Why Does The Right Not Want Confederate Statues Removed?


They were racist Democrats. Just ask around. The pseudocons start educational topics about their history at least once a month,.

View attachment 143397

Speaking of education...

Perhaps if you hadn't slept through the section on Civil War history you'd know that all veterans from both sides of the conflict are considered United States veterans by law and are to be honored as such...

Confederate Veterans are United States Veterans under the eyes of U.S. Law

Why are you so insistent on dishonoring United States veterans?



So you are in favor of honoring racist Democrats?



Sounds to me more like I'm reading a post of a racist Democrat who simply wishes to stir the crap.


Why Does The Right Not Want Confederate Statues Removed?
Let me see if I can explain this to you very simply... (since you are very simple.)

Psychologists will tell you the key to raising well-rounded and emotionally stable children is to teach and instil resilience.

Resilience is the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness. There have been all kinds of nursery rhymes dedicated to this concept. My favorite is: "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me." (It's also true that Confederate statues will not hurt you.)

We now find ourselves in a PC snowflake culture which wants to shield children from ever developing resilience. The danger of this, aside from producing a generation of emotionally unstable nitwits, is that we end up with a society who thinks they have some constitutional right to not be offended. The problem with that is, virtually everything can be deemed offensive to someone.

So this is where MY position rests on things like tearing down monuments or banning flags. It's the diametric opposite of what we need to be doing to instil resilience in our young people. It has nothing to do with the history or whether you admire it. An argument could equally be made to remove all statues, monuments and tributes to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. He was a Baptist minister and it could be deemed "offensive" to some to bestow honor upon such a religious figure. I don't personally feel that way but some may... and if we are to embark on a society devoid of anything offensive, this would have to be given consideration.

You see... you left-wing morons do not own an exclusive right to determine what IS or ISN'T offensive. You THINK you do, but you don't. And so we cannot allow you to "fundamentally transform" our society this way. Leave shit alone! If you don't LIKE what a particular Confederate monument represents, speak your opinion in the arena of ideas. That's your right as a citizen. But we must get back to teaching our children to have respect for ALL opinions and instil resilience.
Oh, I already addressed your point a long time ago in this topic. I am so sorry you had to waste that giant word salad.

The right wingers who came to defend the racist Democrat statues would not be caught dead defending a statue of Martin Luther King.

So why are they defending the racist Democrats of old?

Have you ever heard of the word Heritage?
Why Does The Right Not Want Confederate Statues Removed?
Let me see if I can explain this to you very simply... (since you are very simple.)

Psychologists will tell you the key to raising well-rounded and emotionally stable children is to teach and instil resilience.

Resilience is the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness. There have been all kinds of nursery rhymes dedicated to this concept. My favorite is: "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me." (It's also true that Confederate statues will not hurt you.)

We now find ourselves in a PC snowflake culture which wants to shield children from ever developing resilience. The danger of this, aside from producing a generation of emotionally unstable nitwits, is that we end up with a society who thinks they have some constitutional right to not be offended. The problem with that is, virtually everything can be deemed offensive to someone.

So this is where MY position rests on things like tearing down monuments or banning flags. It's the diametric opposite of what we need to be doing to instil resilience in our young people. It has nothing to do with the history or whether you admire it. An argument could equally be made to remove all statues, monuments and tributes to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. He was a Baptist minister and it could be deemed "offensive" to some to bestow honor upon such a religious figure. I don't personally feel that way but some may... and if we are to embark on a society devoid of anything offensive, this would have to be given consideration.

You see... you left-wing morons do not own an exclusive right to determine what IS or ISN'T offensive. You THINK you do, but you don't. And so we cannot allow you to "fundamentally transform" our society this way. Leave shit alone! If you don't LIKE what a particular Confederate monument represents, speak your opinion in the arena of ideas. That's your right as a citizen. But we must get back to teaching our children to have respect for ALL opinions and instil resilience.
Oh, I already addressed your point a long time ago in this topic. I am so sorry you had to waste that giant word salad.

The right wingers who came to defend the racist Democrat statues would not be caught dead defending a statue of Martin Luther King.

So why are right wingers defending the racist Democrats of old?

I explained it to you, dummy. Try READING!
We all agree those old time bastards were racist Democrats.

Why are right wingers defending them?
Watch the video and see if you can pick out the bad guys.

Police Stood By As Mayhem Mounted in Charlottesville

Yeah, from very early in the morning, the alt right thugs were getting away with beating on people.

They came armed and were carrying baseball bats, clubs and shields. The cops were either on their side or afraid of them.

In that part of the country, it's likely much of the law enforcement are KKK, etc.

The south is hot, humid and alt right vermin infested.

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Why Does The Right Not Want Confederate Statues Removed?
Let me see if I can explain this to you very simply... (since you are very simple.)

Psychologists will tell you the key to raising well-rounded and emotionally stable children is to teach and instil resilience.

Resilience is the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness. There have been all kinds of nursery rhymes dedicated to this concept. My favorite is: "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me." (It's also true that Confederate statues will not hurt you.)

We now find ourselves in a PC snowflake culture which wants to shield children from ever developing resilience. The danger of this, aside from producing a generation of emotionally unstable nitwits, is that we end up with a society who thinks they have some constitutional right to not be offended. The problem with that is, virtually everything can be deemed offensive to someone.

So this is where MY position rests on things like tearing down monuments or banning flags. It's the diametric opposite of what we need to be doing to instil resilience in our young people. It has nothing to do with the history or whether you admire it. An argument could equally be made to remove all statues, monuments and tributes to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. He was a Baptist minister and it could be deemed "offensive" to some to bestow honor upon such a religious figure. I don't personally feel that way but some may... and if we are to embark on a society devoid of anything offensive, this would have to be given consideration.

You see... you left-wing morons do not own an exclusive right to determine what IS or ISN'T offensive. You THINK you do, but you don't. And so we cannot allow you to "fundamentally transform" our society this way. Leave shit alone! If you don't LIKE what a particular Confederate monument represents, speak your opinion in the arena of ideas. That's your right as a citizen. But we must get back to teaching our children to have respect for ALL opinions and instil resilience.
Oh, I already addressed your point a long time ago in this topic. I am so sorry you had to waste that giant word salad.

The right wingers who came to defend the racist Democrat statues would not be caught dead defending a statue of Martin Luther King.

So why are right wingers defending the racist Democrats of old?

I explained it to you, dummy. Try READING!
No you didn't. You based your argument on a false premise.

There is only one explanation which makes sense as to why racist right wingers are defending those old time racist Democrats.

Only one, and you all know it. You just can't admit it to yourselves.
The right wingers came to Virginia to defend their political and philosophical ancestors.

That's why.

And you all know it.


I wear the Confederate flag because I am proud of my heritage!


Those old Confederates were slave owners and racists! Yeeeee-haaaaawwwww! That's my proud heritage!

Why do the progressives have an issue with historical memorials?



Has nothing to do with it.

The statue is the property of the city of Charlottesville.

They can do what they want with it, just like you can do what you want with your property.

What makes you think you can tell the citizens of Charlottesville what they can do with their property?

If you're so fond of it, make them an offer. Maybe they will sell it to you.

Then you can take it home, and have a big alt right masterbation party, complete with tiki torches so the mosquitos don't bite you on your dicks, while you freaks stand around the
statue jerking off to the general.


Is that what you do when you're looking at your Stalin and Chairman Mao figurines.


Let me see if I can explain this to you very simply... (since you are very simple.)

Psychologists will tell you the key to raising well-rounded and emotionally stable children is to teach and instil resilience.

Resilience is the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness. There have been all kinds of nursery rhymes dedicated to this concept. My favorite is: "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me." (It's also true that Confederate statues will not hurt you.)

We now find ourselves in a PC snowflake culture which wants to shield children from ever developing resilience. The danger of this, aside from producing a generation of emotionally unstable nitwits, is that we end up with a society who thinks they have some constitutional right to not be offended. The problem with that is, virtually everything can be deemed offensive to someone.

Indeed, it seems that g5000 is a perfect example of exactly what we are seeking to avoid here—an emotionally-unstable nitwit who is easily offended, and thinks that he has a right to have anything censored which is disagreeable to him. This is exactly what his defective ideology produces.
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No you didn't. You based your argument on a false premise.

No I didn't. I also didn't base my argument on whether you like or dislike what particular statues represent. The problem is, you can't address my point because I am right so you've decided to claim you addressed my point and pretend I've presented a false premise. That's because you're an intellectual lightweight.
History still needs to be looked at thats why. Not erased. It's a concept probably way beyond you and I doubt if it can be explained to you. There are many levels on why retaining symbols of history are important regardless of whether they are good or bad to some people.

So we should have statues to Hitler? hhmmm...interesting....
No you didn't. You based your argument on a false premise.

No I didn't. I also didn't base my argument on whether you like or dislike what particular statues represent. The problem is, you can't address my point because I am right so you've decided to claim you addressed my point and pretend I've presented a false premise. That's because you're an intellectual lightweight.
There is only one reason those racists are defending the Democratic racists.

Because those Democrats are their political and philosophical ancestors. They literally fly under the same flag.

And you know it. None of you have the honor or integrity to admit it.
There is only one explanation which makes sense as to why racist right wingers are defending those old time racist Democrats.

Only one, and you all know it. You just can't admit it to yourselves.


They're there to remind ourselves of racists like yourself will always be around.


From the Washington and Lee College website ----

Founded in 1749, Washington and Lee University is named for two men who played pivotal roles in the University's history: George Washington, whose generous endowment of $20,000 in 1796 helped the fledgling school (then known as Liberty Hall Academy) survive, and Robert E. Lee, who provided innovative educational leadership during his transformational tenure as president of Washington College from 1865 to 1870.

The University is located in the historic city of Lexington, Virginia (population 7,000), a warm, welcoming and historic college town located in the Great Valley of Virginia between the Blue Ridge and the Allegheny Mountains. W&L’s 35 principal buildings include the picturesque Washington College group forming the Colonnade facing Lee Chapel, where Robert E. Lee is buried. The Colonnade and Lee Chapel are National Historic Landmarks.

The ninth oldest institution of higher education in America, Washington and Lee is composed of two undergraduate divisions, the College and the Williams School of Commerce, Economics, and Politics; and a graduate School of Law. Offering 37 undergraduate majors and 29 minors, including a number of interdisciplinary programs, the University prides itself on the depth and breadth of our curriculum, in which traditional liberal arts courses are augmented by offerings from the only fully-accredited business school and fully-accredited journalism program among the nation's top-tier liberal arts colleges.

How much of ANY of that do RATIONAL non-flaming party partisans want to erase?? What will you ALLOW them to erase? Gotz NOTHING to do with "white nationalists". It's between YOU and ME..

Not gonna happen in a free and rational America..
Right state, but wrong school and city. UVa and Charlottesville. UVa was founded by that fine upstanding moralist Thomas Jefferson

The topic is PURGING historical monuments, statues and symbols. Washington and Lee University is ONE of them. I'm not confused. Are you??? What are the leftist busybodies gonna do about Wash and Lee College?
W&L was at one time segregated, but it is not and even has affirmative action. Now go along and play with your tinker toys. The adults were discussing Lee's statute in Charlottesville

You're the one with the tunnel vision trying to prevent the adults from showing the BIGGER picture of what's going here. There are organized dedicated Groups funded and organized by Gawd knows who, maybe even Terry McCauliffe --- that are carrying this Jihad from City to City --- EXPECTING to excite confrontation ..
Personally, I think Soros is behind most of it. He is the one with deep pockets and hires thuglings to go to such events to cause trouble.

Welll in Virginia -- you also an ex DNC Chair as governor and a Senator who ran with Hillary. Could be more "resistance" planning on DNC "strategy weekend" meetings. My bets are on that..

Russia all the time peetered out. Need a new distraction to make things ungovernable.
There is only one explanation which makes sense as to why racist right wingers are defending those old time racist Democrats.

Only one, and you all know it. You just can't admit it to yourselves.

View attachment 143543

They're there to remind ourselves of racists like yourself will always be around.



The Nazis and KKK are there to remind us racists will always be around. That's right.

And anyone who denies the common heritage between the modern day far right and the old time racist Democrats is dishonorable and has no integrity.

They literally march under the same flag.
I mean, at least twice a month, the pseudocons on this forum start topics to tell us that Confederates were racist Democrats and bad, bad, bad people.

So why is the Right defending those statues of evil Democrats? Hmmmm? Why were they sending out of state protesters to Virginia? Hmmmm?

Oftentimes, two pseudocons will start the same kind of topic on the same day. It's almost as if someone is telling all the tards this shit on a Tard Network.

So why is the Right defending a Democrat statue? Why?

A better question would be why do those of you on the left wrong want to destroy works of historical art? It seems that your kind are not that much unlike the Taliban, who were responsible for destroying the Buddhas of Bamiyan.

And yet, nobody is advocating that they be destroyed, just moved to private land; which proves conclusively that you have not been paying attention, and don't have the slightest idea what you are talking about.
History still needs to be looked at thats why. Not erased. It's a concept probably way beyond you and I doubt if it can be explained to you. There are many levels on why retaining symbols of history are important regardless of whether they are good or bad to some people.
Would you compromise by having a plaque on each confederate statue reminding the reader that this person was a traitor who abandoned his oath in the name of defending slavery?

I wouldnt be opposed to a plaque giving that sort of historical context at all, though It was up to the Union government at the time to label those generals as traitors. They were fighting for the wrong cause but they were fighting in uniform for their own confederate government. If anything I think the statues make a good reminder of how we were once divided. I'm not pro Confederate at all by the way, I've lived in California my entire life, I would just like to be fair about this, is all. I do also know that the ACLU will defend an artists right to put up paintings or sculptures mocking God or Christ even though it may offend millions of Christians and they protest it. That may be a double standard there.
Those racist Democrats were fighting for slavery. And after those loser Democrats got their asses kicked by America, they started the KKK. This very important knowledge is regularly passed onto us by the pseudocons of this forum ad infinitum!

So why is the Right standing up for a statue of one of those bad racist Democrat Christian terrorists? It makes no sense!

maybe because they know the left is not going to stop at a statue of Robert E Lee. It's only a matter of time before they go after the US flag as well. Thats why we call them progressives. Well, not so sure R E LEE was a member of the KKK. as far as I know he was just a general.
I'm a lifelong conservative Republican who served 20 years on active duty. It would be a very foolish person indeed who attempted to harm the US flag around me.

So please explain. Why are the out of state right wingers defending the racist Democrats?

Anyone? Bueller?...Bueller?...Bueller?

You twist the argument. I'm not defending Robert E Lee. If I was alive at the time I would say he needs to be defeated, and I would be fighting on the side of the Union. I think most rational people including myself take pause before erasing historical things like this. It's more about defending the freedom of expression for people living today, rather than defending the actions of an old civil war general, wether he was a Democrat or a Republican.
I live in California and don't have any sort of emotional connection to the old south, but I can recognize that there are many descendents of soldiers who fought in that war who live in the south today. Wether the South was wrong or right doesn't really matter. The Civil War was a very divisive war and obviously all the hard feelings on both sides haven't gone away. How many generations does it really take, I don't know, but I kind of feel right now that there is a movement trying to impose its will on those who might want to see the statues remain, and that is not necessarily correct without listening to what the other side has to say.

So I ask, whats the purpose of doing this now? It only results in a net loss. Not a gain. So the statues are taken away, but then also a great amount of trust between people is taken away in the process as well as good will which takes so much time to build up if ever at all. The action doesn't pull people together, its pushing them apart as we can now see with the recent violence. And for what really? Unless you like seeing any social progress we have made reversed.

What I see as the mistake is, these old wounds and social scars needed to be allowed to fade away with time. I really don't see what a statue in a park was doing. Was it getting of its pedestal and leading marches? getting on a megaphone? Most likely it was just getting crapped on by pigeons.

A better question would be why do those of you on the left wrong want to destroy works of historical art? It seems that your kind are not that much unlike the Taliban, who were responsible for destroying the Buddhas of Bamiyan.

So Germany should have kept statues of Hitler and the swastika around because they had 'historical' value.
Right state, but wrong school and city. UVa and Charlottesville. UVa was founded by that fine upstanding moralist Thomas Jefferson

The topic is PURGING historical monuments, statues and symbols. Washington and Lee University is ONE of them. I'm not confused. Are you??? What are the leftist busybodies gonna do about Wash and Lee College?
W&L was at one time segregated, but it is not and even has affirmative action. Now go along and play with your tinker toys. The adults were discussing Lee's statute in Charlottesville

You're the one with the tunnel vision trying to prevent the adults from showing the BIGGER picture of what's going here. There are organized dedicated Groups funded and organized by Gawd knows who, maybe even Terry McCauliffe --- that are carrying this Jihad from City to City --- EXPECTING to excite confrontation ..
Personally, I think Soros is behind most of it. He is the one with deep pockets and hires thuglings to go to such events to cause trouble.

Welll in Virginia -- you also an ex DNC Chair as governor
That's right! You can thank Donald Trump for that!

Big name donors fuel McAuliffe's bid for Virginia governor

Donald Trump is just one of many big name donors funding Terry McAuliffe's campaign to win the Virginia governor's mansion this fall, according to newly released financial disclosure reports - and he isn't even among the most generous givers.

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