Why does the left demonize affordable energy?

Rates don't matter. You can make the top marginal rate 100% if your are that dumb, it still won't matter. People won't pay your tax rates if they are too high. Look at Greece. They have some of the highest tax rates in the EU. By your logic they should be the richest country on Earth. Instead they are ruined.

if rates don't matter, why are you whining?
Rates don't matter. You can make the top marginal rate 100% if your are that dumb, it still won't matter. People won't pay your tax rates if they are too high. Look at Greece. They have some of the highest tax rates in the EU. By your logic they should be the richest country on Earth. Instead they are ruined.

if rates don't matter, why are you whining?

Why are you so stupid? Riddle us that batman.
No, I care about the poor and middle class who you wish to consign to the dark with your retarded energy ideas.

oH, were we talking about energy? I thought we moved on to taxes.

Okay, let's talk energy. Renewables- great idea. Even if fossil fuels weren't destroying the planet, we only have a finite amount of them.

I also have no problem with nuclear power, if we finally decide what part of the country we want to contaminate for the next 10,000 years with the expended fuel.
Rates don't matter. You can make the top marginal rate 100% if your are that dumb, it still won't matter. People won't pay your tax rates if they are too high. Look at Greece. They have some of the highest tax rates in the EU. By your logic they should be the richest country on Earth. Instead they are ruined.

if rates don't matter, why are you whining?

Because the effective tax rate does. As you jack up the rates, then the rich refuse to take as much in cash, resulting in less and less revenue.

In short, the exact problem that you don't want, is exactly the result your policy position has.

And there is another problem.

When rich people take their compensation in non-cash, the results are there is less investment in the country.

Take the example before, of Steve Jobs. He got $10 Million, which he used to invest in Pixar.

Now let's imagine a counter factual. Pretend that in the year the tax rate was 70% or 90%, and Steve Jobs never got the $10 Million, because it was taxed away, and given to special interest groups, and hydrogen cars, and Solyndra.

Now, without that $10 Million, would Jobs have even been able to buy Pixar? Not likely. Without that $10 Million, would have had millions to invest into Pixar, and create over 600 high paying, high level jobs? Nope.

So in short, your system of taxation will hurt literally everyone in the entire country, except the super wealthy.

See, what is more likely, is that Steve Jobs would have taken compensation in investments or perks.... so he still would have benefited, but there never would have been a Pixar, or high tech jobs, or anything else that he created in the historical reality.
No, I care about the poor and middle class who you wish to consign to the dark with your retarded energy ideas.

oH, were we talking about energy? I thought we moved on to taxes.

Okay, let's talk energy. Renewables- great idea. Even if fossil fuels weren't destroying the planet, we only have a finite amount of them.

I also have no problem with nuclear power, if we finally decide what part of the country we want to contaminate for the next 10,000 years with the expended fuel.

Yeah, tell that to the 30 Million people in Venezuela that are impoverished and living in the dark, because they have "green-energy", and nuclear is so bad, so the government invested in wind mills, instead of real power. What was the leading economy in all of latin America, suffering nation wide black outs, even though they have most energy resources in the world.

On top of that, the only reason we even have any real nuclear "waste" is because the US government refuses to allow companies to reprocess spent fuel rods, so that they can be sued again. And the reason we have that asinine law, is because of left-wing anti-nuke morons who said doing so could cause nuclear proliferation. So instead we have to bury perfectly good nuclear fuel in the ground to satisfy left-wing stupidity.

If the left-wing was allowed to have their way, the advancement of America's energy, would be to issue the public candles.
Because the effective tax rate does. As you jack up the rates, then the rich refuse to take as much in cash, resulting in less and less revenue.

In short, the exact problem that you don't want, is exactly the result your policy position has.

Yeah, whatever.

"Oh, Papa, I wanted another Dressage Horsie,but you are taking in less cash."

Yeah, tell that to the 30 Million people in Venezuela that are impoverished and living in the dark, because they have "green-energy", and nuclear is so bad, so the government invested in wind mills, instead of real power. What was the leading economy in all of latin America, suffering nation wide black outs, even though they have most energy resources in the world.

Venezuela has problems because the rest of the world is punishing it for rejecting Corporatism. How dare working people demand the rich pay their fair share.
Yeah, tell that to the 30 Million people in Venezuela that are impoverished and living in the dark, because they have "green-energy", and nuclear is so bad, so the government invested in wind mills, instead of real power. What was the leading economy in all of latin America, suffering nation wide black outs, even though they have most energy resources in the world.

Venezuela has problems because the rest of the world is punishing it for rejecting Corporatism. How dare working people demand the rich pay their fair share.

This post more than any other simply proves what a complete moron who is completely detached from reality you are. Venezuela is collapsing because Chavez so alienated every business in the country they left because he felt he could get by on a single product, oil, which the government controlled completely. He has been proven to be wrong, as is anyone who ever places all their eggs in one basket. Eventually the basket falls over. This is what socialism looks like stupid boy. It ALWAYS fails in the end because the smart, productive people leave, and you are left with the lazy, non producing morons, like you.
Yeah, tell that to the 30 Million people in Venezuela that are impoverished and living in the dark, because they have "green-energy", and nuclear is so bad, so the government invested in wind mills, instead of real power. What was the leading economy in all of latin America, suffering nation wide black outs, even though they have most energy resources in the world.

Venezuela has problems because the rest of the world is punishing it for rejecting Corporatism. How dare working people demand the rich pay their fair share.

You can lie if you want to, to justify your mythical world.... but the rest of us know better. The reason Venezuela produces less and less oil every year when they have the most known oil reserves in the world, is because they socialized all the oil properties, and all the big oil companies pulled out. As anyone would.

And the reason they don't have any electricity is because they built wind mills instead of using the 8th largest reserves in the world, of natural gas to produce power.

And the reason they don't have food, is because they stole all the land from their own farmers, and gave it to poor people, who couldn't farm it.

You can lie all you want, liar boy.... but that just makes you childish, and moronic. So keep on lying you dirty bag.
Here we have the example of the wingnuts, including Mr. Westwall, using an example of the worst cases of governance, and ignoring the success of nations like Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Germany, and France. Democratic Socialism has worked in most of the Western Democracies.
Here we have the example of the wingnuts, including Mr. Westwall, using an example of the worst cases of governance, and ignoring the success of nations like Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Germany, and France. Democratic Socialism has worked in most of the Western Democracies.

Last time I checked the EU was in dire straits financially wise. The only reason why Sweden and Denmark are doing well is because they have small populations and in Denmark's case shiploads of oil revenue.
Here we have the example of the wingnuts, including Mr. Westwall, using an example of the worst cases of governance, and ignoring the success of nations like Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Germany, and France. Democratic Socialism has worked in most of the Western Democracies.

Germany is highly capitalist. Anyone who claims that that Germany is anything other than a right-wing capitalist based system (economically speaking) is crazy. You simply don't know what you are talking about.

Denmark is also highly capitalist based, by any measure. Nothing left-wing about them.

As for Sweden and Norway. It depends on what you want. The irony is, nearly everyone in the US, could live the life you find in Sweden and Norway, pretty easily.

For example....

Barely 38% of men and women in Urban areas own cars. They just walk, and take public transport.

So sell your home and car, and go live in the city. Take the bus and train to get around.

(Mis)Adventures in Swedish Laundry

Most Swedes don't even have washers and driers. Most have to use a communal laundry room, where you are issued a time slot, and you must use it during that time slot, and be finished before the person for the next time slot shows up. Moreover, while some have driers, others simply have racks, and you lay your clothes on the racks, until they are dry.

So sell your washer and drier, and start laying your clothes out on racks.

Oh and about that house size. The average size of a home, per capita in Sweden? 430 Sq Ft. My Condo that I bought for $60,000, is 900 Sq Ft, and has a full basement and two up stairs bedrooms. My first Apartment that was $360 a month, was larger than 430 Sq Ft.

So go buy a home the size of my first apartment, in the inner city, and walk to work, and you too, can have a life style of Sweden and Norway. You live as frugally as those people, and you'll have money coming out your ears.

Oh by the way, about that wage? Yeah the average wage in the US is $50K a year. The average wage in Sweden is $37K a year, and they have higher taxes than we do. So yes, the ultra low wage in Sweden is higher, that's true. Your entry level job is going to pay more than in the US, but your low wage, will stay lower in Sweden for the rest of your entire life, and you'll keep less of that lower wage than you do here.

I'm thinking you could buy an awful lot of health insurance for that $13,000 a year difference in pay.

Lastly, I sure hope you intend to cook your own food for life... A big mac at McDonalds will set you back $10... bring your own drink and fries.

The Travel guide suggests that you set aside $30 per person, per meal in Sweden, and Denmark is worse. You want to have the life style of either, you better plan to eat out almost never.

Comparing the US to Sweden and Denmark, is ridiculous, unless you really want to lower your standards of living, and quite frankly, you can do that easily, without adopting any policy changes in Washington. Just live like a peasant, and you'll have more money than you can dream of, and achieve the lower standard of living that is Sweden and Denmark. Living the way they do, you'll have more than enough money for "Parental leave" and "Health Care", and still have thousands left over.

And finally... France.... don't make me laugh. France is a joke.

Protests all over the place. Petrol Shortages. Riots in the streets. They just had another terror attack. They declared an economic emergency. Every left-wing policy they have pushed, and failed miserably. Citing France as an example you want us to follow, is equal to suggesting we commit national suicide.
This post more than any other simply proves what a complete moron who is completely detached from reality you are. Venezuela is collapsing because Chavez so alienated every business in the country they left because he felt he could get by on a single product, oil, which the government controlled completely

Chavez Died 3 years ago. I think you can stop kicking his corpse now.

So your view is we should put up with the abuses of the rich because they will punish us if we don't? Is this your point of view, guy? That's the point of view of a slave.

Maybe you should ask yourself why the people of Venezuela elected Chavez and his successor to start with....
Germany is highly capitalist. Anyone who claims that that Germany is anything other than a right-wing capitalist based system (economically speaking) is crazy. You simply don't know what you are talking about.

Germany has -

Universal Health Care
A strong social safety net.
A pretty liberal criminal justice system (no Death Penalty, only incarcerates 78,000 people compared to 2 million in the US)
They have unions that have a lot more power than American Unions have.

No, guy, economically speaking, Germany is a American Liberal's wet dream.

And a Conservatard's nightmare.
You can lie if you want to, to justify your mythical world.... but the rest of us know better. The reason Venezuela produces less and less oil every year when they have the most known oil reserves in the world, is because they socialized all the oil properties, and all the big oil companies pulled out. As anyone would.

so again, your view is that we should let big corporations abuse us because they will punish us if we don't?

Do you like being a house negro?
Germany is highly capitalist. Anyone who claims that that Germany is anything other than a right-wing capitalist based system (economically speaking) is crazy. You simply don't know what you are talking about.

Germany has -

Universal Health Care
A strong social safety net.
A pretty liberal criminal justice system (no Death Penalty, only incarcerates 78,000 people compared to 2 million in the US)
They have unions that have a lot more power than American Unions have.

No, guy, economically speaking, Germany is a American Liberal's wet dream.

And a Conservatard's nightmare.

Your lazy ass wouldn't last one second in a German union.I know I am half German and worked for a U.S. German company before.

You have no fucking idea when it comes to Germany .

Your lazy ass wouldn't last one second in a German union.I know I am half German and worked for a U.S. German company before.

You have no fucking idea when it comes to Germany .

I'm half German, and I've worked for British and Japanese companies as well as American. I'd do just fine in a German Union.

Now, here's the thing, I do think that American Unions have their problems. But they are better than the alternative.

I've seen people fired for being gay, fired for getting pregnant, fired for having medical issues, fired because their ex-girlfriend started sleeping with a manager. And that's the shit I know about, there's probably a lot more than I don't.

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