Why does Trump begrudge federal employees a pay raise?

Veterans make up almost one third of the federal workforce but he only loves them when a football player takes the knee. About 12% of the federal workforce are disabled vets.
Veterans make up nearly one-third of federal workers
Why is the US Government the largest employer in the US ?
So what if it is? I don`t care, in fact I like to see people with good paying jobs. They`re taxpayers and consumers unlike the people working at McWendyKings who do neither of those things.
government can control its employees and thats not traditionally seen as a good thing August .
Veterans make up almost one third of the federal workforce but he only loves them when a football player takes the knee. About 12% of the federal workforce are disabled vets.
Veterans make up nearly one-third of federal workers

Trump cares about two things in this world & nothing else
1. money
2. receiving adulation & approval from others to stroke Trump's fragile ego

Trump doesn't give two shits about anyone but himself
That's a good thing. I want my president to be OBSESSED with our economy. I also want him to bend over backwards for my approval.

Good point.
government can control its employees and thats not traditionally seen as a good thing August .
Private business has no control over their employees? I was union for 35 years but the company did indeed get to call the shots when it came to producing steel.
Why do lefties begrudge all Americans a tax break? Federal employees will have to make their way with a booming economy and the same benefits the rest of the Country enjoys..
Could it be that lefties think we should be paying down our debt and not creating more? Why don`t righties want to pay their bills? Do they pay their bills at home or do they just want free stuff?
He certainly should - he leads the Federal workforce. He may know, but I doubt he cares. He's playing to his 'anti-government' base. Faceless bureaucrats are easy to bash, and the base loves it!

I can't imagine a more pointless piece of trivia for the President to know than the percentage of government workers who are vets, let along disabled vets.

And his base is not that anti-government. YOu are living in the past.

You do realize that Trump is a different person than Reagan, right?

Yes, you lack imagination.

The President tweeted false information about the supposed murder of white South African farmers - info he picked up watching Tucker Carlson on FOX. He would be better served, and he would serve us better, if he would turn off that bullshit and learn about his job.
--------------------------------------- seems to me that its YOU who is naive Joaqin . As if you have people on the 'ground' and in the 'zhithole' of ' south africa' . It is you that is naive and you probably don't care anyway Joaquin .

President Collusion has people on the ground in South Africa. It's irresponsible of him not to verify reports he saw on a TV Entertainment show, before tweeting about them.

Heads up, cultist! Tucker Carlson isn't a reliable member of the intel, diplomatic, or news communities.
---------------------------------------------------- President Trump probably did verify what he tweeted about the zoo of 'south africa' Joaquin .

No, he didn't 'probably' verify, or he'd have known better.

"In his initial segment on Wednesday, Carlson falsely said that South African President Cyril Ramaphosa had “changed the country’s constitution to make it possible to steal land from people because they are the wrong skin color.” He also said that the government had begun seizing land from people without compensation. A night later, Carlson corrected those statements without admitting error. He noted that the proposed constitutional change was being debated in parliament. No land has yet been seized, although Carlson said the government was trying to confiscate two game farms."

Fox's Carlson stunned by reaction to stories on South Africa

Do you think the South African gov't complained because they hate Trump? GTFOH!

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