire supplies, vaccines, and they just cannot seem to get it right.

Their strategy seems to be, to only plan for the common flu, and when, not if, but when their poor planing gets holes blown in it, they will suddenly spring into action and address it.

H1N1 Vaccine Program Plagued With Problems, Information Gaps Nov 2009

Anthrax investigation turns up ‘distressing’ issues at CDC - Jul 2014

CDC, feds rethinking Ebola strategy after Texas failure Oct 2014

CDC Resolves Coronavirus Test Problem Feb 2020
Trump finds his MAGA movement fracturing over coronavirus

Why are Trumpers letting something like a made up Chinese virus get them so worked up and triggered?? That is exactly what the Dems and Chinese communists want you to be, why give them what they want?

I even see it playing out on Fox News -- just take how Tucker Carlson covered this hoax story versus how conservative patriot Sean Hannity covered it? Tucker was making a big deal about it and accusing Trump officials of lying and downplaying it to the American people.. What the fuck Tuck?? Just stick to demonizing the Chinese and cut out the attacking Trump talk...Fox News even silenced conservative superstar Trish Reagan for calling this a Democrat hoax to attack our leader...WTF?? Why is Fox getting so triggered over this??

Other MAGA supporters like longtime biblical prophet, Jerry Falwell Jr. is still standing strong in support of Trump and suggested that North Korea created the virus and he will be holding an evangelical conference promising "supernatural protection from the CoronaVirus thru the blood of Jesus" and/or Trump...same thing basically...

However, what Trump should be doing is pushing even harder for a wall, sealed borders, permanent travel bans, demonizing dirty foreigners and especially making sure not to do anything that looks like "socialism" -- this is how he can win re-election easily...and capture 79% of the black vote.....but as one prominent Trump supporter said:

“If Trump wants to pursue his normal, original nationalist agenda, there's nothing about the coronavirus crisis that would preclude him from doing so. If anything, it is evident that his agenda is the right one to pursue -- When the president had a crisis that hit that would have, theoretically, been designed perfectly for the nationalist argument, he didn't reach for it. So maybe he doesn't really believe it.”

--- Man this Democrat-Chinese-North Korean-George Soros funded coronavirus really does have Trump and trumpers totally triggered right now..

I don't read any "triggered" conservative posts about the Chinese Wuhan Virus on here. The only ones seeming to be losing their shit are the progressives, and everyone else is making dark humorous jokes about it.

Ya needs to get away from the front of that television set for awhile, son. And quit reading Politico pieces parroted by the Democratic Underground.

'Cause I just read the thread and it looks to me like Biff_Poindexter triggered a whole shitload of you tRumplings.

I could have just as easily ignored his post.
Lol, that was kinda my point, kiddo.

So I responded to his thread because I had a little down time. No big deal.

But I'm out the door now: Places to go and things to do today. No time to sit here all day and respond to other people's threads because unlike some folks, I have a life.
How nice for you....
Trump finds his MAGA movement fracturing over coronavirus

Why are Trumpers letting something like a made up Chinese virus get them so worked up and triggered?? That is exactly what the Dems and Chinese communists want you to be, why give them what they want?

I even see it playing out on Fox News -- just take how Tucker Carlson covered this hoax story versus how conservative patriot Sean Hannity covered it? Tucker was making a big deal about it and accusing Trump officials of lying and downplaying it to the American people.. What the fuck Tuck?? Just stick to demonizing the Chinese and cut out the attacking Trump talk...Fox News even silenced conservative superstar Trish Reagan for calling this a Democrat hoax to attack our leader...WTF?? Why is Fox getting so triggered over this??

Other MAGA supporters like longtime biblical prophet, Jerry Falwell Jr. is still standing strong in support of Trump and suggested that North Korea created the virus and he will be holding an evangelical conference promising "supernatural protection from the CoronaVirus thru the blood of Jesus" and/or Trump...same thing basically...

However, what Trump should be doing is pushing even harder for a wall, sealed borders, permanent travel bans, demonizing dirty foreigners and especially making sure not to do anything that looks like "socialism" -- this is how he can win re-election easily...and capture 79% of the black vote.....but as one prominent Trump supporter said:

“If Trump wants to pursue his normal, original nationalist agenda, there's nothing about the coronavirus crisis that would preclude him from doing so. If anything, it is evident that his agenda is the right one to pursue -- When the president had a crisis that hit that would have, theoretically, been designed perfectly for the nationalist argument, he didn't reach for it. So maybe he doesn't really believe it.”

--- Man this Democrat-Chinese-North Korean-George Soros funded coronavirus really does have Trump and trumpers totally triggered right now..

They are crashing the economy over a virus that gives you a fever and a cough for a few days.........knowing that Trump had the economy booming......

The anti-Trumpers exist at the CDC as they did in the FBI, CIA and State Dept....that's why.

This is the Coup part 2.

When the facts no longer support your bullshit, you turn to...
Trump finds his MAGA movement fracturing over coronavirus

Why are Trumpers letting something like a made up Chinese virus get them so worked up and triggered?? That is exactly what the Dems and Chinese communists want you to be, why give them what they want?

I even see it playing out on Fox News -- just take how Tucker Carlson covered this hoax story versus how conservative patriot Sean Hannity covered it? Tucker was making a big deal about it and accusing Trump officials of lying and downplaying it to the American people.. What the fuck Tuck?? Just stick to demonizing the Chinese and cut out the attacking Trump talk...Fox News even silenced conservative superstar Trish Reagan for calling this a Democrat hoax to attack our leader...WTF?? Why is Fox getting so triggered over this??

Other MAGA supporters like longtime biblical prophet, Jerry Falwell Jr. is still standing strong in support of Trump and suggested that North Korea created the virus and he will be holding an evangelical conference promising "supernatural protection from the CoronaVirus thru the blood of Jesus" and/or Trump...same thing basically...

However, what Trump should be doing is pushing even harder for a wall, sealed borders, permanent travel bans, demonizing dirty foreigners and especially making sure not to do anything that looks like "socialism" -- this is how he can win re-election easily...and capture 79% of the black vote.....but as one prominent Trump supporter said:

“If Trump wants to pursue his normal, original nationalist agenda, there's nothing about the coronavirus crisis that would preclude him from doing so. If anything, it is evident that his agenda is the right one to pursue -- When the president had a crisis that hit that would have, theoretically, been designed perfectly for the nationalist argument, he didn't reach for it. So maybe he doesn't really believe it.”

--- Man this Democrat-Chinese-North Korean-George Soros funded coronavirus really does have Trump and trumpers totally triggered right now..

I don't read any "triggered" conservative posts about the Chinese Wuhan Virus on here. The only ones seeming to be losing their shit are the progressives, and everyone else is making dark humorous jokes about it.

Ya needs to get away from the front of that television set for awhile, son. And quit reading Politico pieces parroted by the Democratic Underground.

'Cause I just read the thread and it looks to me like Biff_Poindexter triggered a whole shitload of you tRumplings.

I could have just as easily ignored his post.

I don't think you have the fortitude. You wingers can't help yourselves. That's what makes it so funny. :auiqs.jpg: Please, keep going.
I see a lot of lib/prog/commies with a bad case of Covfefe-16......
Trump finds his MAGA movement fracturing over coronavirus

Why are Trumpers letting something like a made up Chinese virus get them so worked up and triggered?? That is exactly what the Dems and Chinese communists want you to be, why give them what they want?

I even see it playing out on Fox News -- just take how Tucker Carlson covered this hoax story versus how conservative patriot Sean Hannity covered it? Tucker was making a big deal about it and accusing Trump officials of lying and downplaying it to the American people.. What the fuck Tuck?? Just stick to demonizing the Chinese and cut out the attacking Trump talk...Fox News even silenced conservative superstar Trish Reagan for calling this a Democrat hoax to attack our leader...WTF?? Why is Fox getting so triggered over this??

Other MAGA supporters like longtime biblical prophet, Jerry Falwell Jr. is still standing strong in support of Trump and suggested that North Korea created the virus and he will be holding an evangelical conference promising "supernatural protection from the CoronaVirus thru the blood of Jesus" and/or Trump...same thing basically...

However, what Trump should be doing is pushing even harder for a wall, sealed borders, permanent travel bans, demonizing dirty foreigners and especially making sure not to do anything that looks like "socialism" -- this is how he can win re-election easily...and capture 79% of the black vote.....but as one prominent Trump supporter said:

“If Trump wants to pursue his normal, original nationalist agenda, there's nothing about the coronavirus crisis that would preclude him from doing so. If anything, it is evident that his agenda is the right one to pursue -- When the president had a crisis that hit that would have, theoretically, been designed perfectly for the nationalist argument, he didn't reach for it. So maybe he doesn't really believe it.”

--- Man this Democrat-Chinese-North Korean-George Soros funded coronavirus really does have Trump and trumpers totally triggered right now..

They are crashing the economy over a virus that gives you a fever and a cough for a few days.........knowing that Trump had the economy booming......

The anti-Trumpers exist at the CDC as they did in the FBI, CIA and State Dept....that's why.

This is the Coup part 2.

This many ppl hammering these dumb sob's and they still don't see it. Let alone get it.
1984 in ur faces. lo. Apple even told you ( america) the plan in 1984.
why does idiot left media continue to brainwash you idiots so much so you a.h. hate your own country so much so your willing ot give it all up the a.holes you are.



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I need to remind the Trumpers that a prominent evangelical pastor claimed this virus was created by North Korea and he is PROMISING that the blood of Jesus will protect them from the coronavirus...

But Trumpers are pretending that they aren't triggered???

All "liberals" have done was be right
I need to remind the Trumpers that a prominent evangelical pastor claimed this virus was created by North Korea and he is PROMISING that the blood of Jesus will protect them from the coronavirus...

But Trumpers are pretending that they aren't triggered???

All "liberals" have done was be right
Why post something stupid like that. Does every retarded comment made by any moron who supported a Democrat president, somehow become emblematic for every else who supports him? No.

You already went deep into the gutter to troll Trump supporters in the first post, can't you find anything new, or interesting to say?
Trump finds his MAGA movement fracturing over coronavirus

Why are Trumpers letting something like a made up Chinese virus get them so worked up and triggered?? That is exactly what the Dems and Chinese communists want you to be, why give them what they want?

I even see it playing out on Fox News -- just take how Tucker Carlson covered this hoax story versus how conservative patriot Sean Hannity covered it? Tucker was making a big deal about it and accusing Trump officials of lying and downplaying it to the American people.. What the fuck Tuck?? Just stick to demonizing the Chinese and cut out the attacking Trump talk...Fox News even silenced conservative superstar Trish Reagan for calling this a Democrat hoax to attack our leader...WTF?? Why is Fox getting so triggered over this??

Other MAGA supporters like longtime biblical prophet, Jerry Falwell Jr. is still standing strong in support of Trump and suggested that North Korea created the virus and he will be holding an evangelical conference promising "supernatural protection from the CoronaVirus thru the blood of Jesus" and/or Trump...same thing basically...

However, what Trump should be doing is pushing even harder for a wall, sealed borders, permanent travel bans, demonizing dirty foreigners and especially making sure not to do anything that looks like "socialism" -- this is how he can win re-election easily...and capture 79% of the black vote.....but as one prominent Trump supporter said:

“If Trump wants to pursue his normal, original nationalist agenda, there's nothing about the coronavirus crisis that would preclude him from doing so. If anything, it is evident that his agenda is the right one to pursue -- When the president had a crisis that hit that would have, theoretically, been designed perfectly for the nationalist argument, he didn't reach for it. So maybe he doesn't really believe it.”

--- Man this Democrat-Chinese-North Korean-George Soros funded coronavirus really does have Trump and trumpers totally triggered right now..
It does not.We shall overcome this crisis with the same bravery we have always shown.
Trump finds his MAGA movement fracturing over coronavirus

Why are Trumpers letting something like a made up Chinese virus get them so worked up and triggered?? That is exactly what the Dems and Chinese communists want you to be, why give them what they want?

I even see it playing out on Fox News -- just take how Tucker Carlson covered this hoax story versus how conservative patriot Sean Hannity covered it? Tucker was making a big deal about it and accusing Trump officials of lying and downplaying it to the American people.. What the fuck Tuck?? Just stick to demonizing the Chinese and cut out the attacking Trump talk...Fox News even silenced conservative superstar Trish Reagan for calling this a Democrat hoax to attack our leader...WTF?? Why is Fox getting so triggered over this??

Other MAGA supporters like longtime biblical prophet, Jerry Falwell Jr. is still standing strong in support of Trump and suggested that North Korea created the virus and he will be holding an evangelical conference promising "supernatural protection from the CoronaVirus thru the blood of Jesus" and/or Trump...same thing basically...

However, what Trump should be doing is pushing even harder for a wall, sealed borders, permanent travel bans, demonizing dirty foreigners and especially making sure not to do anything that looks like "socialism" -- this is how he can win re-election easily...and capture 79% of the black vote.....but as one prominent Trump supporter said:

“If Trump wants to pursue his normal, original nationalist agenda, there's nothing about the coronavirus crisis that would preclude him from doing so. If anything, it is evident that his agenda is the right one to pursue -- When the president had a crisis that hit that would have, theoretically, been designed perfectly for the nationalist argument, he didn't reach for it. So maybe he doesn't really believe it.”

--- Man this Democrat-Chinese-North Korean-George Soros funded coronavirus really does have Trump and trumpers totally triggered right now..

I don't read any "triggered" conservative posts about the Chinese Wuhan Virus on here. The only ones seeming to be losing their shit are the progressives, and everyone else is making dark humorous jokes about it.

Ya needs to get away from the front of that television set for awhile, son. And quit reading Politico pieces parroted by the Democratic Underground.

'Cause I just read the thread and it looks to me like Biff_Poindexter triggered a whole shitload of you tRumplings.

I could have just as easily ignored his post.
Lol, that was kinda my point, kiddo.

So I responded to his thread because I had a little down time. No big deal.

But I'm out the door now: Places to go and things to do today. No time to sit here all day and respond to other people's threads because unlike some folks, I have a life.

Take along that 70% alcohol hand sanitizer.


Trump finds his MAGA movement fracturing over coronavirus

Why are Trumpers letting something like a made up Chinese virus get them so worked up and triggered?? That is exactly what the Dems and Chinese communists want you to be, why give them what they want?

I even see it playing out on Fox News -- just take how Tucker Carlson covered this hoax story versus how conservative patriot Sean Hannity covered it? Tucker was making a big deal about it and accusing Trump officials of lying and downplaying it to the American people.. What the fuck Tuck?? Just stick to demonizing the Chinese and cut out the attacking Trump talk...Fox News even silenced conservative superstar Trish Reagan for calling this a Democrat hoax to attack our leader...WTF?? Why is Fox getting so triggered over this??

Other MAGA supporters like longtime biblical prophet, Jerry Falwell Jr. is still standing strong in support of Trump and suggested that North Korea created the virus and he will be holding an evangelical conference promising "supernatural protection from the CoronaVirus thru the blood of Jesus" and/or Trump...same thing basically...

However, what Trump should be doing is pushing even harder for a wall, sealed borders, permanent travel bans, demonizing dirty foreigners and especially making sure not to do anything that looks like "socialism" -- this is how he can win re-election easily...and capture 79% of the black vote.....but as one prominent Trump supporter said:

“If Trump wants to pursue his normal, original nationalist agenda, there's nothing about the coronavirus crisis that would preclude him from doing so. If anything, it is evident that his agenda is the right one to pursue -- When the president had a crisis that hit that would have, theoretically, been designed perfectly for the nationalist argument, he didn't reach for it. So maybe he doesn't really believe it.”

--- Man this Democrat-Chinese-North Korean-George Soros funded coronavirus really does have Trump and trumpers totally triggered right now..
It does not.We shall overcome this crisis with the same bravery we have always shown.

Poppy Bush and Ronald Reagan spin in their graves each time you invoke them with an avatar or stupid post defending Donald Trump.

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