why does the left unquestionably trust government?

As an American I fully support the 10th amendment and it's interpretations as Constitutionally defined by our courts

I do not support the 10th amendment as defined by anonymous message board posters

In other words, you don't have a clue what the 10th Amendment means. You support the deliberate misinterpretation of a gang of paid off political hacks. That's all the SC is.

The idea that the Supreme Court, an arm of the federal government, is going to interpret the Constitution honestly when such an interpretation would frustrate the aims of its employers is simply not believable.

Of course I do.......I fully support this great country and it's constitution. The meaning and scope of the 10th amendment have been fully defined by our constitutionally mandated court system.

There are no provisions in our great constitution that allows it's amendments to be lawfully interpreted by anonymous message board posters

Do you have a problem with our constitution?

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There are so many reasons but one main reason is that the Left really do believe in Socialist/Progressive/Communist principles. And with this belief comes an oppressive Big Government Monster. Most on the Left can't even begin to realize that they're only supporting something that's not in their best interest in the long run. Yes,they may be able to grab a few Freebies from the Big Government Monster but they'll have to feed it their Freedom & Liberty. And the Big Government Monster never gets full. It's always hungry for more of your Freedom & Liberty.

Just take a closer look at what's going on right now in our country. Do people really believe they have more rights now than they did before 911? Well they don't. They actually have much less. And things are only getting worse. So the Big Government Nanny Staters just have it wrong. Less Government is the only thing that can save us now.
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Of course I do.......I fully support this great country and it's constitution. The meaning and scope of the 10th amendment have been fully defined by our constitutionally mandated court system.

There are no provisions in our great constitution that allows it's amendments to be lawfully interpreted by anonymous message board posters

Do you have a problem with our constitution?

The Supreme Court doesn't "define" the Constitution, turd. Anyone who believes that it does is a statist toady who doesn't give a damn what the Constitution actually says.

If the Constitution is whatever the Supreme court says it is, then you support Gore V. Bush, right? How about the Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission ruling that enforces the right of free speech for corporations?
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what is one thing that is not in the enumerated powers that the federal government has done well? I can't think of anything.

The Federal Government couldn't operate a lemonade stand without driving it into bankruptcy.

If the federal government was put in charge of managing the Sahara desert, there would soon be a shortage of sand.
what is one thing that is not in the enumerated powers that the federal government has done well? I can't think of anything.

The Federal Government couldn't operate a lemonade stand without driving it into bankruptcy.

If the federal government was put in charge of managing the Sahara desert, there would soon be a shortage of sand.

LOL...thats a good one

If the Federal Government tried to get to the moon, they could never do it
Reject it? God Damn ..liberals wrote it

Liberals honor our Constitution every day protecting the rights of the individual. It is conservatives seeking to rewrite the first, fourth, tenth and fourteenth amendments. It is conservatives fighting the right of assembly, the right to protest the right to trial

You know that's a lie. What about the second amendment?

Is there any part of the Bill of Rights they respect?

They support any rights that fit nicely in their point of view. No one has a right to talk shit about any president with a D but damn go for it if he has an R. The only body that has a right to keep and bear arms is the military and LEO, but if you ask nicely you may be granted permission to keep one locked up torn apart ammo locked up in another room.
You don't have due process if the government deems you a terrorist. You don't have any rights to personal property and that includes money.
Jaread Loungher was an anarachist He once work on the campaign for gifford.

I did a quick Google search to find out he was some guy who killed some people in AZ I believe. I can't be fucked to find his political stances, but my point remains the same.

I guess it can be one of those philosophy things when you reach the most extreme states of either positive or negative you find yourself a new center in the circle. Fucking magical man.

OH so you didn't know who Jared Loughner was and had to do a quick google search to find out. But yet you can say that Anarchists are more right leaning? All this tells me about you is that you are a hack.

What does one have to do with the other? Speaking of hacks. :cuckoo:
Of course I do.......I fully support this great country and it's constitution. The meaning and scope of the 10th amendment have been fully defined by our constitutionally mandated court system.

There are no provisions in our great constitution that allows it's amendments to be lawfully interpreted by anonymous message board posters

Do you have a problem with our constitution?

The Supreme Court doesn't "define" the Constitution, turd. Anyone who believes that it does is a statist toady who doesn't give a damn what the Constitution actually says.

If the Constitution is whatever the Supreme court says it is, then you support Gore V. Bush, right? How about the Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission ruling that enforces the right of free speech for corporations?

Guess what libertarian?

This was decided centuries ago. Your definitions have no validity
The Federal Government couldn't operate a lemonade stand without driving it into bankruptcy.

If the federal government was put in charge of managing the Sahara desert, there would soon be a shortage of sand.

LOL...thats a good one

If the Federal Government tried to get to the moon, they could never do it

One more time responding to the post with the questions is not answering the questions.

Here are the questions.
1. Did the government lie to us about Iraq?

2. Did the government lie when it said Iraq had WMD's?

3.Did you trust the government when Bush was president?

Leaving the questions unanswered will be a complete failure on your part.
If the federal government was put in charge of managing the Sahara desert, there would soon be a shortage of sand.

LOL...thats a good one

If the Federal Government tried to get to the moon, they could never do it

One more time responding to the post with the questions is not answering the questions.

Here are the questions.
1. Did the government lie to us about Iraq?

2. Did the government lie when it said Iraq had WMD's?

3.Did you trust the government when Bush was president?

Leaving the questions unanswered will be a complete failure on your part.

My offer still stands coward
I did a quick Google search to find out he was some guy who killed some people in AZ I believe. I can't be fucked to find his political stances, but my point remains the same.

I guess it can be one of those philosophy things when you reach the most extreme states of either positive or negative you find yourself a new center in the circle. Fucking magical man.

OH so you didn't know who Jared Loughner was and had to do a quick google search to find out. But yet you can say that Anarchists are more right leaning? All this tells me about you is that you are a hack.

What does one have to do with the other? Speaking of hacks. :cuckoo:

Who am I to disagree with you that you are a hack.
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LOL...thats a good one

If the Federal Government tried to get to the moon, they could never do it

One more time responding to the post with the questions is not answering the questions.

Here are the questions.
1. Did the government lie to us about Iraq?

2. Did the government lie when it said Iraq had WMD's?

3.Did you trust the government when Bush was president?

Leaving the questions unanswered will be a complete failure on your part.

My offer still stands coward
You have never answered the questions so coward what do you have to say?
Here are the questions.
1. Did the government lie to us about Iraq?

2. Did the government lie when it said Iraq had WMD's?

3.Did you trust the government when Bush was president?

Leaving the questions unanswered will be a complete failure on your part.
Of course I do.......I fully support this great country and it's constitution. The meaning and scope of the 10th amendment have been fully defined by our constitutionally mandated court system.

There are no provisions in our great constitution that allows it's amendments to be lawfully interpreted by anonymous message board posters

Do you have a problem with our constitution?

The Supreme Court doesn't "define" the Constitution, turd. Anyone who believes that it does is a statist toady who doesn't give a damn what the Constitution actually says.

If the Constitution is whatever the Supreme court says it is, then you support Gore V. Bush, right? How about the Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission ruling that enforces the right of free speech for corporations?

Guess what libertarian?

This was decided centuries ago. Your definitions have no validity

Here are the questions.
1. Did the government lie to us about Iraq?

2. Did the government lie when it said Iraq had WMD's?

3.Did you trust the government when Bush was president?

Leaving the questions unanswered will be a complete failure on your part.
The left trusts government? Oh right they do. Here's why. When you take the hollywood scum out-of-the-picture you're LEFT with voters that depend on government subsidies.
Big Government Nanny Staters have to trust the Government. After all,they are turning all their Freedom & Liberty over to them. So they have to live the fantasy that Big Government is good and will always do the right thing. But in the end that's just not true. Big Government looks out for Big Government. Your Freedom & Liberty means very little to them. They just don't get it. And these same Nanny Staters will be the first ones to bitch & moan about the "Evil Government" as soon as the other team gets back in power. But what they don't understand is that it's they themselves who have created the Big Government Monster. They just don't have much credibility when they start complaining about the other team. They wanted the Nanny State,so they don't have any room to complain. More should support Constitutional Conservatism. It really is the only thing that can save our nation now.
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The Federal Government couldn't operate a lemonade stand without driving it into bankruptcy.

If the federal government was put in charge of managing the Sahara desert, there would soon be a shortage of sand.

LOL...thats a good one

If the Federal Government tried to get to the moon, they could never do it

"one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."

mankind = the government? lol...oooooook, psycho.
Questions rightwinger is to cowardly to answer.

Here are the questions.
1. Did the government lie to us about Iraq?

2. Did the government lie when it said Iraq had WMD's?

3.Did you trust the government when Bush was president?

Leaving the questions unanswered will be a complete failure on your part.
Questions rightwinger is to cowardly to answer.

Here are the questions.
1. Did the government lie to us about Iraq?

2. Did the government lie when it said Iraq had WMD's?

3.Did you trust the government when Bush was president?

Leaving the questions unanswered will be a complete failure on your part.

stop spamming, retard. negged

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