Why Does The Right Not Want Confederate Statues Removed?

I agree more left side, the statue should stay, its part of history, the civil war happened, massive amounts of dead Americans, maybe we could keep this in mind so we don't do it again.
Those protesters do not represent "the Right" any more than FemiNazis like Gloria Steinem represent women...
If we have to explain to you stupid Moon Bats why it is good to honor those courageous Americans heroes that fought against the filthy ass Federal government then you will never understand.
Yes those statues bring back for republicans those good ol days of racism and slavery

the only slavery that i know f is me being a slave to the filthy ass government that takes the money that i earn and gives it to welfare queens, Muslim refugees and illegals aliens.

By the way, the US flag was a symbol of slavery and racism before the Confederacy existed, during the Confederacy and for almost a year afterwards for slavery and 150 years for racism.

Ah, cute, paying taxes is just like slavery.

When you pay for necessary government functions like defense, police, courts etc that benefits everybody equally then it is not slavery.

However, when the filthy ass government takes my money and then gives it to some stupid fat ass welfare queen then I consider that to be slavery, don't you?

I had to work and the welfare queen got the fruits of my labor for nothing other than voting for Liberals every election.

Kind of like this:

View attachment 143473

Look at you, redefining slavery, snowflake.
I agree more left side, the statue should stay, its part of history, the civil war happened, massive amounts of dead Americans, maybe we could keep this in mind so we don't do it again.
And lets put a statue of Adolph right next to the traitorous American Lee because that's what he was
I agree more left side, the statue should stay, its part of history, the civil war happened, massive amounts of dead Americans, maybe we could keep this in mind so we don't do it again.
And lets put a statue of Adolph right next to the traitorous American Lee because that's what he was

Once again if it was 60 years plus old , why the fuck take it down?
And lets put a statue of Adolph right next to the traitorous American Lee because that's what he was

That DEFINITION problem again. A TRAITOR is an AMERICAN guilty of either waging war AGAINST the US or GIVING AID AND COMFORT to the ENEMY.

Hitler was NOT an American and hence NOT a Traitor. Robert E Lee was an American who waged war against America and hence was a traitor.


Given the number of 911 Traitors still in office, we'd better get our definitions straight...
And lets put a statue of Adolph right next to the traitorous American Lee because that's what he was

That DEFINITION problem again. A TRAITOR is an AMERICAN guilty of either waging war AGAINST the US or GIVING AID AND COMFORT to the ENEMY.

Hitler was NOT an American and hence NOT a Traitor. Robert E Lee was an American who waged war against America and hence was a traitor.


Given the number of 911 Traitors still in office, we'd better get our definitions straight...
You are correct Dexter but both tried to destroy America one completely one just a take over
You are correct Dexter but both tried to destroy America one completely one just a take over

Both are chock full of 911 Traitors.

I'll even tell you another truth that may come out soon. Obama covered up an FBI fraud prosecution of the "climate" "scientists" in 2012.

Boehner became aware of that in 2014, and did nothing. Ditto for Ryan in 2015. Ryan at least considered bringing out that truth and tossing O out of office for it. In mid Nov 2015, Ryan met his master and got on his knees and said YES MASTER, his master being this unreal monster

In greenwood SC their is a little war monument that separates black and white soldiers who died during the wars and you guessed it snowflakes today want it changed or removed, for what? Because panzy ass snowflakes can't handle the truth what society was back then? At least the old Democrats included blacks in their memorial..

War memorial separating dead by race divides S.C. city

War memorial separating dead by race divides S.C. city

FEB 6, 2015 10:30 AM EST U.S.


I mean, at least twice a month, the pseudocons on this forum start topics to tell us that Confederates were racist Democrats and bad, bad, bad people.

So why is the Right defending those statues of evil Democrats? Hmmmm? Why were they sending out of state protesters to Virginia? Hmmmm?

Oftentimes, two pseudocons will start the same kind of topic on the same day. It's almost as if someone is telling all the tards this shit on a Tard Network.

So why is the Right defending a Democrat statue? Why?

Because we don't trust flaming Leftist to know when to Stop?? :badgrin: Or even govt making the decision what to PURGE from history?

It's a bad precedent that will be abused. The slippery slope is too dangerous to allow raging PARTISANS to control.. Best controlled by the people and communities.

How do you PURGE this???


That's the College of Washington and Lee. Still a valued school. Too much chance for witchhunts and Inquisitions by law and power of the State.

Just have the tolerance and the maturity to know the stories and accept them..
Democrats are responsible for every single major discrimination policy in US history


When will the American people stand up to the bigoted Dem obsession of having fascist state sponsored DNA discrimination???
From the Washington and Lee College website ----

Founded in 1749, Washington and Lee University is named for two men who played pivotal roles in the University's history: George Washington, whose generous endowment of $20,000 in 1796 helped the fledgling school (then known as Liberty Hall Academy) survive, and Robert E. Lee, who provided innovative educational leadership during his transformational tenure as president of Washington College from 1865 to 1870.

The University is located in the historic city of Lexington, Virginia (population 7,000), a warm, welcoming and historic college town located in the Great Valley of Virginia between the Blue Ridge and the Allegheny Mountains. W&L’s 35 principal buildings include the picturesque Washington College group forming the Colonnade facing Lee Chapel, where Robert E. Lee is buried. The Colonnade and Lee Chapel are National Historic Landmarks.

The ninth oldest institution of higher education in America, Washington and Lee is composed of two undergraduate divisions, the College and the Williams School of Commerce, Economics, and Politics; and a graduate School of Law. Offering 37 undergraduate majors and 29 minors, including a number of interdisciplinary programs, the University prides itself on the depth and breadth of our curriculum, in which traditional liberal arts courses are augmented by offerings from the only fully-accredited business school and fully-accredited journalism program among the nation's top-tier liberal arts colleges.

How much of ANY of that do RATIONAL non-flaming party partisans want to erase?? What will you ALLOW them to erase? Gotz NOTHING to do with "white nationalists". It's between YOU and ME..

Not gonna happen in a free and rational America..
I agree more left side, the statue should stay, its part of history, the civil war happened, massive amounts of dead Americans, maybe we could keep this in mind so we don't do it again.
And lets put a statue of Adolph right next to the traitorous American Lee because that's what he was

Once again if it was 60 years plus old , why the fuck take it down?
Because they were erected at the height of Klan lynching, Jim Crowe and UVa's legal segregation. That's what they were built to celebrate.

I'd be more in favor of a law saying they could remain if in five years private funds were raised for a statute of dred scott or Thomas hardy to be placed nearby
From the Washington and Lee College website ----

Founded in 1749, Washington and Lee University is named for two men who played pivotal roles in the University's history: George Washington, whose generous endowment of $20,000 in 1796 helped the fledgling school (then known as Liberty Hall Academy) survive, and Robert E. Lee, who provided innovative educational leadership during his transformational tenure as president of Washington College from 1865 to 1870.

The University is located in the historic city of Lexington, Virginia (population 7,000), a warm, welcoming and historic college town located in the Great Valley of Virginia between the Blue Ridge and the Allegheny Mountains. W&L’s 35 principal buildings include the picturesque Washington College group forming the Colonnade facing Lee Chapel, where Robert E. Lee is buried. The Colonnade and Lee Chapel are National Historic Landmarks.

The ninth oldest institution of higher education in America, Washington and Lee is composed of two undergraduate divisions, the College and the Williams School of Commerce, Economics, and Politics; and a graduate School of Law. Offering 37 undergraduate majors and 29 minors, including a number of interdisciplinary programs, the University prides itself on the depth and breadth of our curriculum, in which traditional liberal arts courses are augmented by offerings from the only fully-accredited business school and fully-accredited journalism program among the nation's top-tier liberal arts colleges.

How much of ANY of that do RATIONAL non-flaming party partisans want to erase?? What will you ALLOW them to erase? Gotz NOTHING to do with "white nationalists". It's between YOU and ME..

Not gonna happen in a free and rational America..
Right state, but wrong school and city. UVa and Charlottesville. UVa was founded by that fine upstanding moralist Thomas Jefferson
I agree more left side, the statue should stay, its part of history, the civil war happened, massive amounts of dead Americans, maybe we could keep this in mind so we don't do it again.
And lets put a statue of Adolph right next to the traitorous American Lee because that's what he was

Once again if it was 60 years plus old , why the fuck take it down?
Because they were erected at the height of Klan lynching, Jim Crowe and UVa's legal segregation. That's what they were built to celebrate.

I'd be more in favor of a law saying they could remain if in five years private funds were raised for a statute of dred scott or Thomas hardy to be placed nearby

I don't know how old they are, you have links or do I have to waste my time and bother to research them for myself?

From the Washington and Lee College website ----

Founded in 1749, Washington and Lee University is named for two men who played pivotal roles in the University's history: George Washington, whose generous endowment of $20,000 in 1796 helped the fledgling school (then known as Liberty Hall Academy) survive, and Robert E. Lee, who provided innovative educational leadership during his transformational tenure as president of Washington College from 1865 to 1870.

The University is located in the historic city of Lexington, Virginia (population 7,000), a warm, welcoming and historic college town located in the Great Valley of Virginia between the Blue Ridge and the Allegheny Mountains. W&L’s 35 principal buildings include the picturesque Washington College group forming the Colonnade facing Lee Chapel, where Robert E. Lee is buried. The Colonnade and Lee Chapel are National Historic Landmarks.

The ninth oldest institution of higher education in America, Washington and Lee is composed of two undergraduate divisions, the College and the Williams School of Commerce, Economics, and Politics; and a graduate School of Law. Offering 37 undergraduate majors and 29 minors, including a number of interdisciplinary programs, the University prides itself on the depth and breadth of our curriculum, in which traditional liberal arts courses are augmented by offerings from the only fully-accredited business school and fully-accredited journalism program among the nation's top-tier liberal arts colleges.

How much of ANY of that do RATIONAL non-flaming party partisans want to erase?? What will you ALLOW them to erase? Gotz NOTHING to do with "white nationalists". It's between YOU and ME..

Not gonna happen in a free and rational America..
Right state, but wrong school and city. UVa and Charlottesville. UVa was founded by that fine upstanding moralist Thomas Jefferson

The topic is PURGING historical monuments, statues and symbols. Washington and Lee University is ONE of them. I'm not confused. Are you??? What are the leftist busybodies gonna do about Wash and Lee College?
I am surprised snowflakes don't want to take down this statue of Dale Earnhardt in kannipolis NC and say it's racist and offensive ...

download (3).jpg

I agree more left side, the statue should stay, its part of history, the civil war happened, massive amounts of dead Americans, maybe we could keep this in mind so we don't do it again.
And lets put a statue of Adolph right next to the traitorous American Lee because that's what he was

Once again if it was 60 years plus old , why the fuck take it down?
Because they were erected at the height of Klan lynching, Jim Crowe and UVa's legal segregation. That's what they were built to celebrate.

I'd be more in favor of a law saying they could remain if in five years private funds were raised for a statute of dred scott or Thomas hardy to be placed nearby

I don't know how old they are, you have links or do I have to waste my time and bother to research them for myself?

A day after a tense white nationalist gathering in his city turned deadly, Charlottesville Mayor Michael Signer expressed his displeasure with how Donald Trump carried himself during the 2016 presidential campaign.

"Old saying: when you dance with the devil, the devil doesn't change, the devil changes you," Signer said on NBC's "Meet The Press" Sunday morning, explaining why he previously said on Saturday that he hopes President Trump"looks himself in the mirror and thinks very deeply about who he consorted with."

"I think they made a choice in that campaign," Signer continued. "A very regrettable one, to really go to people's prejudices, to go to the gutter."

Images of white supremacist protesters violently clashing with counter protesters:


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