Why does Trump begrudge federal employees a pay raise?

“Why does Trump begrudge federal employees a pay raise?”

Because he’s ignorant of – and has contempt for – sound, responsible governance and public policy.

That Trump would deny raises to Federal employees who actually do something and benefit the American people – unlike Trump – is further proof of how reprehensible Trump truly is.
.....the fed employees should be thanking their lucky stars they are not being laid off
...any company in debt like the US would be out of business
Veterans make up almost one third of the federal workforce but he only loves them when a football player takes the knee. About 12% of the federal workforce are disabled vets.
Veterans make up nearly one-third of federal workers

Trump cares about two things in this world & nothing else
1. money
2. receiving adulation & approval from others to stroke Trump's fragile ego

Trump doesn't give two shits about anyone but himself

Do you thing fed employees are underpaid?
Do you thing the wealthiest Americans needed tax cuts? Federal employees spend their money on things we produce, not $100 million dollar paintings and offshore accounts.

Oh, you're back, good.

DO you think he knows the stats on vets in the Federal government, especially disabled ones?

He certainly should - he leads the Federal workforce. He may know, but I doubt he cares. He's playing to his 'anti-government' base. Faceless bureaucrats are easy to bash, and the base loves it!

I can't imagine a more pointless piece of trivia for the President to know than the percentage of government workers who are vets, let along disabled vets.

And his base is not that anti-government. YOu are living in the past.

You do realize that Trump is a different person than Reagan, right?
Trump cares about two things in this world & nothing else
1. money
2. receiving adulation & approval from others to stroke Trump's fragile ego

Trump doesn't give two shits about anyone but himself

Do you thing fed employees are underpaid?
Do you thing the wealthiest Americans needed tax cuts? Federal employees spend their money on things we produce, not $100 million dollar paintings and offshore accounts.

Oh, you're back, good.

DO you think he knows the stats on vets in the Federal government, especially disabled ones?

He certainly should - he leads the Federal workforce. He may know, but I doubt he cares. He's playing to his 'anti-government' base. Faceless bureaucrats are easy to bash, and the base loves it!

I can't imagine a more pointless piece of trivia for the President to know than the percentage of government workers who are vets, let along disabled vets.

And his base is not that anti-government. YOu are living in the past.

You do realize that Trump is a different person than Reagan, right?

Yes, you lack imagination.

The President tweeted false information about the supposed murder of white South African farmers - info he picked up watching Tucker Carlson on FOX. He would be better served, and he would serve us better, if he would turn off that bullshit and learn about his job.
Do you thing fed employees are underpaid?
Do you thing the wealthiest Americans needed tax cuts? Federal employees spend their money on things we produce, not $100 million dollar paintings and offshore accounts.

Oh, you're back, good.

DO you think he knows the stats on vets in the Federal government, especially disabled ones?

He certainly should - he leads the Federal workforce. He may know, but I doubt he cares. He's playing to his 'anti-government' base. Faceless bureaucrats are easy to bash, and the base loves it!

I can't imagine a more pointless piece of trivia for the President to know than the percentage of government workers who are vets, let along disabled vets.

And his base is not that anti-government. YOu are living in the past.

You do realize that Trump is a different person than Reagan, right?

Yes, you lack imagination.

The President tweeted false information about the supposed murder of white South African farmers - info he picked up watching Tucker Carlson on FOX. He would be better served, and he would serve us better, if he would turn off that bullshit and learn about his job.

Knowing the complete demographics of the government employees is not part of his job.

You are trying to invent reasons for the next round of manufactured hysteria.
Do you thing fed employees are underpaid?
Do you thing the wealthiest Americans needed tax cuts? Federal employees spend their money on things we produce, not $100 million dollar paintings and offshore accounts.

Oh, you're back, good.

DO you think he knows the stats on vets in the Federal government, especially disabled ones?

He certainly should - he leads the Federal workforce. He may know, but I doubt he cares. He's playing to his 'anti-government' base. Faceless bureaucrats are easy to bash, and the base loves it!

I can't imagine a more pointless piece of trivia for the President to know than the percentage of government workers who are vets, let along disabled vets.

And his base is not that anti-government. YOu are living in the past.

You do realize that Trump is a different person than Reagan, right?

Yes, you lack imagination.

The President tweeted false information about the supposed murder of white South African farmers - info he picked up watching Tucker Carlson on FOX. He would be better served, and he would serve us better, if he would turn off that bullshit and learn about his job.
--------------------------------------- seems to me that its YOU who is naive Joaqin . As if you have people on the 'ground' and in the 'zhithole' of ' south africa' . It is you that is naive and you probably don't care anyway Joaquin .
.....the fed employees should be thanking their lucky stars they are not being laid off
...any company in debt like the US would be out of business
Would any company in debt rob their own Treasury just for the hell of it?
Got to love the crazy stuff that the left comes up with so they can hate better.
The military is paid out of the military budget. They got a raise this year the first time In a number of years. While federal workers continued to receive their pay increases.
The average federal worker receives more then the average private sector worker and has one of the best retirement benefits in the nation.
Veterans recieve many more benefits then just government worker pay. Disabled veterans also receive pay for their disabilities.
Since active military did not get raises while government workers got theirs they can surely miss one so that the military can get one.

The left talks about being fiscally responsible yet tries to use cost cutting measures to increase hatred instead of using it for praise.
What is fiscally responsible about losing $120 billion in bureaucratic waste? Are there countries spending more on their military than we are? No one comes close to matching this gigantic corporate welfare program.
Pentagon buries evidence of $125 billion in bureaucratic waste
------------------------------- USA Military is the only government agency that can have ALL the money it likes to help secure the USA Nation Militarily both Defensively and Offensively for me , my kids and other Americans August . [as far as i am concerned]

The DoD has 724,000 civilian employees. Give them a raise, of fuck 'em?
Got to love the crazy stuff that the left comes up with so they can hate better.
The military is paid out of the military budget. They got a raise this year the first time In a number of years. While federal workers continued to receive their pay increases.
The average federal worker receives more then the average private sector worker and has one of the best retirement benefits in the nation.
Veterans recieve many more benefits then just government worker pay. Disabled veterans also receive pay for their disabilities.
Since active military did not get raises while government workers got theirs they can surely miss one so that the military can get one.

The left talks about being fiscally responsible yet tries to use cost cutting measures to increase hatred instead of using it for praise.
What is fiscally responsible about losing $120 billion in bureaucratic waste? Are there countries spending more on their military than we are? No one comes close to matching this gigantic corporate welfare program.
Pentagon buries evidence of $125 billion in bureaucratic waste
------------------------------- USA Military is the only government agency that can have ALL the money it likes to help secure the USA Nation Militarily both Defensively and Offensively for me , my kids and other Americans August . [as far as i am concerned]

The DoD has 724,000 civilian employees. Give them a raise, of fuck 'em?

HOw much do they make relative to the civilian market?
Do you thing the wealthiest Americans needed tax cuts? Federal employees spend their money on things we produce, not $100 million dollar paintings and offshore accounts.

Oh, you're back, good.

DO you think he knows the stats on vets in the Federal government, especially disabled ones?

He certainly should - he leads the Federal workforce. He may know, but I doubt he cares. He's playing to his 'anti-government' base. Faceless bureaucrats are easy to bash, and the base loves it!

I can't imagine a more pointless piece of trivia for the President to know than the percentage of government workers who are vets, let along disabled vets.

And his base is not that anti-government. YOu are living in the past.

You do realize that Trump is a different person than Reagan, right?

Yes, you lack imagination.

The President tweeted false information about the supposed murder of white South African farmers - info he picked up watching Tucker Carlson on FOX. He would be better served, and he would serve us better, if he would turn off that bullshit and learn about his job.
--------------------------------------- seems to me that its YOU who is naive Joaqin . As if you have people on the 'ground' and in the 'zhithole' of ' south africa' . It is you that is naive and you probably don't care anyway Joaquin .

President Collusion has people on the ground in South Africa. It's irresponsible of him not to verify reports he saw on a TV Entertainment show, before tweeting about them.

Heads up, cultist! Tucker Carlson isn't a reliable member of the intel, diplomatic, or news communities.
Got to love the crazy stuff that the left comes up with so they can hate better.
The military is paid out of the military budget. They got a raise this year the first time In a number of years. While federal workers continued to receive their pay increases.
The average federal worker receives more then the average private sector worker and has one of the best retirement benefits in the nation.
Veterans recieve many more benefits then just government worker pay. Disabled veterans also receive pay for their disabilities.
Since active military did not get raises while government workers got theirs they can surely miss one so that the military can get one.

The left talks about being fiscally responsible yet tries to use cost cutting measures to increase hatred instead of using it for praise.
What is fiscally responsible about losing $120 billion in bureaucratic waste? Are there countries spending more on their military than we are? No one comes close to matching this gigantic corporate welfare program.
Pentagon buries evidence of $125 billion in bureaucratic waste
------------------------------- USA Military is the only government agency that can have ALL the money it likes to help secure the USA Nation Militarily both Defensively and Offensively for me , my kids and other Americans August . [as far as i am concerned]

The DoD has 724,000 civilian employees. Give them a raise, of fuck 'em?

HOw much do they make relative to the civilian market?

Are you too lazy to look it up?

Pismoe advocated raises for the military. I inquired if he wanted to include civilian support employees. Do you have an opinion?
Got to love the crazy stuff that the left comes up with so they can hate better.
The military is paid out of the military budget. They got a raise this year the first time In a number of years. While federal workers continued to receive their pay increases.
The average federal worker receives more then the average private sector worker and has one of the best retirement benefits in the nation.
Veterans recieve many more benefits then just government worker pay. Disabled veterans also receive pay for their disabilities.
Since active military did not get raises while government workers got theirs they can surely miss one so that the military can get one.

The left talks about being fiscally responsible yet tries to use cost cutting measures to increase hatred instead of using it for praise.
What is fiscally responsible about losing $120 billion in bureaucratic waste? Are there countries spending more on their military than we are? No one comes close to matching this gigantic corporate welfare program.
Pentagon buries evidence of $125 billion in bureaucratic waste
------------------------------- USA Military is the only government agency that can have ALL the money it likes to help secure the USA Nation Militarily both Defensively and Offensively for me , my kids and other Americans August . [as far as i am concerned]

The DoD has 724,000 civilian employees. Give them a raise, of fuck 'em?

HOw much do they make relative to the civilian market?

Are you too lazy to look it up?

Pismoe advocated raises for the military. I inquired if he wanted to include civilian support employees. Do you have an opinion?

Yes, I am too lazy to look it up. I already said that.

You are the one arguing for pay raises. Make your case that they are needed or deserved.

Or is this just about screaming for MOAR, regardless of cost, or the truth of the matter to smear your enemies.

That's a rhetorical question btw.

EVERYONE knows the answer.
Here is why.

In 2014, the average federal employee salary was $84,153, approximately 50% more than the average private sector worker earned. This discrepancy increases to 78% when benefits are included. The average federal worker costs the government (aka taxpayers) $119,934.Dec 21, 2015
Federal Employees Earn 50% More Than The Private Workforce ...

Federal Employees Earn 50% More Than The Private Workforce | HuffPost
What is fiscally responsible about losing $120 billion in bureaucratic waste? Are there countries spending more on their military than we are? No one comes close to matching this gigantic corporate welfare program.
Pentagon buries evidence of $125 billion in bureaucratic waste
------------------------------- USA Military is the only government agency that can have ALL the money it likes to help secure the USA Nation Militarily both Defensively and Offensively for me , my kids and other Americans August . [as far as i am concerned]

The DoD has 724,000 civilian employees. Give them a raise, of fuck 'em?

HOw much do they make relative to the civilian market?

Are you too lazy to look it up?

Pismoe advocated raises for the military. I inquired if he wanted to include civilian support employees. Do you have an opinion?

Yes, I am too lazy to look it up. I already said that.

You are the one arguing for pay raises. Make your case that they are needed or deserved.

Or is this just about screaming for MOAR, regardless of cost, or the truth of the matter to smear your enemies.

That's a rhetorical question btw.

EVERYONE knows the answer.

I see you don't have an opinion.

You're a world-class conclusion jumper. Nowhere have I argued they need, deserve, or should have a raise. I said President Bankruptcy should have a thorough knowledge of the federal workforce, and I opined his decision to withhold raises is a political one - not an economic one - designed to appeal to his base.

I'm agnostic on the pay raises. The federal workforce tends to be better-educated than the general workforce, they stay on the job longer - receiving time in service bumps, and they lack burger-flippers and convenience store clerks. I expect some earn their money, and some don't. Same as it ever was, in government and private enterprise.
Got to love the crazy stuff that the left comes up with so they can hate better.
The military is paid out of the military budget. They got a raise this year the first time In a number of years. While federal workers continued to receive their pay increases.
The average federal worker receives more then the average private sector worker and has one of the best retirement benefits in the nation.
Veterans recieve many more benefits then just government worker pay. Disabled veterans also receive pay for their disabilities.
Since active military did not get raises while government workers got theirs they can surely miss one so that the military can get one.

The left talks about being fiscally responsible yet tries to use cost cutting measures to increase hatred instead of using it for praise.
What is fiscally responsible about losing $120 billion in bureaucratic waste? Are there countries spending more on their military than we are? No one comes close to matching this gigantic corporate welfare program.
Pentagon buries evidence of $125 billion in bureaucratic waste
------------------------------- USA Military is the only government agency that can have ALL the money it likes to help secure the USA Nation Militarily both Defensively and Offensively for me , my kids and other Americans August . [as far as i am concerned]

The DoD has 724,000 civilian employees. Give them a raise, of fuck 'em?

HOw much do they make relative to the civilian market?

Are you too lazy to look it up?

Pismoe advocated raises for the military. I inquired if he wanted to include civilian support employees. Do you have an opinion?
----------------------------------------------- concerning miltary , its my opinion that they MAY have a need for a raise , i don't know . But they do do an important job compared to most 'federal' workers that should probably be gotten rid of or reduced in number . Civilian support is probably just a class of 'federal' employee so to heck with them Joaquin ??
Oh, you're back, good.

DO you think he knows the stats on vets in the Federal government, especially disabled ones?

He certainly should - he leads the Federal workforce. He may know, but I doubt he cares. He's playing to his 'anti-government' base. Faceless bureaucrats are easy to bash, and the base loves it!

I can't imagine a more pointless piece of trivia for the President to know than the percentage of government workers who are vets, let along disabled vets.

And his base is not that anti-government. YOu are living in the past.

You do realize that Trump is a different person than Reagan, right?

Yes, you lack imagination.

The President tweeted false information about the supposed murder of white South African farmers - info he picked up watching Tucker Carlson on FOX. He would be better served, and he would serve us better, if he would turn off that bullshit and learn about his job.
--------------------------------------- seems to me that its YOU who is naive Joaqin . As if you have people on the 'ground' and in the 'zhithole' of ' south africa' . It is you that is naive and you probably don't care anyway Joaquin .

President Collusion has people on the ground in South Africa. It's irresponsible of him not to verify reports he saw on a TV Entertainment show, before tweeting about them.

Heads up, cultist! Tucker Carlson isn't a reliable member of the intel, diplomatic, or news communities.
---------------------------------------------------- President Trump probably did verify what he tweeted about the zoo of 'south africa' Joaquin .

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