Why does the left hate our religion?

Yet the far left votes to have the government have a cradle to grave plan for all people, thus defeating any points that they try and make.

So what is it? Why does the Left hate our religion? Or Why does the left disagree with our politics?

Religion and politics. Do you really want to bind those two together?

In politics, one can (I'm going to use a word you may consider 'dirty') compromise. As a matter of fact, that's how America used to prosper and legislate.

Religion offers no compromise. One cannot refute their God. But you can refute dogma. Their are multitudes of souls safe in Christianity who hold a Liberal political ideology.

yes we don't compromise on protecting the innocent unborn.

Ah! You chose the 'politics' side of the issue. Could you please explain how your religious dogma concerning abortion has anything at all to do with civil legislation?

you are joking? Abortion is legal, right? That is civil legislation. Legislating the killing of innocent unborn babies.

Conservatives should start up orphanages and offer to take in babies of pregnant mothers so she won't go through with an abortion. Dig deep, all you compassionate conservative fetus lovers.

Actually what I find amazing with conservatives is that they rail against abortion AND contraception. If you really wanted to reduce the number of abortions, wouldn't you want to make contraception as low cost and easy to get as humanly possible?
it would mean no abortion, no gay marriage, no responsibilities, no consequences. Liberalism is their god.

no one hates your religion. we want you out of our business.

thanks for playing.

and we want you out of ours.
Who are you claiming to represent when you use the term "ours"? What delusional world do you live in to think you speak for all or any significant number of Christians? Which Christian religious denomination or sect believes it has the authority to reject people who consider themselves Christian and attempt to live lives of Christian beliefs? Does't the Christian divinity decide those types of things? Are you claiming Christ made you and your sect his spokesman?

how about people who believe in G-d but aren't Christian? the idiot thinks he speaks for us, too.

WHICH GOD do you believe in? For there is only one God.
After reading the Bible, many people are mystified as to why grown, otherwise intelligent adults would believe that it is the direct communication or the "inspired Word" of an all-powerful, all-knowing, all-good being. To many people, it seems absolutely incredible that any reasonable person could maintain this belief in the face of our current scientific knowledge and the contemporary understanding of history, religion and mythology. To outsiders, the phenomenon of Christian belief is a puzzlement.

However, after a bit of research and reflection, the mystery is resolved. It soon becomes apparent that the whole bizarre Christian belief system is predicated, to a large degree, on two compelling ideas. The first idea is that maintaining faith in Bible claims is the most morally virtuous act one can perform and will be rewarded with an eternal life of bliss. The second belief is that doubting biblical claims represents the greatest evil imaginable and will be punished with an eternity of torture. These linchpin beliefs make it possible for Christians to accept thoroughly ridiculous biblical assertions not merely in the absence of evidence, but against the evidence-against reason.

The sanctification of "faith" and demonization of doubt short-circuits the thinking process. Since it is continually drilled into Christians' brains that faith must be maintained at all costs, anything which contradicts a Bible claim is automatically rationalized away as the arrogance of the "wise," as a ploy of Satan, or as a test of faith from God himself. So when it is explained and demonstrated to a Christian that the Bible is simply a collection of ancient writings masquerading as the "Word of God," this is dismissed as the delusion of unbelievers blinded by their sin. (Seethe wisdom of the world) When scientific discoveries are shown to clearly, directly and unambiguously contradict biblical pronouncements, these scientific discoveries are interpreted by the Christian as satanic trickery. If it is patiently and painstakingly evinced to the Christian that the Bible is filled from one end to the other with obscene cruelty and violence, pagan mythology and superstition, blatant contradictions, ludicrous claims and outrageous, blithering idiocy, the Christian smiles in the face of this, confident that his faith is being tested by God and that he will be rewarded accordingly in the Age To Come.

It must be understood that in the Alice-in-Wonderland Christian world view, the more difficult it is to believe in a biblical claim, the more one is glorified for believing it. Faith, believing no matter what the facts say, is the highest manifestation of moral righteousness. Developing and maintaining one's faith in the preposterous and the incomprehensible becomes the ultimate purpose of life. Tertullian's declaration, "I believe because it is impossible," is the boast of a man who celebrates his irrationality. While liberal Christians today may pay lip service to the notion of a reasonable faith, the sentiment of Tertullin's inane "I believe because it is impossible" is alive and well and continues to be spouted from church pulpits on Sunday mornings: "Brethren, did not Paul say that God will make foolish the wisdom of the world, and choose that which is foolish to shame the wise of the world? Brothers and Sisters, did not JEEEZ-ZUSS tell us that unless we become as little children we will never enter the kingdom of heaven, that God has chosen to hide his light from the eyes of the wise and reveal himself to babes?" Reason and knowledge are ridiculed while biblical absurdities are held aloft as bless-ed revelation. This is how Christianity sustains itself. It is the only way that it can.

Thus the Christian faith's invisible attributes are now clearly to be seen. Behind all the sacraments and the rituals, the organ music and the angelic choirs, the praying lips and the arms thrust heavenward, behind all this, propping it all up, is the monstrous doctrine that gullibility and ignorance are divine.

Please don't try to explain this to a Christian though, for it has been most assuredly foretold that he would be mocked and persecuted for Jesus' sake by the "wise" of a fallen, perishing world. Yea, lo, verily, for it has been written...
Why Christians Just Don t Get It or why faith is bogus
Even stranger than theism is atheism, which operates by the same faith principles as theism but hypocritically denies it.
Before Christ there was Rome with its absence of family, whore houses on every corner, and blood sport Coliseum. After Christ there was the 10 commandments and the marital vow to love, honor, obey, and cherish your family.

Indeed, Christ created civilization on earth and is still the source of civilization but sadly a liberal will lack the IQ to understand and so fear Christianity more than Islam even when Islam has vowed to cut our heads off while we are still alive.

There is certainly quite a sizable portion of the left that is entirely hypocritical in this regard, but it really isn't the liberal portion of the left that does this -- it is just the knee-jerk leftist portion.

This was the portion that Bill Maher -- an actual liberal -- was trying to address recently.

The reason, though, IMO lies in human psychology. There are many unfulfilled, bitter and angry people who see nothing worthwhile within themselves, and who then project all this bitterness and lack of self worth onto their entire culture. They become reflexively anti-American and anti-west in a big blame game as it is easier for them to hate their own culture than take any steps to improve themselves. Accordingly, they tend to sympathize with others who hate us, and so find common cause with Islamists.

If these idiots were to ever apply an actual liberal principle to the world,m they WOULD'T be doing this, so I think we need a another term for these useful idiots. They are giving liberalism a bad name.
Before Christ there was Rome with its absence of family, whore houses on every corner, and blood sport Coliseum. After Christ there was the 10 commandments and the marital vow to love, honor, obey, and cherish your family.

Indeed, Christ created civilization on earth and is still the source of civilization but sadly a liberal will lack the IQ to understand and so fear Christianity more than Islam even when Islam has vowed to cut our heads off while we are still alive.
Ummm, the 10 commandments came from Moses over a thousand years earlier.
Before Christ there was Rome with its absence of family, whore houses on every corner, and blood sport Coliseum. After Christ there was the 10 commandments and the marital vow to love, honor, obey, and cherish your family.

Indeed, Christ created civilization on earth and is still the source of civilization but sadly a liberal will lack the IQ to understand and so fear Christianity more than Islam even when Islam has vowed to cut our heads off while we are still alive.
Ummm, the 10 commandments came from Moses over a thousand years earlier.

Yes dear and then they were popularized by Christianity as it created Western Civilization.
Before Christ there was Rome with its absence of family, whore houses on every corner, and blood sport Coliseum. After Christ there was the 10 commandments and the marital vow to love, honor, obey, and cherish your family.

Indeed, Christ created civilization on earth and is still the source of civilization but sadly a liberal will lack the IQ to understand and so fear Christianity more than Islam even when Islam has vowed to cut our heads off while we are still alive.

There is certainly quite a sizable portion of the left that is entirely hypocritical in this regard, but it really isn't the liberal portion of the left that does this -- it is just the knee-jerk leftist portion.

This was the portion that Bill Maher -- an actual liberal -- was trying to address recently.

The reason, though, IMO lies in human psychology. There are many unfulfilled, bitter and angry people who see nothing worthwhile within themselves, and who then project all this bitterness and lack of self worth onto their entire culture. They become reflexively anti-American and anti-west in a big blame game as it is easier for them to hate their own culture than take any steps to improve themselves. Accordingly, they tend to sympathize with others who hate us, and so find common cause with Islamists.

If these idiots were to ever apply an actual liberal principle to the world,m they WOULD'T be doing this, so I think we need a another term for these useful idiots. They are giving liberalism a bad name.

great points. I would add that in addition to psychological deficiencies the left is just plain stupid and hate America because its emphasis is more on work and less on welfare than some other less successful countries.
Edie does not understand Christianity or American narrative, culture, and law: she is a simple-minded revisionist without a clue at all.
Before Christ there was Rome with its absence of family, whore houses on every corner, and blood sport Coliseum. After Christ there was the 10 commandments and the marital vow to love, honor, obey, and cherish your family.

Indeed, Christ created civilization on earth and is still the source of civilization but sadly a liberal will lack the IQ to understand and so fear Christianity more than Islam even when Islam has vowed to cut our heads off while we are still alive.
Ummm, the 10 commandments came from Moses over a thousand years earlier.

Yes dear and then they were popularized by Christianity as it created Western Civilization.

First of all, I'm not your dear and second, if you want people to respect your religion, you should learn a few things about it.
Before Christ there was Rome with its absence of family, whore houses on every corner, and blood sport Coliseum. After Christ there was the 10 commandments and the marital vow to love, honor, obey, and cherish your family.

Indeed, Christ created civilization on earth and is still the source of civilization but sadly a liberal will lack the IQ to understand and so fear Christianity more than Islam even when Islam has vowed to cut our heads off while we are still alive.
Ummm, the 10 commandments came from Moses over a thousand years earlier.

Yes dear and then they were popularized by Christianity as it created Western Civilization.

First of all, I'm not your dear and second, if you want people to respect your religion, you should learn a few things about it.

Edie knows almost nothing about Christianity, American history, or economics.
The Ten Commandments came long before Jesus.

Yes dear the Jews came along before Christ, but it was the Christians who took over the Roman Empire and established Western Civilization using theretofore unpopularized ideas.

Do you see why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance or practiced by those with a low IQ?

Hahaha, um the Romans took over Christianity. Christianity gave us the Dark Ages, the Middle ages, stinky cheese and strong beer. It wasn't until the enlightenment that men began to throw off the shackles of superstitious nonsense.
I would guess that close to .9999% of all Christians know the Bible's historical time line of events. But you don't.

notice the liberal lacks the IQ to point out where the time line is mistaken.

How many major extinction events are mentioned in the Bible? Does God explain why it allowed the dinosaurs to live on Earth for millions of years and the kill them off?
Before Christ there was Rome with its absence of family, whore houses on every corner, and blood sport Coliseum. After Christ there was the 10 commandments and the marital vow to love, honor, obey, and cherish your family.

Indeed, Christ created civilization on earth and is still the source of civilization but sadly a liberal will lack the IQ to understand and so fear Christianity more than Islam even when Islam has vowed to cut our heads off while we are still alive.

Because the far left has their own religion which is far more dangerous than ISIS..

I don't have any religion; what religion do you think I have? I think you might worship at the altar of the Strawman...


An argument can be made that the health and welfare of all citizens is good for each individual...

That's your religion, and you're willing to force that belief via government control on those in society that don't agree with you. Using that little comment, there's nothing that you can't force on the individual for 'their own good'. Far more dangerous than any religion I know of.

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