Why does the left hate our religion?

I'm not sure the bible mentions liberals specifically, but there is a lot supporting liberal ideals.

an idiotic liberal lie of course. If so why so afriad to point out your best example??​

You idiot. I just gave you an entire page of examples, but you erased them in my quote.
Lets see if you erase this link.
The Wall o Socialist Bible Quotes

dear please present your best example or admit as a typical to being too stupid to defend what you say!
I'm not sure the bible mentions liberals specifically, but there is a lot supporting liberal ideals.

an idiotic liberal lie of course. If so why so afriad to point out your best example??​

You idiot. I just gave you an entire page of examples, but you erased them in my quote.
Lets see if you erase this link.
The Wall o Socialist Bible Quotes

dear please present your best example or admit as a typical to being too stupid to defend what you say!

I already did twice you dumb teabagger. If you can't click the link, then ask rush to teach you how.
I'm not sure the bible mentions liberals specifically, but there is a lot supporting liberal ideals.

an idiotic liberal lie of course. If so why so afriad to point out your best example??​

You idiot. I just gave you an entire page of examples, but you erased them in my quote.
Lets see if you erase this link.
The Wall o Socialist Bible Quotes

dear please present your best example or admit as a typical to being too stupid to defend what you say!

I already did twice you dumb teabagger. If you can't click the link, then ask rush to teach you how.

dear please present your best example or admit as a typical to being too stupid to defend what you say!

Who could dislike that which comes from the Flying Spaghetti Monster (Sauce be upon Him) and his noodly appendages?

the left does hate the higher ligitimacy of God's natural law. They want to leave room for more modern thinking like HIlter's Stalin's and Mao's, and now ISIL's. A liberal is not afraid to experiment!
Your last two posts prove only one thing:
1. You are young and terribly ignorant.
2. You are old and terribly ignorant.

too stupid can you say why ignorant or as a typical liberal do you lack the IQ to defend what you say?
Actually you are coming of as the one with a low I.Q.
So it's very east to determine if you are biblically ignorant.
Please point to chapter and verse of the NKJ or any other accepted Bible that states "liberals" are anything you state?

The Bible can stand on it's own merits when Biblical Doctrine is used as the point of reference.

So again, what chapter and verse says anything about "liberals", I will wait for you to prove your assertions.

dear, the entire bible is conservative and Aristotlean in that it is about individual behavior and the individual's relationship to God, not to the state which Constantine Hitler Stalin Mao FDR and Obama worshipped.

Now do you see why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?

So you failed to list even one single verse of the Gospel that would Biblically support your assertion???
Further you belittle and subvert the Bible by comparing it to Aristotle...please, can you be on more shaky ground Bibically??

The Bible is not to be compared and equated by the teaching of any philosopher...that's unBiblical Doctrine and the Doctrine of Man. What you just attempted to do is elevate the teachings of a man to the teachings of those divinely touched and inspired...you should have learned better than this in children's Bible school.

You have yet to put forth anything, verse or scripture that mentions anything about liberals...why am I not surprised?

Please feel free to post one scripture that supports your belief that the Bible is conservative...lol... and that it defines "Conservative" as you are attempting to frame it here.

Right now, you have failed to prove anything you asserted. Unless you can quote the scripture, it doesn't exist.
I'm not sure the bible mentions liberals specifically, but there is a lot supporting liberal ideals.

an idiotic liberal lie of course. If so why so afriad to point out your best example??​

You idiot. I just gave you an entire page of examples, but you erased them in my quote.
Lets see if you erase this link.
The Wall o Socialist Bible Quotes

dear please present your best example or admit as a typical to being too stupid to defend what you say!

I already did twice you dumb teabagger. If you can't click the link, then ask rush to teach you how.

dear please present your best example or admit as a typical to being too stupid to defend what you say!

Is your childish behavior what you want everybody to believe is the action of a true Christian?
I'm not sure the bible mentions liberals specifically, but there is a lot supporting liberal ideals.

an idiotic liberal lie of course. If so why so afriad to point out your best example??​

You call another person a lie, yet present no scripture to refute the scripture they plainly listed. In all honesty, you keep remarking on others I.Q. yet you seem the only one here content to call people names and dodge the Biblical requirement that scripture supports your statements.
Further you belittle and subvert the Bible by comparing it to Aristotle...please, can you be on more shaky ground Bibically??

too totally stuipid and liberal of course. If you go the Vatican you will see that Raphael painted a 20' foot likeness of Aristotle in the School of Athens fresco there.

See why we are positive that liberalism is based in pure ignorance?
I'm not sure the bible mentions liberals specifically, but there is a lot supporting liberal ideals.

an idiotic liberal lie of course. If so why so afriad to point out your best example??​

You call another person a lie, yet present no scripture to refute the scripture they plainly listed. In all honesty, you keep remarking on others I.Q. yet you seem the only one here content to call people names and dodge the Biblical requirement that scripture supports your statements.

dear, do you deny that Christianity brought down the liberal Roman state just as it later brought down the USSR??
Further you belittle and subvert the Bible by comparing it to Aristotle...please, can you be on more shaky ground Bibically??

too totally stuipid and liberal of course. If you go the Vatican you will see that Raphael painted a 20' foot likeness of Aristotle in the School of Athens fresco there.

See why we are positive that liberalism is based in pure ignorance?

If you can only give me the Catholic Church as an example of Christianity, you have once again failed.
You once again can not use the Bible to support your statements...you are either Biblically sound or not. A painting in a chapel is not scripture.
You can stop with the Attempts at insults, that simply reinforces the perception that you really are ignorant of the Bible.

Once again you have taken the work of man (a painting) and attempted to elevate it to the position of Divine Scripture. Do you not understand that, that undermines your credibility to even claim that you are a Christian?

What you have just done on two occasions is to practice Idolatry.
yes Rome had a powerful central govt like Hitler Stalin Mao FDR Obama. Do you understand now?
Oops, my mistake. I try not to disturb the crackpots usually. Won't do it again.

name calling because the liberal lacks the IQ to defend is Nazi like feelings

So again, where can you support the disrespect of others Bibically??
You continue to list actions as proof of something, which is directly contradictory to the Gospels.
. A painting in a chapel is not scripture.

dear, are you saying Aristotle is there in the Vatican but that Christianity but him there because it disagrees with him? Are you saying Christianity didn't bring down Rome and USSR?
So again, where can you support the disrespect of others Bibically??

dear, does the Bible prevent me from disrespecting Nazis and liberals?
No, but the Bible requires you to base your statements on Biblical truth and your behaviors on the example of Jesus Christ.

The Bible doesn't "prevent" you from doing anything, however you can't turn around and attempt to sully the word of God because of your actions.

You have given two examples of Idolatry as an attempt to justify your actions, and have failed to post any scripture to support your disrespective and unchristian behavior towards others.
. Cherry picking God's Word for your own purpose is an insult to to God.

too stupid the op does not cherry pick but rather states that Christianity established Western Civilization as Roman liberalism was defeated and declined. Do you understand now?

Your whole OP is so discombobulated that clearly showed you have never read the Bible which I pointed out to you and you never admitted your error. I would guess that close to .9999% of all Christians know the Bible's historical time line of events. But you don't.
Secondly, several of your previous OPs go against the Word of God, I doubt you know that because it's clear your clueless about God's Word.
Next time you do an OP at least have some knowledge about what you are posting about.
I was brought up in Baptist home. I have an uncle who was a minister, another uncle was a missionary and I have several cousins that are missionaries in Africa right now. I went to church many times a week and read the Bible three times. Like I said, I was brought up a Baptist, Baptist do things like that.
I know my Bible and I can see your BS a mile away.
1 Corinthians 13:2 If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.

This is the failing of social con reactionaries like EB, Ninja, and others. In other words, Jesus is saying that he does not want those with the lack of love like the Peaky Blinders talking in his name.

What "gift"do you have Jake?

He can make 81,000+ posts and say nothing intelligent!

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