Why Does The Right Not Want Confederate Statues Removed?

Liberals, you realize we're going to have to remove remembrances of Franklin D. Roosevelt right? Not because I say so, but you did. Course you don't know that yet, I'm helping you think your way through this, in simple terms even you can understand.

See FDR, the dirty fascist, ordered innocent Japanese people into camps and robbed them of their assets. Amazing they were held in captivity 77 years after the Republicans freed the slaves. One has to wonder. Anyway, that's why. Simple right? You were just uneducated, and now you're educated.

Be consistent, use your heads, and get rid of this commie bastard now. Amazing how this guy was your hero, next to Obama & Clinton of course. Anyone who disagrees are sympathizers for the inhumane captivity of innocent people, especially the Japanese, and that my friends is racism.
I doubt you asked the question seriously, but I'm going to answer it, seriously.

Rewriting history makes it sound better but it doesn't make us better. Robert E. Lee was a brilliant General. Grant was disappointed that Lee did not remember the time they served together briefly as junior officers. Stonewall Jackson was a brilliant officer, as was J.E.B. Stewart, and even Nathan Forrest. Their tactics and strategy is still taught today in Military Academies.

The truth is this. There was no Civil War. A Civil War is when two or more forces are fighting for control of a Government. The Confederate States wanted independence. They wanted to form a nation of their own. Would it have worked? Doubtful. But we'll never know.

People who fight for hopeless causes are still people, and they showed great courage, and skill. The Confederates were pretty much doomed from the start, they did not have the industrial base to support a war. But they fought for their freedom.

The Irish are proud of their failed rebellion. Why not? Why not be proud of what your ancestors did? The Germans were proud of the fight they put up in World War One. The Vietnam Veterans are proud of their service. Lord knows we heard about it for months during the 2004 election. The war was lost, but that does not diminish the sacrifice, and the courage they showed.

The Japanese still honor the Kamikaze pilots, even though our modern ideals think the act of ording a suicide attack is barbaric. Those men fought with honor as they understood it. They killed a lot of our people, but they acted and were willing to sacrifice themselves in a hopeless cause.

How would you feel if we decided that the Vietnam War Memorial should be torn down? Just because they lost? Or because they were not enlightened people by our modern standards. They fought, hard, for their lives, and the lives of their buddies. They fought for freedom.

By tearing down the memorials, the statues, and the rest of it. You aren't doing anything but telling the families that their ancestors were bad people. They lost the war, isn't that enough? The Northern States won, and the Union was preserved. The dominance of the Federal Government was established once and for all.

But most of the soldiers of the south did not fight for slavery. That's the little thing that most people forget. Most of the soldiers were poor rednecks. Want to know what a redneck was? It was a white boy who was out in the fields working, and the back of their necks would get sunburned. They didn't own any slaves. They couldn't afford any. They were scraping by the best that they could, but they took up arms, and fought for their homes, and families.

The Civil War was a failed rebellion. But the people who fought, fought for their freedom as they saw it. They suffered, and died, and suffered indignities at the hands of the Northern States. The march to the sea by Sherman was a war crime by the rules of the era. But we celebrate his war crimes. We named a tank after him. The tank we used to fight the Second World War. We didn't care if the name was an insult to the Southerners, we didn't care if it bothered them. We didn't care that he had raped and pillaged his way across Georgia. We don't tell the schoolchildren that Sherman burned Atlanta to the ground. We don't tell them that their great hero of the Northern Army raped women wholesale as he marched to the sea.

We tell the kids that the South was bad because of Slavery. We don't tell the truth. We don't bother. So now we have to tear down the monuments. So what can the South be proud of in your mind? Even now everyone points and laughs and calls them ignorant and racist because they didn't vote in the same numbers for Hillary.

Later, you'll wonder why the South doesn't back you, and you'll wonder why they just won't get on the bandwagon. Tearing down their history, after burning their cities to the ground, and shitting on the memories of the fallen isn't a good way to get them on your side.

Absolute and true to a word!!! Thanks for being one more voice in the TRUTH about the real war that was the UNCONSTITUTIONAL invasion of Southern States who still had representatives in the US government by the Northern States. Every act was just as the liberal assaults on conservative rights happening NOW. The history being destroyed is the history that is being acted out right now, but with one big difference that will probably be evident sooner more than later.
Liberals, you realize we're going to have to remove remembrances of Franklin D. Roosevelt right? Not because I say so, but you did. Course you don't know that yet, I'm helping you think your way through this, in simple terms even you can understand.

See FDR, the dirty fascist, ordered innocent Japanese people into camps and robbed them of their assets. Amazing they were held in captivity 77 years after the Republicans freed the slaves. One has to wonder. Anyway, that's why. Simple right? You were just uneducated, and now you're educated.

Be consistent, use your heads, and get rid of this commie bastard now. Amazing how this guy was your hero, next to Obama & Clinton of course. Anyone who disagrees are sympathizers for the inhumane captivity of innocent people, especially the Japanese, and that my friends is racism.

You must also remove all of the generals from the US Army because they raped murdered and did the same things to the Indians that they did to the South they were criminals that murdered and raped women underage girls and children u grant was one of them sherman was, on and on PLUS linclon was president during major plains indian wars. So either tell the truth and get rid of the real criminals or NONE.
I'm on the left and I don't want the civil war monuments and flags removed...I want them moved.

Put them all in a museum in the poorest of the former slave states. That state will get revenue and we will have a place to go like the Holocaust Museum.
I'm with you

Why are those monuments in the most prominanat point in every southern city?

In over 200 years of history, why was their proudest moment when they seceded from the U.S. in order to maintain slavery?

At least the South don't have a monument to an imaginary character like the North has..you do know Rocky Balboa was not a real person right?

View attachment 143507

Who cares?

Rocky fought for the championship. The south fought to enslave others
There was no Rocky and he never fought at all. The South fought for their economic freedom from an oppressive north. Make up all the stories you want to make yourself feel better but that is the truth.
I doubt you asked the question seriously, but I'm going to answer it, seriously.

Rewriting history makes it sound better but it doesn't make us better. Robert E. Lee was a brilliant General. Grant was disappointed that Lee did not remember the time they served together briefly as junior officers. Stonewall Jackson was a brilliant officer, as was J.E.B. Stewart, and even Nathan Forrest. Their tactics and strategy is still taught today in Military Academies.

The truth is this. There was no Civil War. A Civil War is when two or more forces are fighting for control of a Government. The Confederate States wanted independence. They wanted to form a nation of their own. Would it have worked? Doubtful. But we'll never know.

People who fight for hopeless causes are still people, and they showed great courage, and skill. The Confederates were pretty much doomed from the start, they did not have the industrial base to support a war. But they fought for their freedom.

The Irish are proud of their failed rebellion. Why not? Why not be proud of what your ancestors did? The Germans were proud of the fight they put up in World War One. The Vietnam Veterans are proud of their service. Lord knows we heard about it for months during the 2004 election. The war was lost, but that does not diminish the sacrifice, and the courage they showed.

The Japanese still honor the Kamikaze pilots, even though our modern ideals think the act of ording a suicide attack is barbaric. Those men fought with honor as they understood it. They killed a lot of our people, but they acted and were willing to sacrifice themselves in a hopeless cause.

How would you feel if we decided that the Vietnam War Memorial should be torn down? Just because they lost? Or because they were not enlightened people by our modern standards. They fought, hard, for their lives, and the lives of their buddies. They fought for freedom.

By tearing down the memorials, the statues, and the rest of it. You aren't doing anything but telling the families that their ancestors were bad people. They lost the war, isn't that enough? The Northern States won, and the Union was preserved. The dominance of the Federal Government was established once and for all.

But most of the soldiers of the south did not fight for slavery. That's the little thing that most people forget. Most of the soldiers were poor rednecks. Want to know what a redneck was? It was a white boy who was out in the fields working, and the back of their necks would get sunburned. They didn't own any slaves. They couldn't afford any. They were scraping by the best that they could, but they took up arms, and fought for their homes, and families.

The Civil War was a failed rebellion. But the people who fought, fought for their freedom as they saw it. They suffered, and died, and suffered indignities at the hands of the Northern States. The march to the sea by Sherman was a war crime by the rules of the era. But we celebrate his war crimes. We named a tank after him. The tank we used to fight the Second World War. We didn't care if the name was an insult to the Southerners, we didn't care if it bothered them. We didn't care that he had raped and pillaged his way across Georgia. We don't tell the schoolchildren that Sherman burned Atlanta to the ground. We don't tell them that their great hero of the Northern Army raped women wholesale as he marched to the sea.

We tell the kids that the South was bad because of Slavery. We don't tell the truth. We don't bother. So now we have to tear down the monuments. So what can the South be proud of in your mind? Even now everyone points and laughs and calls them ignorant and racist because they didn't vote in the same numbers for Hillary.

Later, you'll wonder why the South doesn't back you, and you'll wonder why they just won't get on the bandwagon. Tearing down their history, after burning their cities to the ground, and shitting on the memories of the fallen isn't a good way to get them on your side.

Absolute and true to a word!!! Thanks for being one more voice in the TRUTH about the real war that was the UNCONSTITUTIONAL invasion of Southern States who still had representatives in the US government by the Northern States. Every act was just as the liberal assaults on conservative rights happening NOW. The history being destroyed is the history that is being acted out right now, but with one big difference that will probably be evident sooner more than later.

It was unconstitutional for the federal government to respond to rebellion, after they fired on the federal Ft. Sumter?

Don't give up your day job to practice law, 12.
Liberals, you realize we're going to have to remove remembrances of Franklin D. Roosevelt right? Not because I say so, but you did. Course you don't know that yet, I'm helping you think your way through this, in simple terms even you can understand.

See FDR, the dirty fascist, ordered innocent Japanese people into camps and robbed them of their assets. Amazing they were held in captivity 77 years after the Republicans freed the slaves. One has to wonder. Anyway, that's why. Simple right? You were just uneducated, and now you're educated.

Be consistent, use your heads, and get rid of this commie bastard now. Amazing how this guy was your hero, next to Obama & Clinton of course. Anyone who disagrees are sympathizers for the inhumane captivity of innocent people, especially the Japanese, and that my friends is racism.

You must also remove all of the generals from the US Army because they raped murdered and did the same things to the Indians that they did to the South they were criminals that murdered and raped women underage girls and children u grant was one of them sherman was, on and on PLUS linclon was president during major plains indian wars. So either tell the truth and get rid of the real criminals or NONE.

"linclon was president during major indian wars"?

Put the bottle on the table. Now push yourself away from the table, and go to bed.
Liberals, you realize we're going to have to remove remembrances of Franklin D. Roosevelt right? Not because I say so, but you did. Course you don't know that yet, I'm helping you think your way through this, in simple terms even you can understand.

See FDR, the dirty fascist, ordered innocent Japanese people into camps and robbed them of their assets. Amazing they were held in captivity 77 years after the Republicans freed the slaves. One has to wonder. Anyway, that's why. Simple right? You were just uneducated, and now you're educated.

Be consistent, use your heads, and get rid of this commie bastard now. Amazing how this guy was your hero, next to Obama & Clinton of course. Anyone who disagrees are sympathizers for the inhumane captivity of innocent people, especially the Japanese, and that my friends is racism.

You must also remove all of the generals from the US Army because they raped murdered and did the same things to the Indians that they did to the South they were criminals that murdered and raped women underage girls and children u grant was one of them sherman was, on and on PLUS linclon was president during major plains indian wars. So either tell the truth and get rid of the real criminals or NONE.

We're going to have to get rid of a lot of Indian monuments as well. While we're supposed to believe they were all sweet & innocent victims of the white race, fact is a lot of them raped and pillaged sovereign nations, and treated women as second class citizens.
Liberals, you realize we're going to have to remove remembrances of Franklin D. Roosevelt right? Not because I say so, but you did. Course you don't know that yet, I'm helping you think your way through this, in simple terms even you can understand.

See FDR, the dirty fascist, ordered innocent Japanese people into camps and robbed them of their assets. Amazing they were held in captivity 77 years after the Republicans freed the slaves. One has to wonder. Anyway, that's why. Simple right? You were just uneducated, and now you're educated.

Be consistent, use your heads, and get rid of this commie bastard now. Amazing how this guy was your hero, next to Obama & Clinton of course. Anyone who disagrees are sympathizers for the inhumane captivity of innocent people, especially the Japanese, and that my friends is racism.

Not to mention that FDR did more than any other President in this nation's history to violate and undermine the Constitution, and to set the precedents for further undermining of it. He bears, far more than any other President, the onus for having caused our federal government to grow out of control, from the limited efficient government established by our forefathers, into the bloated, corrupt tyranny that it now is.
I don't know. Have we dug up old Nazis for some reason?

You sick freak, "Arlington National Cemetery's (land obtained from West Point, NY graduate Robert E. Lee) has eligibility requirements for burial and inurnment that are the most stringent of all U.S. national cemeteries." Bodies their fought the Germans, hindsight, apparently mistakenly.

So sick of idiots characterizing everything they fear as "nazi" which is their codeword for White people. g5000 are you afraid of kitchen ovens also? :p
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There is only one reason those racists are defending the Democratic racists.

Because those Democrats are their political and philosophical ancestors. They literally fly under the same flag.

And you know it. None of you have the honor or integrity to admit it.

You're entitled to your opinion but you're wrong if you're applying that to my position. As I explained, this has nothing to do with the history or whether you admire it. It's about instilling resilience and respecting the opinions of those you disagree with.

You see... I'd rather have those statues there... so when my kid asks me, "Who was Nathan Bedford Forrest?" I can explain it to him. If the statue has been removed he won't ask, he'll never know. If he sees a Confederate flag flying somewhere, he can ask me "What does that flag represent?" and I can explain it to him. Without that flag, he never asks, he never learns. Then he has to rely on YOU telling him a bunch of revisionist lies. I would rather my child be open to all viewpoints and develop resilience because that develops solid character and emotional stability. You simply want to brainwash children into believing your bullshit and you don't really give a shit what others think about that.
I've already explained, SEVERAL times, how we can properly save our history.

We simply replace the statues honoring the old time racist Democrats with museums which document the crimes against humanity they committed.

Resilience? Yes, racists stubbornly hold onto their retarded ideas right up to the present day, as demonstrated by the right wingers who came to defend those old Democrats. This is NOT to be admired, for chrissakes!

Well, it seems you don't comprehend what "resilience" means, even after I presented a definition.

You are failing to address my argument. I didn't ask you for a solution to a problem which only exists in your head. Now, on the off-chance you are mildly retarded and it takes you a little longer to grasp things than normal, I'm going to give you another bite at the apple. Your challenge is to refute my argument that it's best to raise children instilled with resilience because it builds character and leads to emotional stability when they are adults. Resilience, again, is the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness. (Like being able to recover quickly from seeing a Confederate statue and being triggered by irrational emotions.)

You see... IF you are never taught as a child to be resilient, when you grow up, you tend to spend countless time on message boards, virtue signalling, being an emotive snowflake and trying to dictate to society how we shall acknowledge history so as not to offend you. That's what isn't admirable... it's pitiful and sad.
Depends on which statues. It's all part of our American history. It's not anyone's business who we choose to honor in American history. So many things offend so many people, we should not just remove things because people complain about it.

I personally feel this way, but, the powers at be obviously think otherwise.
As with anything else, if you don't like it, leave or try to change it. That is what those that feel offended have done and it is working
Depends on which statues. It's all part of our American history. It's not anyone's business who we choose to honor in American history. So many things offend so many people, we should not just remove things because people complain about it.

I personally feel this way, but, the powers at be obviously think otherwise.
As with anything else, if you don't like it, leave or try to change it. That is what those that feel offended have done and it is working

A timeline of the genesis of the Confederate sites shows two notable spikes. One comes around the turn of the 20th century, just after Plessy v. Ferguson, and just as many Southern states were establishing repressive race laws. The second runs from the mid-1950s to the mid-1960s—the peak of the civil-rights movement. In other words, the erection of Confederate monuments has been a way to perform cultural resistance to black equality. timeline of the genesis of the Confederate sites shows two notable spikes. One comes around the turn of the 20th century, just after Plessy v. Ferguson, and just as many Southern states were establishing repressive race laws. The second runs from the mid-1950s to the mid-1960s—the peak of the civil-rights movement. In other words, the erection of Confederate monuments has been a way to perform cultural resistance to black equality.


Why Are There Still So Many Confederate Monuments?
For some reason, conservatives have embraced the confederacy
Yes, and they won't explain it. They start topics at least once a month to tell us the Confederates were racist Democrats. So why is the Right defending the statues of these mass murdering Democrats?

Why are out of state right wingers interfering in the state of Virginia to protect statues of Democrats?

It makes no sense!

Our USMB Cons consistently bring up Democratic positions from 50- 150 years ago, yet refuse to discuss the positions of TODAYs Republicans....even with our President seeming to support Nazi's and white supremacists

A better question would be why do those of you on the left wrong want to destroy works of historical art? It seems that your kind are not that much unlike the Taliban, who were responsible for destroying the Buddhas of Bamiyan.

So Germany should have kept statues of Hitler and the swastika around because they had 'historical' value.
And Stalin and the KGB guy and Saddam!
Depends on which statues. It's all part of our American history. It's not anyone's business who we choose to honor in American history. So many things offend so many people, we should not just remove things because people complain about it.

I personally feel this way, but, the powers at be obviously think otherwise.
As with anything else, if you don't like it, leave or try to change it. That is what those that feel offended have done and it is working

Very true...it is not anyone else's business how these guys are honored

If the city of Charlottesville decides they no longer want statues of the Confederacy in prominent locations, it is their decision. Just like it was their decision to put them up in the first place
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For some reason, conservatives have embraced the confederacy
Yes, and they won't explain it. They start topics at least once a month to tell us the Confederates were racist Democrats. So why is the Right defending the statues of these mass murdering Democrats?

Why are out of state right wingers interfering in the state of Virginia to protect statues of Democrats?

It makes no sense!

Our USMB Cons consistently bring up Democratic positions from 50- 150 years ago, yet refuse to discuss the positions of TODAYs Republicans....even with our President seeming to support Nazi's and white supremacists

When did Dems reject LBJs destruction of the black family and having a welfare check replace the male head of household?
I'm on the left and I don't want the civil war monuments and flags removed...I want them moved.

Put them all in a museum in the poorest of the former slave states. That state will get revenue and we will have a place to go like the Holocaust Museum.
I'm with you

Why are those monuments in the most prominanat point in every southern city?

In over 200 years of history, why was their proudest moment when they seceded from the U.S. in order to maintain slavery?

At least the South don't have a monument to an imaginary character like the North has..you do know Rocky Balboa was not a real person right?

View attachment 143507

Who cares?

Rocky fought for the championship. The south fought to enslave others
There was no Rocky and he never fought at all. The South fought for their economic freedom from an oppressive north. Make up all the stories you want to make yourself feel better but that is the truth.

Rocky was a hero worth memorializing....even if he is a fictional hero

Slave rapers are not worth memorializing
Liberals, you realize we're going to have to remove remembrances of Franklin D. Roosevelt right? Not because I say so, but you did. Course you don't know that yet, I'm helping you think your way through this, in simple terms even you can understand.

See FDR, the dirty fascist, ordered innocent Japanese people into camps and robbed them of their assets. Amazing they were held in captivity 77 years after the Republicans freed the slaves. One has to wonder. Anyway, that's why. Simple right? You were just uneducated, and now you're educated.

Be consistent, use your heads, and get rid of this commie bastard now. Amazing how this guy was your hero, next to Obama & Clinton of course. Anyone who disagrees are sympathizers for the inhumane captivity of innocent people, especially the Japanese, and that my friends is racism.
FDR was a traitor leading a traitor army against the U.S.?
For some reason, conservatives have embraced the confederacy
Yes, and they won't explain it. They start topics at least once a month to tell us the Confederates were racist Democrats. So why is the Right defending the statues of these mass murdering Democrats?

Why are out of state right wingers interfering in the state of Virginia to protect statues of Democrats?

It makes no sense!

Our USMB Cons consistently bring up Democratic positions from 50- 150 years ago, yet refuse to discuss the positions of TODAYs Republicans....even with our President seeming to support Nazi's and white supremacists

When did Dems reject LBJs destruction of the black family and having a welfare check replace the male head of household?

We are not about to object to welfare, Medicaid, Medicare or any other social programs

We have Republicans to do that

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