Why does the left demonize affordable energy?

If you had better comprehension skills, you would have understood that disability was a discussion I had with other bloggers---not that I actually went through with my plan--just demonstrating to liberals that this is what you may end up with when you promote and support more government dependency.

That's because you are a high-grade retard who has never had to actually try to apply for a disability. My sister had to because she lost a large portion of her eyesight when her retina detached. Social Security insisted she could do a lot of other things, so, meh, not to much, even if she couldn't work as a nurse in a hospital or clinic anymore.

Tree huggers hate nukes as much as they do fossil fuels. The greatest decrease in our pollution came from fracking and look how they are complaining about that.

Because Fracking didn't decrease pollution, it increased it. Seriously, did they drop you on your head when you were a baby?

I don't have a sad sad story. In 2006, I had a private health insurance policy for $67 a month, that was basic catastrophic coverage. Due to ObamaCare, those policies are gone. All gone. They don't exist. You can't get one, no matter how much you want it.

Instead, the cheapest policy that I could find was $250 a month. That's the cheapest, most basic coverage policy you can get.

Of course it's subsidized by $170 by the government, down to $80 a month. So you are paying for my health care. Before, I paid for it myself. Now you are.

so here you are whining that instead of being ripped off by a policy that really doesn't cover anything, you are getting a policy that covers stuff and other people are paying for it? Seriously, this is your complaint, then?

Feel good is what global warming is all about. Ethanol creates more pollution than manufacturing gasoline, it ruins engines and has a low MPG rating, but environmentalists didn't care, as long as it meant burning less efficient fuel such as oil products.

Then you should talk to the corn industry, not the environmentalists.

It's funny that you think you know what my police did, or didn't cover.

You want to know how to determine if you are being ripped off or not? It's whether you agree, with the price, verses the coverage. My old policy covered everything that I wanted it too. I was never ripped off.

The owner of the policy, the person who pays the premiums, is the only person who can determine if they were ripped off or not. Not you.

And it's not even a complaint. I told people back in 2008, before ObamaCare was ever passed, exactly what I would do. My parents are millionaires. If I was really hurting for health care, they could cover my health insurance premiums for a decade without blinking an eye.

But they didn't setup this system. Nor did I. Why should either of us be forced to pay the higher premiums that you demand?

So, just like I said 8 years ago now.... I said very openly, that I could pay for it myself, but if you pass this bill, I'm going to have YOU pay for it. If you are ok with that, great, we both win.

I used to pay for my health care myself. Now you do. Thanks for paying my bills chump. By the way, I'm applying for food stamps too. By the way, I am looking into a program that helps pay heating bills. I did check into ObamaPhones, but I did not qualify.

But let me make it clear.... I'm going to soak you people for every single dollar and penny, that you are stupid enough to give me. Again, if your ok with that, great. Glad to screw you over, and you like it. Saves me from digging into my inheritance when my parents pass on.

By the way, when they do pass on, and I'm a millionaire, I likely can still get ObamaCare, food stamps, and heating assistance, because all of those programs are based on income, not net worth.

But who am I to argue against all those programs. I wouldn't want you to accuse me of being greedy and uncaring for the poor. :D

Tell me again why the hell I work?

To a leftist, you work for the good of everyone else. So get your butt back to work, and pay those taxes for me.
I think I need to go on disability. Fuck, I give up.

I probably could have a long time ago, it's just that I have too much pride and integrity. Besides, the money isn't all that great on disability unless you have other sources of income such as a spouse or a side-job.

As long as I can fight the government and work, I'll continue to do so instead of taking the easy road. Once government stops me from working, then it's another ball game. I gave it my best shot and they won.

Don't get me wrong, I would love to retire this very day, but I would want to having my own money--not the money of other people working.
Air travel today is 70% more energy efficient than it was in the 60s. Not that the left is impressed. Coal and oil allow people to heat their homes and drive to work. Solar power has a long way to go before it can catch up with efficiency and cost. Despite that, the left wants to put coal workers out of work. And they support rising gas prices. They don't seem to care that it will be unaffordable for people to heat their homes and drive to work. The poor will be hit hardest. Technology improves things each year, but we don't yet have a reliable source of renewable energy. Until we do, we can't start banning coal and other sources. Does the left prefer that people freeze while waiting for a substitute for coal and oil?

"The Solar Impulse 2 is an airplane powered by solar panels and uses batteries at night. In promotion of weaning the world off natural resources like oil (a dubious goal), the designers and pilots want to fly around the world using no conventional fuel.

While the journey itself is an impressive accomplishment, one can’t help but appreciate the abundance, affordability and reliability of oil. Brad Plumer of Vox compares the solar-powered technology with a traditional plane:

The Solar Impulse 2 features 17,000 solar cells crammed onto its jumbo jet–size wings, along with four lithium-polymer batteries to store electricity for nighttime. Yet that’s still only enough power to carry 2 tons of weight, including a single passenger, at a top speed of just 43 miles per hour.

By contrast, a Boeing 747-400 running on jet fuel can transport some 400 people at a time, at top speeds of 570 miles per hour. Unless we see some truly shocking advances in module efficiency, it’ll be impossible to cram enough solar panels onto a 747’s wings to lift that much weight—some 370 tons in all.

Nor is it enough to load up on batteries charged by solar on the ground, since that would add even more weight to the plane, vastly increasing the energy needed for takeoff. A gallon of jet fuel packs about 15 to 30 times as much energy as a lithium-ion battery of similar weight."

The left likes to control usage by jacking up the price. They just don't want us to know that's what they're doing, and they'll deny it if you ever accuse them of doing it.
Tell me again why the hell I work?

Because you're a stupid tool who gets duped by the 1%.

Battered Housewife Conservatism, everyone.

Yeah. That's brilliant. You are getting duped by the 1%, even though it's the leftists that are taking your pay check.

This is how leftists think.... they have their hands all over your wallet, and in the very act of taking all your money, they point to the rich and scream "They are the ones screwing you!". That should be an editorial cartoon.
Yeah. That's brilliant. You are getting duped by the 1%, even though it's the leftists that are taking your pay check.

This is how leftists think.... they have their hands all over your wallet, and in the very act of taking all your money, they point to the rich and scream "They are the ones screwing you!". That should be an editorial cartoon.

Uh, guy, taxes pay for mostly things we need... so, no.

The three biggest line items in federal spending are Social Security, Medicare and Defense. Things the Right Wing never openly says they want to cut.

Bu you know what, if we kept up with the strong middle class we had in the 1970's, and made the rich pay their fair share, this wouldn't be an issue.
Yeah. That's brilliant. You are getting duped by the 1%, even though it's the leftists that are taking your pay check.

This is how leftists think.... they have their hands all over your wallet, and in the very act of taking all your money, they point to the rich and scream "They are the ones screwing you!". That should be an editorial cartoon.

Uh, guy, taxes pay for mostly things we need... so, no.

The three biggest line items in federal spending are Social Security, Medicare and Defense. Things the Right Wing never openly says they want to cut.

Bu you know what, if we kept up with the strong middle class we had in the 1970's, and made the rich pay their fair share, this wouldn't be an issue.

Fail. When I look at all the things in life that I need, and want.... they are provided by the wealthy 1%, not politicians in government.

The rich have never "paid their fair share" based on your definition of it. Never. And they never will. And they never have in any country.

You are basically saying "If only we had a Unicorn, then everything would work out perfectly".

I'll openly say it. I want to cut Social Security and Medicare. Completely. 100%. I would completely eliminate both programs.

They don't provide us with things we need. Medicare is a disaster. The reason health care costs have gone insane, is specifically because of Medicare and Medicaid.

Neither pays the cost of providing care, and thus health care providers jack up costs on private patients, to subsidize the cost of gov-patients. The result is, we are charged a higher price for care, and pay a tax which supports that jacked up price we have to pay. Literally you are paying a tax, that causes your costs to go up. How ironic is that.

And socialist insecurity is a joke. The average SS payment is barely $1,200 a month. An old person can literally earn more as a Walmart greeter.

Worse, if you take those Social Security taxes that you have been paying in your whole life, and placed them into an average stock mutual fund, you would be a millionaire, or close to it, by the time you are 65. In other words, you are paying in wages that could make you a millionaire, to end up a Walmart greeter.

Both programs are horribly oppressive to the poor, and doom people to poverty when they are old.

As for the military, that is the one primary purpose of the Federal Government. Social Security and Medicare, are not even constitutionally legal. The military is.

And more than that, we could cut all taxes by 50%, and still fund the entire military at current levels, and have hundreds of billions to pay down the national debt.
Fail. When I look at all the things in life that I need, and want.... they are provided by the wealthy 1%, not politicians in government.

No, they didn't. Now, I don't know what you do for a living, but unless it's shoveling shit behind a rich persons dressage horse, you are probably in a job providing goods and services that are ultimately used by other consumers, who are out there providing the goods and services you use.

The mistake you make is that you think that parasitic 1% are in fact a vital organ.

The rich have never "paid their fair share" based on your definition of it. Never. And they never will. And they never have in any country.

Actually, what they were paying Pre-Reagan was just fine. We passed mostly balanced budgets, we paid for needed infrastructure, we even had some cool things like a space program.

I'll openly say it. I want to cut Social Security and Medicare. Completely. 100%. I would completely eliminate both programs.

They don't provide us with things we need. Medicare is a disaster. The reason health care costs have gone insane, is specifically because of Medicare and Medicaid.

This is an interesting contention, because the constant whine we hear from medical providers is that they don't pay enough compared to what they can stick insurance companies for. Also, while the US spends 17% of it's GDP on medical care, single payer countries like Japan and Canada only pay bout 8%.

Worse, if you take those Social Security taxes that you have been paying in your whole life, and placed them into an average stock mutual fund, you would be a millionaire, or close to it, by the time you are 65. In other words, you are paying in wages that could make you a millionaire, to end up a Walmart greeter.

Or you can be completely wiped out if the stock market crashed like it did in 2008.

As for the military, that is the one primary purpose of the Federal Government. Social Security and Medicare, are not even constitutionally legal. The military is.

The constitution calls for to provide for a "Common defense". Exactly how is spending money to project poweron the other side of the planet providing for a "common defense"

The Constitution also calls for the government to promote the general welfare, which I think not letting old people die falls into
Fail. When I look at all the things in life that I need, and want.... they are provided by the wealthy 1%, not politicians in government.

No, they didn't. Now, I don't know what you do for a living, but unless it's shoveling shit behind a rich persons dressage horse, you are probably in a job providing goods and services that are ultimately used by other consumers, who are out there providing the goods and services you use.

The mistake you make is that you think that parasitic 1% are in fact a vital organ.

The rich have never "paid their fair share" based on your definition of it. Never. And they never will. And they never have in any country.

Actually, what they were paying Pre-Reagan was just fine. We passed mostly balanced budgets, we paid for needed infrastructure, we even had some cool things like a space program.

I'll openly say it. I want to cut Social Security and Medicare. Completely. 100%. I would completely eliminate both programs.

They don't provide us with things we need. Medicare is a disaster. The reason health care costs have gone insane, is specifically because of Medicare and Medicaid.

This is an interesting contention, because the constant whine we hear from medical providers is that they don't pay enough compared to what they can stick insurance companies for. Also, while the US spends 17% of it's GDP on medical care, single payer countries like Japan and Canada only pay bout 8%.

Worse, if you take those Social Security taxes that you have been paying in your whole life, and placed them into an average stock mutual fund, you would be a millionaire, or close to it, by the time you are 65. In other words, you are paying in wages that could make you a millionaire, to end up a Walmart greeter.

Or you can be completely wiped out if the stock market crashed like it did in 2008.

As for the military, that is the one primary purpose of the Federal Government. Social Security and Medicare, are not even constitutionally legal. The military is.

The constitution calls for to provide for a "Common defense". Exactly how is spending money to project poweron the other side of the planet providing for a "common defense"

The Constitution also calls for the government to promote the general welfare, which I think not letting old people die falls into

First.... anyone who claims that the 1% are a parasite, and are not vital to anything..... is an idiot. If that's you, than that is you. If you doubt that the rich are vital, then show me one country.....> ONE COUNTRY < that has expelled all the rich, and driven them away, which has been prosperous.

Cuba? Nope. Venezuela? Nope. Soviet Union? LOL! Pre-78 China? You are crazy.

France believed what you said, and has actively pushed an anti-rich policy. Now the country is in an economic emergency. See, when you tell the rich you are going to steal all their wealth, because they are parasites.... they tend to leave. And they did. Now France is in riots and chaos. Well done stupid.

Every country that gets rid of the rich turns out the same. I predicted this with Venezuela, and I was right. I predicted this with France, and I was right.

So where is your proof? Where is your example? What country do you point to? Huh? Fail. Total fail.

And you claim the rich don't provide what I need? Really? Ok. I need a new home. Which home could I buy that no rich person built? Which car can I purchase to replace mine, that wasn't built by a rich guy? What gasoline do I buy not provided by rich people? I can't even think of a dinner plate I've purchased, that wasn't made by a rich guy.

What pay check I've earned, didn't come from a rich guy? Which homeless impoverished beggar, do I get my next pay check from, huh? You people..... :rolleyes:

Actually, what they were paying Pre-Reagan was just fine. We passed mostly balanced budgets, we paid for needed infrastructure, we even had some cool things like a space program.

Pre-Reagan, the rich paid less of the tax burden, than they are now. The people who paid the majority of our tax bills were the poor and middle class. Not the rich.

Prior to Reagan, the lower 50% of wage earners, paid over 10% of Federal Taxes. Today they pay less than 4%.
Prior to Reagan the middle class 50% to 75%, paid 20% of all Federal Taxes. Today it's only 12%.

The top 1%, used to pay only 20% of taxes, and now they pay 40% of all Federal Taxes revenue.

So you are ignorant. Facts trump your Opinion. As I said.... the rich have never paid their fair share, as you define 'fair share'. Never. And they never will. They didn't pay for everything then, and they don't pay for everything now, and they won't pay for everything you want in the future.

And if you try and force them to like Cuba France, and Venezuela, you'll end up in ruins and chaos, just like Cuba France and Venezuela. Or worse, like Soviet Russia.

Or you can be completely wiped out if the stock market crashed like it did in 2008.

What are you talking about. My parents are millionaires. They owned stock. They were not wiped out.

*I* own stocks, and I wasn't wiped out by 2008. I don't know anyone who was wiped out. When you say dumb stupid ignorant things like this, I start to wonder if you have any intelligence at all? At least with your claims above you can say you were just ignorant.

But to claim "you can be completely wiped out!" when not a single person was wiped out..... that's mental retardation there. Either that, or intentional partisan stupidity. Either way, you lose a ton of credibility.

The constitution calls for to provide for a "Common defense". Exactly how is spending money to project poweron the other side of the planet providing for a "common defense"
The Constitution also calls for the government to promote the general welfare, which I think not letting old people die falls into.

The meaning of "General Welfare" is very explicit. You can read what it means in numerous texts, all of which make it clear, that "To provide for the GENERAL welfare", means exactly that. General Welfare, not individual welfare at the expense of others.

Simply put, laws written are never to be for the welfare of a specific group, at the cost of all others. For example, defense of the nation, benefits everyone in the nation. Law enforcement, and court systems, provide benefits to the entire nation.

Social Security, harms one group with oppressive taxes, for the benefit of another group. That's not general welfare.

Moreover, there are numerous texts that says specifically that "general welfare" does not entitle government to do anything, but only those things which are enumerated in the constitution.

What is really funny is, Madison, fourth president of the US, co-author of the constitution, and the Federalist papers, specifically, and directly warned against people like you.

If Congress can apply money indefinitely to the general welfare, and are the sole and supreme judges of the general welfare, they may take the care of religion into their own hands; they may establish teachers in every State, county, and parish, and pay them out of the public Treasury; they may take into their own hands the education of children, establishing in like manner schools throughout the Union; they may undertake the regulation of all roads other than post roads. In short, every thing, from the highest object of State legislation, down to the most minute object of police, would be thrown under the power of Congress; for every object I have mentioned would admit the application of money, and might be called, if Congress pleased, provisions for the general welfare.
If Congress can apply money to anything they claim is 'general welfare', then congress can do absolutely anything, and there is no limitation on government power, and there is no purpose to the constitution.

200 years ago, and James Madison directly warned all of us, about people like you. You should be honored that such an amazing man, had the ability to warn us of tyrant scum like you.
I think you're projecting your own feelings on to everyone else. You need to understand that other people aren't like you.

No, what I do is observe. And what I observe is this obsession by government to take over healthcare and energy at the same time. Yes, baby steps baby steps, but it's like the frog in the pot of cold water.

Well, we're observing your nice shiny hat.
First.... anyone who claims that the 1% are a parasite, and are not vital to anything..... is an idiot. If that's you, than that is you. If you doubt that the rich are vital, then show me one country.....> ONE COUNTRY < that has expelled all the rich, and driven them away, which has been prosperous.

Cuba? Nope. Venezuela? Nope. Soviet Union? LOL! Pre-78 China? You are crazy.

Cuba and Venezuela were poor countries before they adopted communism, and the world proceeded to punish them for doing so. The USSR came about this close to World Domination. China went from an improverished country to a superpower. All without rich people.

France believed what you said, and has actively pushed an anti-rich policy. Now the country is in an economic emergency. See, when you tell the rich you are going to steal all their wealth, because they are parasites.... they tend to leave. And they did. Now France is in riots and chaos. Well done stupid.

I think you are deluded as to what France is like, but that's okay. The right likes to pretend the rest of the world only exists as bad examples.

Prior to Reagan, the lower 50% of wage earners, paid over 10% of Federal Taxes. Today they pay less than 4%.
Prior to Reagan the middle class 50% to 75%, paid 20% of all Federal Taxes. Today it's only 12%.

Those figures are wrong. Next.

What are you talking about. My parents are millionaires. They owned stock. They were not wiped out.

*I* own stocks, and I wasn't wiped out by 2008. I don't know anyone who was wiped out. When you say dumb stupid ignorant things like this, I start to wonder if you have any intelligence at all? At least with your claims above you can say you were just ignorant.

Uh, guy, I keep a copy of my 401K statement from 2009 pinned to my builliten board. Just as a reminder to never, ever trust the 1% again.

It had 60% losses by the time the markets finally bottomed out.
Uh, guy, I keep a copy of my 401K statement from 2009 pinned to my builliten board. Just as a reminder to never, ever trust the 1% again.

It had 60% losses by the time the markets finally bottomed out

And what are they worth today?
First.... anyone who claims that the 1% are a parasite, and are not vital to anything..... is an idiot. If that's you, than that is you. If you doubt that the rich are vital, then show me one country.....> ONE COUNTRY < that has expelled all the rich, and driven them away, which has been prosperous.

Cuba? Nope. Venezuela? Nope. Soviet Union? LOL! Pre-78 China? You are crazy.

Cuba and Venezuela were poor countries before they adopted communism, and the world proceeded to punish them for doing so. The USSR came about this close to World Domination. China went from an improverished country to a superpower. All without rich people.

France believed what you said, and has actively pushed an anti-rich policy. Now the country is in an economic emergency. See, when you tell the rich you are going to steal all their wealth, because they are parasites.... they tend to leave. And they did. Now France is in riots and chaos. Well done stupid.

I think you are deluded as to what France is like, but that's okay. The right likes to pretend the rest of the world only exists as bad examples.

Prior to Reagan, the lower 50% of wage earners, paid over 10% of Federal Taxes. Today they pay less than 4%.
Prior to Reagan the middle class 50% to 75%, paid 20% of all Federal Taxes. Today it's only 12%.

Those figures are wrong. Next.

What are you talking about. My parents are millionaires. They owned stock. They were not wiped out.

*I* own stocks, and I wasn't wiped out by 2008. I don't know anyone who was wiped out. When you say dumb stupid ignorant things like this, I start to wonder if you have any intelligence at all? At least with your claims above you can say you were just ignorant.

Uh, guy, I keep a copy of my 401K statement from 2009 pinned to my builliten board. Just as a reminder to never, ever trust the 1% again.

It had 60% losses by the time the markets finally bottomed out.

Cuba was almost on par with the US standard of living. Now they are impoverished. Venezuela was the leading economy in latin America. Now they are practically a failed state.

The Soviets were never close to world domination. And what domination they did have, they had only by brutal force. Not because of economic growth.

China went from an impoverish country to a super power without rich people? You are insane. That is the dumbest thing you have said yet.

List of Chinese by net worth - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Prior to 1978, 63% of the population lived on less than $2 a day. Now it's much higher, and there is massive inequality. There are millions of business startups that have billionaires in the center of them. You are crazy. Flat out, you don't know what you are talking about.

France Declares State of Economic Emergency

EU on brink: France declares 'state of economic emergency' as Germany faces financial ruin

The euro crisis no one is talking about: France is in free fall

Yeah, we should believe mr internet poster, rather than all of the news networks actually based in Europe, on how France is gem of socialist utopianism.

France industrial unrest: Open-ended strike brings rail misery - BBC News

All you idiots that want to do away with personal transportation in favor of government mass transit, should look at all the workers who can't get to their jobs because the mass transit workers walked off the job.

Yeah, I don't know what France is like. Apparently all the people in France, leaving the country.... they must know something about it.

Rising number of wealthy French fleeing abroad - France 24

But those are French journalists talking about French people, leaving France. What the heck do they know, right? After all we have our resident expert forum poster, right here to tell us how great things really are. Please continue "JoeBlow".

Those figures are wrong. Next.

Not according to the CBO, and the IRS tax data.


I've provided my data and sources to prove my case. What is your evidence?

Uh, guy, I keep a copy of my 401K statement from 2009 pinned to my builliten board. Just as a reminder to never, ever trust the 1% again.
It had 60% losses by the time the markets finally bottomed out.

Are you kidding?

So you sold your stocks, when they were on sale? You sold your assets when the value was low? Are you seriously telling me that is what you did? Yes or no, did you sell off your assets when the price was on sale???

Good heavens fiscal education by the government schools is HORRIBLE. Why did you do something that stupid???

When the price of gas goes down, do you sell all the gas in your cars tank? Or buy more?
When the price of food goes down, do you sell everything in your fridge, or buy more?

Why the heck did you sell when the price went down? You BUY when the price goes down. No wonder I'm up 35% year over year, and my parents are millionaires, and you are broke. We were smart, and you were stupid. Never trust the 1%????? They didn't tell you to sell moron! You didn't listen to the 1%! The 1% was BUYING when the price was on sale, not selling.

I do what the 1% does. That's why I have more money in my IRA than ever before. You didn't trust the rich, that's why you sold when they were buying, which is why they are rich, and you are broke.

What no one should trust, is your judgement.
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Are you kidding?

So you sold your stocks, when they were on sale? You sold your assets when the value was low? Are you seriously telling me that is what you did? Yes or no, did you sell off your assets when the price was on sale???

Actually, I had to cash part of it out to pay off medical bills in 2011. The rest I had to convert to an IRA that gains no interests.

And that's the point. I should not be spending my life trying to outsmart the market. They have thousands of little scumwads manipulating the Casino. I have a full time jobs, thanks. I also have a part time business. I simply don't have time to research markets all day like the parasites do.

200 years ago, and James Madison directly warned all of us, about people like you. You should be honored that such an amazing man, had the ability to warn us of tyrant scum like you.

Fuck James Madison. Another Slave-raping asshole. America isn't great because a bunch of slave raping assholes didn't want to pay their fair share in taxes. America is great because progressives like Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, JFK, LBJ, MLK made their smarmy talk actually mean something.

You aren't afraid of socialism, you are afraid of Democracy. Democracy is coming, buddy.

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