Why Does The Right Not Want Confederate Statues Removed?

Democrats want these various statues and monuments taken down, because they stand as an embarrassing reminder that the Democratic Party—in spite of all its efforts to falsely smear its opposition with this charge—is now, has always been, and will always be the party of overt racism and bigotry.

What is embarrassing is the Republicans embracing slavery

It was the Democrats who embraced slavery, and Republicans who opposed it. This is a proven historical fact. Just as it is the Democrats today, who exploit minorities for their own political gain, to the detriment of these minorities.

Indeed. It is a arguable position that the modern day welfare system is a modern analog to slavery. And dishonest toads like rightwinger here love slavery. So long as they are the ones holding the whip.
I mean, at least twice a month, the pseudocons on this forum start topics to tell us that Confederates were racist Democrats and bad, bad, bad people.

So why is the Right defending those statues of evil Democrats? Hmmmm? Why were they sending out of state protesters to Virginia? Hmmmm?

Oftentimes, two pseudocons will start the same kind of topic on the same day. It's almost as if someone is telling all the tards this shit on a Tard Network.

So why is the Right defending a Democrat statue? Why?

Because it is history is why I don't want them removed. History removed from view is history that will be repeated again. Why is it that progressives ALWAYS want to hide history?
We already solved this problem! We will tear down the statues of the Democrats and replace them with museums which explain their history of atrocities.

It makes no sense to glorify these genocidal Democrats. We need to preserve our history and make their atrocities common knowledge.

Why are out of state right wingers interfering in the state of Virginia to protect statues of Democrats?

It makes no sense!
For some reason, conservatives have embraced the confederacy
Yes, and they won't explain it. They start topics at least once a month to tell us the Confederates were racist Democrats. So why is the Right defending the statues of these mass murdering Democrats?

Why are out of state right wingers interfering in the state of Virginia to protect statues of Democrats?

It makes no sense!
I mean, at least twice a month, the pseudocons on this forum start topics to tell us that Confederates were racist Democrats and bad, bad, bad people.

So why is the Right defending those statues of evil Democrats? Hmmmm? Why were they sending out of state protesters to Virginia? Hmmmm?

Oftentimes, two pseudocons will start the same kind of topic on the same day. It's almost as if someone is telling all the tards this shit on a Tard Network.

So why is the Right defending a Democrat statue? Why?

Because it is history is why I don't want them removed. History removed from view is history that will be repeated again. Why is it that progressives ALWAYS want to hide history?
We already solved this problem! We will tear down the statues of the Democrats and replace them with museums which explain their history of atrocities.

It makes no sense to glorify these genocidal Democrats. We need to preserve our history and make their atrocities common knowledge.,

As a Democrat I have to say I fully endorse this.
Democrats want these various statues and monuments taken down, because they stand as an embarrassing reminder that the Democratic Party—in spite of all its efforts to falsely smear its opposition with this charge—is now, has always been, and will always be the party of overt racism and bigotry.

What is embarrassing is the Republicans embracing slavery

It was the Democrats who embraced slavery, and Republicans who opposed it. This is a proven historical fact. Just as it is the Democrats today, who exploit minorities for their own political gain, to the detriment of these minorities.
So why are out of state right wingers rushing to interfere in Virginia to protect the statues of these Democrats?

It seems you pseudocons are completely stumped on this question.
We would not build statues to Hitler, so why did we build statues to mass murdering Democrats?

Instead of statues to Hitler, we have Holocaust museums, which is the proper thing to do.

So we need to tear down the statues of these Democrats and replace them with museums explaining the atrocities and crimes against humanity Democrats like Robert E. Lee defended.
I mean, at least twice a month, the pseudocons on this forum start topics to tell us that Confederates were racist Democrats and bad, bad, bad people.

So why is the Right defending those statues of evil Democrats? Hmmmm? Why were they sending out of state protesters to Virginia? Hmmmm?

Oftentimes, two pseudocons will start the same kind of topic on the same day. It's almost as if someone is telling all the tards this shit on a Tard Network.

So why is the Right defending a Democrat statue? Why?
/----/ Ifthe people of the Southwant them, it's a free country. Why do libs care if a football team uses an Indian as a mascot?
The people of Virginia wanted the statue of a Democrat torn down. Out of state right wing interlopers have no business trying to stop them. Why are you okay with this outside interference?
If we have to explain to you stupid Moon Bats why it is good to honor those courageous Americans heroes that fought against the filthy ass Federal government then you will never understand.
Yes those statues bring back for republicans those good ol days of racism and slavery

the only slavery that i know f is me being a slave to the filthy ass government that takes the money that i earn and gives it to welfare queens, Muslim refugees and illegals aliens.

By the way, the US flag was a symbol of slavery and racism before the Confederacy existed, during the Confederacy and for almost a year afterwards for slavery and 150 years for racism.

Ah, cute, paying taxes is just like slavery.

When you pay for necessary government functions like defense, police, courts etc that benefits everybody equally then it is not slavery.

However, when the filthy ass government takes my money and then gives it to some stupid fat ass welfare queen then I consider that to be slavery, don't you?

I had to work and the welfare queen got the fruits of my labor for nothing other than voting for Liberals every election.

Kind of like this:

View attachment 143473
So I'll put you down as someone who fully supports not glorifying these old time Democrats. You support tearing down their statues.

Fuck those old Democrats like Robert E. Lee. May they all burn in hell.
Remember kids: Confederate = racist Democrat.

You have told us this a million times.

May those Democrats all burn in hell. We should tear down every last statue of those Democrats. They were evil, racist Democrats.
I mean, at least twice a month, the pseudocons on this forum start topics to tell us that Confederates were racist Democrats and bad, bad, bad people.

So why is the Right defending those statues of evil Democrats? Hmmmm? Why were they sending out of state protesters to Virginia? Hmmmm?

Oftentimes, two pseudocons will start the same kind of topic on the same day. It's almost as if someone is telling all the tards this shit on a Tard Network.

So why is the Right defending a Democrat statue? Why?
/----/ Ifthe people of the Southwant them, it's a free country. Why do libs care if a football team uses an Indian as a mascot?
The people of Virginia wanted the statue of a Democrat torn down. Out of state right wing interlopers have no business trying to stop them. Why are you okay with this outside interference?
/----/ I've never been in favor of Carpetbaggers.
F••• those old Democrats like Robert E. Lee. May they all burn in hell.

You modern Democrats are no better. Your racism and bigotry, your tyranny, your murderousness, are all the same, albeit in different, more subtle forms.
Remember kids: Confederate = racist Democrat.

You have told us this a million times.

May those Democrats all burn in hell. We should tear down every last statue of those Democrats. They were evil, racist Democrats.
/----/ Frankly my Dear, I don't give a damn.

Why do the progressives have an issue with historical memorials?



Has nothing to do with it.

The statue is the property of the city of Charlottesville.

They can do what they want with it, just like you can do what you want with your property.

What makes you think you can tell the citizens of Charlottesville what they can do with their property?

If you're so fond of it, make them an offer. Maybe they will sell it to you.

Then you can take it home, and have a big alt right masterbation party, complete with tiki torches so the mosquitos don't bite you on your dicks, while you freaks stand around the statue jerking off to the general.

They were racist Democrats. Just ask around. The pseudocons start educational topics about their history at least once a month,.

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Speaking of education...

Perhaps if you hadn't slept through the section on Civil War history you'd know that all veterans from both sides of the conflict are considered United States veterans by law and are to be honored as such...

Confederate Veterans are United States Veterans under the eyes of U.S. Law

Why are you so insistent on dishonoring United States veterans?



So you are in favor of honoring racist Democrats?

g5000, what is your obsession with Hitler and equating everyone you dislike as Hitler? Have you even read Mein Kampf? You might actually like it. :p
I actually have read Mein Kampf. Twice. That's why I laugh my ass off every time some retard claims Nazis are left wing.
I mean, at least twice a month, the pseudocons on this forum start topics to tell us that Confederates were racist Democrats and bad, bad, bad people.

So why is the Right defending those statues of evil Democrats? Hmmmm? Why were they sending out of state protesters to Virginia? Hmmmm?

Oftentimes, two pseudocons will start the same kind of topic on the same day. It's almost as if someone is telling all the tards this shit on a Tard Network.

So why is the Right defending a Democrat statue? Why?

The better question is why do you want to remove them?
They are racist Democrats! We have been taught this over and over and over on this forum.

I mean, at least twice a month, the pseudocons on this forum start topics to tell us that Confederates were racist Democrats and bad, bad, bad people.

So why is the Right defending those statues of evil Democrats? Hmmmm? Why were they sending out of state protesters to Virginia? Hmmmm?

Oftentimes, two pseudocons will start the same kind of topic on the same day. It's almost as if someone is telling all the tards this shit on a Tard Network.

So why is the Right defending a Democrat statue? Why?

For someone who fancies himself to be the "smartest" guy in the room you ask stupid questions. Art is speech and everyone has the "right" to "speak". The essence of a "right" is that one gets to "say" things that "others" don't like.
Yes, but why are out of state right wingers coming to the defense of racist Democrats?

This seems to have stumped all of you completely.
I mean, at least twice a month, the pseudocons on this forum start topics to tell us that Confederates were racist Democrats and bad, bad, bad people.

So why is the Right defending those statues of evil Democrats? Hmmmm? Why were they sending out of state protesters to Virginia? Hmmmm?

Oftentimes, two pseudocons will start the same kind of topic on the same day. It's almost as if someone is telling all the tards this shit on a Tard Network.

So why is the Right defending a Democrat statue? Why?

History still needs to be looked at thats why. Not erased. It's a concept probably way beyond you and I doubt if it can be explained to you. There are many levels on why retaining symbols of history are important regardless of whether they are good or bad to some people.
Would you compromise by having a plaque on each confederate statue reminding the reader that this person was a traitor who abandoned his oath in the name of defending slavery?

When exercising one's "rights" no compromise is necessary.

Are we hiding history because we don't have statues honoring Adolph Hitler in our public squares?

That is not the point, however if someone wanted to erect a statue of Hitler it would be within their "rights" to do so. It might get their asses kicked, but it is still within their rights to erect it.
I have no doubt the out of state right wingers defending the statues of the racist Democrats would also come to defend a statue of Hitler.

Why do you suppose that is?
Why does the Right not want Confederate statues removed?

Probably has something to do with a huge bloc of our countrymen who rebelled, became enemies, fought hard and honorably, were defeated, and then reconciled to us.

Probably has something to do with (a) for Southerners, honoring their valiant ancestors, and (b) for Northerners, honoring a gallant former enemy who rejoined the family.
Then how come the pseudocons barely let a week go by on this forum without dishonoring the memory of those racist Democrats?

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