Why does the left continue to HUMILIATE themselves on the WMD issue?

But YOU have claimed (without qualification) that it was NOT about uranium.

YOU haven't had ANY ability to support that absurdly over-stated assumption AT ALL. Not by probablity and not in ANY other way.

This too is a lie by you. I have absolutely supported my position on that, despite your lie to the contrary.

I did so when I pointed out that the report on the matter included the Nigerian PM claiming that they did not discuss Iraq purchasing Uranium in the meeting with the Iraqi delegation.

So there remains no proof that Iraq sought to purchase more Uranium than they already had.

You lie an awful lot, Fauny.

You have never supported your grand claim.

Now I invite you to do so.

PROVE that Iraq made no effort.

But again, you won't.

You may lie about it some more. But that doesn't count.
But YOU have claimed (without qualification) that it was NOT about uranium.

YOU haven't had ANY ability to support that absurdly over-stated assumption AT ALL. Not by probablity and not in ANY other way.

This too is a lie by you. I have absolutely supported my position on that, despite your lie to the contrary.

I did so when I pointed out that the report on the matter included the Nigerian PM claiming that they did not discuss Iraq purchasing Uranium in the meeting with the Iraqi delegation.

So there remains no proof that Iraq sought to purchase more Uranium than they already had.

You lie an awful lot, Fauny.

You have never supported your grand claim.

Now I invite you to do so.

PROVE that Iraq made no effort.

But again, you won't.

You may lie about it some more. But that doesn't count.
Holy shit! Again, there were two indications that Iraq sought Uranium. One was a document. It turned out to be a fake. Another was a meeting between Iraq and Niger -- purchasing Uranium was not discussed.
This too is a lie by you. I have absolutely supported my position on that, despite your lie to the contrary.

I did so when I pointed out that the report on the matter included the Nigerian PM claiming that they did not discuss Iraq purchasing Uranium in the meeting with the Iraqi delegation.

So there remains no proof that Iraq sought to purchase more Uranium than they already had.

You lie an awful lot, Fauny.

You have never supported your grand claim.

Now I invite you to do so.

PROVE that Iraq made no effort.

But again, you won't.

You may lie about it some more. But that doesn't count.
Holy shit! Again, there were two indications that Iraq sought Uranium. One was a document. It turned out to be a fake. Another was a meeting between Iraq and Niger -- purchasing Uranium was not discussed.

Holy fucking stupid Fauny (sorry I had to use your fauny name as a detestable expletive, but you are what you are)!

Forget the fucking document. I already granted you that one. Damn you are fucking stupid.

But the business meeting between Niger and Iraq DID discuss business, and as I have demonstrated, the prospect is that it HAD to have been uranium that was being discussed.

But even more importantly, you complete blithering moron, even if we accepted your drivel as the truth (which it isn't for the reasons I have already established): all that would mean is that there is no proof that they discussed the sale or purchase of uranium.

THAT is not the same thing as proof that they DIDN'T which is what you claimed and the very thing that YOU cannot show.

Try again you hapless hump.
You lie an awful lot, Fauny.

You have never supported your grand claim.

Now I invite you to do so.

PROVE that Iraq made no effort.

But again, you won't.

You may lie about it some more. But that doesn't count.
Holy shit! Again, there were two indications that Iraq sought Uranium. One was a document. It turned out to be a fake. Another was a meeting between Iraq and Niger -- purchasing Uranium was not discussed.

Holy fucking stupid Fauny (sorry I had to use your fauny name as a detestable expletive, but you are what you are)!

Forget the fucking document. I already granted you that one. Damn you are fucking stupid.

But the business meeting between Niger and Iraq DID discuss business, and as I have demonstrated, the prospect is that it HAD to have been uranium that was being discussed.

But even more importantly, you complete blithering moron, even if we accepted your drivel as the truth (which it isn't for the reasons I have already established): all that would mean is that there is no proof that they discussed the sale or purchase of uranium.

THAT is not the same thing as proof that they DIDN'T which is what you claimed and the very thing that YOU cannot show.

Try again you hapless hump.
I need not try again. It's not my problem you can't understand that the Nigerian PM said that selling Uranium to Iraq was not discussed in the meeting with the Iraqi delegation.

Still, you said if I proved the documents were forged, you would then prove your comment that, "there is, in reality, no question but that some representatives of the Iraqi Government DID seek to purchase yellowcake."

But that challenge was answered with the limp-wristed response of, "likelihood."

"likelihood" ≠ "no question"
Holy shit! Again, there were two indications that Iraq sought Uranium. One was a document. It turned out to be a fake. Another was a meeting between Iraq and Niger -- purchasing Uranium was not discussed.

Holy fucking stupid Fauny (sorry I had to use your fauny name as a detestable expletive, but you are what you are)!

Forget the fucking document. I already granted you that one. Damn you are fucking stupid.

But the business meeting between Niger and Iraq DID discuss business, and as I have demonstrated, the prospect is that it HAD to have been uranium that was being discussed.

But even more importantly, you complete blithering moron, even if we accepted your drivel as the truth (which it isn't for the reasons I have already established): all that would mean is that there is no proof that they discussed the sale or purchase of uranium.

THAT is not the same thing as proof that they DIDN'T which is what you claimed and the very thing that YOU cannot show.

Try again you hapless hump.
I need not try again. It's not my problem you can't understand that the Nigerian PM said that selling Uranium to Iraq was not discussed in the meeting with the Iraqi delegation.

Still, you said if I proved the documents were forged, you would then prove your comment that, "there is, in reality, no question but that some representatives of the Iraqi Government DID seek to purchase yellowcake."

But that challenge was answered with the limp-wristed response of, "likelihood."

"likelihood" ≠ "no question"

Wrong. You most certainly DO need to try again if you want to have ANY hope of ever persuading rational folks of your absurd position. For, so far, you have completely failed.

Let's try it again. Someday you might man up and meet the challenge:

What YOU claimed was that "There was no effort to purchase yellowcake."

You have declared that there was NO effort. But your "evidence" which you cite as "support" for your proposition is LIMITED to the claim that the Minister supposedly said that no purchase was discussed.

That is NOT what the Minister said. He said he was unaware of any CONTRACTS having been signed. He DID concede however that there had been an approach to discuss EXPANDING business relationships between Iraq and Niger. That's important, you dildo, so take some notes.

It is indeed PROBABLE that the expanding BUSINESS relationship was ABOUT uranium since that was -- by FAR --the singularly largest export of Niger. Roughly 50% of its export business was uranium and we know Iraq wanted uranium and we have no reason to suspect they wanted cowpeas or onions.

The SENATE report noted "Mayaki interpreted 'expanding commercial relations' to mean that the delegation wanted to discuss uranium yellowcake sales." Smart. It would be irrational to believe anything else was meant.

Thus, Wilson was wrong or just a fucking outright liar.

And YOU have yet to PROVE your own contention.

Former Ambassador Wilson had claimed that he found no evidence of Saddam Hussein ever attempting or buying yellowcake uranium from Niger on his trip to Niger.

The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence suggested that the evidence Wilson found could be interpreted differently:

[Wilson's] intelligence report indicated that former Nigerien Prime Minister Ibrahim Mayaki was unaware of any contracts that had been signed between Niger and any rogue states for the sale of yellowcake while he was Prime Minister (1997-1999) or Foreign Minister (1996-1997). Mayaki said that if there had been any such contract during his tenure, he would have been aware of it. Mayaki said, however, that in June 1999, (REDACTED) businessman, approached him and insisted that Mayaki meet with an Iraqi delegation to discuss "expanding commercial relations" between Niger and Iraq. The intelligence report said that Mayaki interpreted 'expanding commercial relations' to mean that the delegation wanted to discuss uranium yellowcake sales. The intelligence report also said that "although the meeting took place, Mayaki let the matter drop due to the UN sanctions on Iraq".
Niger uranium forgeries - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Uhm. When you have to distort the record to make you "point," you have already lost.

Do you recall nothing of the belief that Saddam had sought yellowcake?

Did you buy the simplistic bullshit from Valerie Plame and her ex-Ambassador Asshole Husband, Joey?

Are you really that incapable of grasping that the effort to acquire yellowcake (which is not even in doubt) implies a desire to create nuclear weapons?

Do you have no capacity to grasp that after 9/11/2001 it dawned on many people that there were some risks that it wasn't worth taking?

There is, also, no significant or substantive difference between how Condi said it and the way President Bush said it.
There was no effort to purchase yellowcake. That was based on a forged document and a meeting between Iraqis and the Nigerian PM, who said he thought the Iraqis wanted to meet with him to inquire about purchasing yellowcake, but that it was never actually discussed. Again, there was no active nuclear program, therefore, there was no "gathering threat."

Wrong. The CLAIM that there WAS no effort to purchase yellow cake is what is false.

There is, in reality, no question but that some representatives of the Iraqi Government DID seek to purchase yellowcake.

You need to get your head out of your ass. All you can see up there is liberal propaganda and other shit.

LET's recap a little bit. The Fauny CLAIM that there was 'NO effort to purchase yellowcake' is unsupported.

My own assertion "There is, in reality, no question but that some representatives of the Iraqi Government DID seek to purchase yellowcake" was over-stated. Mea culpa. It is incorrect to say that there is "no question" about that. To correct my over-statement, I should repeat that it is really a matter of probability. It IS probable that the effort to discuss increasing the business ties between Iraq and Niger WAS directed at uranium.
Let's try it again. Someday you might man up and meet the challenge:

What YOU claimed was that "There was no effort to purchase yellowcake."

You have declared that there was NO effort. But your "evidence" which you cite as "support" for your proposition is LIMITED to the claim that the Minister supposedly said that no purchase was discussed.

That is NOT what the Minister said. He said he was unaware of any CONTRACTS having been signed. He DID concede however that there had been an approach to discuss EXPANDING business relationships between Iraq and Niger. That's important, you dildo, so take some notes.
Typical brain-dead Conservative. Long on insults; short on facts.

That IS what he said. The PM said he thought they wanted to meet to purchase Uranium, but that he never let that come up in the meeting. You're so fucking stupid, you don't even recall that you posted that yourself...

Post #265: Mayaki said, however, that in June 1999, (REDACTED) businessman, approached him and insisted that Mayaki meet with an Iraqi delegation to discuss "expanding commercial relations" between Niger and Iraq. The intelligence report said that Mayaki interpreted 'expanding commercial relations' to mean that the delegation wanted to discuss uranium yellowcake sales. The intelligence report also said that " although the meeting took place, Mayaki let the matter drop due to the UN sanctions on Iraq".

That report continues ...

In an interview with Committee staff, the former ambassador was able to provide more information about the meeting between former Prime Minister Mayaki and the Iraqi delegation. The former ambassador said that Mayaki did meet with the Iraqi delegation but never discussed what was meant by “expanding commercial relations.” The former ambassador said that because Mayaki was wary of discussing any trade issues with a country under United Nations (UN) sanctions, he made a successfhl effort to steer the conversationaway from a discussion of trade with the Iraqi delegation​

The funniest part of you posting that as evidence of an attempt to purchase Uranium, is that account comes from Joe Wilson, whom you described as a bullshitter.

It is indeed PROBABLE that the expanding BUSINESS relationship was ABOUT uranium since that was -- by FAR --the singularly largest export of Niger. Roughly 50% of its export business was uranium and we know Iraq wanted uranium and we have no reason to suspect they wanted cowpeas or onions.
You continue to leave out the possibility that they met to discuss exporting good TO Niger. You leave that out because it even further diminshes your claim of "likelihood.

The SENATE report noted "Mayaki interpreted 'expanding commercial relations' to mean that the delegation wanted to discuss uranium yellowcake sales." Smart. It would be irrational to believe anything else was meant.
As noted above, that same report said they never discussed what was meant by 'expanding commercial relations'.

Thus, Wilson was wrong or just a fucking outright liar.
Now that's hysterical given your reliance on him for the story about Mayaki meeting with an Iraqi delegation.


And YOU have yet to PROVE your own contention.
Given there's no proof of Iraq seeking to purchase Uranium and given your complete and utter failure to prove it (again, "likelihood" is not proof), my comment remains as tall and proud as when I said it.

It's a negatve. A negative cannot be proven. It's not my problem that you're too retarded to understand that. It can only be proven to be false.

You have failed miserably in that department.
Let's try it again. Someday you might man up and meet the challenge:

What YOU claimed was that "There was no effort to purchase yellowcake."

You have declared that there was NO effort. But your "evidence" which you cite as "support" for your proposition is LIMITED to the claim that the Minister supposedly said that no purchase was discussed.

That is NOT what the Minister said. He said he was unaware of any CONTRACTS having been signed. He DID concede however that there had been an approach to discuss EXPANDING business relationships between Iraq and Niger. That's important, you dildo, so take some notes.
Typical brain-dead Conservative. Long on insults; short on facts.<<snip Fauny's flaming gay bullshit>>

I knew Fauny wouldn't have the balls to man up. He may be an overly verbose pussy, but at least in the end, he proves he's just a coward.

He can't admit it even when I have highlighted it and spelled it all out for him. He is a Fauny, indeed.

Now that I have exposed him as the whimpering gutless pussy he is, it seems to be time to move on. There just HAS to be some liberal out there who can debate intelligently AND honestly.
Let's try it again. Someday you might man up and meet the challenge:

What YOU claimed was that "There was no effort to purchase yellowcake."

You have declared that there was NO effort. But your "evidence" which you cite as "support" for your proposition is LIMITED to the claim that the Minister supposedly said that no purchase was discussed.

That is NOT what the Minister said. He said he was unaware of any CONTRACTS having been signed. He DID concede however that there had been an approach to discuss EXPANDING business relationships between Iraq and Niger. That's important, you dildo, so take some notes.
Typical brain-dead Conservative. Long on insults; short on facts.<<snip Fauny's flaming gay bullshit>>

I knew Fauny wouldn't have the balls to man up. He may be an overly verbose pussy, but at least in the end, he proves he's just a coward.

He can't admit it even when I have highlighted it and spelled it all out for him. He is a Fauny, indeed.

Now that I have exposed him as the whimpering gutless pussy he is, it seems to be time to move on. There just HAS to be some liberal out there who can debate intelligently AND honestly.
Hey, thanks for proving my last post ...

"Typical brain-dead Conservative. Long on insults; short on facts"


I particularly enjoyed how you ignored the evidence I posted where the Nigerian PM said they DIDN'T discuss selling Iraq Uranium after you falsely claimed he never said that

That was almost as funny as you posting a report which came from Joe Wilson's account just before you called Wilson either wrong or a liar. You impeach your own evidence!


But hey, you're certainly never at a loss when it comes to ad-hominem, I'll grant you that.
Now that I have not only exposed Fauny as the fauny that he is, and had him jumping through hoops at my command to try to reclaim some shred of a whisper of a hope that he may yet have any credibility, I must move on.

Who's up next?

There has to be some challenge out there. Sadly, Fauny wasn't one.
Now that I have not only exposed Fauny as the fauny that he is, and had him jumping through hoops at my command to try to reclaim some shred of a whisper of a hope that he may yet have any credibility, I must move on.

Who's up next?

There has to be some challenge out there. Sadly, Fauny wasn't one.


What a sad delusional fool you are.

It's amusing the lengths you went to just to avoid proving your claim that there was "no question" that Iraq sought to purchase yellowcake; which went from lying about what the Nigerian PM said, to calling your own sources wrong or lying, to finally the limp-dick confessiion that "no question" really meant "likelihood," which of course, proves nothing other than you're a bloviating imbecile.

Now that I have not only exposed Fauny as the fauny that he is, and had him jumping through hoops at my command to try to reclaim some shred of a whisper of a hope that he may yet have any credibility, I must move on.

Who's up next?

There has to be some challenge out there. Sadly, Fauny wasn't one.


What a sad delusional fool you are.

It's amusing the lengths you went to just to avoid proving your claim that there was "no question" that Iraq sought to purchase yellowcake; which went from lying about what the Nigerian PM said, to calling your own sources wrong or lying, to finally the limp-dick confessiion that "no question" really meant "likelihood," which of course, proves nothing other than you're a bloviating imbecile.


As the record of our discussion proves, that simply did not happen.

But I commend you on how studiously you tried to avoid having to admit that you couldn't support your claim. It's established all the same that you speak empty words, but you DID try hard to avoid having to admit it. You cowardly dishonest twit. :lmao:

You are the epitome of spineless fail, you craven cowardly pussy!

Now that I have not only exposed Fauny as the fauny that he is, and had him jumping through hoops at my command to try to reclaim some shred of a whisper of a hope that he may yet have any credibility, I must move on.

Who's up next?

There has to be some challenge out there. Sadly, Fauny wasn't one.


What a sad delusional fool you are.

It's amusing the lengths you went to just to avoid proving your claim that there was "no question" that Iraq sought to purchase yellowcake; which went from lying about what the Nigerian PM said, to calling your own sources wrong or lying, to finally the limp-dick confessiion that "no question" really meant "likelihood," which of course, proves nothing other than you're a bloviating imbecile.


As the record of our discussion proves, that simply did not happen.

But I commend you on how studiously you tried to avoid having to admit that you couldn't support your claim. It's established all the same that you speak empty words, but you DID try hard to avoid having to admit it. You cowardly dishonest twit. :lmao:

You are the epitome of spineless fail, you craven cowardly pussy!

You must be a eunuch because your posts are impotent.

Then why did you say COMMUNISM? I don't see the words "Western Europe" any where in your post - do you? Your quote is out there for everyone to see, and no amount of spin is going to change what you said.

As I figured out long before you ever made this post - you are a communist. And the fact that you're too ashamed to admit it speaks volumes....

Without digging it up, the entire discussion you lifted this out of context quote from was about Western European nations and single payer health care. Since that was teh SUBJECT OF THE THREAD, I didn't need to point out that "their system" was Western European single payer.

Or at least I thought I didn't. Because honestly, you call EVERYTHING communism. It's almost a waste of time discussing the issue with you because I really don't even think you fully understand what Communism is.

Think that the purpose of a health care system is to keep people well instead of making big profits for greedy corporations? "COMMUNIST!!!!"

Seriously, guy, it's impossible to have a sensible discussion when you live in your own reality like this.

(By the way, for the record, Communism is generally a bad idea. But that doesn't make Corporatism a good idea.)
So you really think there are crack whores living in mansions on your dime? really?

Shhh.. Reagan's "Welfare Queen" was a myth.

Where did I even imply "mansions", much less use the actual word "mansions"?

More importantly, why do you avoid the issue when I corner you with your own words? You started out with "fuck Israel". When I stated how that was a typical liberal statement - falsely claiming to care about their fellow man and then turning around and reveling in the awful demise of their fellow man (including women and children), you next come up with "hard to feel sorry for someone who creates their own problems" - which I had a field day with considering us conservatives have been saying that about all of the government parasites that you support. You're only answer to that is "they don't live in mansions" as if that somehow applied to the conversation.


I guess you don't understand the distinction.

1) Making sure children are fed despite the bad decisions made by their parents-- What a humane society does.

2) Feeling bad a group of people defied common sense, moved into a land that someone else owned, and wonder why they've been at non-stop war for 65 years.... Not really my bag.

Here's the thing. I really only care about Americans. If the Arabs and Israelis wipe each other out over who their Imaginary Friend in the Sky loves best, I just can't get that worked up about it.

By the way, it's an absolute fact that SOME on government programs have intentionally had more children to get more aid - and they are on record admitting as much. The only thing that has been proven a myth is your ability to have an honest conversation (typical of communists though, isn't it?

Really? an "absolute fact", eh? Proven where? Esepcially since they changed the laws back in the 1990's to not reward people for more kids.

There are a lot of reasons why poor people have lots of kids, but generous government benefits are actually pretty low on the list.
George W. Bush: "We have reason to believe that Saddam has WMD's"
Faun: "GWB has lied us into war - he's a blood-sucking vampire who deserves to rot in hell"

George W. Bush: "We have not found any WMD's"
Faun: "GWB is an HONEST man, and damn it, the world needs to listen to what he's saying and believe him because he's a good man who would never lie"

Seriously folks, you can't make this stuff up. Give an idiot liberal enough time, they will contradict 100% of what they've said. These people can't even remember their "official stance" on an issue from what post to the next. It's how you know they are the wrong side - they have to spin everything, and when you spin, you never know where you will end up :lmao:

Faun never said Bush was honest.

Bush just couldn't deny reality credibly anymore after that point.

After 5000 lives lost and billions spent, the WMD's he swore up and down were there never materialized, and he had to admit that.
George W. Bush: "We have reason to believe that Saddam has WMD's"
Faun: "GWB has lied us into war - he's a blood-sucking vampire who deserves to rot in hell"

George W. Bush: "We have not found any WMD's"
Faun: "GWB is an HONEST man, and damn it, the world needs to listen to what he's saying and believe him because he's a good man who would never lie"

Seriously folks, you can't make this stuff up. Give an idiot liberal enough time, they will contradict 100% of what they've said. These people can't even remember their "official stance" on an issue from what post to the next. It's how you know they are the wrong side - they have to spin everything, and when you spin, you never know where you will end up :lmao:

Faun never said Bush was honest.

Bush just couldn't deny reality credibly anymore after that point.

After 5000 lives lost and billions spent, the WMD's he swore up and down were there never materialized, and he had to admit that.
I never said any of the things Rottweiller ascribed to me in those quotes. Those would be pathetic lies he's telling because he thinks it will help him avoid answering a question I've been trying to get him to answer ...

who knows better if Bush was wrong? Mr. Pfarerr ... or Bush himself?

So when are we gonna invade North Korea, Iran, Syria, China, Russia, Pakistan and all the other nations that have WMD's?

Im sick of being World Police. Bring our boys home. Protect our land and sea borders.

Fine - at least an HONEST comment from a leftie. Nothing wrong with what you just said (I disagree, but at least it's HONEST).

But claiming there "were NO WMD's in Iraq" when in fact there THOUSANDS it's just plain asinine.

Someone said you need to read your own links. They were right.

I guess you don't understand the distinction.

1) Making sure children are fed despite the bad decisions made by their parents-- What a humane society does.

2) Feeling bad a group of people defied common sense, moved into a land that someone else owned, and wonder why they've been at non-stop war for 65 years.... Not really my bag.

Joe - can you go more than two sentences any more without contradicting yourself? This has gone from absolutely hilarious to a fucking Greek tragedy...

You first "point" states that children should be cared for despite the bad decisions of their parents. Your second "point" is support for your original statement of "fuck Israel".

Uh....Joe....are the children of Israel being blown up not suffering for (and I quote you directly here) "the bad decisions made by their parents"?!?

Your second point of "fuck Israel" literally contradicts your first point that "children should not have to suffer for the bad decisions of their parents".

Do you even know what you believe any more?!?

One more thing - being both the radical and the misinformed bitter jack-ass that you are, I'd like to point out that Israel was granted that land by the U.N. Therefore, your assertion that Israel "moved into a land that someone else owned" is as absurd as all of your other comments.

It's Israel's land and nobody disputes that but terrorists, radicals, assholes, and the uninformed. Which one are you?

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