Why Does The Right Not Want Confederate Statues Removed?

I'm on the left and I don't want the civil war monuments and flags removed...I want them moved.

Put them all in a museum in the poorest of the former slave states. That state will get revenue and we will have a place to go like the Holocaust Museum.
I'm with you

Why are those monuments in the most prominent point in every southern city?

In over 200 years of history, why was their proudest moment when they seceded from the U.S. in order to maintain slavery?
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Why do the progressives have an issue with historical memorials?



Progressive and Americans don't have a problem with anything memorializes great men/women in American history.

Traitors and those who fought to preserve slavery are not heroes or "great" Americans. Not worthy of a statue in public. They can be in a museum, behind glass, where we can remember them as examples of Americas ugliest and shameful days.

Are there Memorials to Hitler all around Germany?
Why do Democrats believe that destroying Civil War statues will eliminate their racist past? It doesn't change the fact that they started the Civil War to keep their slaves, started Planned Parenthhod to eliminate the black race, perverted the Tuskegee Experiments into Nazi-like disgrace and promised to use the Great Society to destroy the black family to "Have them ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years"?

Who is fooled by this?
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I'm on the left and I don't want the civil war monuments and flags removed...I want them moved.

Put them all in a museum in the poorest of the former slave states. That state will get revenue and we will have a place to go like the Holocaust Museum.
I'm with you

Why are those monuments in the most prominanat point in every southern city?

In over 200 years of history, why was their proudest moment when they seceded from the U.S. in order to maintain slavery?

At least the South don't have a monument to an imaginary character like the North has..you do know Rocky Balboa was not a real person right?

download (5).jpg

Say OP, I see you've congratulated yourself on a job well done. Add some merit to your opinion, and explain why it doesn't apply to the following POUS. According to your narrative, we should probably start with George Washington. As a matter of fact, Washington DC best change their name, because it's named for a guy who participated in slavery.

Per liberal narrative the following must be demolished. http://www.onecolumbiasc.com/wp-con...c.com/images/public_art/4906/12.2-300x400.jpg

List of Presidents of the United States who owned slaves - Wikipedia

You're going to have to remove all monuments for Ulysses S. Grant as well. He owned slaves. That's irony.

You'll find that g compliments himself regularly. He truly thinks he is the smartest kid in the sand box.

Exactly G to a "T"


We all post and it changes nothing. That's disheartening and put things in perspective. When I tried to contact my local city councilman (Albrus Bookes) He's to busy toying around with redesigning DIA to bother with his local constituents. I have had it with politicians. Tehy ge into into pwere, they igore their voter base.

Why do the progressives have an issue with historical memorials?



Progressive and Americans don't have a problem with anything memorializes great men/women in American history.

Traitors and those who fought to preserve slavery are not heroes or "great" Americans. Not worthy of a statue in public. They can be in a museum, behind glass, where we can remember them as examples of Americas ugliest and shameful days.

Are there Memorials to Hitler all around Germany?


You're talking about veterans who have been recognized as United States veterans by Public Law...

Confederate Veterans are United States Veterans under the eyes of U.S. Law

So what makes them traitors?



Look at you, redefining slavery, snowflake.

You are confused Moon Bat.

Taking the fruits of my labor by government force and giving it to away to somebody that didn't earn it is pretty much the historical definition of slavery. However, if calling your filthy ass welfare state a slave state offends you so much then you can even call it thievery if you want.

Yeah, that's not the historical definition of slavery. You're an idiot. But, hey, if you want to live your life as a victim controlled by 'welfare queens' with their 'obama phones' then be my guest.
I wouldnt be opposed to a plaque giving that sort of historical context at all, though It was up to the Union government at the time to label those generals as traitors. They were fighting for the wrong cause but they were fighting in uniform for their own confederate government. If anything I think the statues make a good reminder of how we were once divided. I'm not pro Confederate at all by the way, I've lived in California my entire life, I would just like to be fair about this, is all. I do also know that the ACLU will defend an artists right to put up paintings or sculptures mocking God or Christ even though it may offend millions of Christians and they protest it. That may be a double standard there.
Those racist Democrats were fighting for slavery. And after those loser Democrats got their asses kicked by America, they started the KKK. This very important knowledge is regularly passed onto us by the pseudocons of this forum ad infinitum!

So why is the Right standing up for a statue of one of those bad racist Democrat Christian terrorists? It makes no sense!

Why are you so insistent upon erasing what those democrats did?
I'm all for tearing down the heroic statues of those Democrats and replacing them with sites which educate Americans about the atrocities the Democrats committed.

You know, like Auschwitz instead of Hitler statues.

Wherever there is a Democrat statue, replace it with an atrocity memorial.
Start with the New York Triangle fire.

Have a memorial to the children who died in the northern mills and sweatshops. There you go, good old yankee atrocities.
I think that would be a fitting monument

But why would we erect a monument to those who trapped those women in the building?

It's an atrocity memorial for the north. What were the atrocities of the south? Django Unchained doesn't count.
I'm on the left and I don't want the civil war monuments and flags removed...I want them moved.

Put them all in a museum in the poorest of the former slave states. That state will get revenue and we will have a place to go like the Holocaust Museum.
I'm with you

Why are those monuments in the most prominanat point in every southern city?

In over 200 years of history, why was their proudest moment when they seceded from the U.S. in order to maintain slavery?

At least the South don't have a monument to an imaginary character like the North has..you do know Rocky Balboa was not a real person right?

View attachment 143507

Who cares?

Rocky fought for the championship. The south fought to enslave others
Those racist Democrats were fighting for slavery. And after those loser Democrats got their asses kicked by America, they started the KKK. This very important knowledge is regularly passed onto us by the pseudocons of this forum ad infinitum!

So why is the Right standing up for a statue of one of those bad racist Democrat Christian terrorists? It makes no sense!

Why are you so insistent upon erasing what those democrats did?
I'm all for tearing down the heroic statues of those Democrats and replacing them with sites which educate Americans about the atrocities the Democrats committed.

You know, like Auschwitz instead of Hitler statues.

Wherever there is a Democrat statue, replace it with an atrocity memorial.
Start with the New York Triangle fire.

Have a memorial to the children who died in the northern mills and sweatshops. There you go, good old yankee atrocities.
I think that would be a fitting monument

But why would we erect a monument to those who trapped those women in the building?

It's an atrocity memorial for the north. What were the atrocities of the south? Django Unchained doesn't count.

Enslaving four million people is generally frowned upon

I don't know why you would want a monument to it
I mean, at least twice a month, the pseudocons on this forum start topics to tell us that Confederates were racist Democrats and bad, bad, bad people.

So why is the Right defending those statues of evil Democrats? Hmmmm? Why were they sending out of state protesters to Virginia? Hmmmm?

Oftentimes, two pseudocons will start the same kind of topic on the same day. It's almost as if someone is telling all the tards this shit on a Tard Network.

So why is the Right defending a Democrat statue? Why?

Because it is history is why I don't want them removed. History removed from view is history that will be repeated again. Why is it that progressives ALWAYS want to hide history?
I mean, at least twice a month, the pseudocons on this forum start topics to tell us that Confederates were racist Democrats and bad, bad, bad people.

So why is the Right defending those statues of evil Democrats? Hmmmm? Why were they sending out of state protesters to Virginia? Hmmmm?

Oftentimes, two pseudocons will start the same kind of topic on the same day. It's almost as if someone is telling all the tards this shit on a Tard Network.

So why is the Right defending a Democrat statue? Why?

Because it is history is why I don't want them removed. History removed from view is history that will be repeated again. Why is it that progressives ALWAYS want to hide history?
Progressives being the second most intolerant people on the planet... fact
I mean, at least twice a month, the pseudocons on this forum start topics to tell us that Confederates were racist Democrats and bad, bad, bad people.

So why is the Right defending those statues of evil Democrats? Hmmmm? Why were they sending out of state protesters to Virginia? Hmmmm?

Oftentimes, two pseudocons will start the same kind of topic on the same day. It's almost as if someone is telling all the tards this shit on a Tard Network.

So why is the Right defending a Democrat statue? Why?

Because it is history is why I don't want them removed. History removed from view is history that will be repeated again. Why is it that progressives ALWAYS want to hide history?
Progressives being the second most intolerant people on the planet... fact

Based on how many they have murdered they are easily THE most intolerant on the planet, ever!
Democrats want these various statues and monuments taken down, because they stand as an embarrassing reminder that the Democratic Party—in spite of all its efforts to falsely smear its opposition with this charge—is now, has always been, and will always be the party of overt racism and bigotry.
Democrats want these various statues and monuments taken down, because they stand as an embarrassing reminder that the Democratic Party—in spite of all its efforts to falsely smear its opposition with this charge—is now, has always been, and will always be the party of overt racism and bigotry.

What is embarrassing is the Republicans embracing slavery

Look at you, redefining slavery, snowflake.

You are confused Moon Bat.

Taking the fruits of my labor by government force and giving it to away to somebody that didn't earn it is pretty much the historical definition of slavery. However, if calling your filthy ass welfare state a slave state offends you so much then you can even call it thievery if you want.

Yeah, that's not the historical definition of slavery. You're an idiot. But, hey, if you want to live your life as a victim controlled by 'welfare queens' with their 'obama phones' then be my guest.

We are all fucking victims of a combined government that robs us of 40% of the GDP for the cost of government.

That robs us of our income, wealth and potential. Being $20 trillion in debt at the Federal level and almost that much again on the State and local level robs our children of their future. It takes money out of the productive economy and puts it in the hands of sorry ass bureaucrats, whose bosses are corrupt politicians elected by special interest groups.

This enormous bloated Federal government has cost us in the last eight years with increased poverty, decreased family income, greater income disparity, tremendous debt and dismal economic growth.

You may like the idea of the filthy ass government taking your money by force and giving it to the welfare queens, illegals and Muslim refugees along with Solyndras, Planned Parenthood and GM but not all Americans are fat, supid and dumb like you.

Look at you, redefining slavery, snowflake.

You are confused Moon Bat.

Taking the fruits of my labor by government force and giving it to away to somebody that didn't earn it is pretty much the historical definition of slavery. However, if calling your filthy ass welfare state a slave state offends you so much then you can even call it thievery if you want.

Yeah, that's not the historical definition of slavery. You're an idiot. But, hey, if you want to live your life as a victim controlled by 'welfare queens' with their 'obama phones' then be my guest.

We are all fucking victims of a combined government that robs us of 40% of the GDP for the cost of government.

That robs us of our income, wealth and potential. Being $20 trillion in debt at the Federal level and almost that much again on the State and local level robs our children of their future. It takes money out of the productive economy and puts it in the hands of sorry ass bureaucrats, whose bosses are corrupt politicians elected by special interest groups.

This enormous bloated Federal government has cost us in the last eight years with increased poverty, decreased family income, greater income disparity, tremendous debt and dismal economic growth.

You may like the idea of the filthy ass government taking your money by force and giving it to the welfare queens, illegals and Muslim refugees along with Solyndras, Planned Parenthood and GM but not all Americans are fat, supid and dumb like you.

Yep, and apparently the solution to all this is tax cuts for the top and dismantle the social safety net for everyone else.
For some reason, conservatives have embraced the confederacy
Democrats want these various statues and monuments taken down, because they stand as an embarrassing reminder that the Democratic Party—in spite of all its efforts to falsely smear its opposition with this charge—is now, has always been, and will always be the party of overt racism and bigotry.

What is embarrassing is the Republicans embracing slavery

It was the Democrats who embraced slavery, and Republicans who opposed it. This is a proven historical fact. Just as it is the Democrats today, who exploit minorities for their own political gain, to the detriment of these minorities.
We are all f•••ing victims of a combined government that robs us of 40% of the GDP for the cost of government.

That robs us of our income, wealth and potential. Being $20 trillion in debt at the Federal level and almost that much again on the State and local level robs our children of their future. It takes money out of the productive economy and puts it in the hands of sorry ass bureaucrats, whose bosses are corrupt politicians elected by special interest groups.

This enormous bloated Federal government has cost us in the last eight years with increased poverty, decreased family income, greater income disparity, tremendous debt and dismal economic growth.

You may like the idea of the filthy ass government taking your money by force and giving it to the welfare queens, illegals and Muslim refugees along with Solyndras, Planned Parenthood and GM but not all Americans are fat, supid [sic] and dumb like you.

You left out lazy parasites. Those of us who work hard for our living would certainly be better off, if so much of our own wages were not being stolen by government to support those who will not work to support themselves.

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