why does the left unquestionably trust government?

RW, I really need you to focus for just one second. You are saying Thomas Jefferson was a liberal. Nancy Pelosi is also considered liberal.

Compare and contrast the personal views of each and report back and tell me if they are the same.

OK let's keep this simple ..

Thomas Jefferson developed liberal solutions to resolve issues in 1770s society
Nancy Pelosi uses liberal solutions to resolve issues with 2011 society

Both are fine examples of a liberal methodology attacking pressing issues of their time. For Jefferson, it was the equal rights of man. For Pelosi, it was mans need for healthcare

Keep in mind what Jefferson said...

. "I am not an advocate for frequent changes in laws and constitutions, but laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths discovered and manners and opinions change, with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also to keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy as civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors

It is only conservative who want to wear the same coat they wore as a child

Oh, so it's subjective definitions based on time, place, and circumstance? Alright, let's roll with that. Who has the power to decide what is liberal or not according to your definition? If someone in power made it so that all computers were monitored by government, since that is a new idea, which I am deducing that to you anything new means that it is liberal, is that considered liberal?

Also what are your sources for this definition that is very unorthodox as all political science, philosophy, and history courses I have taken that used politics as a backdrop has recognized the concept and differences of classical and modern american liberalism, and further accepts academically and objectively that classical liberalism is closer to modern day conservatism than modern day liberalism. Feel free to contact any american history, politics, or law professors at the University of Colorado, or you could just maybe read a book on the subject.
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Back on topic and to the set of question's that you have not answered yet. Did the government lie to us about Iraq? Did the government lie when it say Iraq had WMD's? Did you trust the government when Bush was president?

I have already answered twice.....it is not my fault you do not understand the US Constitution

Now, when are you going to answer my question?

Is there any government on earth more trustworthy than the US?

Why are you afraid to answer?
Post your answer to those questions. Because I have not seen you answer it. I have seen you reply to the post the questions were in just like you are doing now, but you haven't answered the question's

One more time responding to the post with the questions is not answering the questions.

Here are the questions.
1. Did the government lie to us about Iraq?

2. Did the government lie when it said Iraq had WMD's?

3.Did you trust the government when Bush was president?

Leaving the questions unanswered will be a complete failure on your part.

Sorry good buddy...

But I will make a deal. You respond to my question and I will respond to yours for the third time

Think you can handle that?
I have already answered twice.....it is not my fault you do not understand the US Constitution

Now, when are you going to answer my question?

Is there any government on earth more trustworthy than the US?

Why are you afraid to answer?
Post your answer to those questions. Because I have not seen you answer it. I have seen you reply to the post the questions were in just like you are doing now, but you haven't answered the question's

One more time responding to the post with the questions is not answering the questions.

Here are the questions.
1. Did the government lie to us about Iraq?

2. Did the government lie when it said Iraq had WMD's?

3.Did you trust the government when Bush was president?

Leaving the questions unanswered will be a complete failure on your part.

Sorry good buddy...

But I will make a deal. You respond to my question and I will respond to yours for the third time

Think you can handle that?

You never answered the questions you responded and answered with a question so you answer the questions and I will answer your questions
I will keep this reply for safe keep any time you spout off your bullshit about the right I will just post your failure. Truth is you are a hack that only fears government when your party is not in charge. Don't deny it, your failure to answer has proven that to be true.
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RW, I really need you to focus for just one second. You are saying Thomas Jefferson was a liberal. Nancy Pelosi is also considered liberal.

Compare and contrast the personal views of each and report back and tell me if they are the same.

OK let's keep this simple ..

Thomas Jefferson developed liberal solutions to resolve issues in 1770s society
Nancy Pelosi uses liberal solutions to resolve issues with 2011 society

Both are fine examples of a liberal methodology attacking pressing issues of their time. For Jefferson, it was the equal rights of man. For Pelosi, it was mans need for healthcare

Keep in mind what Jefferson said...

. "I am not an advocate for frequent changes in laws and constitutions, but laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths discovered and manners and opinions change, with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also to keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy as civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors

It is only conservative who want to wear the same coat they wore as a child

Oh, so it's subjective definitions based on time, place, and circumstance? Alright, let's roll with that. Who has the power to decide what is liberal or not according to your definition? If someone in power made it so that all computers were monitored by government, since that is a new idea, which I am deducing that to you anything new means that it is liberal, is that considered liberal?

Also what are your sources for this definition that is very unorthodox as all political science, philosophy, and history courses I have taken that used politics as a backdrop has recognized the concept and differences of classical and modern american liberalism, and further accepts academically and objectively that classical liberalism is closer to modern day conservatism than modern day liberalism. Feel free to contact any american history, politics, or law professors at the University of Colorado, or you could just maybe read a book on the subject.

OK this is easy

You know who gets to decide who is liberal and who is conservative? The people who lived in that time. They look at the pressing issues of the day and the positions of those who are resolving them and say....This individual is a liberal and that individual is a conservative

What you don't get to do is Monday morning quarterback and rewrite history based on current history
Post your answer to those questions. Because I have not seen you answer it. I have seen you reply to the post the questions were in just like you are doing now, but you haven't answered the question's

One more time responding to the post with the questions is not answering the questions.

Here are the questions.
1. Did the government lie to us about Iraq?

2. Did the government lie when it said Iraq had WMD's?

3.Did you trust the government when Bush was president?

Leaving the questions unanswered will be a complete failure on your part.

Sorry good buddy...

But I will make a deal. You respond to my question and I will respond to yours for the third time

Think you can handle that?

You never answered the questions you responded and answered with a question so you answer the questions and I will answer your questions
I will keep this reply for safe keep any time you spout off your bullshit about the right I will just post your failure. Truth is you are a hack that only fears government when your party is not in charge. Don't deny it, your failure to answer has proven that to be true.

LOL...I knew you were a coward at heart

My offer still stands
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OK let's keep this simple ..

Thomas Jefferson developed liberal solutions to resolve issues in 1770s society
Nancy Pelosi uses liberal solutions to resolve issues with 2011 society

Both are fine examples of a liberal methodology attacking pressing issues of their time. For Jefferson, it was the equal rights of man. For Pelosi, it was mans need for healthcare

Keep in mind what Jefferson said...

. "I am not an advocate for frequent changes in laws and constitutions, but laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths discovered and manners and opinions change, with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also to keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy as civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors

It is only conservative who want to wear the same coat they wore as a child

Oh, so it's subjective definitions based on time, place, and circumstance? Alright, let's roll with that. Who has the power to decide what is liberal or not according to your definition? If someone in power made it so that all computers were monitored by government, since that is a new idea, which I am deducing that to you anything new means that it is liberal, is that considered liberal?

Also what are your sources for this definition that is very unorthodox as all political science, philosophy, and history courses I have taken that used politics as a backdrop has recognized the concept and differences of classical and modern american liberalism, and further accepts academically and objectively that classical liberalism is closer to modern day conservatism than modern day liberalism. Feel free to contact any american history, politics, or law professors at the University of Colorado, or you could just maybe read a book on the subject.

OK this is easy

You know who gets to decide who is liberal and who is conservative? The people who lived in that time. They look at the pressing issues of the day and the positions of those who are resolving them and say....This individual is a liberal and that individual is a conservative

What you don't get to do is Monday morning quarterback and rewrite history based on current history

What do you mean by "the people?" Do you mean people who hold power? Or are saying modern liberalism rejects the Constitution and conservatives wish to conserve it? I am still waiting for you to cite an academic source that agrees with your concept of liberalism by the way.
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OK let's keep this simple ..

Thomas Jefferson developed liberal solutions to resolve issues in 1770s society
Nancy Pelosi uses liberal solutions to resolve issues with 2011 society

Both are fine examples of a liberal methodology attacking pressing issues of their time. For Jefferson, it was the equal rights of man. For Pelosi, it was mans need for healthcare

Keep in mind what Jefferson said...

. "I am not an advocate for frequent changes in laws and constitutions, but laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths discovered and manners and opinions change, with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also to keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy as civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors

It is only conservative who want to wear the same coat they wore as a child

Oh, so it's subjective definitions based on time, place, and circumstance? Alright, let's roll with that. Who has the power to decide what is liberal or not according to your definition? If someone in power made it so that all computers were monitored by government, since that is a new idea, which I am deducing that to you anything new means that it is liberal, is that considered liberal?

Also what are your sources for this definition that is very unorthodox as all political science, philosophy, and history courses I have taken that used politics as a backdrop has recognized the concept and differences of classical and modern american liberalism, and further accepts academically and objectively that classical liberalism is closer to modern day conservatism than modern day liberalism. Feel free to contact any american history, politics, or law professors at the University of Colorado, or you could just maybe read a book on the subject.

OK this is easy

You know who gets to decide who is liberal and who is conservative? The people who lived in that time. They look at the pressing issues of the day and the positions of those who are resolving them and say....This individual is a liberal and that individual is a conservative

What you don't get to do is Monday morning quarterback and rewrite history based on current history

Monday morning QB indeed what team do you play for? You are doing the exact thing. Hypocrite.
Oh, so it's subjective definitions based on time, place, and circumstance? Alright, let's roll with that. Who has the power to decide what is liberal or not according to your definition? If someone in power made it so that all computers were monitored by government, since that is a new idea, which I am deducing that to you anything new means that it is liberal, is that considered liberal?

Also what are your sources for this definition that is very unorthodox as all political science, philosophy, and history courses I have taken that used politics as a backdrop has recognized the concept and differences of classical and modern american liberalism, and further accepts academically and objectively that classical liberalism is closer to modern day conservatism than modern day liberalism. Feel free to contact any american history, politics, or law professors at the University of Colorado, or you could just maybe read a book on the subject.

OK this is easy

You know who gets to decide who is liberal and who is conservative? The people who lived in that time. They look at the pressing issues of the day and the positions of those who are resolving them and say....This individual is a liberal and that individual is a conservative

What you don't get to do is Monday morning quarterback and rewrite history based on current history

What do you mean by "the people?" Do you mean people who hold power? Or are saying modern liberalism rejects the Constitution and conservatives wish to conserve it? I am still waiting for you to cite an academic source that agrees with your concept of liberalism by the way.

Reject it? God Damn ..liberals wrote it

Liberals honor our Constitution every day protecting the rights of the individual. It is conservatives seeking to rewrite the first, fourth, tenth and fourteenth amendments. It is conservatives fighting the right of assembly, the right to protest the right to trial
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OK this is easy

You know who gets to decide who is liberal and who is conservative? The people who lived in that time. They look at the pressing issues of the day and the positions of those who are resolving them and say....This individual is a liberal and that individual is a conservative

What you don't get to do is Monday morning quarterback and rewrite history based on current history

What do you mean by "the people?" Do you mean people who hold power? Or are saying modern liberalism rejects the Constitution and conservatives wish to conserve it? I am still waiting for you to cite an academic source that agrees with your concept of liberalism by the way.

Reject it? God Damn ..liberals wrote it

Liberals honor our Constitution every day protecting the rights of the individual. It is conservatives seeking to rewrite the first, fourth, tenth and fourteenth amendments. It is conservatives fighting the right of assembly, the right to protest the right to trial

what about economic rights? The right to sell one's labor for any price? Minimum wage has removed that right, for example. How do you explain that?
OK this is easy

You know who gets to decide who is liberal and who is conservative? The people who lived in that time. They look at the pressing issues of the day and the positions of those who are resolving them and say....This individual is a liberal and that individual is a conservative

What you don't get to do is Monday morning quarterback and rewrite history based on current history

What do you mean by "the people?" Do you mean people who hold power? Or are saying modern liberalism rejects the Constitution and conservatives wish to conserve it? I am still waiting for you to cite an academic source that agrees with your concept of liberalism by the way.

Reject it? God Damn ..liberals wrote it

Liberals honor our Constitution every day protecting the rights of the individual. It is conservatives seeking to rewrite the first, fourth, tenth and fourteenth amendments. It is conservatives fighting the right of assembly, the right to protest the right to trial

You know that's a lie. What about the second amendment?
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What do you mean by "the people?" Do you mean people who hold power? Or are saying modern liberalism rejects the Constitution and conservatives wish to conserve it? I am still waiting for you to cite an academic source that agrees with your concept of liberalism by the way.

Reject it? God Damn ..liberals wrote it

Liberals honor our Constitution every day protecting the rights of the individual. It is conservatives seeking to rewrite the first, fourth, tenth and fourteenth amendments. It is conservatives fighting the right of assembly, the right to protest the right to trial

You know that's a lie. What about the second amendment?

No question conservatives support the second amendment. But only the second half of it
What do you mean by "the people?" Do you mean people who hold power? Or are saying modern liberalism rejects the Constitution and conservatives wish to conserve it? I am still waiting for you to cite an academic source that agrees with your concept of liberalism by the way.

Reject it? God Damn ..liberals wrote it

Liberals honor our Constitution every day protecting the rights of the individual. It is conservatives seeking to rewrite the first, fourth, tenth and fourteenth amendments. It is conservatives fighting the right of assembly, the right to protest the right to trial

what about economic rights? The right to sell one's labor for any price? Minimum wage has removed that right, for example. How do you explain that?

Sorry......which amendment was that?
Reject it? God Damn ..liberals wrote it

Liberals honor our Constitution every day protecting the rights of the individual. It is conservatives seeking to rewrite the first, fourth, tenth and fourteenth amendments. It is conservatives fighting the right of assembly, the right to protest the right to trial

You know that's a lie. What about the second amendment?

No question conservatives support the second amendment. But only the second half of it

The militia is the people and what about that 10th amendment? Why did obama try to stop the states of Arizona from protecting the citizens of that state? Why isn't it a violation of individual right to force a person to buy a product they do not want?
You know that's a lie. What about the second amendment?

No question conservatives support the second amendment. But only the second half of it

The militia is the people and what about that 10th amendment? Why did obama try to stop the states of Arizona from protecting the citizens of that state? Why isn't it a violation of individual right to force a person to buy a product they do not want?

The tenth amendment and it's limitations have been fully defined by our courts....

Guess what?

You lost
No question conservatives support the second amendment. But only the second half of it

The militia is the people and what about that 10th amendment? Why did obama try to stop the states of Arizona from protecting the citizens of that state? Why isn't it a violation of individual right to force a person to buy a product they do not want?

The tenth amendment and it's limitations have been fully defined by our courts....

Guess what?

You lost
So you do not support the tenth amendment and it's intended purpose.
The militia is the people and what about that 10th amendment? Why did obama try to stop the states of Arizona from protecting the citizens of that state? Why isn't it a violation of individual right to force a person to buy a product they do not want?

The tenth amendment and it's limitations have been fully defined by our courts....

Guess what?

You lost
So you do not support the tenth amendment and it's intended purpose.

As an American I fully support the 10th amendment and it's interpretations as Constitutionally defined by our courts

I do not support the 10th amendment as defined by anonymous message board posters
Reject it? God Damn ..liberals wrote it

Liberals honor our Constitution every day protecting the rights of the individual. It is conservatives seeking to rewrite the first, fourth, tenth and fourteenth amendments. It is conservatives fighting the right of assembly, the right to protest the right to trial

You know that's a lie. What about the second amendment?

Is there any part of the Bill of Rights they respect?
RW is basically a Wilsonian progressive it seems like...out to ruin the country. Which is fine, but at least we got that sorted out.
As an American I fully support the 10th amendment and it's interpretations as Constitutionally defined by our courts

I do not support the 10th amendment as defined by anonymous message board posters

In other words, you don't have a clue what the 10th Amendment means. You support the deliberate misinterpretation of a gang of paid off political hacks. That's all the SC is.

The idea that the Supreme Court, an arm of the federal government, is going to interpret the Constitution honestly when such an interpretation would frustrate the aims of its employers is simply not believable.

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