Why Does The Right Not Want Confederate Statues Removed?

I live in the Midwest, so this isn't an issue. It boggles my mind, that people even notice statuary. I have seen some bad sculptures, bought with public money I would like to see blown to tiny little pieces. One has been replaced ( Rev. Martin Luther King bronze at Denver's city park, it was so bad). The other is that orange triangle thingy by Denver's downtown Library. UGLY dosen't cover it. And, then there's a horse on a chair opposite. Yeah. All paid with taxpayer's money. That's the out rage. At least there was artistic merit and historical background to Confederate statues.

Your post reminds me of the Picasso sculpture in Chicago, as far as I know it could be a anti Christian capitalism thing..all I know it looks stupid and ugly but whatever..

download (4).jpg

I mean, at least twice a month, the pseudocons on this forum start topics to tell us that Confederates were racist Democrats and bad, bad, bad people.

So why is the Right defending those statues of evil Democrats? Hmmmm? Why were they sending out of state protesters to Virginia? Hmmmm?

Oftentimes, two pseudocons will start the same kind of topic on the same day. It's almost as if someone is telling all the tards this shit on a Tard Network.

So why is the Right defending a Democrat statue? Why?

Because we don't trust flaming Leftist to know when to Stop?? :badgrin: Or even govt making the decision what to PURGE from history?

It's a bad precedent that will be abused. The slippery slope is too dangerous to allow raging PARTISANS to control.. Best controlled by the people and communities.

How do you PURGE this???


That's the College of Washington and Lee. Still a valued school. Too much chance for witchhunts and Inquisitions by law and power of the State.

Just have the tolerance and the maturity to know the stories and accept them..
But FCT, it WAS the people--the local Town Council--that voted to remove the statue. Who is the "we" you think should stop the people at the local level from deciding what statue is in their park?
Personally, if it were in my town, I would oppose removing it. However, your argument makes it sound as if some amorphous foreign power came in and determined to get rid of the statue. It wasn't. Perhaps the town is quite liberal, being a college town?
Just don't make it sound as if the liberals in general have somehow taken over. This was the people who decided. They voted for their Council members and they no doubt had plenty of input at public meetings about it. Then the Alt Right comes barreling into town to make a big ruckus about it when some of them weren't even from Virginia, let alone that town. I read that in Kentucky, the governor is putting removing a couple of confederate statues from the State House grounds on the fast track, to avoid this kind of episode from happening there.

It's not a boogey man of liberals here. It was a local decision and a group of Alt Right folks taking advantage of it, at the expense of the town. I hope other towns will refuse the permits.

City councils are notorious to bending over to pressure. And if you research this -- it's a political movement from "out of town" that consistently brought the pressure. If ANYTHING -- elected govts should err on the side of PRESERVING history, culture -- since that's in the INTEREST of the City's HERITAGE and worth.
That happens here a lot--environmental groups, even gun rights groups, from out of state try persuading the supposedly hick populace. It never works. The locals know what they want. I presume these folks did too. But because they voted against what you agree with, it must be because they were weak and deficient. Right? These Alt Right folks were just upholding the American way by sticking their nose into a town's decision?

I agree with the poster who said it would be best to entirely ignore these folks. It's what we used to do when the Grand Poobah of the Klu Klux Klan lived in the town beside me in Connecticut. We never heard about their rallies until they were over. Very low key and no publicity whatsoever.
I live in the Midwest, so this isn't an issue. It boggles my mind, that people even notice statuary. I have seen some bad sculptures, bought with public money I would like to see blown to tiny little pieces. One has been replaced ( Rev. Martin Luther King bronze at Denver's city park, it was so bad). The other is that orange triangle thingy by Denver's downtown Library. UGLY dosen't cover it. And, then there's a horse on a chair opposite. Yeah. All paid with taxpayer's money. That's the out rage. At least there was artistic merit and historical background to Confederate statues.
I really want to see the horse on the chair. Is it sitting? Can you post?
Let's remove every statue of every man who owned slaves, both north and south. ok?!

Exactly and let's remove the Holocaust museum because it upsets the pro palastien crowd...hey who cares about that old quote of

Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it

From the Washington and Lee College website ----

Founded in 1749, Washington and Lee University is named for two men who played pivotal roles in the University's history: George Washington, whose generous endowment of $20,000 in 1796 helped the fledgling school (then known as Liberty Hall Academy) survive, and Robert E. Lee, who provided innovative educational leadership during his transformational tenure as president of Washington College from 1865 to 1870.

The University is located in the historic city of Lexington, Virginia (population 7,000), a warm, welcoming and historic college town located in the Great Valley of Virginia between the Blue Ridge and the Allegheny Mountains. W&L’s 35 principal buildings include the picturesque Washington College group forming the Colonnade facing Lee Chapel, where Robert E. Lee is buried. The Colonnade and Lee Chapel are National Historic Landmarks.

The ninth oldest institution of higher education in America, Washington and Lee is composed of two undergraduate divisions, the College and the Williams School of Commerce, Economics, and Politics; and a graduate School of Law. Offering 37 undergraduate majors and 29 minors, including a number of interdisciplinary programs, the University prides itself on the depth and breadth of our curriculum, in which traditional liberal arts courses are augmented by offerings from the only fully-accredited business school and fully-accredited journalism program among the nation's top-tier liberal arts colleges.

How much of ANY of that do RATIONAL non-flaming party partisans want to erase?? What will you ALLOW them to erase? Gotz NOTHING to do with "white nationalists". It's between YOU and ME..

Not gonna happen in a free and rational America..
Right state, but wrong school and city. UVa and Charlottesville. UVa was founded by that fine upstanding moralist Thomas Jefferson

The topic is PURGING historical monuments, statues and symbols. Washington and Lee University is ONE of them. I'm not confused. Are you??? What are the leftist busybodies gonna do about Wash and Lee College?
W&L was at one time segregated, but it is not and even has affirmative action. Now go along and play with your tinker toys. The adults were discussing Lee's statute in Charlottesville

You're the one with the tunnel vision trying to prevent the adults from showing the BIGGER picture of what's going here. There are organized dedicated Groups funded and organized by Gawd knows who, maybe even Terry McCauliffe --- that are carrying this Jihad from City to City --- EXPECTING to excite confrontation ..
Personally, I think Soros is behind most of it. He is the one with deep pockets and hires thuglings to go to such events to cause trouble.
I mean, at least twice a month, the pseudocons on this forum start topics to tell us that Confederates were racist Democrats and bad, bad, bad people.

So why is the Right defending those statues of evil Democrats? Hmmmm? Why were they sending out of state protesters to Virginia? Hmmmm?

Oftentimes, two pseudocons will start the same kind of topic on the same day. It's almost as if someone is telling all the tards this shit on a Tard Network.

So why is the Right defending a Democrat statue? Why?

In a nutshell without spin or blur.
The Right has absolutely grown to despise the filthy Left....and anything they seek to change will be met with extreme opposition. The Left can't be trusted...they've lost all credibility....they have consistently shown they have complete disregard for simple logic and reason. Simple shit!
I live in the Midwest, so this isn't an issue. It boggles my mind, that people even notice statuary. I have seen some bad sculptures, bought with public money I would like to see blown to tiny little pieces. One has been replaced ( Rev. Martin Luther King bronze at Denver's city park, it was so bad). The other is that orange triangle thingy by Denver's downtown Library. UGLY dosen't cover it. And, then there's a horse on a chair opposite. Yeah. All paid with taxpayer's money. That's the out rage. At least there was artistic merit and historical background to Confederate statues.

Your post reminds me of the Picasso sculpture in Chicago, as far as I know it could be a anti Christian capitalism thing..all I know it looks stupid and ugly but whatever..

View attachment 143486

Here's another piece of statuary wonderment: Bluecifier the Denver airport horse with demonic red eyes. It even killed it's own creator. And we, the taxpayers, paid for this "thing"
I live in the Midwest, so this isn't an issue. It boggles my mind, that people even notice statuary. I have seen some bad sculptures, bought with public money I would like to see blown to tiny little pieces. One has been replaced ( Rev. Martin Luther King bronze at Denver's city park, it was so bad). The other is that orange triangle thingy by Denver's downtown Library. UGLY dosen't cover it. And, then there's a horse on a chair opposite. Yeah. All paid with taxpayer's money. That's the out rage. At least there was artistic merit and historical background to Confederate statues.

Your post reminds me of the Picasso sculpture in Chicago, as far as I know it could be a anti Christian capitalism thing..all I know it looks stupid and ugly but whatever..

View attachment 143486

I like it. A seagull, a horse, a church spire, a bottle opener. It's pretty balanced and a great ink blot. You think it's ugly?
I mean, at least twice a month, the pseudocons on this forum start topics to tell us that Confederates were racist Democrats and bad, bad, bad people.

So why is the Right defending those statues of evil Democrats? Hmmmm? Why were they sending out of state protesters to Virginia? Hmmmm?

Oftentimes, two pseudocons will start the same kind of topic on the same day. It's almost as if someone is telling all the tards this shit on a Tard Network.

So why is the Right defending a Democrat statue? Why?

Because we don't trust flaming Leftist to know when to Stop?? :badgrin: Or even govt making the decision what to PURGE from history?

It's a bad precedent that will be abused. The slippery slope is too dangerous to allow raging PARTISANS to control.. Best controlled by the people and communities.

How do you PURGE this???


That's the College of Washington and Lee. Still a valued school. Too much chance for witchhunts and Inquisitions by law and power of the State.

Just have the tolerance and the maturity to know the stories and accept them..
But FCT, it WAS the people--the local Town Council--that voted to remove the statue. Who is the "we" you think should stop the people at the local level from deciding what statue is in their park?
Personally, if it were in my town, I would oppose removing it. However, your argument makes it sound as if some amorphous foreign power came in and determined to get rid of the statue. It wasn't. Perhaps the town is quite liberal, being a college town?
Just don't make it sound as if the liberals in general have somehow taken over. This was the people who decided. They voted for their Council members and they no doubt had plenty of input at public meetings about it. Then the Alt Right comes barreling into town to make a big ruckus about it when some of them weren't even from Virginia, let alone that town. I read that in Kentucky, the governor is putting removing a couple of confederate statues from the State House grounds on the fast track, to avoid this kind of episode from happening there.

It's not a boogey man of liberals here. It was a local decision and a group of Alt Right folks taking advantage of it, at the expense of the town. I hope other towns will refuse the permits.

City councils are notorious to bending over to pressure. And if you research this -- it's a political movement from "out of town" that consistently brought the pressure. If ANYTHING -- elected govts should err on the side of PRESERVING history, culture -- since that's in the INTEREST of the City's HERITAGE and worth.
That happens here a lot--environmental groups, even gun rights groups, from out of state try persuading the supposedly hick populace. It never works. The locals know what they want. I presume these folks did too. But because they voted against what you agree with, it must be because they were weak and deficient. Right? These Alt Right folks were just upholding the American way by sticking their nose into a town's decision?

I agree with the poster who said it would be best to entirely ignore these folks. It's what we used to do when the Grand Poobah of the Klu Klux Klan lived in the town beside me in Connecticut. We never heard about their rallies until they were over. Very low key and no publicity whatsoever.

Exactly, where I live now in South Carolina a few years ago it shocked this little town and made national news, when people found candy outside with skin head / KKK propaganda on it, we just laughed at them in the OP section of the local newspaper and they were never heard from again a one time incident..

I live in the Midwest, so this isn't an issue. It boggles my mind, that people even notice statuary. I have seen some bad sculptures, bought with public money I would like to see blown to tiny little pieces. One has been replaced ( Rev. Martin Luther King bronze at Denver's city park, it was so bad). The other is that orange triangle thingy by Denver's downtown Library. UGLY dosen't cover it. And, then there's a horse on a chair opposite. Yeah. All paid with taxpayer's money. That's the out rage. At least there was artistic merit and historical background to Confederate statues.

Your post reminds me of the Picasso sculpture in Chicago, as far as I know it could be a anti Christian capitalism thing..all I know it looks stupid and ugly but whatever..

View attachment 143486

I like it. A seagull, a horse, a church spire, a bottle opener. It's pretty balanced and a great ink blot. You think it's ugly?
That monstrosity? Looks like something CDOT uses to clear snow. And that horrid art museum on 14th and Broadway? Looks like a beached ship, but that's another issue.
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Say OP, I see you've congratulated yourself on a job well done. Add some merit to your opinion, and explain why it doesn't apply to the following POUS. According to your narrative, we should probably start with George Washington. As a matter of fact, Washington DC best change their name, because it's named for a guy who participated in slavery.

Per liberal narrative the following must be demolished. http://www.onecolumbiasc.com/wp-con...c.com/images/public_art/4906/12.2-300x400.jpg

List of Presidents of the United States who owned slaves - Wikipedia

You're going to have to remove all monuments for Ulysses S. Grant as well. He owned slaves. That's irony.

You'll find that g compliments himself regularly. He truly thinks he is the smartest kid in the sand box.
I mean, at least twice a month, the pseudocons on this forum start topics to tell us that Confederates were racist Democrats and bad, bad, bad people.

So why is the Right defending those statues of evil Democrats? Hmmmm? Why were they sending out of state protesters to Virginia? Hmmmm?

Oftentimes, two pseudocons will start the same kind of topic on the same day. It's almost as if someone is telling all the tards this shit on a Tard Network.

So why is the Right defending a Democrat statue? Why?

In a nutshell without spin or blur.
The Right has absolutely grown to despise the filthy Left....and anything they seek to change will be met with extreme opposition. The Left can't be trusted...they've lost all credibility....they have consistently shown they have complete disregard for simple logic and reason. Simple shit!

I have to agree, I am tolerant of the left I like my beer , take a hit off a joint once in a blue moon, but come on this pc crap is going over the top..like Mary said these old statues or monuments mostly just lost their meaning like Christmas or Easter..and all of a sudden the alt left wants to make a big deal out of nothing.

I mean, at least twice a month, the pseudocons on this forum start topics to tell us that Confederates were racist Democrats and bad, bad, bad people.

So why is the Right defending those statues of evil Democrats? Hmmmm? Why were they sending out of state protesters to Virginia? Hmmmm?

Oftentimes, two pseudocons will start the same kind of topic on the same day. It's almost as if someone is telling all the tards this shit on a Tard Network.

So why is the Right defending a Democrat statue? Why?

In a nutshell without spin or blur.
The Right has absolutely grown to despise the filthy Left....and anything they seek to change will be met with extreme opposition. The Left can't be trusted...they've lost all credibility....they have consistently shown they have complete disregard for simple logic and reason. Simple shit!

I have to agree, I am tolerant of the left I like my beer , take a hit off a joint once in a blue moon, but come on this pc crap is going over the top..like Mary said these old statues or monuments mostly just lost their meaning like Christmas or Easter..and all of a sudden the alt left wants to make a big deal out of nothing.


Yeah the fucking koooks can't get out of their own way. Nobody ever gave a shit that mentally twisted Robert in a dress would sneak into the ladies room to shit until the Leftards started pushing their whacko bullshit. Haha...now they're fucked!
Say OP, I see you've congratulated yourself on a job well done. Add some merit to your opinion, and explain why it doesn't apply to the following POUS. According to your narrative, we should probably start with George Washington. As a matter of fact, Washington DC best change their name, because it's named for a guy who participated in slavery.

Per liberal narrative the following must be demolished. http://www.onecolumbiasc.com/wp-con...c.com/images/public_art/4906/12.2-300x400.jpg

List of Presidents of the United States who owned slaves - Wikipedia

You're going to have to remove all monuments for Ulysses S. Grant as well. He owned slaves. That's irony.

You'll find that g compliments himself regularly. He truly thinks he is the smartest kid in the sand box.
It's true, we have pictures and statues of Geo. Washington. Thomas Jefferson, as well, both were big slave owners. Both are also featured on our money as well. If you have a problem with that send all those bills my way, I will make sure they are taken care of properly.
Say OP, I see you've congratulated yourself on a job well done. Add some merit to your opinion, and explain why it doesn't apply to the following POUS. According to your narrative, we should probably start with George Washington. As a matter of fact, Washington DC best change their name, because it's named for a guy who participated in slavery.

Per liberal narrative the following must be demolished. http://www.onecolumbiasc.com/wp-con...c.com/images/public_art/4906/12.2-300x400.jpg

List of Presidents of the United States who owned slaves - Wikipedia

You're going to have to remove all monuments for Ulysses S. Grant as well. He owned slaves. That's irony.

You'll find that g compliments himself regularly. He truly thinks he is the smartest kid in the sand box.

Exactly G to a "T"

My 2 cents:

After the war, the country was very fractured. The government made every effort to unite the country. At the time, the government made it clear that the Confederates were not traitors and granted them the same military honors/benefits as the Union soldiers. The country did what was necessary to heal and unite, which included forgiveness and acceptance.

Add to that, the South is very into family (very general) and tradition. The South is not into federal government so much (very general) to the point of calling most feds "revenuers" just 2 generations ago. Prohibition reinforced this "feds are against us" attitude.

Add to that, country people (very general) hate the condescension from the urban areas. Cities may have operas and museums, but they aren't close to their food. Having snobby people who have no idea what it takes to produce their food mock "toothless inbred rednecks" for hunting or farming adds to the divide. We resent the feds or outsiders bossing us around.

It adds up to: Confederate soldiers have been considered US soldiers for generations. Now, mostly outsiders are once again telling the South they are flat out wrong, bad, traitors, etc. These monument protests and petitions for removal are almost always some removed group being busybodies in someone else's backyard.

I live in Louisiana and very few I know actually care about the specific monuments. If there had been a general practice of "updating" monuments by moving them to a museum and installing new ones the public chooses, very very few would object. We'd likely have a pretty diverse group of the old and the new. It's the hostility, condescension, and overall bossiness of this monument movement that does it.

There are always racist assholes, too. The reporters love sticking their mics in the face of racist assholes, women in moo moos, and alligator hunters who need subtitles because of their thick accents ... like that's what the South is. It isn't.
I mean, at least twice a month, the pseudocons on this forum start topics to tell us that Confederates were racist Democrats and bad, bad, bad people.

So why is the Right defending those statues of evil Democrats? Hmmmm? Why were they sending out of state protesters to Virginia? Hmmmm?

Oftentimes, two pseudocons will start the same kind of topic on the same day. It's almost as if someone is telling all the tards this shit on a Tard Network.

So why is the Right defending a Democrat statue? Why?

Because we don't trust flaming Leftist to know when to Stop?? :badgrin: Or even govt making the decision what to PURGE from history?

It's a bad precedent that will be abused. The slippery slope is too dangerous to allow raging PARTISANS to control.. Best controlled by the people and communities.

How do you PURGE this???


That's the College of Washington and Lee. Still a valued school. Too much chance for witchhunts and Inquisitions by law and power of the State.

Just have the tolerance and the maturity to know the stories and accept them..
But FCT, it WAS the people--the local Town Council--that voted to remove the statue. Who is the "we" you think should stop the people at the local level from deciding what statue is in their park?
Personally, if it were in my town, I would oppose removing it. However, your argument makes it sound as if some amorphous foreign power came in and determined to get rid of the statue. It wasn't. Perhaps the town is quite liberal, being a college town?
Just don't make it sound as if the liberals in general have somehow taken over. This was the people who decided. They voted for their Council members and they no doubt had plenty of input at public meetings about it. Then the Alt Right comes barreling into town to make a big ruckus about it when some of them weren't even from Virginia, let alone that town. I read that in Kentucky, the governor is putting removing a couple of confederate statues from the State House grounds on the fast track, to avoid this kind of episode from happening there.

It's not a boogey man of liberals here. It was a local decision and a group of Alt Right folks taking advantage of it, at the expense of the town. I hope other towns will refuse the permits.

City councils are notorious to bending over to pressure. And if you research this -- it's a political movement from "out of town" that consistently brought the pressure. If ANYTHING -- elected govts should err on the side of PRESERVING history, culture -- since that's in the INTEREST of the City's HERITAGE and worth.
That happens here a lot--environmental groups, even gun rights groups, from out of state try persuading the supposedly hick populace. It never works. The locals know what they want. I presume these folks did too. But because they voted against what you agree with, it must be because they were weak and deficient. Right? These Alt Right folks were just upholding the American way by sticking their nose into a town's decision?

I agree with the poster who said it would be best to entirely ignore these folks. It's what we used to do when the Grand Poobah of the Klu Klux Klan lived in the town beside me in Connecticut. We never heard about their rallies until they were over. Very low key and no publicity whatsoever.

Exactly, where I live now in South Carolina a few years ago it shocked this little town and made national news, when people found candy outside with skin head / KKK propaganda on it, we just laughed at them in the OP section of the local newspaper and they were never heard from again a one time incident..

Early this spring, KKK flyers got thrown onto the foot of people's driveways in a town down the coast. People were so disgusted they actually called the police to come and pick them up, take them away. The KKK did not receive a welcoming response here, either. LOL
Would you compromise by having a plaque on each confederate statue reminding the reader that this person was a traitor who abandoned his oath in the name of defending slavery?

I wouldnt be opposed to a plaque giving that sort of historical context at all, though It was up to the Union government at the time to label those generals as traitors. They were fighting for the wrong cause but they were fighting in uniform for their own confederate government. If anything I think the statues make a good reminder of how we were once divided. I'm not pro Confederate at all by the way, I've lived in California my entire life, I would just like to be fair about this, is all. I do also know that the ACLU will defend an artists right to put up paintings or sculptures mocking God or Christ even though it may offend millions of Christians and they protest it. That may be a double standard there.
Those racist Democrats were fighting for slavery. And after those loser Democrats got their asses kicked by America, they started the KKK. This very important knowledge is regularly passed onto us by the pseudocons of this forum ad infinitum!

So why is the Right standing up for a statue of one of those bad racist Democrat Christian terrorists? It makes no sense!

Why are you so insistent upon erasing what those democrats did?
I'm all for tearing down the heroic statues of those Democrats and replacing them with sites which educate Americans about the atrocities the Democrats committed.

You know, like Auschwitz instead of Hitler statues.

Wherever there is a Democrat statue, replace it with an atrocity memorial.
Start with the New York Triangle fire.

Have a memorial to the children who died in the northern mills and sweatshops. There you go, good old yankee atrocities.
I think that would be a fitting monument

But why would we erect a monument to those who trapped those women in the building?

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