Why does the left demonize affordable energy?

I don't have a sad sad story. In 2006, I had a private health insurance policy for $67 a month, that was basic catastrophic coverage. Due to ObamaCare, those policies are gone. All gone. They don't exist. You can't get one, no matter how much you want it.

Instead, the cheapest policy that I could find was $250 a month. That's the cheapest, most basic coverage policy you can get.

Of course it's subsidized by $170 by the government, down to $80 a month. So you are paying for my health care. Before, I paid for it myself. Now you are.

When your taxes go up, which they absolutely must.... you can blame yourself for it. I was more than happy to pay for my own health insurance, without taking a dollar from your taxes. But you people decided differently. So I'm going to milk you tax paying idiots for as much as I can. Your fault. Not mine.

Excellent reply.

When this hit the Supreme Court and Robert's screwed us, I was in a local blog fighting with the liberals on this issue.

Of course, after it was ruled Constitutional, the liberals celebrated and bashed me about my healthcare.

So I wrote back telling them that they won fair and square. Because of that, I was going to apply for disability. Why not? The government gives me the hardest time to work anyway. I have to fight them tooth and nail. I can't afford to pay for my own insurance, so screw it, I'm contacting a lawyer to get the ball rolling. I won't have any problem getting my doctor to back me up. You liberals can now celebrate because you won.

They wrote back with great concern trying to get me to reconsider. They started talking like Republicans saying I would have no pride by staying home on disability, I would get nowhere in life, I'll regret my decision because it's a decision I made for the rest of my life.

Because of Commie Care, government created 14 million more (according to the White House figures) new government dependents. Only a liberal can relish in making more people depend on the federal government.
Tree huggers hate nukes as much as they do fossil fuels. The greatest decrease in our pollution came from fracking and look how they are complaining about that.

Because Fracking didn't decrease pollution, it increased it. Seriously, did they drop you on your head when you were a baby?

I don't have a sad sad story. In 2006, I had a private health insurance policy for $67 a month, that was basic catastrophic coverage. Due to ObamaCare, those policies are gone. All gone. They don't exist. You can't get one, no matter how much you want it.

Instead, the cheapest policy that I could find was $250 a month. That's the cheapest, most basic coverage policy you can get.

Of course it's subsidized by $170 by the government, down to $80 a month. So you are paying for my health care. Before, I paid for it myself. Now you are.

so here you are whining that instead of being ripped off by a policy that really doesn't cover anything, you are getting a policy that covers stuff and other people are paying for it? Seriously, this is your complaint, then?

Feel good is what global warming is all about. Ethanol creates more pollution than manufacturing gasoline, it ruins engines and has a low MPG rating, but environmentalists didn't care, as long as it meant burning less efficient fuel such as oil products.

Then you should talk to the corn industry, not the environmentalists.
When this hit the Supreme Court and Robert's screwed us, I was in a local blog fighting with the liberals on this issue.

Of course, after it was ruled Constitutional, the liberals celebrated and bashed me about my healthcare.

So I wrote back telling them that they won fair and square. Because of that, I was going to apply for disability. Why not? The government gives me the hardest time to work anyway. I have to fight them tooth and nail. I can't afford to pay for my own insurance, so screw it, I'm contacting a lawyer to get the ball rolling. I won't have any problem getting my doctor to back me up. You liberals can now celebrate because you won.

So I'm a bit confused here, Raycist from Cleveland... either you are a fantastic entrepreneur dealing in real estate that people are banging down the doors to move into... or you are a poor guy on a disability barely making it and having to go on "Commie Care" because you can't send out a resume and get a decent job that has decent health care coverage...

Which is it, exactly?
Tree huggers hate nukes as much as they do fossil fuels. The greatest decrease in our pollution came from fracking and look how they are complaining about that.

Because Fracking didn't decrease pollution, it increased it. Seriously, did they drop you on your head when you were a baby?

I don't have a sad sad story. In 2006, I had a private health insurance policy for $67 a month, that was basic catastrophic coverage. Due to ObamaCare, those policies are gone. All gone. They don't exist. You can't get one, no matter how much you want it.

Instead, the cheapest policy that I could find was $250 a month. That's the cheapest, most basic coverage policy you can get.

Of course it's subsidized by $170 by the government, down to $80 a month. So you are paying for my health care. Before, I paid for it myself. Now you are.

so here you are whining that instead of being ripped off by a policy that really doesn't cover anything, you are getting a policy that covers stuff and other people are paying for it? Seriously, this is your complaint, then?

Feel good is what global warming is all about. Ethanol creates more pollution than manufacturing gasoline, it ruins engines and has a low MPG rating, but environmentalists didn't care, as long as it meant burning less efficient fuel such as oil products.

Then you should talk to the corn industry, not the environmentalists.

It's funny that you think you know what my police did, or didn't cover.

You want to know how to determine if you are being ripped off or not? It's whether you agree, with the price, verses the coverage. My old policy covered everything that I wanted it too. I was never ripped off.

The owner of the policy, the person who pays the premiums, is the only person who can determine if they were ripped off or not. Not you.

And it's not even a complaint. I told people back in 2008, before ObamaCare was ever passed, exactly what I would do. My parents are millionaires. If I was really hurting for health care, they could cover my health insurance premiums for a decade without blinking an eye.

But they didn't setup this system. Nor did I. Why should either of us be forced to pay the higher premiums that you demand?

So, just like I said 8 years ago now.... I said very openly, that I could pay for it myself, but if you pass this bill, I'm going to have YOU pay for it. If you are ok with that, great, we both win.

I used to pay for my health care myself. Now you do. Thanks for paying my bills chump. By the way, I'm applying for food stamps too. By the way, I am looking into a program that helps pay heating bills. I did check into ObamaPhones, but I did not qualify.

But let me make it clear.... I'm going to soak you people for every single dollar and penny, that you are stupid enough to give me. Again, if your ok with that, great. Glad to screw you over, and you like it. Saves me from digging into my inheritance when my parents pass on.

By the way, when they do pass on, and I'm a millionaire, I likely can still get ObamaCare, food stamps, and heating assistance, because all of those programs are based on income, not net worth.

But who am I to argue against all those programs. I wouldn't want you to accuse me of being greedy and uncaring for the poor. :D
So I'm a bit confused here, Raycist from Cleveland... either you are a fantastic entrepreneur dealing in real estate that people are banging down the doors to move into... or you are a poor guy on a disability barely making it and having to go on "Commie Care" because you can't send out a resume and get a decent job that has decent health care coverage...

Which is it, exactly?

Typical liberal.....making stuff up that nobody ever said.

Being a landlord does not make one a "fantastic entrepreneur dealing in real estate." I'm just your typical working landlord....simple as that.

If you had better comprehension skills, you would have understood that disability was a discussion I had with other bloggers---not that I actually went through with my plan--just demonstrating to liberals that this is what you may end up with when you promote and support more government dependency.

And as I explained before repeatedly, because of Commie Care, it doesn't make sense to look for new employment especially around my age. That's because Commie Care took the competition out of getting good employees because they can drop out of providing coverage at any time. Now if my employer made the dangerous move of stopping that benefit without Commie Care, my new employer would likely not do the same since it was not a standard practice and growing as it is today.
It's funny that you think you know what my police did, or didn't cover.

You want to know how to determine if you are being ripped off or not? It's whether you agree, with the price, verses the coverage. My old policy covered everything that I wanted it too. I was never ripped off.

and how many claims did you make against that coverage? I'm guessing, no big ones. Nothing like Chemotherapy or the like.

The owner of the policy, the person who pays the premiums, is the only person who can determine if they were ripped off or not. Not you.

And it's not even a complaint. I told people back in 2008, before ObamaCare was ever passed, exactly what I would do. My parents are millionaires. If I was really hurting for health care, they could cover my health insurance premiums for a decade without blinking an eye.

Oh, look, everyone, another eccentric Millionaire who posts on USMB.
Tree huggers hate nukes as much as they do fossil fuels. The greatest decrease in our pollution came from fracking and look how they are complaining about that.

Because Fracking didn't decrease pollution, it increased it. Seriously, did they drop you on your head when you were a baby?

I don't have a sad sad story. In 2006, I had a private health insurance policy for $67 a month, that was basic catastrophic coverage. Due to ObamaCare, those policies are gone. All gone. They don't exist. You can't get one, no matter how much you want it.

Instead, the cheapest policy that I could find was $250 a month. That's the cheapest, most basic coverage policy you can get.

Of course it's subsidized by $170 by the government, down to $80 a month. So you are paying for my health care. Before, I paid for it myself. Now you are.

so here you are whining that instead of being ripped off by a policy that really doesn't cover anything, you are getting a policy that covers stuff and other people are paying for it? Seriously, this is your complaint, then?

Feel good is what global warming is all about. Ethanol creates more pollution than manufacturing gasoline, it ruins engines and has a low MPG rating, but environmentalists didn't care, as long as it meant burning less efficient fuel such as oil products.

Then you should talk to the corn industry, not the environmentalists.
Because Fracking didn't decrease pollution, it increased it. Seriously, did they drop you on your head when you were a baby?

Maybe they dropped you!

Sierra Club (Reluctantly) Admits Fracking has Helped Lower CO2 Emissions

Then you should talk to the corn industry, not the environmentalists.

The corn industry didn't promote it--environmentalists did. The grain and commodities industries just took advantage of it.
If you had better comprehension skills, you would have understood that disability was a discussion I had with other bloggers---not that I actually went through with my plan--just demonstrating to liberals that this is what you may end up with when you promote and support more government dependency.

That's because you are a high-grade retard who has never had to actually try to apply for a disability. My sister had to because she lost a large portion of her eyesight when her retina detached. Social Security insisted she could do a lot of other things, so, meh, not to much, even if she couldn't work as a nurse in a hospital or clinic anymore.

Do you know what causes "government dependency"? The unwillingness of the 1% to pay a fair wage for a fair days work. Walmart pays its people starvation wages and then tell them how to apply for food stamps. And the Waltons are the richest people in the fucking country. And being a good Battered Housewife Conservative, you admire their business skills.
That's because you are a high-grade retard who has never had to actually try to apply for a disability. My sister had to because she lost a large portion of her eyesight when her retina detached. Social Security insisted she could do a lot of other things, so, meh, not to much, even if she couldn't work as a nurse in a hospital or clinic anymore.

Do you know what causes "government dependency"? The unwillingness of the 1% to pay a fair wage for a fair days work. Walmart pays its people starvation wages and then tell them how to apply for food stamps. And the Waltons are the richest people in the fucking country. And being a good Battered Housewife Conservative, you admire their business skills.

You Socialists and your "fair" this and "fair" that. WTF ever made you half-Commies the decider on what is fair anyway? I don't recall that debate or final decision.

As for disability, I have much more than a claim. I can easily prove I can no longer work and government trying to spend money to train me for anything else at my age would be a complete waste since I will be retiring in 9 years. So what are they going to do? Send me to school for two or more years, maybe continue disability until I can earn enough to make ends meet, and hope that a trained "whatever" will land a person with training and no experience a job at my age?

I know all about disability. One of my tenants is on SS disability, I dated a girl that went on disability, and they got disability much younger than I am today.
You Socialists and your "fair" this and "fair" that. WTF ever made you half-Commies the decider on what is fair anyway? I don't recall that debate or final decision.

We had that debate 80 years ago. It was called The New Deal. Your side lost. The 1% has been playing on your racial, sexual and religious fears to chip away at that, and that's why you live in a city that is 50% abandoned now.

As for disability, I have much more than a claim. I can easily prove I can no longer work and government trying to spend money to train me for anything else at my age would be a complete waste since I will be retiring in 9 years. So what are they going to do? Send me to school for two or more years, maybe continue disability until I can earn enough to make ends meet, and hope that a trained "whatever" will land a person with training and no experience a job at my age?

Please go ahead and try it. You'll find the government isn't giving away money as easily as you think they do.

I know all about disability. One of my tenants is on SS disability, I dated a girl that went on disability, and they got disability much younger than I am today.

For someone who whines and snivels about the welfare state, you know an awful lot of welfare people.
Not according to the EPA it doesn't. In fact, they dropped all of their investigations of the bogus claims. Quit getting your information from left-wing blogs. Democrats are born liars.

This is what Right wing Bloomberg News had to say about it.

EPA Fracking Study Faulted by Science Panel Citing Failed Wells

Science advisers reviewing the EPA study said Monday the agency’s description isn’t good enough. During a six-hour teleconference, the Science Advisory Board review panel parsed the language, zeroing in on the phrase as too vague and ambiguous to serve the public. A repudiation of the EPA’s conclusions could reignite debate over fracking and drive calls for more regulation.

"It still comes down to what does systemic mean and what does widespread mean," said Susan Brantley, a member of the review panel and director of the Earth and Environmental Systems Institute at Pennsylvania State University. "

Again, Battered Wife Conservatives. They don't mean to poison our drinking water, they just do.
Not according to the EPA it doesn't. In fact, they dropped all of their investigations of the bogus claims. Quit getting your information from left-wing blogs. Democrats are born liars.

This is what Right wing Bloomberg News had to say about it.

EPA Fracking Study Faulted by Science Panel Citing Failed Wells

Science advisers reviewing the EPA study said Monday the agency’s description isn’t good enough. During a six-hour teleconference, the Science Advisory Board review panel parsed the language, zeroing in on the phrase as too vague and ambiguous to serve the public. A repudiation of the EPA’s conclusions could reignite debate over fracking and drive calls for more regulation.

"It still comes down to what does systemic mean and what does widespread mean," said Susan Brantley, a member of the review panel and director of the Earth and Environmental Systems Institute at Pennsylvania State University. "

Again, Battered Wife Conservatives. They don't mean to poison our drinking water, they just do.

Two paragraphs that are important in your article:

In developing its assessment, the EPA analyzed more than 3,500 sources of information, including previously published papers, state reports and the agency’s own scientific research, but found no clear evidence that the fracking process itself caused chemicals to flow through underground fissures and immediately contaminate drinking water. The agency said injecting fluids into formations that also contain drinking water resources "directly affects the quality of that water."

Industry representatives said the history of fracking shows it is safe. "This technology has been applied more than 2 million times with no documented cases of groundwater contamination," said Erik Milito, a director with the American Petroleum Institute, a Washington-based trade group for the oil and natural gas industry. "The science in support of EPA’s conclusion of no widespread, systemic impacts is credible and clear; any other conclusion would simply ignore the science."

Okay, so over 2 million sites that were fracked, and this agency pointed out four in suspicion.

And even if they found any evidence of water pollution, the benefits far outweigh the negatives: cheaper and reliable sources of fuel, less dependency on foreign oil, much lower fuel prices, the thousands of jobs fracking produced for Americans, reduced Co2 emissions.
You Socialists and your "fair" this and "fair" that. WTF ever made you half-Commies the decider on what is fair anyway? I don't recall that debate or final decision.

We had that debate 80 years ago. It was called The New Deal. Your side lost. The 1% has been playing on your racial, sexual and religious fears to chip away at that, and that's why you live in a city that is 50% abandoned now.

As for disability, I have much more than a claim. I can easily prove I can no longer work and government trying to spend money to train me for anything else at my age would be a complete waste since I will be retiring in 9 years. So what are they going to do? Send me to school for two or more years, maybe continue disability until I can earn enough to make ends meet, and hope that a trained "whatever" will land a person with training and no experience a job at my age?

Please go ahead and try it. You'll find the government isn't giving away money as easily as you think they do.

I know all about disability. One of my tenants is on SS disability, I dated a girl that went on disability, and they got disability much younger than I am today.

For someone who whines and snivels about the welfare state, you know an awful lot of welfare people.
We had that debate 80 years ago. It was called The New Deal. Your side lost. The 1% has been playing on your racial, sexual and religious fears to chip away at that, and that's why you live in a city that is 50% abandoned now.

Actually my side won during the GW and Reagan years. You lost.

Please go ahead and try it. You'll find the government isn't giving away money as easily as you think they do.

Sure they're not. That's why during the DumBama administration, we had a huge growth in SS disability approvals.

For someone who whines and snivels about the welfare state, you know an awful lot of welfare people.

That's how you learn. You libs take some sociology course and think you know everything. Experience is a much better learning experience than books at times.
It's funny that you think you know what my police did, or didn't cover.

You want to know how to determine if you are being ripped off or not? It's whether you agree, with the price, verses the coverage. My old policy covered everything that I wanted it too. I was never ripped off.

and how many claims did you make against that coverage? I'm guessing, no big ones. Nothing like Chemotherapy or the like.

The owner of the policy, the person who pays the premiums, is the only person who can determine if they were ripped off or not. Not you.

And it's not even a complaint. I told people back in 2008, before ObamaCare was ever passed, exactly what I would do. My parents are millionaires. If I was really hurting for health care, they could cover my health insurance premiums for a decade without blinking an eye.

Oh, look, everyone, another eccentric Millionaire who posts on USMB.

Yeah, and I haven't made any massive claims against the far more expensive plan that YOU are paying for either. So what?

I'm not a millionaire yet. Doesn't matter much to my point. Thanks for covering my bills chump. :) My inheritance appreciates it.
You Socialists and your "fair" this and "fair" that. WTF ever made you half-Commies the decider on what is fair anyway? I don't recall that debate or final decision.

We had that debate 80 years ago. It was called The New Deal. Your side lost. The 1% has been playing on your racial, sexual and religious fears to chip away at that, and that's why you live in a city that is 50% abandoned now.

As for disability, I have much more than a claim. I can easily prove I can no longer work and government trying to spend money to train me for anything else at my age would be a complete waste since I will be retiring in 9 years. So what are they going to do? Send me to school for two or more years, maybe continue disability until I can earn enough to make ends meet, and hope that a trained "whatever" will land a person with training and no experience a job at my age?

Please go ahead and try it. You'll find the government isn't giving away money as easily as you think they do.

I know all about disability. One of my tenants is on SS disability, I dated a girl that went on disability, and they got disability much younger than I am today.

For someone who whines and snivels about the welfare state, you know an awful lot of welfare people.

Actually I think your side lost. You just don't know it yet. But you will.
Actually my side won during the GW and Reagan years. You lost.

Your side did not run on, "let's dimsantle the middle class and make you work harder for less money". Your side ran on "Hey, those two faggots want to get married."

That's how you learn. You libs take some sociology course and think you know everything. Experience is a much better learning experience than books at times.

Really, I thought it was just you are a white trash lowlife who knows a lot of other white trash lowlifes... as opposed to people who work for a living.
Actually my side won during the GW and Reagan years. You lost.

Your side did not run on, "let's dimsantle the middle class and make you work harder for less money". Your side ran on "Hey, those two faggots want to get married."

That's how you learn. You libs take some sociology course and think you know everything. Experience is a much better learning experience than books at times.

Really, I thought it was just you are a white trash lowlife who knows a lot of other white trash lowlifes... as opposed to people who work for a living.
Your side did not run on, "let's dimsantle the middle class and make you work harder for less money". Your side ran on "Hey, those two faggots want to get married."

Our side ran on lowering taxes including the 1%. Most people like the idea of lower taxes.

Really, I thought it was just you are a white trash lowlife who knows a lot of other white trash lowlifes... as opposed to people who work for a living.

Actually I know both. But I wouldn't call some people on disability white trash, that's more of a liberal thing to do.
Tree huggers hate nukes as much as they do fossil fuels. The greatest decrease in our pollution came from fracking and look how they are complaining about that.

Because Fracking didn't decrease pollution, it increased it. Seriously, did they drop you on your head when you were a baby?

I don't have a sad sad story. In 2006, I had a private health insurance policy for $67 a month, that was basic catastrophic coverage. Due to ObamaCare, those policies are gone. All gone. They don't exist. You can't get one, no matter how much you want it.

Instead, the cheapest policy that I could find was $250 a month. That's the cheapest, most basic coverage policy you can get.

Of course it's subsidized by $170 by the government, down to $80 a month. So you are paying for my health care. Before, I paid for it myself. Now you are.

so here you are whining that instead of being ripped off by a policy that really doesn't cover anything, you are getting a policy that covers stuff and other people are paying for it? Seriously, this is your complaint, then?

Feel good is what global warming is all about. Ethanol creates more pollution than manufacturing gasoline, it ruins engines and has a low MPG rating, but environmentalists didn't care, as long as it meant burning less efficient fuel such as oil products.

Then you should talk to the corn industry, not the environmentalists.

It's funny that you think you know what my police did, or didn't cover.

You want to know how to determine if you are being ripped off or not? It's whether you agree, with the price, verses the coverage. My old policy covered everything that I wanted it too. I was never ripped off.

The owner of the policy, the person who pays the premiums, is the only person who can determine if they were ripped off or not. Not you.

And it's not even a complaint. I told people back in 2008, before ObamaCare was ever passed, exactly what I would do. My parents are millionaires. If I was really hurting for health care, they could cover my health insurance premiums for a decade without blinking an eye.

But they didn't setup this system. Nor did I. Why should either of us be forced to pay the higher premiums that you demand?

So, just like I said 8 years ago now.... I said very openly, that I could pay for it myself, but if you pass this bill, I'm going to have YOU pay for it. If you are ok with that, great, we both win.

I used to pay for my health care myself. Now you do. Thanks for paying my bills chump. By the way, I'm applying for food stamps too. By the way, I am looking into a program that helps pay heating bills. I did check into ObamaPhones, but I did not qualify.

But let me make it clear.... I'm going to soak you people for every single dollar and penny, that you are stupid enough to give me. Again, if your ok with that, great. Glad to screw you over, and you like it. Saves me from digging into my inheritance when my parents pass on.

By the way, when they do pass on, and I'm a millionaire, I likely can still get ObamaCare, food stamps, and heating assistance, because all of those programs are based on income, not net worth.

But who am I to argue against all those programs. I wouldn't want you to accuse me of being greedy and uncaring for the poor. :D

Tell me again why the hell I work?

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